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macos mojave

  1. E

    Desktops get rearranged when using spotlight

    I like to have at least 4 Desktops constantly open on my mac. Whenever I use spotlight they get rearranged and the Desktop that contains the app that I have opened through spotlight is moved to be next to the Desktop from which I started the search. This is extremely annoying and gets confusing...

    Late 2015 HD & Installation Issue

    Late 2015 iMac 5k 27" HD and Installation Issue I think I posted this in the wrong area: Please read if you have time. :)

    Late 2015 iMac HD Split

    Hi, Late 2015 iMac i5 3.2Ghz 5K 32GB 1TB Fusion I really need help with this. I've been having issues with kernel panics on macOS Mojave. I couldn't boot into Recovery nor Internet Recovery (Both would end in Kernel Panics). Yet no issues were detected in a disgnostics test. And so I created...
  4. I

    Do MBPs 2018 ship with Mojave onboard yet?

    If I am going to get latest MBP 15 2018 right now from the Apple Store, do they ship with macOS Mojave onboard (meaning that's a new stock, not the old one)?
  5. iAppleTom

    Mojave on Mac Mini Late 2012?

    Hello, I was just considering about upgrading the software on my Mac Mini Late 2012 from High Sierra to MacOS Mojave. I have a few questions to ask, if anyone would be kind enough to reply then it would be really helpful. 1. Will my Mac run faster, smoother, and more efficient being on OS...
  6. CoolGuy9890

    Safari 12 and User Installed Fonts

    I have a web-based business software that I use for work and it uses the font “Century Gothic” in its main interface. Since it is not a built in font in macOS High Sierra, I downloaded the font from the internet. When I upgraded to Safari 12 on my MacBook Pro 2017 TouchBar, I realized that the...
  7. monoton

    Crashing 32-bit app "Enigmo 2" with Carbon dependency in Mojave

    Just upgraded my Mac Pro 5,1 to 18A389 Mojave, which seems to be the GM release, "Beta" is stated nowhere. However, noticed that Universal Binary games like Enigmo 2, Nanosaur 2, Enigmo etc all crash upon launch. They do contain a i386 executable, and Mojave should be the last macOS to support...
  8. A

    Does upgrading to macOS mojave break development environments?

    Does upgrading to macOS mojave break development environments?
  9. Anto38x

    Is upgrading to a HD7950 Video Card worth it in 2018

    Hi all... I have a MacPro 12 Core (2 x 2.93 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon) Mid 2010, with 64GB RAM, 520GB SSD and ATI Radeon HD 5870. Attached to that computer I have a 27" Apple Cinema Display (Non Thunderbolt) using the mini DV port plus a 30" Apple Cinema Display using the DVI port. I want to...

    Odd bug in macOS 10.14 Mojave PB 5

    See screenshot ... odd boxed question marks keep appearing in apps and widgets ...
  11. C

    Rip Bluray on macOS Mojave Beta

    Any one using macOS Mojave Beta and how to rip or backup Blurays on it?
  12. iubhounds

    Photo File Names

    I am using the Beta for public macOS Mojave ... I take a lot of photos on a daily basis and using Photos I label the first one in each of my groups like landscape, each of my dogs, etc. I can still label them as before the OS change but all the other photos show the file name.jpg Is there a way...