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  1. haralds

    The nightly build of HandBrake now works on Mojave!

    The nightly build of HandBrake now works on Mojave! Previous release and alpha versions crashed.
  2. haralds

    Mojave Guest on VMware Fusion Tech Preview 2018?

    Has anybody managed to install a Mojave Guest on the VMware Fusion Tech Preview 2018? It is supposed to support it from a fresh install, but the installer refuses for an unsupported video card on a MacBook Pro 2018 natively running Mojave.
  3. chaos86

    Cool– Siri briefly slows down the fans so it can hear you better (Macbook Pro)

    My computer was running hot and the fans were going full speed, and I accidentally activated Siri. While it was listening, it turned the fans down momentarily. Presumably, the internal mic has a hard time hearing when the fans are in jet-engine mode, so they programmed in this nifty little...
  4. O

    Mojave login crash even in safe mode!

    Ok I downloaded mojave beta in order to try some new stuff and just to help the Apple community with trying out and give support. But could not even try it because I couldn’t even log in to begin with, I read that you should restart in safe mode and disable all the startup programs but even in...
  5. P

    the cursor becomes really big only restart solve this problem help

    the cursor becomes really big but remain in low res. It happen most of the time while loading something or sometimes randomly. Especially Valve made games. the cursor remain loading most of the time when this happen. when it happen it will not responds to any action like mouse click keyboard...
  6. flaubert

    Microcode questions

    So, I see some threads here in the forum about updating microcodes, and they quickly gather many posts from folks who are apparently more up to date on the benefits of updating such. I thought that perhaps the rest of us might benefit if those most knowledgeable would be able to enlighten us...

    Dark Theme is great, but why no Dark Theme for Stickies?

    I was hoping for a Dark Theme for Stickies, does anyone know why Apple chose not to give Stickies the same theme as everything else?
  8. trumpetmercenary

    wow! iMac a total mess after latest Mojave update...

    wow! Since updating to 18A371a this morning, my iMac has been a complete mess... - Finder freezes about 10 minutes after the computer boots and is stuck on “not responding.” Forcing it to relaunch results in nothing. Finder disappears and does not come back. - Firefox freezes after about 10...
  9. ipedro

    iMac Bricked: Endless boot loop

    Mojave installed well and worked for a day or two with no issue then suddenly, it rebooted and has been in that boot sequence forever. I looked at the boot sequence in Verbose mode and it looks like some boot files are missing. I tried reinstalling macOS but it just reboots at some point. I...
  10. ipedro

    Next Marzipan Apps: Podcasts, Apple Music, TV App, Books

    Home, Stocks and Voice Memos were the first of what Apple calls a multi year project to port iOS apps to macOS. Which ones are next? The Podcasts app is still missing on macOS. There’s been speculation that it’s being rebuilt for iOS. That would provide a good opportunity to design it so it...
  11. WizardHunt

    When will Mojave be included in the new iMac Pros?

    I am in the market of buying a iMac Pro but I do not want High Sierra on it. I would like Mojave to be preloaded on it. So when do you think it will be included as a pre-install on a new iMac Pro? i Plan to buy a 18 core, 16GB Video, 4TB SSD, 128 GB Ram, all the way. I do video work and need...
  12. ipedro

    Mojave: APFS on Fusion Drives

    APFS was announced for Fusion Drives in Mojave. However, beta testers have reported in early betas that Mojave doesn't use the SSD portion of their Fusion Drives, often running out of space at around 100GB. This is how APFS Fusion Drives behave on High Sierra, which doesn't officially support...
  13. Chiotas

    Color calibration issue with new MacBook Pro 2018

    Hey guys, I have a really odd issue with color calibration of two new MacBook Pro 2018 with the same configuration: - 15" display - Radeon Pro 560X + Intel UHD Graphics 630 - macOS 10.13.6 (lates High Sierra) I started to calibrate the first one with X-Rite i1Display and i1Profiler. As soon as...
  14. t8er8

    How to firmware upgrade with non-metal gpu to Mojave

    alright I’ll make this quick because I know that there’s an easy answer for it, but I just can find it. I’m trying to update to mojave and since I’m on .0085, it requires a firmware upgrade, I know that to firmware upgrade you need a flashed gpu, the only working flashed gpu I have is a Radeon...
  15. M

    10.14 beta 6/PB5 release notes?

    Can anyone link to or provide the release notes for macOS Mojave 10.14 beta 6/PB5 (18A353d)? Wanted to see if anything was addressed about a specific error I'm getting and I'm only on the public beta.
  16. Internet Enzyme

    Dynamic Desktop Ideas

    I was thinking it would be cool if there would be dynamic desktops that adapted to the weather in your location. Perhaps it would be cool to have one that implements the phase of the moon. Maybe have some dynamic desktops that aren't based on location but maybe something like currently playing...
  17. Lunder89

    State of macOS Mojave

    I am using Mojave on a second Mac. And testing as much as I can before its release. In the last couple of years there have been a lot of talk, that macOS has been abandoned and neglected. (Many bugs left unchecked, and features that are either not well working or boring and useless) I feel...
  18. H

    Can't login after updating to Mojave beta

    Hey everybody I updated to macOS Mojave (beta) a couple of minutes ago, after enrolling my Mac and downloading the official, public beta. However, when it was done updating, it returned to the login screen and asked for my password. Every other version of macOS has done this as well, even...
  19. MacHiavelli

    Share from Safari using Email

    Using latest public beta. The share menu in Safari isn't working for email. Anyone got a fix?
  20. Sovon Halder

    Mojave Public beta 3 - AirPods Not Working

    I can connect and it dings with the connection successful sound. (Mojave 18A336e) But everything is quiet. No sound whatsoever. AirPods are working fine on my iPhone. On MBP, I've tried several methods like re-booting and pairing / forgetting / re-pairing / safe boot / BT>Debug>factory reset...