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macrumors 68030
Dec 3, 2016
Lots of people on X are talking about how 15Pro and pro max are getting so hot they can’t even be held without a case

Has that been your experience?

Seems even if not a17 pro runs hot in general

Kinda disappointing given all the 3nm hype
But I think it will be magically fixed by next gen

Gawd I hate the day one clickbait sensationalizing; Bendgate, Batterygate, Fingerprintgate, Heatgate, yadayada...

Waste of bandwidth. Just use the new phones for a month then come back to us with any legitimate issues. Many of us will not even have our phones in hand for weeks yet.


macrumors P6
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
Gawd I hate the day one clickbait sensationalizing; Bendgate, Batterygate, Fingerprintgate, Heatgate, yadayada...

Waste of bandwidth.

I think 'gate' is just an easy way to summarize a prevalent issue that miffs some people (by also attaching a single word with it, for the part/feature of concern). Lots of times it is a nothing burger, but I guess depends on the issue lol.

I do it as the subject thread title somewhat mockingly. These people on Twitter/X have named it no such thing - to be clear. But I would fully expect an onslaught of YouTube videos if this is a wider problem soon, or something else becomes the case with these new models.


macrumors 68030
Dec 3, 2016
I think 'gate' is just an easy way to summarize a prevalent issue that miffs some people (by also attaching a single word with it, for the part/feature of concern). Lots of times it is a nothing burger, but I guess depends on the issue lol.

I do it as the subject thread title somewhat mockingly. These people on Twitter/X have named it no such thing - to be clear. But I would fully expect an onslaught of YouTube videos if this is a wider problem soon, or something else becomes the case with these new models.
Except that there are no prevalent issues because phones are just now being delivered. This is simply clickbait sensationalizing that can actually become an (IMO inappropriate, resource-wasting) Bendgate via social media piling on.


Apr 23, 2010
I only saw heat during a heavy wifi 6E download of Kindle books (about 30GB of data).


macrumors P6
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
Except that there are no prevalent issues because phones are just now being delivered. This is simply clickbait sensationalizing.

Again, just re-read what I posted. you seem to be taking this rather personally, when it's to solicit discussion.

I get no added benefit from it being 'clickbait-y sensationalism' other than people contributing input for the sake of discussion and hearing anecdotes. If you care to not discuss the subject at hand (ie - 'I'm experiencing that,' or 'no I'm not,' or 'just here to see how this accumulates over time'), well then I just don't know what else to say.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2012
Only warm when I was setting everything up etc. same kind of warmth I got on my last phone whenever do too much in a short period.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2023
Lots of people on X are talking about how 15Pro and pro max are getting so hot they can’t even be held without a case

Has that been your experience?

Seems even if not a17 pro runs hot in general

Kinda disappointing given all the 3nm hype
But I think it will be magically fixed by next gen

Only if Apple uses software to limit the speed


macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2023
It got really hot this morning watching a Jerry Rig Anything video on his iPhone 15 Pro / Max review.

I am really confused since it never gets that hot in my old iPhone 14 Max

May be your phone is too angry that why so easily scratch


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2023
Lots of people on X are talking about how 15Pro and pro max are getting so hot they can’t even be held without a case

Has that been your experience?

Seems even if not a17 pro runs hot in general

Kinda disappointing given all the 3nm hype
But I think it will be magically fixed by next gen

No at all. I do not trust any reviews/opinions. I always verify it with my own research and experience.


macrumors 68030
Jul 21, 2009
Mine was burning hot last night, my 14 pro max gets hot at times as well, Apple needs to start using some sort of fans and liquid cooling to keep these things in check.


macrumors regular
Sep 24, 2019
Well, just imagine: fast charge + personal hotspot + huge file download on connect Mac over hotspot. Is iPhone 15 PM gonna get toasted?
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macrumors 65816
Feb 9, 2012
When I set up my 13 Pro 2 years ago I was tinkering a lot and it was very warm too. Will see on Monday with my 15PM but I expect the same


macrumors 65816
Apr 10, 2022
My phone got very hot during setup yesterday, like to the point it was uncomfortable to touch, and since then has been a normal temperature with no discomfort. It’ll take a while to see but I think this issue is overblown and will be smoothed over with software updates.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 7, 2020
Just did a hard reset and After booting it got a bit hot. Quickly cooled down though


macrumors member
Sep 26, 2015
Same as most are reporting…got hot after restoring from my backup, then has been normal ever since. (15 Pro/256)
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macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
15 Pro user here. Haven’t noticed anything. Maybe it was a little warm while I was restoring from backup but I wasn’t holding it in my hand so couldn’t really tell.


macrumors 68000
Sep 11, 2012
Indy, US
I don’t use a case at all and my 15PM hasn’t touched the heat that my 14PM gave off sometimes. I’m sure it’s not a huge difference either way, but the 14PM got hot for me. Maybe the 15PM will get there for me, but I haven’t experienced it yet
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Lounge vibes 05

macrumors 68040
May 30, 2016
My PM hasn’t had any issues, and it’s been in use outdoors in hot sun for two days now.
Then again, I’m coming from a 12 mini which would become overheated with two Mac Rumors tabs.
Not sure if this would have any effect, but I didn’t transfer anything from back-up
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macrumors 601
Oct 6, 2008
I'd give it a week. People still don't understand - for the first few days your phone is downloading your 200gb of iCloud photos (Yes, all of them from the very beginning, to recreate the search index of faces that goes through your entire library), then locally running ML models on every image to detect objects/people/pets/image types/etc. The phone does it when it is plugged in to the wall (Or a battery bank you are holding.) This is likely the most computationally expensive thing your phone will do in it's entire lifetime.

So you have a brand new phone, you are using it a lot more, then you plug it in because your battery is low, then all the background processes pick it up to use it 20 minutes later and post to Twitter.

In my experience so far I haven't noticed any heat, my 14 Pro had much more random heatups.

That said - there still could be an issue because of the new construction - like that new internal aluminum frame acting as a heat spreader, and the titanium absorbing it.
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