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Oct 25, 2013
So for $70 do I get the whole game, or can I bet on being pressured to buy DLC? N64 is when I was old enough to start buying my own games and those capped out at $50 (iirc) but I never had to pay more to make the game better.
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macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
Even now with Fallout 76, each update breaks something
Slightly off topic but its related.

Bethesda updated fallout 76 today, major update adding new content, new rewards, new events. Well, the update is done, the servers are back online and the game Crashes to Desktop.

So as I said, why should I spend 70 dollars on a game, that may very well be a buggy mess? I understand newer games are larger have fantastic features, but if your going to charge top dollar, then you better deliver top dollar experiences. Specifically with Bethesda - that's not the case.


macrumors G4
Mar 20, 2007
Slightly off topic but its related.

Bethesda updated fallout 76 today, major update adding new content, new rewards, new events. Well, the update is done, the servers are back online and the game Crashes to Desktop.

So as I said, why should I spend 70 dollars on a game, that may very well be a buggy mess? I understand newer games are larger have fantastic features, but if your going to charge top dollar, then you better deliver top dollar experiences. Specifically with Bethesda - that's not the case.
Ah, live service games. Folks want their games to keep getting content to "keep the game fresh". Instead of just paying for a new version of the game with new content.


macrumors 65816
Sep 20, 2011
I’ve worked in the gaming industry for over 15 years. Both at small indie developers and major AAA franchises.

This has been a topic for over a decade. I can see both sides.

Fact is the 60 price point has been around for over 10 years. Game development has increased substantially. Publishers and developers used DLC and mtx as a way to help offset these costs. But margins continue to shrink due to a multitude of factors.

Every form of entertainment has gone up. From going to amusement parks, seeing a ball game, to seeing a Friday night movie at the local theatre. While game pricing has been pretty static for years.

I can understand your sentiment. But it’s not about Microsoft wanting leech more money out of players just for the heck of it. A game like Starfield has a huge development team working on the title for years. It will also have hours and hours of gameplay. When these factors are considered I won’t mind paying the 70.

This increase for AAA games was inevitable.
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macrumors Haswell
Original poster
May 3, 2009
Ah, live service games. Folks want their games to keep getting content to "keep the game fresh". Instead of just paying for a new version of the game with new content.
Oh, no you have it all wrong with me. I'd much prefer to pay for new version, much like ESO. I love the Fallout 76 franchise, and its a great game, but Bethesda constantly is offering sub par updates, that are buggy.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2011
I’ve worked in the gaming industry for over 15 years. Both at small indie developers and major AAA franchises.

Good reply. This topic reminds me of the ceaseless whining about subscription software, how it's always too expensive, greedy developers, how dare they, etc.

Hogwash. Software, games or otherwise, is expensive to produce and takes teams of hundreds of people. The average AAA level game has a budget that dwarfs most movies, pushing $100M or more. If you can't afford it, or games aren't important enough for you to pay that much, there's absolutely no shame in that. We all have budgets and priorities and need to vote with our wallets. Buy older games from GoG, wait for sales when games are older, use services like Game Pass (which is an absolute bargain, by the way, for what you get) that can be turned on and off as you wish, or only play fremium games. But stop assuming you deserve content on your own terms.
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macrumors member
Jul 28, 2020
Exactly! Even the new Pokémon which I have a VERY low bar to enjoy it, it was just a disaster. I’m glad I tried it before buying it. And it looked WORSE than Sword/Shield! The switch is getting too old. College coding classes produce better polished games sometimes!

I’d rather play Pokémon Red over the new title.
The switch is an absolute joke at this point, and Nintendo doesn’t get enough flack for it. There are too many people spending $$$ on it for Nintendo to care about releasing better hardware anytime soon.


Oct 21, 2009
The switch is an absolute joke at this point, and Nintendo doesn’t get enough flack for it. There are too many people spending $$$ on it for Nintendo to care about releasing better hardware anytime soon.
To be honest, the Switch was using an already out of date hardware when it launched. Breath of the Wild looks SO MUCH better on PC in the videos I seen.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 18, 2011
What the Switch lacks in hardware (and boy does it lack), it gains in cleverness. That my wife can be playing Animal Crossing or whatever in our living room on the big TV and just pick up the Switch from its dock and keep playing when I want to use my Series X is incredibly slick. That forgives a lot of other sins (although, that we've had to repair the JoyCons twice already due to drift is seriously scuff. How is it possible that Nintendo so consistently under-engineers its controllers?)


macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
I seem to remember paying $30-50 for popular games as a kid in the 90s - seems like $70 is actually not a terrible deal when accounting for 30 years of inflation. Hopefully the game developers are seeing some of that increase - as I understand they're pretty underpaid for the work they do.
Agreed. The problem is that, while yes, the shelf price is relatively low considering inflation, you will typically not get complete game experiences anymore. Instead you will get games that are balanced and designed around selling you more things in an in-game shop. This is of course not all games and I applaud games that do not follow this model, but too many do and it's rather annoying. But I also don't see a big problem with a $70 shelf price considering the inflation and especially the current world economy where everything is getting more expensive rapidly. I'd rather pay $100 for a finished game that's well designed than $60 for one designed around making me buy more stuff as well; Though it's not an either or. Paying more is unlikely to make them change the micro-transaction trend.

Unfortunately I doubt very much will get pushed to the actual game developers. It can be a thankless job. In my first semester at uni as a computer scientist, one of the professors even flat out said "You will all get great, really well paying jobs. Unless you go into game development". It's a real shame and I hope for the industry that it improves though I am unfortunately not very hopeful on that front.

And regardless of the day one shelf price, the patient who awaits Steam sales down the road can get a lot of milage out of $5 :D


macrumors Core
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Bethesda really rubbed me the wrong way with their Skyrim Anniversary Edition. They've already monetized Skyrim fifty different ways as it is, and then they decide to charge for yet another version that simply incorporates mods from their fanbase? Sheesh.

That said, like a chump my wallet will most certainly open when they finally get around to releasing ES6. ;)

Yeah, was totally a BS move on Bethesda's behalf. I only bought the standard version the mods I can apply myself for free. Anniversary Edition is like double the price, it's purely corporate greed...

Yes…Bethesda… They like to milk established titles. :oops: I too bought the Skyrim standard version for a near future replay.
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macrumors G5
Better idea: Just don't buy. You don't have to buy a new game day one.

When enough consumers re-discover this very simple-but-remarkably-great power, inflation can be brought under control ASAP. "Our" problem is that we value what is for sale far more than the hard-earned dollars we make. That is fundamentally what allows pricing to rise & rise & rise. Collective "no" is the ultimate inflation solution. Why? Because sellers desperately want those dollars more than consumers should want the stuff they sell. "We" just seem to have forgotten that "no" is an option at least as good as the other one.

Either we figure it out soon or it gets forced on us by more & more price hikes becoming the collective straw.


macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2010
Yes, considering what you get it's a bargain as a buyer. Though as a lot of other things it also boils down to a lot of other expenses you didn't have in the 90s. Spotify/Apple Music/Netflix/Disney+ subscriptions etc.

But $70 is not a steal in any sense.
Otoh, IIRC, in the 90ies I bought around two gaming magazines, 1-2 CDs and 3-4 books a month. But for every game I paid 70 bucks for, I pirated 10 others (and copied music & DVDs and borrowed books or went to the library). It probably more or less evens out. Got more choice for the same money now but less time.


macrumors 6502
Oct 29, 2015
Saskatoon, SK
I always get thrown off when I see this as in Canada we pay $80 ($90 for next gen sometimes) so I guess 90-100 will be the norm soon ....


macrumors 65816
Jan 4, 2022
London, UK
Last game I paid for was Watchdogs: Legion. Cost me £50 in the UK. Took me about a month to complete on and off. And I got online multiplayer eventually. Got bored of it after that and sold the PC and GPU for stupid money as it was in the middle of the GPU shortage. Happy days.

Only a couple of weeks back I paid way more than that for some mediocre crap (Black Panther 2) in the worst cinema (theatre) I've ever been in and got mugged for a bunch of cash for popcorn, drinks and parking. Oh and it pissed down with rain so we spent the evening damp.

You have to trade off value for money. It's certainly better value than a movie night even if goes up another 50% here in the UK.


macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2006
Heads up for those that don't know. Native Apple Silicon & Intel 64bit games Mac Source Ports Not a crack/Pirate site. You need to own the game and move the data files to the new engine.


Game has never looked or played better...


How did RBDoom 3 BFG perform on your AS Mac?

That screenshot just looks impossibly good!


macrumors G4
I’ve worked in the gaming industry for over 15 years. Both at small indie developers and major AAA franchises.

This has been a topic for over a decade. I can see both sides.

Fact is the 60 price point has been around for over 10 years. Game development has increased substantially. Publishers and developers used DLC and mtx as a way to help offset these costs. But margins continue to shrink due to a multitude of factors.

Every form of entertainment has gone up. From going to amusement parks, seeing a ball game, to seeing a Friday night movie at the local theatre. While game pricing has been pretty static for years.

I can understand your sentiment. But it’s not about Microsoft wanting leech more money out of players just for the heck of it. A game like Starfield has a huge development team working on the title for years. It will also have hours and hours of gameplay. When these factors are considered I won’t mind paying the 70.

This increase for AAA games was inevitable.
Equally the product should be complete, not be in bits and pieces or broken for years. TBH the audience is sick & tired of it. Studios want the $ it's there to be had, but they have to deliver. Not a fan of analogies, however if I purchase a car, I tend to expect the brakes to work...

Games rolling out to the paying customer in a broken state is plain and simply BS. Publishers and developers should understand this very simple concept. In my industry you want to get paid you need to deliver, want to **** the dog, you go home...

Sorry is such a harsh response, but if developers, publishers want more $ we as players expect far better quality of service and that's currently not the case...

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macrumors G4
How did RBDoom 3 BFG perform on your AS Mac?

That screenshot just looks impossibly good!
Really well and I only have a base model M1 13" MBP. RBDoom 1.4 is starting to push the notebook to its limits. With RBDOOM 1.4 I had to increase the fan curve via Macs Fan Control as the MBP was getting pretty warm (max graphic settings) so might not be the best option for an Air.

Think is something you need to try for yourself, to quote the dev;

"RBDoom-3-BFG is based on DOOM-3-BFG and the goal of this port is to bring DOOM-3-BFG up to latest technology in 2021 making it closer to Doom 2016 while still remaining a DOOM 3 port regarding the gameplay."

TBH he's well on the way as never seen the game look better. I tend to dial down the ambient brightness as I like the horror aspect. What I love about this source port is the differentiation of lighting sources as you can now have the dark and immersive atmosphere and yet see all the detail ID put into the game world and it's remains to be impressive.

I play Doom 3 on the Mac & the PC and now always with the RBDoom 3 BFG engine. There's another very stock Doom 3 source port dhewm3 for those that don't like the BFG release which also is available on AS/64bit Intel and is significantly less demanding.

Edit; in the high 50 FPS on max settings with the game limited to 60 FPS. On the PC 100+ FPS is still frame limited not to break the games physics.

You should DL & play as it's stunning and blows away many a modern game :cool: As for the screenshot it's right there, only question is when are you are to going to play 😂

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macrumors newbie
Dec 6, 2019
Have you tried the Persona series? Or FF7 Remake?
Oh, no you have it all wrong with me. I'd much prefer to pay for new version, much like ESO. I love the Fallout 76 franchise, and its a great game, but Bethesda constantly is offering sub par updates, that are buggy.
I’ve been playing God of War Ragnarok and have yet to find any glaring or major issues. The game runs extremely well and is gorgeous. I’m with you, I have been very disappointed preordering the latest AAA titles, especially at the new price point. The only developer right now that seems to be releasing titles that are playable and stable on release is Sony in my opinion.
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Jun 28, 2017
I’m sick of the AAA games. Games like Factorio, Stardew Valley, older RPGs and Terraria/Minecraft is all I’m interested in these days.
Hahaha those games are all complete and utter garbage compared to God of War: Ragnarok.

God of War: Ragnarok is easily worth $100+ even though it is of course $70. Those games you mentioned are shovelware trash comparatively speaking.
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macrumors 68040
Nov 2, 2006
Really well and I only have a base model M1 13" MBP. RBDoom 1.4 is starting to push the notebook to its limits. With RBDOOM 1.4 I had to increase the fan curve via Macs Fan Control as the MBP was getting pretty warm (max graphic settings) so might not be the best option for an Air.

Think is something you need to try for yourself, to quote the dev;

"RBDoom-3-BFG is based on DOOM-3-BFG and the goal of this port is to bring DOOM-3-BFG up to latest technology in 2021 making it closer to Doom 2016 while still remaining a DOOM 3 port regarding the gameplay."

TBH he's well on the way as never seen the game look better. I tend to dial down the ambient brightness as I like the horror aspect. What I love about this source port is the differentiation of lighting sources as you can now have the dark and immersive atmosphere and yet see all the detail ID put into the game world.

I play Doom 3 on the Mac & the PC and now always with the RBDoom 3 BFG engine. There's another very stock Doom 3 source port dhewm3 for those that don't like the BFG release which also is available on AS/64bit Intel and is significantly less demanding.

Edit; in the high 50 FPS on max settings with the game limited to 60 FPS. On the PC 100+ FPS is still frame limited not to break the games physics.

You should DL & play as it's stunning and blows away many a modern game :cool: As for the screenshot it's right there, only question is when are you are to going to play 😂


Did you follow the simple instructions from Mac Source Ports entry for Doom 3: BFG Edition, or was there more to it? "If you haven't already, make a "~/Library/Application Support/RBDOOM-3-BFG/" directory. Copy the "base" directory from an existing installation of DOOM 3: BFG Edition into it. From here should run and be able to find the data."

Where did you buy your copy? GoG, or Humble? Were you able to use the Extractor utility from Mac Source Ports to get the .PAK file into the new directory?

And, lastly, were you able to do all of this while in MacOS?


Jun 28, 2017
Got a Fat PS3 in a box somewhere LOL...

What a meaningless comment. Sony has released innumerable first-party true AAA games during the PS4 and PS5 generations.

You miss out on by a factor of 10, the best experiences a human can have with video games.

Sony has actual writers. There is an actual story. An actual narrative. Dialogue. Gameplay. Actors.

Both Microsoft and Nintendo have neither Story, or actors. Nor games at all really…
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