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macrumors member
Dec 26, 2001
Re: 15, but a macuser for a much larger%


Originally posted by GeeYouEye
I'm just 15, 16 on the 23rd, but I have probably been a mac user for a greater % of my life than anyone else: first experience with a mac (512k) @ age 1.5. 93.7% Top that. Also of note, I have been a trekkie for that long as well. Creepy.

So you think you're prety good eh? mwa ha ha ha ha*cough* ... I'm 18 I/ve been using the mac since the mac first came out in 1984 I was born in june 1983 I was using the mac since I was one yeah one like you but not one and a half. One like 1.0 so any one want to do the math... that's ok I will: 94.6% but alas I am too a convert I was using the comadore vic 20 in my early years .. i mean year. I have to say though that the Mac 128 ROCKS! YEAH. that was cool to get that off my chest.

See you later.


macrumors regular
Jan 3, 2002

started on Apple ][ at our enlighted school.
owned the marvelous Atari VCS alongside a Commodore (what the b**ger) happened to them, C-128 (not many people had one) and then Amiga.

First owned Apple late in life (22) LC 475 and never looked back.

scar_ace, I am indeed a londoner, as is shergar, it seems.

Shall we start our campaign for an Apple Store in the smoke, right here, right now!



Jun 4, 2000
Alexandria, VA
Re: I think...

Originally posted by dantec
I'm actually the youngest... I'm 13, and will be 14 in september of 2002!:p

At age 13, in 1985, I took the original Mac 128K that we had just bought back, 3 days after getting it, becuase I saw the Amiga 1000 sitting on a dealer's display. I had read about the Amiga months before, and wanted one badly, but it seemed nebulous when the thing would be released so I jumped to the Mac (which is what I wanted before I started reading about the Amiga anyway.)

Before that it was an Apple //c. Before that a TI-99/4A. Well, here's the list...



Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
ages & such...

well it seems there are a lot of us here who are in their teens.....but still a good mix of agegroups...

I like these forums where everyone bonds!! :p

but I do have to ask....why do some of u younger guys feel compelled to prove how young u were when u first started using Macs? I truely find it hard to believe that anyone under the age of 4 can really get anywhere on a computer?!


macrumors member
Dec 19, 2001
another oldtime


(Good to know there are others)

Started on an Apple IIe (my dad's), also had experience with Amiga, Atari, Commodore 64 (had only seen the hot new 128!), TI, and owned a Yamaha CX5M (Anyone else had one of THOSE?)

Oh, and I STILL have a working Pong game (Top that!)



macrumors 6502
Jan 1, 2002
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
anyone from baton rouge?

16 (as before mentioned) and i started at 6 when my dad got a hand-me-down SE and brought it to our house. wow! system, what was it, 5(?) to X?
that's a long way (black and white to aqua).
and don't try to respond saying how much longer you've used apples


macrumors regular
Jan 3, 2002
not only young, but rich

And presumably given the prices of apples, way back when, a lot of these people on this thread must be quite well off!

The reason I waited so long for my first mac was that I simply couldn't afford one before than and my folks were not quite the types to go forking out for such things for little me.

I had to make do with a can and a piece of string in the street (well not quite, but breakout on the Atari I remember was a significant b'day present!)


macrumors regular
Dec 12, 2001
Re: ages & such...

Originally posted by eyelikeart
well it seems there are a lot of us here who are in their teens.....but still a good mix of agegroups...

I like these forums where everyone bonds!! :p

but I do have to ask....why do some of u younger guys feel compelled to prove how young u were when u first started using Macs? I truely find it hard to believe that anyone under the age of 4 can really get anywhere on a computer?!

I have two sons (8 and 4). My oldest son started computing at two-and-a-half (mostly games and drawing pictures in Flash) . The youngest seemed not so bright and waited until he was three. But now he writes his first little stories and does some simple mathematics.

So mister Ulikart, I guess these younger guys could be quite right.


macrumors newbie
Dec 10, 2001
I'm 14.
As for age of usage, at three, my little brother could already turn on the Mac, open Lode Runner, make his own level, play it, quit the program, and shut down the computer


macrumors member
Jan 5, 2002

I'm 14, started w/Mac at 3, with an old Performa 400
I moved move stuff out of the system folder than you could shake a stick at.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 7, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
20 Here, been using Apple since my family got an Apple IIc. From there came the family Mac IIsi. After that I got my own Powerbook 160 when I was 11. I got the PowerMac 8100/80 AV when it first came out. A Power Tower Pro 225 follow on that summer when Power Computing had those Blue Light Specials. Freshman year of College had the Power Tower replaced by a G4 400 Mhz. A year later, I saved up and got a Pismo 500 MHz at the price drop the week before the Ti got announced. The G4 400 Mhz is about to be replaced next week when my Dual 800 MHz comes in.


macrumors regular
Jan 3, 2002
old timer's club

So after all it may be time for an over-30s club (mainly to exclude miss chief - only joking)

Us ancients can compare bridge and backgammon games on OS X, discuss slipper and pipe simulation games and moan about the good old days when Jobs was first around and gates a mere whipper-snapper of a playground geek, whilst the youngsters are out there with Tony Hawk skater pro (or whatever!)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2001
I'm a convert...

from 3 years back (iMac rev. D)... Those were the days...

I started using DOS when I was four... and always had an obsetion for deleting things...;) When we got Windoze 3.1, I didn't realize the use of the c:/windows folder and deleted anything that didn't sound important... So my dad had to reinstall that compaq presario 520 about 10-12 times...:cool: :rolleyes: ;)


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Re: Re: ages & such...

Originally posted by groov'

I have two sons (8 and 4). My oldest son started computing at two-and-a-half (mostly games and drawing pictures in Flash) . The youngest seemed not so bright and waited until he was three. But now he writes his first little stories and does some simple mathematics.

So mister Ulikart, I guess these younger guys could be quite right.

then I'll stand corrected....I was busy with my LiteBrite when I was that young.... ;)


Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Originally posted by macfreek57
anyone from baton rouge?

16 (as before mentioned) and i started at 6 when my dad got a hand-me-down SE and brought it to our house. wow! system, what was it, 5(?) to X?
that's a long way (black and white to aqua).
and don't try to respond saying how much longer you've used apples

New Orleans here.....Kenner to be specific...

Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001
biggest percentage

When I was born on the 31st October 1986 (Yes Halloween) my Dad and Uncle (Both Mac Heads) decided instead of buying the normal present of some sort of cuddly animal they went out and bought me a Mac Plus, brand new. I still have it but no longer use it.

Therefore I have owned a mac for ALL of my life!!! and I first used it at 17 days old when I hit the keyboard!


macrumors regular
Jan 3, 2002
you win!

Unless anyone can prove that they were fiddling with their preference folder actually in the womb, then you get the award for

cue applause


speeech, speeeeeechh.....?


macrumors member
Jan 13, 2002
Re: London store

Originally posted by grouse

scar_ace, I am indeed a londoner, as is shergar, it seems.

Shall we start our campaign for an Apple Store in the smoke, right here, right now!

:) [/B]

great idea, but I fear we're stuck with Micro Anvika for a few more years...


macrumors regular
Jul 27, 2001
10 Minutes from Disneyland
17, Orange County

and i have the Mac Graveyard as my family now calls it....
i used to have an Apple IIci but it's gone....
i have a 7700, 4400, Rev A iMac, Ti 400, 867 Tower, and some flat ones, and just alot of random apple stuff....i collect the boxes too ;)
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