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macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2007
*Exceptions apply, we won't E2E encrypt icloud
Well, sorta, sorta not.

And in those cases where iCloud is not E2E encrypted does the buzzword "end to end" actually mean anything there. If I'm storing data on Apple's servers does the concept of E2E even make sense? If I encrypt something on my device, store it there, and then decrypt it with Apple never getting the keys I guess that's end to end because Apple can't see it, right?


macrumors 6502
Feb 11, 2021
Have a today reputation for being a “do as we say, not as we do” company.

Many years of hard PR graft were undone in the last year and, here in the UK at least, we will be much more dubious about Apple ahead. Flashy ads and all.
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macrumors 601
May 1, 2013
But they didn't. C-SAM was backed out and while it is still technically an active project the fact that we haven't heard anything on it is kinda telling.
It's a bit concerning to me that they've stopped short of being clear on what's really going on with this.

An internal struggle could be going on or perhaps they're working on a revamped version. It being fully scrapped isn't the only possibility.


macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2007
It's a bit concerning to me that they've stopped short of being clear on what's really going on with this.

An internal struggle could be going on or perhaps they're working on a revamped version. It being fully scrapped isn't the only possibility.
I hear you, but the one thing Apple is _really_ bad at is admitting they screwed up and misjudged the customer. ("You're holding it wrong.") Something stagnant at Apple (and most tech companies) _usually_ means it's dead.

My opinion as a dev that's worked on security projects: if I got that kind of community feedback from what I was gonna ship I'd want off that project so fast. And I know Apple's devs read these forums.

That said, I don't know for sure either. But I feel pretty confident it isn't coming back. It's a salvage job for what useful tech they can pull out of it now.


macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2015
Except where iOS is concerned.

Then it's "Here's a key to the backdoor."
This has not happened. They can be subpoenaed for iCloud data (the parts they can decrypt), of course.

C-SCAM is a big front door plastered with righteous intentions and virtuous slogans.
CSAM scanning is not for the device, but for iCloud Photo Library. It was also suspended, and not implemented, in case you missed it.

Double face Timmey at work, force C-SAM into consumers then write a pretty PR letter.
See above.

Is this the same Tim Cook who's running Apple and has taken billions from Google to be the default search engine because Google was the highest bidder? 🤣
No user data is sold by making the worlds most powerful search engine default. You can change the default at any time, before you ever make a search.

*Exceptions apply, we won't E2E encrypt icloud
Well, many important parts are actually E2E encrypted. It would be nice to have at least an option to include some of the rest, definitely.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 18, 2018
Well, seeing that legislation is likely to pass that prevents App Store exclusivity, this is actually a great solution to overcome the objections. Now let's have 1) strict enforcement, 2) developer bonding, 3) financial recovery and payment to consumers for violations, 4) jail time for perps 5) treatment of violations as a crime with funded enforcers.

This could be great. See ya in jail Zuck!
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macrumors 68040
Apr 18, 2018
*Exceptions apply, we won't E2E encrypt icloud
maybe you could read this article you seem to so wrong and yet so adamant about it (isn't that the case for most who are wrong?).
If you have trouble typing a link, here is an excerpt:

End-to-end encryption​

For additional privacy and security, many Apple services use end-to-end encryption, which encrypts your information using keys derived from your devices and your device passcode, which only you know. This means that only you can decrypt and access your information, and only on trusted devices where you’re signed in with your Apple ID. No one else, not even Apple, can access your end-to-end encrypted data. End-to-end encryption requires two-factor authentication for your Apple ID and a passcode set on your devices. Some features using end-to-end encryption may require up-to-date software.

Not sure where your info comes from (or doesn't), but fact checks work
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macrumors 68040
Apr 18, 2018
Even if well intended a general search for child porn is no reason to violate my privacy or any user's on his device. This will be a good example to see how serious Apple finally is about privacy.
Except the EU may require it. and the US has been violating our rights by conducting illegal eavesdropping on communications for years. I guess it is a fine line between protecting children and people's lives and keeping privacy rights. Personally, I opt for protection. I do understand that every pedophile out there was alarmed by the proposal


macrumors 68000
May 19, 2017
I wonder how Apple feels about legislative action in other areas related to mobile devices and mobile device apps and mobile device operating systems.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
This has not happened. They can be subpoenaed for iCloud data (the parts they can decrypt), of course.
That's only because Apple got caught red-handed trying to sneak it in and when (rightfully) called on it had to circle the wagons and try to gloss over a major major pr blunder.

Timmy loves gaslighting the privacy issue. It's just too bad he doesn't match his actions (China etc) with his rhetoric.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Is this the same guy who will gladly hand over customer data to government officials in countries like Russia and China? Stop with the virtue signaling already. The beginning of this year’s WWDC is a another example. You’re embarrassing yourself with all the hypocrisy, Tim. Focus on creating the best products. Period.
Tim doesnt seem embarrassed at all. Probably laughs at these Macrumors posts, which conflate everything to try and make an insult.


macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2007
What is the status of CSAM ?
No movement. I posted earlier my thoughts on what it might be but right now it is still a project that is in development for future planning.

That said, when I project sits for a year with no movement at a tech company that usually means it's pretty much dead.


Dec 13, 2016
I seem to remember Apple straight up telling the US government to “shove it” after being ordered to create a back door.

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macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2007
Yep, seems like EU csam troubles.
I saw that bit but we'll see. The funny thing about that legislation is that Article 10 basically gives tech platforms carte blanche to use whatever tech they see fit. It can almost be a no-op.

And I can't imagine Apple is particularly excited to try and fight the battle for CSAM again in the US so it doesn't make sense for them to push much for this law if they can't make it universal.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Is this the same guy who will gladly hand over customer data to government officials in countries like Russia and China? Stop with the virtue signaling already. The beginning of this year’s WWDC is a another example. You’re embarrassing yourself with all the hypocrisy, Tim. Focus on creating the best products. Period.
So you want Apple to break the law? Then their devices won't be available to anyone in those countries. That's not a privacy or business solution.
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