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macrumors 6502
Oct 3, 2012
Please also improve conditions for customers. Improve staff competence, knowledge, attitude and politeness.
Same can be said about customers. To improve their patience, and understanding. Remove their entitlement, and poor treatment of working people.

It’s a two way street. And yeah there’s certain workers that aren’t good, or are having a bad day. But the amount of customers that treat employees poorly, outweigh the number of employees who are “bad” 100 to 1.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Amazing what simply threatening unionization can do. These changes tells me Apple knows they weren't offering employees as much as they should have been.

I'd rather leave and find a better company to work for than pay up to 5% of my earnings to a political organization that may or may not push an agenda I agree with. Would also really suck for anyone that would like to work for Apple but don't want to support the union cash machine.
Folks can leave and find a better company to work for regardless of whether or not their current workforce is unionized. And if Apple employees choose to unionize, folks who want to work for Apple are free to work elsewhere if they don't want a union. This is no different that folks who want a union wanting to work for Apple, but not currently having that option.

I'm sorry, but here's some whine...

I'm sickened by how greedy employees can be, especially when they expect to get paid (directly or indirectly) without actually earning it through hard work.

Try being a business owner and not even getting paid to work hard, really hard. Then you'd appreciate what you actually have right now in terms of fair treatment and benefits.
Yes, won't somebody please think of the poor business owners...

And of course, here we're talking about one of the most valuable companies in the world.

I am not saying there wasn't a time and place for unions but I think we are well past that point. Unions are nothing but power and cash hungry organizations fighting for their lives in a "right to work" world. No one should ever be forced to join a union or lose a job.
Riiiight. Today when the gaps in wealth and income equality are enormous are when unions aren't needed. The reason why the average worker today is fairing so poorly is because any individual employee has essentially no leverage over an employer.


macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
That is only one way to look at it. On paper unions represent employees. Do employees want better wages, working conditions, safety, pensions, etc...yes... If a company provides this a union is not needed. Amazon might be a good candidate for unionization.
The question is, why do you believe every employee is entitled to those things? Where does this sense of entitlement come from? And if those things are that important, why did the person decide to work in retail in the first place? Every individual makes choices in life.

It’s amazing how immigrants who barely speak English get farther than multi-generational Americans on hard work alone. If only Americans learned the value of hard work from these immigrants they wouldn’t be asking Apple or the gov’t to take care of them; they’d find ways to do that on their own.


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
#1 way to avoid unionization: Treat the employees right from the start.

Novel concept......
Exactly. There are plenty of companies that will give raises ONLY if you ask for them. ITs sad to have to go through all the red tape of a union because corporations are so annoying.


macrumors 65816
Jul 9, 2002
Los Angeles
Unions are like leeches. They suck the employees and companies dry. I wish these employees succeeded so they could see that firsthand. But it’s easy to be seduced by the promise of safety instead of going out into the unknown and taking a chance on yourself.

The question is, why do you believe every employee is entitled to those things? Where does this sense of entitlement come from? And if those things are that important, why did the person decide to work in retail in the first place? Every individual makes choices in life.

It’s amazing how immigrants who barely speak English get farther than multi-generational Americans on hard work alone. If only Americans learned the value of hard work from these immigrants they wouldn’t be asking Apple or the gov’t to take care of them; they’d find ways to do that on their own.

Typical "just work harder/smarter" and you don't need protection from corporations nonsense. Maybe read up on the history of working conditions prior to unions and workers rights (or as you call them, entitlements)


macrumors 68030
Mar 20, 2016
I'm sorry, but here's some whine...

I'm sickened by how greedy employees can be, especially when they expect to get paid (directly or indirectly) without actually earning it through hard work.

Try being a business owner and not even getting paid to work hard, really hard. Then you'd appreciate what you actually have right now in terms of fair treatment and benefits.
Cry me a river.


macrumors regular
Sep 24, 2017
From working in a country (Australia) that has some great unions, and a workplace (Police Force) that has a strong union and great conditions, this 12 hour break, and 5 day week stuff is pretty soft. Having a maximum number of hours a day, and per week should be the goal, unless the employee agrees and is compensated appropriately with penalties for going above. Unions are needed, but let’s not 'stretch' the friendship with them. It’s not a all or nothing approach with unions, but moderation and a need to protect the rights of employees.
As an aircraft Mechanic I've worked months without a day off, 12 hour days in poor weather conditions and management on your butt to finish the job because the plane has to go. Does it suck sometimes, sure,
The question is, why do you believe every employee is entitled to those things? Where does this sense of entitlement come from? And if those things are that important, why did the person decide to work in retail in the first place? Every individual makes choices in life.

It’s amazing how immigrants who barely speak English get farther than multi-generational Americans on hard work alone. If only Americans learned the value of hard work from these immigrants they wouldn’t be asking Apple or the gov’t to take care of them; they’d find ways to do that on their own.


macrumors 68020
Jan 15, 2015
The question is, why do you believe every employee is entitled to those things? Where does this sense of entitlement come from? And if those things are that important, why did the person decide to work in retail in the first place? Every individual makes choices in life.

It’s amazing how immigrants who barely speak English get farther than multi-generational Americans on hard work alone. If only Americans learned the value of hard work from these immigrants they wouldn’t be asking Apple or the gov’t to take care of them; they’d find ways to do that on their own.
Low wages, terrible working conditions, no safety regultions, no pensions, fired if your boss doesn't like you, sexual harassment, fighting, racism,...etc. this still exists around the world. I think if most employees are given a choice they would not choose this for their workplace. This is not "entitlement".

Entitlement is the double digit millionaire salaries today's CEOs get. Somehow CEOs and upper management believe they should be making 1000x more than their typical employee.


macrumors 601
Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
The question is, why do you believe every employee is entitled to those things? Where does this sense of entitlement come from? And if those things are that important, why did the person decide to work in retail in the first place? Every individual makes choices in life.
Even if you believe employees aren't inherently entitled to a livable wage and other benefits, they're certainly entitled to fight for those things. If they choose to do so by unionizing, then that's their choice and their right. I don't know why you take such issue with people exercising their rights.

It’s amazing how immigrants who barely speak English get farther than multi-generational Americans on hard work alone. If only Americans learned the value of hard work from these immigrants they wouldn’t be asking Apple or the gov’t to take care of them; they’d find ways to do that on their own.
Got any data on that or are you just making things up? From what I can see in 2018 the median income of U.S. immigrants was ~$32k/year. The median income of those who were U.S. born was $35k/year.

Low wages, terrible working conditions, no safety regultions, no pensions, fired if your boss doesn't like you, sexual harassment, fighting, racism,...etc. this still exists around the world. I think if most employees are given a choice they would not choose this for their workplace. This is not "entitlement".

Entitlement is the double digit millionaire salaries today's CEOs get. Somehow CEOs and upper management believe they should be making 1000x more than their typical employee.
Don't you realize that CEOs and other executives literally work 1000x harder than the rest of their workforce???


Leon Ze Professional

macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2021
I hope this is not all talk and Apple is really going to abide by it. There needs to be a follow-up and QC on this.

Apple: Treat all the employees with respect and dignity. Yes, that's including the suppliers.

^^^ THIS!

I wish, I could like this more than once. Fundamentals Apple, basic fundamentals.


macrumors 68030
Mar 20, 2016
Having worked a career at HP, non-union, which treated everyone with dignity, I had the opportunity to work with union companies. My experience is that unions may have had their place but most of what I saw was mediocracy. Protected dead wood employees, like govt workers, all hiding behind the unions. You want a crappy business? go union. Just my opinion after being in the field for almost 50 years. You want to see a low GSF (Give a S... Factor) in your workforce? go union.
If you've got a low GSF in your company, you need to have a good hard look in the mirror, instead of blaming unions. Give them something to GSA.


macrumors 65816
Jul 9, 2002
Los Angeles
I'm sorry, but here's some whine...

I'm sickened by how greedy employees can be, especially when they expect to get paid (directly or indirectly) without actually earning it through hard work.

Try being a business owner and not even getting paid to work hard, really hard. Then you'd appreciate what you actually have right now in terms of fair treatment and benefits.
Whine? I wonder if some would be "sickened" by your willful ignorance or lack of empathy for others that are not you in your exact situation?


macrumors 601
Nov 23, 2014
Please also improve conditions for customers. Improve staff competence, knowledge, attitude and politeness.
When the customer is no longer the customer, and the employee becomes the customer, what does the customer become?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2011
Toronto, ON
Please also improve conditions for customers. Improve staff competence, knowledge, attitude and politeness.
Apple store employees are among the best trained in retail and it’s one of the hardest retail jobs to get. There will always be a few duds but it really seems like you have a bone to pick. Makes me wonder if the real problem lies somewhere else.


Jul 31, 2011
That’s no good. Apple just sent the message that they have to keep unionizing to keep improving conditions.
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macrumors 68000
May 19, 2017
If you like these small concessions maybe you'd like to go all the way and join a union, and see what else you can get.

These comments talking about Apple as if it's not one of the richest companies in the history of man on this planet are all kind of nauseating. Apple, do not become Amazon.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 15, 2012
Low wages, terrible working conditions, no safety regultions, no pensions, fired if your boss doesn't like you, sexual harassment, fighting, racism,...etc. this still exists around the world. I think if most employees are given a choice they would not choose this for their workplace. This is not "entitlement".

Entitlement is the double digit millionaire salaries today's CEOs get. Somehow CEOs and upper management believe they should be making 1000x more than their typical employee.
If given the choice, I bet most of those employees wouldn’t even work. There are plenty of laws to protect employees; pretty much everything you mentioned, in fact… at least, here in the US.

If you don’t like the company and how their pay is structured, start your own business. That’s the beauty of America. It’s not a caste system. It’s the land of opportunity, which is why people from all over the world risk everything to come here; many illegally.


Jul 31, 2011
If those things are that important, why did the person decide to work in retail in the first place? Every individual makes choices in life.
Off the top of my head I would say they prefer to sleep dry and eat regularly.
Apple store employees are among the best trained in retail and it’s one of the hardest retail jobs to get. There will always be a few duds but it really seems like you have a bone to pick. Makes me wonder if the real problem lies somewhere else.
Mmmmm… I would say they used to be the best trained. Retail opened the doors for people who were previously unpaid apple advocates to make money championing the brand. But, Apple developed a reputation for burning bridges with retail employees. Eventually the go-getters left and what they have now are people exclusively working for pay, they don’t care as much or at all about the brand.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2011
Toronto, ON
When I was between careers about a decade back I worked at an apple store for almost two years to the day. I recall thinking the pay and benefits were pretty decent for a retail gig, but the way they did their hours made it so you couldn’t really have much of a life outside of work. They were always doing small improvements here and there to benefits, scheduling and such. Things seemed to generally trend in the right direction but maybe they were just moving too slow.

For someone like me who knew this was temporary it was more than fine, but some people spend a decade or more there. For some it is their career. Thinking about it in that context, the way things were when I worked there really weren’t right and clearly the pace of improvements since I left wasn’t enough.

I’m sad it had to come to this before Apple took their store employees needs more seriously but hopefully now the pace of improvements there stays in line with the dedication and talent they expect from their staff and the fact that for some this truly is their life’s work.
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Jul 31, 2011
If you don’t like the company and how their pay is structured, start your own business. That’s the beauty of America. It’s not a caste system. It’s the land of opportunity, which is why people from all over the world risk everything to come here; many illegally.
Are you sure it’s not a caste system? You sure people aren’t coming here because of other reasons?

Breaking Good

macrumors 65816
Sep 28, 2012
I'm sorry, but here's some whine...

I'm sickened by how greedy employees can be, especially when they expect to get paid (directly or indirectly) without actually earning it through hard work.

Try being a business owner and not even getting paid to work hard, really hard. Then you'd appreciate what you actually have right now in terms of fair treatment and benefits.

Perhaps your problem isn't your employees, but your business model.
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