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macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
"iPhone 6 -- now pre-scratched for your convenience."

Interesting that this company received unfinished blanks of the new iPhone, without all the ports cut out. But I guess since they're not making iPhone cases, that wouldn't matter to them.

This, if it's real (and IMO it appears to be), is likely a part smuggled off the tooling line during the equipment tuning runs that happen before mass production begins.


Staff member
Jan 20, 2005
That would make sense. Same reason why the MacBook Air has larger bezels than the Pro.

Although when I look at the inside of this shell, there seems to be room for a camera either in the extreme corner or right next to the flash, but not in-between due to a large screw hole.

That large screw hole is one of the ones from the manufacturing process. It would be removed later. Which explains why the camera/mic holes aren't there yet...they can't cut them until the mounting screw hole is removed.


macrumors member
Mar 15, 2011
Couldn't the apple logo cutout be for the sensor for the healthbook app. Something to measure pulse, blood oxy levels etc. Look at the Withings Pulse, a sensor that size could be incorporated into the logo shape.


macrumors G3
Sep 20, 2006
There & Back Again
Well, good thing they are on a security lock down.

Wonder what the Apple staff do when they go to MR and see stuff like this (if they do). They must bristle!


macrumors regular
May 25, 2012
This works great unless you're OCD. As soon as you get one scratch, you're done. Hah.

I might take off my screen protector after year one. I thought scratches would reduce resale value but it didn't seem to matter when I sold my 4.

Yeah I'm absurdly OCD. And I've typically found that while it may not entirely hinder your resale value, it lowers your pool of prospective buyers significantly. When I'm trying to unload a device, I usually want as many bids from as many people (high and low) just for variety.


macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2010
Lexington, KY.
The band separator lines are big! Nooooooooooooooo

so those ugly lines on the back are not placeholders after all...

Was really hoping for that rumour about "seamless integration of glass front with the aluminium back with a curved display" to come true but obviously this is the real deal. Someone snap this back with the numerous front panel leaks and we shall have our iPhone 6 fix for the year I think. I am kind of disappointed with the design, it's so conservative, so reminiscent of the 5S...

Dear Apple: this freaking divider lines are ugly. Have you lost your mind?

still don't believe it's going to look like that. doesn't look like something apple would design..

This. I don't get why they need to be so BIG! It almost looks toyish. Really not liking it. :confused:

Yeah the breaks are just fugly...

And every single one of you will be getting one the moment you can. And I'll bet none of you gripe about the antenna breaks, either. In fact, I'd be willing to bet you all talk about how beautiful it actually is in person and the pictures didn't do it justice.

Happens every...freaking...time a new design for the iPhone comes out. Like clockwork.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
Couldn't the apple logo cutout be for the sensor for the healthbook app. Something to measure pulse, blood oxy levels etc. Look at the Withings Pulse, a sensor that size could be incorporated into the logo shape.


Requiring health data to be collected by actively grabbing your phone means that it will rarely get used by most people throughout the day, resulting in such sparse data that it's essentially useless.

Ex. An active user may check in 6 times a day, what good is knowing your pulse rate at 6 random intervals throughout the day? It's useless to determine trends.

It was a stupid idea (read: gimmick) for Samsung to do it, and it'd be just as pointless for apple to. If you are going for health data, you need to go whole hog with a passive but persistent way to collect that information.


macrumors regular
May 25, 2012
Yeah I've been lucky so far!

Plus... I like touching the screen directly. It always seemed weird to have a fantastic glass screen... but then covering it with a piece of plastic! :D

So lucky! I always seem to get one scratch on my screen before I can put the protector on. Lately, I've been going with oleophobic tempered glass screen protectors to avoid that plasticky feel. I swear they're exactly like the real thing!


macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2012
Damn I was really hoping for those antenna breaks to be thinner, the silver versions looks real ugly from the back.

I still dislike the top and bottom bands on all recent iPhones, I really love the 5c back though as the antenna is no issue.

Kinda wish apple had just tried to blend with aluminium colour plastic instead of making this bit a design feature, it's just ungainly and odd considering the antenna layout has been done nicely by others in metal cases, why is apple still making them so damn ugly.

Still buying one, but that is for ios not for the design which I feel is going down hill unlike MacBooks which have gotten very pretty!


macrumors 6502
Dec 5, 2007
Apple, please spend a billion dollars to create a way to kill these bands.

Maybe we can use retractable antennae?

I don't mind pulling something out when I need to be on a call ;)


macrumors 65816
Dec 26, 2008
Calgary, AB
Yeah I'm absurdly OCD. And I've typically found that while it may not entirely hinder your resale value, it lowers your pool of prospective buyers significantly. When I'm trying to unload a device, I usually want as many bids from as many people (high and low) just for variety.

Let's hope sapphire changes all this screen protector nonsense. I miss seeing my screen the way it was meant to be.


macrumors 68030
Apr 21, 2010
What's with the Apple logo cutout? And round flash?

From the article: "The part is in the same state of production, with temporary mounting screw holes still intact and only a single pilot hole for the rear flash."

(emphasis mine)


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
Looks like the display glass will be attached with industrial adhesive like on the iPads :/

You mean fused to the lcd and digitizer (as almost every iPhone has been) or are you saying it looks like the entire display assembly will be glued into the body itself?

If the latter, what makes you say that? :confused:


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2010
I hate to say it, but I told you so.

Those lines were always going to be there. Now where's the user who was going to quote me on my statement :):):)?


macrumors member
Feb 17, 2011
Lynchburg, VA
I have a feeling a 5.5inch won't be released at all. I sure hope they do though.

I am beginning to think the exact same thing :(. Owning a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 makes it very difficult to downsize from a 5.5 inch phone to a 4.7 inch phone, so if Apple do not release a larger 5.5 inch phone chances are I'll be forced to stick with Android. I know a lot of people look at a 4.7 inch phone and think it's massive, but to me 4.7 is tiny after nearly two years with a 5.5 inch display lol

Not releasing a 5.5 inch phone is losing a market. I know to most people that is too big, but then Apple should reach out to more than one size. Best way Apple can increase sales is to sell a 4inch a 4.7inch & a 5.5 inch. Then you can choose what size phone best suits you, aka gives the customer more of a choice, which most people like! Keeps everybody happy :)

But yeah, I really hope there will actually be a 5.5 inch version of the iPhone 6!
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