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  1. Z

    The PowerPC Debian Wiki

    Mac OS X Tiger was released in 2005, its final security update being in 2009. Mac OS X Leopard was released in 2007, given its very last security update in 2011, and is the ultimate version of Mac OS X compatible with the PowerPC architecture, effectively marking the entire family EOL, even for...
  2. Q

    Getting rid of unneccessary apps/processes in order to only use Linux

    I've a MacBook 4,1 lying around running Lion 10.7 and I'm thinking to install Linux through a virtual machine. Given that this MacBook will from now on operate just and only to run VM/Linux, I would like to reduce the battery and/or RAM consumption by removing unnecessary Mac system...
  3. slitherjef

    Oh great more tinkering. Dual boot

    I guess I like to tinker more then actually use things or perhaps I'm interested in creating the perfect set up. :rolleyes: Anyway I'm still having issues trying to create my ideal work space (maybe a massive work bench with a dozen PC's spread open and subjected to distro hopping and part...
  4. 0989382

    A Crazy (Linux) Idea

    As I investigate some alternatives from the Mac in Windows, which, to be honest is a crazy enough idea... I was picturing how Linux could be made to work for me. I'm in Marketing so here's the use case: - Advanced editing and finishing off layouts of Office Documents - Playing nicely with...
  5. slitherjef

    Linux Discussion?

    So as some of you may know, I have been on a serious bent to get into Linux. I have been using Ubuntu on my little laptop and have Mint on my desktop, which I have been playing musical hard drive with, I keep switching OS drives on my desktop, since I kinda built the box around a windows 10 set...
  6. L

    Help w/ 2018 MBP 15" Options: Linux Application Development / Integration

    Hello, first time Mac noob here! I'm in the market for a Macbook Pro primarily for coding / Linux application development and integration. Some things I'll be doing also is running multiple applications for learning / testing (Docker apps, Apache Kafka, Ansible provisioning, Web apps, etc)...
  7. bralt45

    Radeon GPU Acceleration On PowerMac G4 under Linux?

    Hey guys, first time poster here with a question. Has anyone here gotten GPU Acceleration to work on a PowerMac G4? I'm currently running gentoo on a PowerMac3,6 the slowness is killing me! Software rendering only gets me 25fps on glxgears without anything else running in the background. I'd...
  8. G

    Can I install macOS on an external HDD and Linux on an internal HDD, without rEFInd andremoving EFI?

    Hello, I know if I remove the whole internal HDD and I install only Linux, it will not work. Therefore, I think of keeping EFI and Recovery Mode, so Linux partition would. I looked at the topic Can I replace MacOS with Ubuntu but keep my Windows partition?. But he did not say he removed or did...
  9. G

    2018 version, replacing MacOS

    I'm interested in the MBP '18 hardware and profile, but not the software. Has anyone replaced MacOS with Linux? If so, what distro did you load and how does it perform?
  10. T

    Linux on Mac Pro 4,1 -> 5,1 12 cores

    When I boot linux on my Mac Pro 12 core 4.1 -> 5.1 FW update, I get an MCE error. It doesn't prevent the mac from booting but can someone boot linux on an upgraded 4.1 and tell me if they get a similar issue ? Thanks
  11. slitherjef

    Mini Linux build

    Ah... Again with this Linux stuff, I know. Anyway my last attempt with a Linux desktop, well didn't work out too well, mostly because I planned a Windows 10 build and had issues. And the hardware was completely overkill and new for Linux. So I've been thinking about a proper Linux box, probably...
  12. dvvdv

    Which Linux Distro?

    I've finished setting up my Ubuntu 17.10, which is awesome! Parallels being the superior choice, I'm just wondering what should I choose as my next Linux Distro? All suggestions are welcome, thanks. Here's a screenshot as an example of what I might be interested in:
  13. wicknix

    LMMS for PPC Leopard

    For those interested in making music i built LMMS 1.1.3 "stable" for Leopard. It's a little cpu hungry but runs fine on my iBook G4. If you've never heard of LMMS you can find more info @ Download from here:
  14. N

    MacBook Air only boots to Linux

    My wife spilled some water on her MacBook Air (early-2015) a few weeks ago. This killed the battery, but after letting it dry out I found the machine still powers up. However, it gets stuck during boot on the black screen with the Apple logo and progress bar. The progress bar eventually reaches...
  15. slitherjef

    Going back to windows 10?

    A while back I put together a fairly decent windows 10 build, the idea was to dual boot Linux but windows took over, I removed the m.2 drive that contained windows and went with a standard SSD for a straight Linux build. Well, as unproductive on Windows I was and how naggy and annoying windows...
  16. slitherjef

    Using Linux for photo workflow

    Just wondering if anyone here actually uses Linux (Ubuntu, Mint etc) for photography. I am kind of not liking some of the current offerings from the other operating systems so I thought I would try Linux for this task. If you do, what all do you use? Software etc? How are you finding the work...
  17. F

    Sierra - Is it safe to make soft links in /

    I run various lnux Virtual Machines on my macbook for different purposes. Sometimes I write scripts that work on both MacOS and Linux. Its not essential and easy to get around (testing uname) but its pretty neat to write scripts that just work without conditional code for each OS. On my linux...
  18. Jessica Fa Metadata

    Emulating a Power Mac G4 in QEMU?

    Hello, I was woundering if any one knows how to run QEMU so it emulates a G4? I have had issues in the past and there seems to be no good guid on how to do it. I have also tried GUI tools like Aqemu and none of them even see the QEMU binarys. The only other one that has seen the QEMU is...
  19. jblagden

    Icons as Folders, Need to Convert

    Hi guys, A while back, I found some Star Trek folder icons on a website - I think it was IconFactory. To my dismay, the icons are formatted as though they're folders. This limits their utility to OS X. I'd like to be able to use the icons on Linux, but I can't because they're formatted as...
  20. slitherjef

    Linux and windows 10

    Yeah so, windows 10 is really starting to annoy me and I don't think I can trust it due to forced updates and some other issues, I have barely installed anything on the machine if that tells you anything, long and short I think I am going to give Linux a try on the box I know I can boot a live...