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macbook 12"

  1. brandonw7121

    Macbook or Macbook Air? Please help.

    Hello. I have never owned a Macbook before and I made a choice to buy a Macbook for my fiance and I for college. She will be in the nursing program and I will be majoring in Psychology. I'm having a hard time choosing to either get a Macbook Air or the Macbook. Any suggestions would be much...
  2. A

    The base 13" MBP (Air successor) uses MBA components

    While everything suggested a 13" MacBook, Apple introduced a 13" MacBook Pro as the successor to the 13" MacBook Air. However, it has everything that was expected for a 13" MacBook: A 15W processor and 2 USB-C ports. Along with the 15W processor and 2 Thunderbolt 3 ports, it uses the same RAM...
  3. F

    Searching for some feedback about the Macbook 12"

    Hi! I'm a french Mac user, so please please please: don't look at my poor english. I'm writing to you because I'm searching for a feedback that I can't find in any french forum. This is my question: I'm a student and I've been using a mac mini for years now. I use to edit some short videos on...
  4. B

    Removing butterfly clip from rMB

    Does anyone know how to remove the butterfly mechanism clip from the rMB keyboard? My ESC key cap popped off and broke a clip on the mechanism and so I need to replace it. If I go to the Apple Store would they replace it for free?
  5. Rasta4i

    Is the MacBook powerful enough for me? Please help!

    Hi people I need some help, I had a little accident with my macbook air and a cup of water... Initially I planned to get a 15" macbook pro early next year with top i7 and 512gb as I think my usage is quite heavy. I normally have a lot of tabs open, tweetbot, WhatsApp, imessage, iTunes, virtual...
  6. N

    Macbook 2016, slow start up

    I just gotten this Macbook 2016 less than 2 months ago. Not used often and I have only installed MS Office 2016, RDP client and VM Fusion on it. Somehow I few that the start up is quite slow. Is there anything wrong with my Macbook? It is i3 256GB 8GB RAM. I have removed all applications to...
  7. Ovedius

    2016 12" Retina Macbook M7 game list

    Okay, I'm about to list a bunch of games and my subjective perception of how well they run on the MacBook. -I'm not going to list actual frames per second because a: I can't be bothered and b:shut up. I'm going to add a few words for each title regarding what settings I used, resolution and how...
  8. P

    rMB 2016 benchmarks question

    So I finally did what I've been wanting to do for the past year.. I sold my 4 years old but very loved 15" rMBP (mid 2012) and bought the new 12" rMB (early 2016) with M5 processor and 512 GB RAM. And it has been great so far! I really love the new MacBook in every aspect and does not feel that...
  9. ISRMafia

    MacOS Sierra on the Macbook 12' 2015 Model

    Hey , I've decided to buy a Macbook 12' model and wanted to know how MacOS Sierra runs on it? Is it laggy / slow / lacking some of the features announced? + When exactly Apple is going to release it and if i should upgrad as this is gonna be my first Apple product which is not an iPhone . Thank...
  10. A

    2017 MacBook will only use i5 and i7 processor?

    Before anybody corrects the title, I am basing this off the leaked information that the Core m3, m5, and m7 will be rebranded the Core m3, i5, and i7 with the next generation (Kaby Lake) chips. The m5 has seemed like the sweet spot and a significant upgrade over the m3, which, along with the...
  11. F

    Buy MacBook 12" with Back to school promo or wait potential new Air?

    Hi, I would like to hear your opinions on my purchase intentions for University. I need a Mac laptop and at the moment the best option would be the MacBook, especially for the display, even if the Air offers better performance, and this is why I would surely opt for the Air if they presented one...
  12. A

    A wireless MacBook?

    As seen on this link: Is Apple trying to advertise the MacBook as a (almost) wireless laptop? Is it even possible that we could see complete wireless capabilities in the future?
  13. Bonniekelly23

    Water in the screen of Macbook 12 inch HELP

    Last week water leaked in my bag and my laptop got wet, I turned it off and left it to dry for four days in front of the heat pump. It turned on fine and seems to be working fine, but there is still water in roughly just under 1/2 of the screen on the left side. I was just wondering if anyone...
  14. ParanoidDroid

    I hate dongles next to my MacBook. USB-C extension cable?

    Yeah, yeah! USB-C is great... one cable to rule 'em all, right? But why does it have to be so damn short? All comparable USB-C dongles/hubs on the market have one common problem: a laughable cable stump! I am looking for a reliable USB-C extension data cable, male-to-female, to move the ugly...
  15. G

    Keyboard Protector

    Hi all, Does anyone else find that when they close their MacBook for and hour our two and then come back to it you have a dusty keyboard or screen? Also, i have noticed that where i have been closing the MacBook i now have an outline of the trackpad on the screen. Does anyone use a protector...
  16. U

    Buy MacBook 12 - Processor Naming

    Hi all, As in the subject I am interested to understand how I can decide what MacPro to buy. The point is that if I go to check on retailer website, as MediaMarkt and others, it happens that I find several name of processor for the same MAcBook 12 and with same characteristics as RAM, HD. For...
  17. F

    To buy or not to buy, this is the question

    Hi there. I'm in the position of considering the rMB as my next Apple laptop but there're a couple of black spots for which I may need your help to clarify. I'm reading all over the web that, despite 2015 bad or not-so-good reviews, the 2016 machine performs really well in terms of process...
  18. jamrolu

    MacBook 1.1GHz m3 vs 1.3GHz m7

    Hi there I've had a base model (1.1GHz m3) 2016 MacBook for a week, and began to regret my decision not going for the higher spec build to order model. So I requested a return and ordered the top model (1.3GHz m7). I now have them both side by side before the slower one needs to go back, so I...
  19. Mathias Denichi

    Some m7/512MB Gaming Results in Bootcamp

    I received my Rose Gold Macbook with m7/512GB. I wanted to share my gaming results in bootcamp as well as take any requests for game title fps. As a tip, you can buy legal discounted copies of windows 10 at this site - I really suggest installing bootcamp for most any...
  20. Lion007s

    Macbook Retina 12 (m1) is review compared to MBPr & MB Air

    So I have a 2012 Macbook Pro Retina (15 inch) which has an awesome quad core i7, 8gb RAM, Intel HD4000 graphics and also a Nvidia 650M. It's one hell of a machine that allows me to be productive (I do photography and video editing as a side business). It handles tasks with ease, it is a beast...