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  1. J

    I can't boot to Mac osx or access recovery mode after installing bootcamp

    When I turnon my macbook pro (current el capitan version) and hold down option, I get taken to a screen with Mac and windows. When I click mac, it takes me to a black screen with a white no entry circle with a slash icon. I Have tried everything. Held command + r, I tried to do internet recovery...
  2. Bonfyre

    Windows 10 on Chromebook -- install help?

    (This might not be the correct forum to post this in; this forum seemed to make the most sense to me for some reason.) I'm planning on buying a Chromebook, but to hell with ChromeOS, I'm gonna install Windows 10 on it (have you seen the prices of those high-end Windows 10 PCs?). So, thanks to...
  3. KieranDotW

    Partition External HDD for Windows as well as my Mac's Backups?

    Hi, My school is giving out copies of Windows to students so I jumped on the opportunity seeing as there are some Windows games I've been dying to play. A friend directed me to this article (Method 2) to set up Win10 on my external HDD. However, the only external HDD I have is a 2TB drive that...
  4. C

    Help needed, partitioning an external RAID drive for Windows (El Capitan)

    Hi, new member here, So I have recently purchased a LaCie Big2 12tb HDD with RAID. This is to go with my iMac that has a Bootcamp Windows partition generally used for playing games. What I want to do is use the LaCie drive in a RAID 1 configuration for the OSX partition. I then want to create...
  5. K

    El Cap BootCamp to Aux SSD issues

    Hi guys! I'm trying to install Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit SP1 on a secondary SSD in my Mid 2011 21.5" iMac... The long story: But first... ---------------------- History: 1. Old config and setup A. Mid 2011 21.5" iMac B. Not sure what OS I was on C. OWC 6G SSD 240 GB D...
  6. A

    Triple boot os X, windows and ubuntu on external hdd

    How can I triple boot windows and ubuntu on my external hard drive using rEFInd boot manager. I already have OS X on my external hdd. Please can someone guide me through this?
  7. A

    Install ubuntu on windows and mac with an external hdd

    I want to install & run ubuntu (or windows) on an external hdd. When I plug it into a mac it should work and when I plug it into a window it should also work. Can someone guide me through this or tell me if this is possible?
  8. thejepeto

    I have 2 MacBooks and I need Windows for work...

    Unfortunately, my new job requires windows 7 or 8.1 pro. Huge shame since I actually love 10. Furthermore, windows needs to be fully activated so if I can use bootcamp, I'll need a license. Then, I need to send the laptop to be "configured" which costs 150$ because, of course, they don't use a...
  9. E

    Retina Display and Windows 10

    Due to work I need to run Windows as my main OS while in the office. As a long term Mac user I have finally convinced them to buy me a Mac to run Windows on, but the display is driving me crazy. I have a 2015 13" Retina Macbook Pro, running Windows 10 natively with Bootcamp (not parallels etc.)...
  10. P

    Windows 7/8.1/10 EFI boot nvidia geforce 320m

    Hello guys I know this has been extensively discussed previously, in this thread ( although after reading 43 pages of posts, I still am unable to get any of the windows operating system working...
  11. H

    cant't restore iPad

    I have iPad 4 which I want to restore. At first i tried to restore in windows with latest iTunes and i am getting error: iPhone could not be restored unknown error -(1) Then I tried to restore on Macbook pro computer with OS X El Capitan and latest itunes and I am getting error The "iPad"...
  12. I

    windows 10 won't boot shows black screen

    My windows 10 installed via bootcamp was working fine till yesterday when I turned my macbook off and than when I tried to boot in torder windows 10 later the windows won't boot just shows the black screen and nothing else and it's not the laptop turned off black it's like the grayish black when...
  13. M

    What's the cheapest way to virtualize a Boot Camp partition?

    I found out that I can legally obtain a free copy of Windows through my school. I know there are two options for running Windows on Mac: 1) through a VM, or 2) through a dual-boot setup. One thing I found out about Parallels Desktop is that I can install Windows onto a separate partition and run...
  14. stuartmeyers

    Mini or Air Connundrum - Remote Access

    Hi All, I have a challenge. Buy a mini or a second hand air. I have two needs. 1 - a media server for my AppleTV and 2 - to load xcode and learn swift. I am currently using macincloud and performance is not good enough. I also don't have a big budget. So, do I setup a new macbook mini near...
  15. maxthackray

    Booting OSX from TimeMachine backup on a Windows Pc

    Hi guys. I'm trying to sort out a problem. I'm going travelling in April for a few months and I don't want to take my laptop with me as it's heavy and I don't want to risk theft or damage. I know that if you use a Time Machine backup to an external hard drive and plug the external drive into...
  16. Jonathan Thamrin

    Proper Way of Installing Windows on Mac

  17. K

    Added partition to drive with bootcamp, now can't start Windows

    I did not know that modifying the partitions when you have a bootcamp partition setup can screw it up. It did. I tried some different things I found online, but I think I am making it worse. At one point the drive showed back up when holding down alt restarting, but when I selected it I got a...
  18. TomWickline

    WineHQ Wine Mac OS X binary downlad packages now available

    If you want to use Wine on OS X we have binary builds now available, with Wine 1.9.0 or later X11 will no longer need to be installed in order for Wine to work on OS X the full post and all links are here :
  19. KG101

    Unable to create partitioned drive and install windows.

    Hi, I have been trying for some time to install windows on my late 2013 Imac Yosemite 10.10.5. I originally used bootcamp but when selecting a drive to install windows on I was unable to with the following error message. "Windows could not be installed to this disk, the selected...
  20. A

    Upgraded Internal Hard Drive

    I just installed an SSD in the optical bay drive and I have my HDD in the main drive bay. Mac OS is installed on the SSD. I've tried to install Windows on the SSD too, but I couldn't, so I removed the HDD from the main bay, leaving the SSD from the optical drive bay the only drive remaining...