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  1. T

    Writing Software for PowerPC?

    Hi PowerPC Users! I've got quite an important question regarding PowerPC software available for iBooks. i'll be an owner of an iBook G3 Clamshell very soon and will be doing my best to keep in as good condition but give it some use. Although I'll have some internet/networking via the Airport...
  2. V

    New to PowerPC-world. I need help. Massive problems.

    Ok so hi everybody. This is my first ever post here. To make a long story short, my cousin moved out and was about to throw away his Powerbook G4 but I took it instead. I have a really good Windows stationary computer so i wanted a laptop for school. 1.67Ghz 1GB RAM 15'' 2005 The main...
  3. AmazingHenry

    Any Reason to Use TFF Over WebKit?

    OK, this isn't really a problem, kinda just asking for opinions. I noticed that in my web browser poll, the top browser was TenFourFox. For me, at least, LWK is much faster. So, how come so many of you use TFF over WebKit? @eyoungren told me it was because TFF was more customizable. I'm curious...
  4. AmazingHenry

    The G3 Challenge

    UPDATE: Trying to get the software installed now. Unfortunately, I seem to have terrible luck when it comes to things like this, so I'm getting error messages. But I figured it out before, so there must be a way! So, I have decided that, starting Tuesday, I am going to try and use my G3...
  5. AmazingHenry

    Seriously Speed Up Leopard

    After looking around for some tips on speeding up Leopard (I just installed it on a 700MHz Mac), I found this really interesting article. With 2 Terminal commands, you can really speed up Leopard. Do this in addition to the other optimizations and you have a really speedy computer. I'm sure...
  6. AmazingHenry

    Some Useful AppleScripts

    EDIT: Made a Spotlight script with the help of @eyoungren and @Intell. Thanks for your help! Before reading: This isn't specifically PowerPC related but these only work on PowerPC, and they're made to help out with PowerPC projects, so I'll post them here. Anyway, on to the main post! So, I've...
  7. AmazingHenry

    Leopard Market Update (Way Off-Topic Now)

    EDIT: It's looking like I will continue to develop it. Existing copies will still continue to work, however the website will remain down. I'm working on a brand new, rewritten Leopard Market. EDIT: I'm done with the Leopard Market. It is no more and all copies will stop working sometime on...
  8. Adamscomputerrepair

    Using Mountain Lion Beyond Its Expiration Date

    I'm using a 2006 MacBook Pro C2D. It has a 17 inch monitor which in my opinion is amazing. Given I have a PowerBook G4, a 2009 MacBook, and a 2009 iMac, this is actually my first and only MacBook Pro. I tried TRMJIJ's upgrade to Yosemite (Mainly cause I had success with it back when I had an 08...
  9. AmazingHenry

    Resolved Dead iBook G4?

    2 days ago, my iBook G4 was working fine. The optical drive was acting up (occasional noises, having trouble ejecting discs) but no other problems. Then, suddenly, it stopped working. It simply does nothing when the power button is pressed. I have tried multiple outlets for the plug and it has...
  10. AmazingHenry

    What Web Browser do You Use?

    Out of curiosity: What web browser do you use on your PowerPC Mac? I know most people use many different browsers, but which one do you use most? Or which one is your default? I'm guessing TenFourFox will be the most common, with Leopard-WebKit just behind it. Put your answer in the poll above...
  11. AmazingHenry

    Operating Systems for PowerPC Macs

    NOTE: 2021 overhaul updates and remarks supersede the original WikiPost. Several details have changed. Props to @AmazingHenry for setting up this WikiPost. OVERVIEW For future reference, I thought it would be a good idea to have a list of all of the operating systems that we can put on our...
  12. AmazingHenry

    Find Old Versions of Apple Apps

    I'm sure some (if not most) of you know about this, but for those who don't, this is a great place to find old Apple software: You won't believe all that they have. Old versions of iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD, iTunes, AppleWorks, Pages, Keynote, iCal (before it was...
  13. AmazingHenry

    iOS SDK for PowerPC

    Interesting find. Was browsing the Macintosh Garden and I found a version of the iOS/iPhone OS SDK for PowerPC. It's version 2.2.1, so it's too old for any serious work, but it's probably fun if you have an older iPhone. Download it here. I haven't tested it yet but I assume you need Xcode 3.1...
  14. AmazingHenry

    Is PowerPC Better Than Old Intel Macs?

    So, I have a PowerMac G5 that I'm currently using as a main Mac. I was thinking about moving to my late 2006 iMac with a Core 2 Duo 1.83GHz. It has a broken screen, but I can connect it to one of my ACDs. But is it really the right thing to do? Firefox will soon be discontinuing support for 10.6...
  15. AmazingHenry

    TenFourFox 45 is Here!

    OK, TenFourFox (or is it tenFOUR Fox?) 45 has just been released! It's running much faster on my PowerMac G5, and there isn't any noticeable difference on my iBook G4. It's faster, if anything :)! I haven't tried it on my other PowerPC Macs yet. What's your experience with the new TenFourFox...
  16. E

    youtube on powerpc?

    As we all know because of flash youtube runs poorly on any powermac. So i was wondering what solutions you guys have!
  17. bobesch

    Note-Taking App for PPC and "above"

    After preparing an iBookG4 1.33 with an mSATA-upgrade for my son as a birthday present and for use at first-year student I've been looking for a comprehensive, non-distracting, all-in-one, fast and versatile note-taking app for PPC, which is capable of "handshaking" to it's intel-mac successors...
  18. C

    Xenon Alpha G5

    Hey everyone. I'm not exactly sure where I should have posted this but figured since its PowerPC, some of you fans that have G5 hardware around maybe be able to take a shot at this. Hopefully this section should be okay. I was looking to see if there is anyone here who is familiar with...
  19. bobesch

    Handbrake and VLC on PowerPC

    I 've encountered this "32-bit Handbrake asking for a 32-bit VLC" issue today. Couldn't really figure out, how to solve the problem when reading this thread: "32 bit PPC version of Handbrake not recognizing PPC version of VLC"...
  20. O

    How much would this PowerMac sell for?

    I'm thinking of selling my PowerMac G4 Quicksilver on Ebay to buy a Macbook with a Intel processor. How much would this PowerMac sell for? Here are the specs: - Airport Card - 512MB RAM - 2 Hard Drives (20GB, 18GB) - Running Leopard (I'll probably sell the official Leopard CD with box) - 1 GHz...