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  1. mac_head

    Spotify for Mac Redesign

    I was just wondering if Spotify has quitly been rolling out a new design on Mac – didn't read anything about it...Do you guys have the new design as well and – if so – is there a way to go back?
  2. C

    Why hasn't Apple updated the 13" MacBook Pro?

    Apple hasn't truly update the 13" model of the MacBook Pro since 2016, over 6 years ago, adding only the Touch Bar in 2018. I understand keeping the design the same with M1 and the first generation of Apple Silicon, but why did they keep the old, outdated design for M2? It seems to me like the...
  3. B

    iMac for 1080p/1440p 60FPS video editing + Motion Graphics

    Hello, I would like to ask about minimal model of 21.5" iMac for being able to use FCP X and Motion 5 in smooth work. I want my iMac for 1080p/1440p 60FPS video editing + dive in Motion Graphics, I want zero problems but in relative cheap AND 100% most comfortable to use product. I am currently...
  4. V

    iMac redesign mock up

    I feel like this will be divisive. Anyway, I had too much time on my hands (for obvious reasons), so I mocked up a 32 inch iMac and/or iMac Pro redesign. A few thoughts: I moved toward the geometric/utilitarian/monolithic design language of the Mac Pro/XDR, which I'm sure won't appeal to...
  5. I

    Is it a good time to buy a MBP

    A the end of this year I am planning to buy a Macbook Pro 13. I was very excited for WWDC, because I heard Apple will be announcing new Macbook Pros, but it didnt happen. Many people on YouTube say that now it is the best time to buy a Macbook Pro, but I am still wondering if Apple will announce...
  6. H

    List of upgrades I would like to see in the iMac and iMac Pro Lineups. What are your upgrades?

    The iMac and iMac Pro current design chassis is very out dated internally and externally. The thick gross bezels are intolerable to me. Part of the reason we buy a mac is for the form and design of the machine. Apple has failed us with the aged face of the design (Chin, thick bezels etc) and...
  7. H

    Why won't Apple redesign the iMac!?

    It blows my mind that apple refuses to come out with a redesign for the iMac. The disgusting thick bezels and archaic internals with the single fan, non all flash architecture, 5400 HD options, awful pixilating front facing camera etc etc. The iMac is my favorite computer but I refuse to buy...
  8. macduke

    iPad Pro iPad Pro redesign thoughts

    OK, this is a little long, but hear me out. At WWDC 2017 Apple unveiled the new iPad Pro alongside a revamped version of iOS specifically for iPad. This was one of the biggest changes to the iPad UI since inception. While it is still a far cry from macOS, it made it a lot more useful for...
  9. CmdrLaForge

    iMac redesign?

    Folks, I just looked at the iMacs in the Store the other day and really wondered when those huge bezels will go away. When would we expect a redesign of the iMac? I am not so sure about this year as the iMac Pro just appeared with the old design and it would be immediately outdated...
  10. gus_0001

    I saw a redesigned Apple Music, so I (kinda) redesigned it again

    Hey guys, just finished my first UI project! Would be really happy for you guys check it out! Here's the link for the Medium post:
  11. Dj64Mk7

    Any way to set bold/large text for macOS and apps?

    Hi! I haven't had to explore until two years ago with the redesign of macOS, but I was wondering if there's anyway I can make the San Francisco font bold, like iOS. Especially in the iTunes Store, that would make a huge difference. I already use f.lux, because the warmer temperature helps the...
  12. bopajuice

    If you could design the next Apple product

    I read a lot of articles about how Apple is no longer innovating, how they have lost sight of the big picture, how now all they do is incremental updates to existing designs. Some say their products are outdated. Some complain about features missing from a new product. I would like to hear...
  13. C

    Help for a semi-clueless college kid

    Hi guys. Some basic background info. Just graduated high school from a school with a 1-1 laptop program. I've been using an 11 inch MBA for 3 years now and Im In the market for a new laptop. I definitely want a Mac because that's what I'm used to and it's been so consistent for me. Plus...
  14. Sorenhornum

    Enough beating around the bush!

    When is Apple going to realise that pretty much everything they are doing is OLD!? They keep saying that its revolutionary, and that everything is changed, and that it will make our lives sooooOOOoOOooOOooo much better! It is nonsense and anyone who believes it needs to take a step back and just...