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macrumors regular
May 15, 2013
For those wondering if IBM is still relevant, they're #23 on the Fortune 500 (with annual sales of ~$100B) which is higher than Microsoft or Google, and their market cap is $190B. It's amazing to me how many people think relevance in tech is selling shiny gadgets.

just remember IBM has 430,000 employees

Apple has 50,000

so the morons at the Apple store
are worth a ton more than the jokes that suit up and sing the IBM song

what a great team to partner with,

I can almost feel the "innovation"



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macrumors 68020
Feb 5, 2011
just remember IBM has 430,000 employees

Apple has 50,000

so the morons at the Apple store
are worth a ton more than the jokes that suit up and sing the IBM song

what a great team to partner with,

I can almost feel the "innovation"


For some reason

I feel like I'm reading some

sort of haiku

Nevertheless, those "jokes" to which you refer are either long

since retired by now and living
out their days in a retirement

home or are in Sunny Florida
or have been six-feet under for a while now because IBM
did away with that decades ago.


macrumors member
Jul 14, 2014
Milford, NH
It's funny, the only thing that comes to mind when it comes to Apple and IBM is Paul Rand designing the NeXT logo in 1986. :p However, there was that Apple/IBM alliance in 1991 so it's not that strange! Companies should work together in obtaining a common goal and further their success. It's exciting to see this partnership rekindled and look forward to what the companies achieves together.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
From Tim Bajarin, who knows a thing or two about the industry:

This is a big deal. I have worked on IT projects that included IBM sales and services over the years and they have a world class organization that garners great respect within the enterprise. In fact, they invoke a level of trust in IT that is tough to beat. IBM’s endorsement of iOS and the devices that use it speaks a lot to how much they respect Apple’s technology and are willing to stand behind these products as part of their major IT solutions programs. Given the power and clout of both companies, I suspect this will become one of the most important and powerful tech partnerships we have ever seen.


macrumors member
Jul 15, 2014
IBM is still relevant?

Yeah, for the Enterprise. They deal with hotels, restaurants, hospitals, big retail chains, and many other Fortune 1000 companies. Have you not looked at IBM's web site?

They have a host of Enterprise based software, services, and the really big enterprise boxes. They have some of the fastest servers. They are also selling Watson, which does kick ass to hospitals and other companies. It's a kick ass search software that's more AI based. They have some of the fastest super computers.

They just got out of the PC industry since there's no money in it. So they sold off that business to Lenovo.

IBM has a lot of different divisions that cater to medium and large businesses and they focus on a lot of things Apple can't. Apple doesn't have any Enterprise Class software, Services, etc. Apple is seen more as a consumer computing company and lately more of a cell phone mfg. It's too bad Cook isn't capable of selling to the Enterprise market, their story isn't as good when it comes to that. They kind of look a little out of their element when it comes to doing computer deals with the Enterprise customer which is why they are leveraging iPhones and iPads now. They get OS X business as an afterthought with these accounts.


macrumors G3
Feb 23, 2010
We have really exciting things coming......................

Ponders exactly when this will be and will I be able to handle all this excitement when so much excitement hits, as there's been sod all yet so it must be building up somewhere and I don't know if I'm going to be able to cope.


macrumors member
Jul 15, 2014
Shades of Taligent?

No, Taligent was an exploration in OS design because everyone didn't know what to do with the OS. IBM was kind of searching anyone and everyone for the next gen OS, so what IBM did is they partnered with everyone to see what would stick.

IBM partnered with Microsoft on OS/2, which flopped, because Microsoft came out with Windows 95 and they marketed the crap out of it and got marketshare that way.

Back in those days, they knew GUI was the wave of the future, but MacOS wasn't going to be the Bee's knees, etc.

You are dredging up a deal that happened a LONG time ago that was more of an experimental deal, not a solution based deal with customers and software solutions ready to go.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
This story, of course, makes us workers all wish that one day, perhaps, we will ALL be using OSX products...

Have to say that as the current MS Office I have at work, on my Windows 7 terminal, I HATE the layout of the menus etc.. And it's locked down so you can't change it, not that I think you can change the menus layouts?

Anyway.. one day...


macrumors member
Jul 15, 2014
just remember IBM has 430,000 employees

Apple has 50,000

so the morons at the Apple store
are worth a ton more than the jokes that suit up and sing the IBM song

what a great team to partner with,

I can almost feel the "innovation"


Apple has about 80,000 employees, but if you count all of the outsource assembly companies, they have more like 600,000 to 700,000 employees. IBM doesn't outsource their hardware mfg to Foxconn, etc.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Wow, what a difference 30 years can make.

So…Steve never would have allowed this? Haha.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
I should of also said... IF Apple is serious about taking on the enterprise market, then it could do a lot lot worse then join forces with IBM.

I don't actually think some posters on here actually realise just how much of their lives are most likely touched by an IBM system in some form or another.


macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2008
IBM partnered with Microsoft on OS/2, which flopped, because Microsoft came out with Windows 95 and they marketed the crap out of it and got marketshare that way.

MS DOS. Then Compaq reverse engineered BIOS, and MS ripped of IBM.


macrumors 6502
May 1, 2010
Interesting partnership. I think everyone realizes that Google is the Big Bad Wolf (or they should by now), and whatever they can do to weaken them is in the interest of the good of all corporations.

I'd argue for the good of all people.

Google is one seriously scary megalomaniacal evil empire that makes Microsoft under Bill Gates look like a bunch of amateurs.


macrumors 6502
May 1, 2010
Not really in this segment though. In tablet and smartphone sales yes, but not in back end services and systems. Samsung doesn't do anything in that space. So far as I know..

Samsung's singular gift is to manage to tick off everyone, including the hand that feeds them - Google.


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2014
Hopefully this will stop some people calling iPads Toys and that real work is done on the Windows PC. Considering the iPad only came out in 2010 it has come a long way in 4 years.

Also hoping this will make Apple take Mac Enterprise support more seriously.


macrumors 68000
Feb 18, 2003
Los Angeles
That is huge

I think this is very much a Cook move. Cook's Apple. Jobs couldn't have been bothered. It gives Apple a real foot into the enterprise, through a trusted name in business, especially in cloud and services. Okay, so the G4 and G5 didn't work out, but this could be major.
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