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Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
And the labor laws we have on the books here make them relics of a time long gone.
How do you think those labor laws got on the books in the first place? Because labor activists advocated for them on behalf of workers. Many if not most of these activists were also pro-union/belonged to unions. If there's no pressure to keep those laws up to date, their protections will be repealed or weakened as time goes by. Unions are an important part of keeping up such pressure.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Can America just hurry up and split into two countries, please. The in-fighting is getting tedious. The ultra-capitalists can all go live with themselves.
It's not like all the capitalists live in the north and all the socialists are in the south. It's more that the cities trend liberal and rural areas trend conservative. How do you split that, even if you wanted to?
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macrumors 68020
Mar 5, 2006
Nebraska, USA
Don’t know why they are filing board complaint when Apple is following the ’rules’. The union knows this. The union should be spending their time to hurry up and get to the table. Although, the employees shouldn’t be harmed while Apple and the Union get their crap together.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2003
It's a traditional colonialism tactic, divide and conquer, giving the illusion of better condition if you don't unionize (while in the long term, you would probably be losing more).

Apple's HR seems to be rotting on the inside.
Are you saying they the unionized employees don't have a legitimate gripe here because they will be better in the long term?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2003
IAM 751 Machinists at Boeing pay $93 per month. But they also make up to $50 per hour.
The unions destroyed the Boeing plant in Tennessee.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
So please enlighten me. Which videos/content do you find to be quack partisan nonsense and why?
Literally just read up on unions and the concept of collective bargaining. It also helps if you can acknowledge the inconsistencies of capitalism. It’s not as black and white as unions are good or bad, but they do provide collective bargaining power to the working class. Not all unions are created equal, and there are unions I wouldn’t want to be a member of, but the reality of the situation isn’t as polarized as some corny PragerU pro-corporate capitalist narrative.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2021
Or Apple could make less profit and pay their employees fair wages
Fair, adjective
consonant with merit or importance whatever I demand and I'll cry about it if I don't get it, even if I'm not worthy

My local Apple Stores pay more than the provided services are worth. It's unnecessary, they should be equitable. A job in retail is a stepping stone for people to learn, not retire on. If you want something you gotta earn it, and if you see that your employer isn't matching your expectations, "break up" with them.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Ladies and gentlemen. Here’s a person that defends a trillion dollar company not properly paying and providing benefits for their employees.
Seems to me the snark is not needed as being in a union involves negotiating everything. Not discussing Apple employees discussing the union benefits and yeah, in this case Apple should be defended.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 14, 2011
These guys weren't making minimum wage. Average around $17/hour to stand around and do what? Most people that go to the Apple Store already know what they want. The employees aren't doing anything even remotely specialized.
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macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
These guys weren't making minimum wage. Average around $17/hour to stand around and do what? Most people that go to the Apple Store already know what they want. The employees aren't doing anything even remotely specialized.
You’ve obviously never been into an apple store. And “specialized”, whatever that even means, has nothing to do with workers rights, that’s something you’ve decided you value.
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macrumors 6502
Jan 10, 2006
California, US
It would be nice if the high-level Apple Executives can take a pay cut into their yearly salaries and frequent bonuses.

P.S. Jony Ive could have taken a pay cut from his salary but he didn't, SMH :(
That is a drop in the bucket.

Or how about that employee go and get the exec job? Oh wait, they are not qualified or can't do it?

I always feel, if you don't like something, leave. Enough don't work for Apple, Apple will have to pay more. Of course, since this is a for profit public company, they might raises prices. But, heck, I guess you don't might taking a pay cut by paying more for Apple devices...


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
Fair, adjective
consonant with merit or importance whatever I demand and I'll cry about it if I don't get it, even if I'm not worthy

My local Apple Stores pay more than the provided services are worth. It's unnecessary, they should be equitable. A job in retail is a stepping stone for people to learn, not retire on. If you want something you gotta earn it, and if you see that your employer isn't matching your expectations, "break up" with them.
Wow. Gross comment. Thank god you’re not in charge of anything. Another option other than breaking up with your employer is collective bargaining. Because what would actually be fair is if you get paid a reasonable portion of the money you make for a company. No one needs to struggle paying bills working for a trillion dollar company.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2021
Because what would actually be fair is if you get paid a reasonable portion of the money you make for a company. No one needs to struggle paying bills working for a trillion dollar company.
That would be a commission-based role, which is not what working in an Apple Store entails. Which is what the employee applied for, interviewed, and accepted. You're not entitled to the capital of a company past what you agree upon in your salary expectations, regardless of it being tens of thousands or trillions. No one needs to struggle paying bills working anywhere, but your employer isn't responsible for this.
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macrumors 6502
May 18, 2012
Exactly, weird ones. Most of the state is. Not a fan of Maryland :)
As a life long Marylander, you don't have a clue what you're talking about 😂. If you don't like the state, fine, but generalizing the whole state based on an area full of college kids? This state, like any others, has its share of lazy and stupid....but the majority are normal hardworking people.

That's about as dumb as, well.....forming a union and complaining about the consequences of it.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
That would be a commission-based role, which is not what working in an Apple Store entails. Which is what the employee applied for, interviewed, and accepted. You're not entitled to the capital of a company past what you agree upon in your salary expectations, regardless of it being tens of thousands or trillions. No one needs to struggle paying bills working anywhere, but your employer isn't responsible for this.
No. That’s not what I’m talking about. Also lol, what are you talking about?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2014
It doesn't matter if they are a trillion dollar company or a thousand dollar company. They are entitled to what the law says they are entitled to, and no one has accused Apple of breaking any laws here. If their current job is not providing what they want, they are welcome to go and try and find another one that does. Not whine and pout and stomp their feet like children and refusing to come into work for not getting what they want. it's pathetic.
Or they can unionize and make it better just like they did


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
Everyone seriously getting mad about apple store employees forming unions in the comments… y’all, seriously take inventory right now. That’s a baffling reaction, this shouldn’t be emotional for you. Truly why do you care that much?
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2014
Why are Americans so against unions?

They've been brainwashed to fear what is good for them - unions, free healthcare, free education, paid holidays, employment rights, food standards, .... gun control....
Because most people think as long as someone is worse off than you that makes you better off. For some reason Americans are brainwashed to feel that way
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