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macrumors 6502
May 1, 2010
Hopefully this will stop some people calling iPads Toys and that real work is done on the Windows PC. Considering the iPad only came out in 2010 it has come a long way in 4 years.

Also hoping this will make Apple take Mac Enterprise support more seriously.

Unfortunately, given the iOS roadmap, it will be at least until iOS9 before the iPad stops being primarily a consumption device (hate to use the word 'toy' to describe something as cool as an iPad!).

I stopped using my iPad because it really isn't very good at being a productivity device, and I was just having a half-baked experience on it. I was either going back to a Macbook Air (but of course, Apple is behind the times on display tech, so I passed), or go to the Surface Pro 3. I went SP3.

Either way though, even if you hate Microsoft (which I understand) - a MBA would be a much better use of my money than an iPad for productivity work.

But unlike a lot of folks, I don't fault Apple for that. It's *really* good at what it is. I love reading on my Air, I love the responsiveness of it, and so on. But I need to flip quickly between multiple documents, spreadsheets, etc. I need good copy and paste. I need mouse support (a problem with the keyboard docks for the iPad is that the OS doesn't support mousing, so I have to pick up my finger and touch the screen. Too slow, blech).

Lots of structural issues like that for *my* uses in the workplace. OS X or Windows is a far better solution at the moment. We'll see what this partnership brings.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Samsung's singular gift is to manage to tick off everyone, including the hand that feeds them - Google.

hahaha you made me chuckle.. probably because I read those stories of Google telling them to cool it on some of their interface design's.. But I would always advocate about their ability to knock out great displays and components all day everyday.


Unfortunately, given the iOS roadmap, it will be at least until iOS9 before the iPad stops being primarily a consumption device (hate to use the word 'toy' to describe something as cool as an iPad!).

Call it a 'media consumption device' instead :D


I particularly like Cook's warming-hands-above-camp-fire stance.


That sir is GENIUS! Well done :D


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Not really in this segment though. In tablet and smartphone sales yes, but not in back end services and systems. Samsung doesn't do anything in that space. So far as I know..

You know Samsung would love to be tops in enterprise. I think if this deal hurts anyone it's Google and Samsung more than Microsoft.


Interesting Tim says they began talks a couple of years ago.

Quite probably this then had Steve's blessing.

Amazing that they've been talking for years and nothing ever leaked.


macrumors member
Jul 14, 2014
Milford, NH



Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
You know Samsung would love to be tops in enterprise. I think if this deal hurts anyone it's Google and Samsung more than Microsoft.

Samsung won't be tops in enterprise, do they even make servers and workstations? Let alone enterprise services! They seem to make nice ships though?
I doubt Google will be hurt, they can be just as innovative and forward thinking as Apple in reality. I bet one day Apple and Google will share ideas even.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2014
Hopefully this will stop some people calling iPads Toys and that real work is done on the Windows PC. Considering the iPad only came out in 2010 it has come a long way in 4 years.

Also hoping this will make Apple take Mac Enterprise support more seriously.

Fine. Real work is done on a MacBook :p
Seriously though, why use an iPad for work when you can use a MacBook, unless it's something like a restaurant's credit card reader? People think they're cool trying to use iPads as laptops.


macrumors G3
Mar 20, 2007
Times and politics change.

This is a great move. I work in an enterprise environment and Apple devices really do suck for managing etc. I'd love for us to support Apple devices better but it's just not possible right now. This should sort all that out I hope and maybe change things for for the better for everyone.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2011
IBM and Apple, they're like that couple that hook up for awhile, break up, hook up again, break up, etc. etc. First processors now apps. I say all the best to the partnership.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2013
This is an interesting partnership, not only because it can be beneficial to both parties; but also because this is an interesting time in the enterprise market. With Blackberry's long-term future in serious doubt and their services no longer being as unique or competitive as they once were; big companies may find it interesting to have a viable alternative. With the IBM name attached to such a project, it won't be hard to convince some of the C-level executives to jump on board.


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2010
You hear from businesses all the time that wish they could stay "in the Apple ecosystem" for their needs, but what Apple currently offers doesn't meet their need. I think this partnership will be pretty fruitful for them.

A collaboration on OS X Server running on IBM server hardware for Small to Medium business would be a huge benefit for both Apple and IBM. Apple doesn't have server hardware these days, and building in Lotus/Domino tech into OS X server would be huge inroad for IBM. Give away the basics like Apple does now, but have the ability to license/scale additional products from IBM that plug right in. It is probably a long shot, but if they did this, I bet they would turn some heads.

Does this partnership have anyone else wondering how FileMaker fits in? FileMaker is still an Apple subsidiary, and is a direct competitor to IBM in more than a few ways.


macrumors 604
Mar 11, 2013
I like this. Apple needs to expand their influence beyond general consumers if they want to cement a safe place. Look at Microsoft. There business domination is one of their life lines.
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