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Jun 25, 2014
It doesn't matter the paper's material: if it's not diamond, the screen couldn't be scratched if it's made of sapphire.


Apr 22, 2008
One video he says iPhones don't have Gorilla Glass while other Android phones do, but now he says in this iPhone 6 video that the 5s has Gorilla Glass 3.

Plenty of sources on the internet to suggest the iPhone does in fact use Gorilla Glass, but this has never really been directly confirmed by either Apple or Corning, although the issue has been danced around. This is the best I can find:

"Based on a study by Analysis Group in February 2012, Apple has directly or indirectly created 307,250 U.S. jobs.* These jobs — spread across all 50 states — include thousands of jobs in numerous industries, from the people who create components for our products to the people who build the planes and trucks that carry them to our customers. For example, this figure also includes workers in Texas who manufacture processors for iOS products, Corning employees in Kentucky and New York who create the majority of the glass for iPhone"

Besides, even if it didn't use Gorilla Glass, why does that mean he's an Android Fanboy?! :confused:


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Can someone remind me when Apple said what the sapphire plant was for? Rumors out of Asia or Wall Street analysts alleged "supply chain checks" mean nothing as more often than not they're not accurate. As far as Sonny Dickson always being spot on, earlier this year he did run with photos of an alleged iPhone 6 (that looked like a Samsung Galaxy and had asymmetrical top and bottom bezels) that were obviously fake - looked like mockups from Martin Hajek. I wouldn't trust everything he gets his hands on.

Here's Jony Ive's face after he reads all these rumors about what Apple may or may not be doing: :D

Last edited:


macrumors member
May 10, 2011
Abu Dhabi - UAE
it will actually make a lot more sense to me if the sapphire was used on the back cover instead of the display....

i never worry about my display as much as i worry about scratching the hell out of the back cover !

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
I knew that sapphire screen was all gimmick.

Looks like it won't be much different from Gorilla Glass tech.

No, none of us know anything for a fact. None of the rumors posted on this site and elsewhere are verified, which is why they are called rumors; i.e., an unsubstantiated story.

These rumors are all good fun to follow, like a hobby, but I wouldn't go investing my retirement account on their veracity.

Specifically here, there is no way to know what panels are actual Sapphire, if any, or if they are, if they are production-quality samples.

Exotic-Car Man

macrumors regular
Oct 29, 2010
Oh, and yes this Markus guy gets paid a lot from You Tube

And I think he is still in school...... so I would suspect he gets sponsored and paid by the manufacturers for his reviews.

It's Marques, not Markus. They're pronounced differently.
Yes, and he deserves the YouTube money. He's an extremely thorough, non-biased source. I don't think he gets paid by OEMs though. If anything, they give him the phone (or part) for free. It's pretty obvious when his videos are ads, like his Colorware Video.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
I've seen these stupid scratch tests many times over the years, and somehow mere finger swipes on the front of a phone end up scratching it. Until/unless we get 100% sapphire screens, a screen protector is highly advisable.
Only sapphire crystal protects against minute particles of grit and sand which are in everyone's pockets and on everyone's fingertips.


macrumors 603
Dec 31, 2001
Mpls, MN
For those complain of scratches, what in the hell do you do with you phones? I've never had a single scratch on any phone screen in my life, including my current iPhone 5. People must be abusing these phones, and those people should be abused as well (verbally). What happened to common sense, plus Gorilla Glass is on the iPhone 5.

People pay a small fortune for these phones and don't have the common sense and / or ability to look after these devices. A lot of pressure / height is required to break a Gorilla Glass screen - so what are people doing to these phones?
This is my exact thought. I've had 2 iPhones and a 1G iPod Touch (no Gorilla there), zero scratches. And the iPod has, more than once, been launched across a driveway (thank you, children), scratching/gouging the hell out of the edges and metal back, zero scratches on screen (it did get one crack from the abuse). Recently I've been dropping my 5 a bunch, may be something wrong with me, but no scratches on its screen.

What do people do?? I'm starting to think, from comments here, that people don't actually get scratches, the screen just needs to be cleaned.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
It's probably Gorilla Glass 3 which is a newer version with more strength and scratch resistance then the original or GG 2. A few of the latest phones like the G3 and Galaxy S5 are using GG 3.


macrumors 6502
Jun 23, 2009
Wait for the bold face lie that Apple will say during the keynote. "The main display is made from the same sapphire glass that is found on the home button."
I doubt they will say it's harder than regular glass but softer than sapphire. It may have sapphire in it but it does not have the same properties of sapphire. It's basically a cheap imitation. Which is fine but don't mislead the public with the word sapphire.

This is it.

Google fanboys that would sell their mom forms reason to complain about apple.

First, apple didn't announce anything.

Second, if the screen is not going to be made from sapphire, why the investment that apple and gt advanced made in ramping up the production of sapphire?


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2009
This is my exact thought. I've had 2 iPhones and a 1G iPod Touch (no Gorilla there), zero scratches. And the iPod has, more than once, been launched across a driveway (thank you, children), scratching/gouging the hell out of the edges and metal back, zero scratches on screen (it did get one crack from the abuse). Recently I've been dropping my 5 a bunch, may be something wrong with me, but no scratches on its screen.

What do people do?? I'm starting to think, from comments here, that people don't actually get scratches, the screen just needs to be cleaned.

kids deserve a hand to butt for that

i have an ipad 2 that my kids cracked the glass on, and not only do i still make them use it, but they will never misuse it again.

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
Wait for the bold face lie that Apple will say during the keynote. "The main display is made from the same sapphire glass that is found on the home button."
I doubt they will say it's harder than regular glass but softer than sapphire. It may have sapphire in it but it does not have the same properties of sapphire. It's basically a cheap imitation. Which is fine but don't mislead the public with the word sapphire.

Huh? So you are saying Apple will be explicit that it doesn't contain any sapphire but even still the name is still misleading?

By that logic anything named after an element, mineral, animal, etc that isn't made of that thing is misleading. CitiBank Sapphire Visa card -- no Sapphire! Diamond Almonds -- no diamonds! Elephant Skateboards -- no elephants harmed! Ajax Oxygen Bleach -- no oxygen!

These are just monikers. Don't take them so literal. Consumers are not that stupid and are well aware of branding hyperbole.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
It's Marques, not Markus. They're pronounced differently.
Yes, and he deserves the YouTube money. He's an extremely thorough, non-biased source. I don't think he gets paid by OEMs though. If anything, they give him the phone (or part) for free. It's pretty obvious when his videos are ads, like his Colorware Video.

He is sponsored, you don't make enough money from You Tube ads alone to buy the kit he does, I sub to enough channels to know that, and recently it was exposed how games developers pay large sums to You Tube channels to influence their reviews of the games, and that included that Boogie2988 aka Francis guy who apparently thinks simply claiming he has been paid tons by Microsoft lets him off the hook :eek:

You should get some common sense mate, Marques is getting paid a lot of money. I even sub to one person who has 80k subs, not the 1.4 million Marques does, but she was sent to the last Olympics and then CES all paid for by Sony, complete with tons of Sony gadgets! Just so they would promote them and give their kit glorious reviews.

So yeah, trust me manufactures pay these channel makers a LOT of money to have their products promoted, the more subs and views they have the more corrupt and biased they most likely are.


macrumors newbie
May 7, 2014
Use a laser pointer and a VERY shallow angle of incidence, then draw the line. Longer line? Then more refraction than GG.

If you measure it, then there's a nice calculator here:

What are you talking about? Your link was just to the optical data sheet for the material. I already have these bookmarked because this is what I do for a living. When you say "shallow angle" are you talking with respect to the surface normal or the plane of the glass? As mentioned before, there is no change in angle, but there is a lateral shift. Without precision lab equipment you aren't going to be able to measure this very well. If you just happened to have the two materials (different glass substrates) and can swap them out from the same holder, and have everything is set fixtures, an input angle of 70 degrees (relative to surface normal) on a 0.5mm substrate will only give you a 0.1mm lateral shift in spot position, and very elongated spots. How are you going to measure this with any precision in your implied hand-held laser pointer test. I still think you believe you are going to get a different angle out, as your original post stated. You will not. n1*sin(theta1) = n2*sin(theta2). You start with theta1 (input angle) and get theta2 in the glass. The equation is then reversible. This means that if there is no wedge to the substrate you get the exact same angle again when it returns to air. No change in angle. You only get a very small lateral shift in position of the spot. The link you sent contains a REFLECTION calculator, not a REFRACTION calculator. I don't think you understood the page you used. The angle doesn't change (unless you can figure out how to measure it inside the glass), but the amount of reflection does. Look back at my earlier post and you will see I've already mentioned this. And, btw, your eye isn't good at telling you how bright something looks relates to the power in it.


macrumors 68020
Sep 19, 2010
Sapphire composite is still a big improvement over GG as shown in the video. Maybe this will lead to pure sapphire in future iPhones.

Who the hell buys a RED camera to make You Tube videos?

He's got the money and making youtube videos is his livelihood, so why not?


macrumors 65816
Apr 22, 2009
I knew that sapphire screen was all gimmick.

Looks like it won't be much different from Gorilla Glass tech.

You say that like this is sapphire glass. ?
Sapphire glass is a gimmick because a NON sapphire glass gets scratched by sandpaper, while sapphire proves not to?
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