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macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2017
Obesity and lung cancer are not contagious.
I never said lung cancer, but good attempt at deflection. I specifically said smokers and vapers, which can affect others nearby. It's been around longer than our current issue and needs to be mandated against.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Do you really think Apple ants to deal with thousands of wrongful termination lawsuits? That's why they are waiting to see if there's a state or federal vaccine mandate to get them off the hook.
Here’s a whataboutism question….if a company can get sued because it required vaccinations and now an employee gets sick…could a company forgo medical benefits for unvaccinated workers that require medical care due to Covid?
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
Ah, missed this one sorry.

I went through the studies and assertions you made point-by-point. You quoted my post, but didn't actually respond to me challenging your previous claims, instead you just moved on to making even more speculative claims.

Could you show me where I "attacked [you] personally"?

As I said before, I haven't gone through your latest batch of claims because it seems like a waste of time to do so when you aren't willing to engage with someone challenging the points you've made.
Still no replies regarding the content of my reply.

A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
Why are you posting the same wall of text you previously posted, yet again? Do you think just reposting the same speculative stuff with unrelated citations multiple times makes it more persuasive somehow? Especially after I utterly dismantled your previous claims and you just ignored all of it and came out with this stuff?
“Utterly dismantled” yet ignored my direct reply.

don’t worry, I’ve edited the original post to make my reply clearer - and have consolidated the other material into the second post.

Let’s assume that the vaccines manufacturers didn’t make an error by using only one S1 receptor (instead of a pair, which has been linked to blood clots and inflammation of the heart). Let’s assume your points are correct and I (and others) are wrong in this aspect.

You still haven’t addressed my 8 other points. 6 of which included several dozen studies. (I’m excluding VEARS)
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macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2012
My uncle had Covid in the Spring and was no big deal, in the Summer he took the vaccine and died 3 days later. Another cousin of mine is now bed ridden from taking the vaccine. Anyone who brings any debate to its safety is banned. There is alot more to this vaccine's safety than the media is putting out.


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2008
“Utterly dismantled” yet ignored my direct reply.

don’t worry, I’ve edited the original post to make my reply clearer - and have consolidated the other material into the second post.

Let’s assume that the vaccines manufacturers didn’t make an error by using only one S1 receptor (instead of a pair, which has been linked to blood clots and inflammation of the heart). Let’s assume your points are correct and I’m wrong in this aspect (and others).

You still haven’t addressed my 8 other points.
Everything I said in that reply still stands. You can keep demanding I waste more of my time writing long replies to someone making speculative claims who just ignores detailed responses to them and moves onto making new claims instead, but it's not gonna happen.

Also, still waiting for you to tell me where I "personally attacked" you. mandates. Stop cheering for losing your freedoms. I'm vaccinated but I respect people's individual decisions.
Pretty soon we will descend into a dystopia with we keep giving up our rights.
Rights are qualified things, especially when they start to impinge on other people's health, and vaccine requirements aren't a new thing at all in the US or elsewhere.

My uncle had Covid in the Spring and was no big deal, in the Summer he took the vaccine and died 3 days later. Another cousin of mine is now bed ridden from taking the vaccine. Anyone who brings any debate to its safety is banned. There is alot more to this vaccine's safety than the media is putting out.
I'm sorry to hear about your uncle and cousin, but do you have any evidence that getting vaccinated is why these things happened? What was the cause of death for your uncle, and the diagnosis for your cousin? Almost everyone I know is vaccinated and they're all just fine, anecdotes are not the same as evidence.

Though some platforms have rules about not spreading proven medical misinformation, nobody is being banned for simply discussing the safety of these vaccines. The idea the media is hiding things is odd to me because the media absolutely loves shocking scary sounding stories. They get lots of attention and therefore clicks, way more than dull articles from scientists and doctors explaining how safe the vaccines are, ever will.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
While I'm not a lawyer, considering the increasingly large number of employers who are mandating their workers get vaccinated, I'm not really sure they'd have to worry about lawsuits as an issue here.

Does it really matter? They're the biggest target in the world for litigation because they have the most money. That means that even if the federal government forces them to terminate unvaxxed workers, they will still be sued by some of those former employees because...lawyers.

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
Not getting vaccinated does not make you more likely to get infected with the virus in the first place. That is factual, and that is the reason I emphasized it in all caps.
I think there might be a nuance of language here. The vaccine is not a plastic bag that acts as a barrier to the virus. The virus can still enter your body. So, from that perspective, you can still be infected.

The virus continues to be transmitted in the same manner between all people, vaccinated or unvaccinated. This is irrefutable.
This doesn’t follow from the previous point. The virus can be transmitted to all people in the same manner, but not from and thus not between. The activated immune system in most vaccinated people responds much more quickly to destroy the virus before it is able to reproduce itself in numbers sufficient to be a significant threat to others, and before it presents as symptoms in the person themself.

As I said, those who are aware of the risk to themselves and are still unwilling to be vaccinated should not be forced. I have an issue with people claiming that someone's choice for themselves will put others at risk as a way to force mandates when, again, science has proven that the transmission of viruses does not get affected by vaccinating people.
If transmission did not get affected, I’d agree with you. But it does get affected, making this a matter of public health not personal preference.

As relates to this particular article though, the discussion isn’t about forcing with the power of government, it’s about a private entity making policy to protect the interests of their employees, and I think there is even greater latitude for that.
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
Everything I said in that reply still stands. You can keep demanding I waste more of my time writing long replies to someone making speculative claims who just ignores detailed responses to them and moves onto making new claims instead, but it's not gonna happen.
Aka - “you’re wrong, mainstream media outlets reporting heart inflammation are wrong, I refuse to look at any of your other points because this makes me angry”
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
What was the cause of death for your uncle, and the diagnosis for your cousin? anecdotes are not the same as evidence.
Pretty heartless “You’re wrong” in different wording.

What strikes me is that everybody with a sickness gets diagnosed with Covid, yet when it comes to vaccine side affects - we attack the person, say they are lying, or suppress it.

This vaccine is perfect, right?

Say you have a hungry kid, there are 1000 m&m’s and 7 are poisoned. Do you give the kid some? Do you take that risk?

I wouldn’t, especially when there are other sources that solve this.
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
In addition to my previous points:

9. There is Zero Liability for Anyone

With all the risk of taking the shot and with the government forcing you to take it, you would assume they will look after you if you're harmed by the shot. However, the companies that manufacture it, the medical professionals who push it, and the governments that mandate it are completely clear from all liability.

If they are so confident that the vaccines are safe and effective, then why don't they stand by the quality of their products? They should offer to compensate anyone who is harmed by the vaccines. If the vaccines are as safe as they say they are, then there will be very few payouts, right?

But that's not what they're doing. They're not standing by their product. They won't take responsibility. They want you to take all the risk or else you're a selfish person. No, you're not a selfish person. They are being selfish by forcing you to take a drug for which they will take no responsibility. What could be more selfish than that? Protecting their profits from the costs of your adverse reactions, that is selfish. No one should be forced to take a drug when there is no way for them to seek compensation for damages. If people claim you're being selfish, remind them who the really selfish parties are: those who do not take responsibility for their own products. Put the responsibility on them, not on us. Who will take care of you if your body and mind are broken? Who will take responsibility for your welfare or your kid's welfare? Who will restore your lost quality of life? No one is going to help you, so you have no obligation to put yourself at risk.

Can't sue vaccine producers:

Even the blood sucking lawyers are saying they won't take your case if you want to sue the vaccine manufacturers for a vaccine injury, they're completely protected:

10. Untested Mass Vaccination is a Serious National Security Risk

Criminals are innocent until proven guilty, but medical interventions are not like criminals. Medical interventions are guilty until proven innocent. Pharmaceutical companies must prove the innocence of their medications and procedures through long term testing before they are suitable for public consumption. Doctors, bureaucrats, and the public seem to have forgotten this fact when they mandate a new technology to be injected into us without long term testing to prove the innocence of the treatment. The vaccine may have completely unknown and serious side effects that manifest in a majority of the people only in the long term. So, the vax may appear to be safe in the short term, but in the long run it causes severe harm or even death. It is extremely risky to innoculate the entire population if we don't know what the long term effects may be. It is especially risky to vax our critical workers with an experimental drug about which we know nothing in the long term. If it turns out that within 2 years of taking it, the vaccine causes the debilitation of a large portion of the people who took it and we forced all our healthcare professionals to take it, then our countries will lose a large portion of their healthcare expertise. This would devastate our society's ability to treat the sick and cause massive death and suffering. Same goes for the military. If we vax all our fighters, and the vax turns out to greatly physically or mentally weaken most of the people who took it, there goes our ability to defend ourselves. We won't be able to fight off any aggressors and will lose years of military experience as we will have to re-train a whole new set of recruits without the insight of seasoned military leaders. If most of the laborers are vaxxed and the vax causes bodily weakness that only manifests after years, then they won't be able to go to work and our production falls to zero. Without domestic production, we would have to rely on foreign imports, but without production the economy would also grind to a halt so the nation would have no money to pay for these imports. This would probably be a death stroke for whatever nation was victim to it. So, force vaccinating critical workers, or even a large portion of the menial labor force, is a massive national security risk. We also have no way of calculating how large a risk this is since we know nothing at all about the long term effects of innoculation with this type of technology. This could utterly destroy any highly vaxxed nations. This outcome would be so bad (total collapse of a society's infrastructure) that only a massive amount of safety data could justify innoculating the entire population with any treatment. But we just don't have that safety data for these experimental drugs right now, and will probably not have it for decades to come. By then, it will be too late to do anything about it. You can fry an egg, but you can't unfry it. Just the same, you won't be able to unvax the population, there's no way to get the vax out of the body once it's in. An acceptable compromise is to limit vaccination to the old and vulnerable at risk populations and not to vax everyone. We should seek alternative preventative treatments for the young and health and not put all our eggs in one basket. This issue worries me deeply since there must be risk responsive people at high levels of government who must understand and be sensitive to this type of national security risk. Yet, these people are either being completely ignored or they are allowing the government to proceed with the risky mass vaccination programs anyway.

Separately, these 10 issues would be a concern. But put together, they are incredibly alarming. To me, something feels very wrong here. You too may have already felt it in your gut or in the back of your mind or when reading this. That gut feeling of something being wrong is instinct. It is the product of millions of years of evolution. A gift from our ancestors who also saw something that was wrong in their environment and had this weird bad feeling. They acted on that gut feeling and it saved them. So they were able to survive long enough to pass on that instinctual feeling to their off-spring from generation to generation. Now, after millions of years, that instinctual feeling finds its way to you. If you feel what I feel, that something is very wrong here, I implore you: Do not ignore it.

Non-Academic Articles and Videos below:

PCR test:-

It seems that the PCR test that we've all been using cannot discriminate between a covid infection and a flu infection. It has therefore had its EUA revoked by the CDC:

History/news about mrna vaccine manufacturers:-

Pfizer are criminals who plead guilty to misinforming the public about side effects to their drugs and bribing doctors. They paid 2.3 billion in fines:

“In the Army I was expected to protect people at all costs,” Kopchinski said in a statement. “At Pfizer I was expected to increase profits at all costs, even when sales meant endangering lives.”:

Pfizer are so evil that they caused the deaths of children by using incorrect dosages of the control drugs to make their own experimental drug look better:

Nigeria sues Pfizer for $7bn over 'illegal' tests on children:

US Supreme Court rejects Pfizer Nigeria lawsuit appeal:

Pfizer in $486 million settlement of Celebrex, Bextra litigation:

Pfizer settles foreign bribery case with U.S. government:

J&J are criminals who knew for decades that they had asbestos in their baby powder, but did nothing. Had to pay 4.69 billion in fines:

And of course, J&J is trying to use shady tactics to avoid paying those fines for their baby powder:

Moderna executives sold tens of millions of dollars in stock in Sept, a couple months before deploying the vax to the public. Why would they sell off right before their big success? Did they know the product was garbage?:

Pfizer makes billions in revenue and

Pfizer makes even more money because of boosters:

Vax companies making billions:


One third of new FDA approved meds had safety problems, the system is broken:

A second source confirming that one third of new FDA approved meds had safety problems:

Companies often hire FDA staffers who managed their successful drug reviews:

A Look At How The Revolving Door Spins From FDA To Industry:

For Big Pharma, the revolving door keeps spinning:

Look at all the FDA approved drugs that were later pulled from the market for having horrific side effects:

Improperly testing medication and medical negligence has led to tragedy in the past:-

Learn from the past the Thalidomide tragedy occured because doctors pushed an unsafe drug:

Learn from the past, the Tuskegee experiments:

Remember that throughout history doctors have often silenced those they disagreed with. Look at what they did to Semmelweis, the doctor who told them they could save patients by just washing their hands:

Remember that people will blindly follow the orders of people in white lab coats, even to the point of killing their fellow human beings. Resist. Do not blindly follow the instructions of the bureaucrats in lab coats:

Learn from the rushed swine flu vaccine:

Don't let them tell you that you are dumb for being hesitant to take the vaccines. People with PhDs are also plenty hesitant, they know medical history and understand that it's not prudent to rush a medical treatment:

Vaccinated individuals can still get and spread the virus:-

Fauci himself stated that the goal of the vaccines was never to prevent transmission but to reduce symptoms:

CDC finally admit that vaxxed people are still shedding high levels of virus when they get infected and therefore must wear masks again:

Vaxxed people are spreading the delta variant:

Higher COVID Rate Found In Counties With Higher Vaccination Rate:

Double vaxxed politicians getting and spreading covid:

Double vaxxed hospital workers getting covid: updates&index=0#covid-san-francisco-hospital-delta

Jesse Jackson and his wife both hospitalized after getting covid, even though they were vaxxed in January 2021:

Piers Morgan gets covid after double jab:

Lisa Shaw died of vaccine caused brain hemorrhage:

In the UK, the Health Minister stated that 60% of the people admitted to the hospital for Covid19 are double vaxxed, after some concerns were raised, the Health Minister later corrected himself to say it is 40% instead:

Thousands of vaccine failures in Massachusetts:

And more: -

Iceland covid data shows majority of covid cases are fully vaccinated:

UK data for August 2021 shows 183,000 unvaccinated cases with 390 deaths, and 73,000 vaccinated cases but with 679 deaths. So, it seems that getting vaccinated reduces your chances of getting covid, but increases your chances of dying from it if you do get it:https://assets.publishing.service.g...t_data/file/1012644/Technical_Briefing_21.pdf

Vaccinated healthcare works who experienced a vaccine failure still had huge viral loads:

Pfizer intentionally destroyed the control groups in their trials for the covid vaccine, which means we'll never know how effective the vaccine actually is:

Moderna has never been able to get a drug or vaccine approved by the FDA, they were chosen by Trump because the CEO said they could get their experimental gene therapy vaccine made in the fastest time, no animal trials were done:

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel explains that they designed the vaccine in just two days:

Even CNN agrees the rushed vaccine is a stupid idea (but only while Trump was president):

CDC admits that 74% of positive cases in Barnstable County Massachusetts were fully vaxxed:

Vaccine failures resulting in hundreds of hospitalizations in Illinois, who knows how many thousands of vaccine failures were required to reach this many hospitalizations in Illinois:

Obama super spreader:

CDC started pursuing asymmetric reporting of covid cases in may 2021, they will not investigate mild cases of covid in vaccinated individuals. This creates the narrative that this is a pandemic of the unvaxxed: And

Bloomberg reports that CDC stopped tracking vaccine failures just as the delta variant was emerging:

At the same time that the CDC stopped tracking covid in the vaccinated, OSHA removed the requirement for employers to report vaccine side effects from vaccines they are mandating for their employees. OSHA says they do not want to increase vaccine hesitancy by publishing side effects. They are admitting that they want to hide the true risk from people. How can you have informed consent?:

Evidence mounts that people with breakthrough infections can spread Delta easily:
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macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2017
My uncle had Covid in the Spring and was no big deal, in the Summer he took the vaccine and died 3 days later. Another cousin of mine is now bed ridden from taking the vaccine. Anyone who brings any debate to its safety is banned. There is alot more to this vaccine's safety than the media is putting out.

that's very sad that your uncle died and that your cousin is ill. even it those were both caused by being vaccinated I think they would be very anomalous cases. my only anecdotal evidence is definitely different. virtually everyone I know has been vaccinated twice and haven't heard of anything worse than a sore arm and maybe feeling a little tired for a day. I know one couple that actually had covid and they became quite ill, luckily not ill enough to need to be hospitalized but they were more or less bed ridden for a couple of weeks
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 14, 2005

Judging by your response it appears you don't understand the meaning of my narrative, as Apple would be making their own policy with a mandate: "Mandate. Easy. Don’t like the policy, find another job."
You are telling a private company what policies they should be making. It’s so ironic you and people like you defend other tech companies policies that THEY make, yet want to try dictate other policies YOU don’t like.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2017
Say you have a hungry kid, there are 1000 m&m’s and 7 are poisoned. Do you give the kid some? Do you take that risk?

I wouldn’t, especially when there are other sources that solve this.

i must have missed that 7 out of 1000 people are dying from being vaccinated now
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
You are telling a private company what policies they should be making. It’s so ironic you and people like you defend other tech companies policies that THEY make, yet want to try dictate other policies YOU don’t like.
A shame. I used to respect citysnaps opinion a lot in the past.

These days are different. We are all good people though, we agree and disagree. It’s a shame some don’t respect our hesitancy to this vaccine.

i must have missed that 7 out of 1000 people are dying from being vaccinated now
That’s good. I wish no ill will upon you. Just that others respect the decision to be hesitant for this particular vaccine. Edit: I think you were referring to my analogy. It’s not an exact number.
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macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
You are telling a private company what policies they should be making. It’s so ironic you and people like you defend other tech companies policies that THEY make, yet want to try dictate other policies YOU don’t like.

I'm "telling?" Apple? Yes, I just got off the phone with Mr. Cook! So funny. A real hoot. You might consider taking your own advice.

As an aside, your ALL CAPS was a nice touch!
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macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2017
That’s good. I wish no ill will upon you. Just that others respect the decision to be hesitant for this particular vaccine.

I certainly wish no ill will upon anyone. I’m also more than happy to respect anyone’s decision to be hesitant so long as they are willing to respect the health of others by:

1) not being out in public without having been vaccinated

2) not spreading dangerous misinformation that results in fewer people getting vaccinated to protect themselves and those around them


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
A shame. I used to respect citysnaps opinion a lot in the past.

These days are different. We are all good people though, we agree and disagree. It’s a shame some don’t respect our hesitancy to this vaccine.

That’s good. I wish no ill will upon you. Just that others respect the decision to be hesitant for this particular vaccine. Edit: I think you were referring to my analogy. It’s not an exact number.
Pfizer has been approved, so there shouldn’t be any hesitation.
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009
I certainly wish no ill will upon anyone. I’m also more than happy to respect anyone’s decision to be hesitant so long as they are willing to respect the health of others by:

1) not being out in public without having been vaccinated

2) not spreading dangerous misinformation that results in fewer people getting vaccinated to protect themselves and those around them
1) Other than work, food, gym. I spend my time on my computer.

2) There is no misinformation, I never said the vaccines are completely ineffective. I was very careful to point out that the vaccines are not as good as they could have been.
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A MacBook lover

May 22, 2009


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
If they are so confident and stand by their product, why did they shield themselves from liability? I mean, if the adverse reactions are so small - the total payouts from the lawsuit should be too? Right?

Lawyers getting overwhelmed with lawsuit requests toward vaccine manufactures have began to posts notice on their website to deter phone calls.
“Overwhelmed” means nothing. I normally dont automatically support everything the government does, but when these vaccines are being administered to hundreds of millions a small percentage of reactions would be the norm not the exception. So in this case the liability shield was the right move By the feds. A lawsuit can be started with $250 and a hangnail.
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