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silicon m1

  1. B

    Screen connects for a split second

    Has anyone been able to succesfully use the MacOS Screen, sending a request to another users' AppleID *on a different network* lately? It used to work for me fine, but the last two times I've tried to use it, the remote user accepts the request, the remote users' screen appears and...
  2. G

    How to download videos and pics from my samsung phone to MBP M1?

    I have a samsung 21 phone where I record videos to edit them later on my mac. I used to be able to use Android File transfer app which has no longer worked for many months now. Macs simply don't recognise the equipment. I've done all the suggested troubleshooting that was found online. All I've...
  3. G

    What usb hub/adapter should I buy for Macbook Pro M1?

    Hey, I've heard that some usb c hubs can break my M1 MBP. What determines a good purchase? Are there some brands that are compatible or some specific hubs that were approved? I need 1-2 or external storage drives connect, at times a keyboard, maybe 2-3 type A usb's maximum. I also need at...
  4. G

    Macbook Pro M1 lagging while editing movie. What are my options?

    I'm super disappointed with my M1. I purchased with 512 gb and 16gm ram. My main goal is video editing and some graphic design (nothing super demanding). Even if my videos are simple from clips, the processor lags while working in IMOVIE. And that's on a clean fresh mac with nothing installed...
  5. J

    Battery drain during sleep on M1 Pro

    Hi all I closed the lid on my MacBook M1 Pro (14inch if that makes a difference) yesterday evening. Safari was the only open programme. I don't have wifi at the moment so it wasn't connected to wifi, so it wasn't getting mail etc. When I opened it in the morning it had drained around 15% (see...
  6. A

    Is anyone else having sound issues with BT (specifically with BT cans) under Ventura and iPadOS 16...?

    I posted this in Apple's forum and - so far - tumbleweed. I have two sets of BT cans: Sony WH-1000MX4 and Bose NC700. Now, I can't remember whether this began happening when I first installed Ventura/iPadOS 16, or whether it's been caused by a subsequent update (both devices are running the...
  7. snak-atak

    I’m keeping my 2019 Intel MacBook Pro… FOREVER!!

    Yep, that’s right. I’ve purchased my fair share of Macs for myself and my family over the last 10 years And have been very happy with every purchase. Every machine has lasted for at least 5 years, most longer than that before trading them in for newer models. And in the last 2 years I started...
  8. J

    2021 24" M1 vs 2017 27" i7

    Evening all, I could do with some advice on purchasing a refurbished iMac for work! Cut a long story short, my 21.5" 2017 1TB Fusion iMac at work is being replaced as it was damaged whilst my classroom was being refurbished (couldn't have happened at a better time). For context, I'm a music...
  9. brosenz

    What frequency do you have to reboot your M1 MacBook due to problems?

    I am talking about force reboots due to issues (hangs, panic, crashes)
  10. Change Agent

    OS 12.3 on a M1 MBP: how to always Turn on Verbose Booting

    In the good old days of Intel Mac, you entered sudo nvram boot-args=”-v” in Terminal and it worked. I tried this on my M1 MBP and it did not work. On the internet I did not find much information. One titbit I found is here:
  11. AstroRexaur

    iPad Air So, in what position iPad Pro 11" M1 stands now?

    I saw the apple event and was a little upset! Apple unveiled the new iPad Air and is practically the same as the iPad Pro 11" M1 (I owned months ago). So, my question is: there will be, in a future, a "biggest update" to the iPad Pro? based that Apple already transfer all the power from the Pro...