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macrumors newbie
Apr 9, 2005
Umm some of you are clueless about the Gaming Industry

First off Blizzard is owned by Viviendi Universial Games. VUG has been on and off the chopping block for the past couple years. Apple does not have the means to buy VUG and they arent going to bust it up.

Second Valve doesnt own the rights to the Half Life franchise. This is why Valve is always seemingly getting its panties in a bunch at VUG. Yes VUG owns the trademark to the Half Life franchise.

Third, Ill get back to you with third. I havent finished the thread.

*Third. The largest gaming segement is adults. Specifically those between 18 and 35. There are more adults playing games than kids. More so on non-console platforms(PC and to a lesser extent Mac).

Dont Hurt Me

macrumors 603
Dec 21, 2002
Yahooville S.C.
kuyu said:
Well, apple lost out on $1500 of my money by not having good games. When it came time to buy a new computer I went with a machine that played farcry, doom III, half-life 2, etc.

I still use my old mac for damn near everything else, but the lack of games is a problem. The average user could care less about mac's gfx superiority if they can't see anything tangible. Who cares if it renders faster?

Telling someone that mac's own gfx is hard to do with a $500 pc running HL2 sitting next to it. For 90% of the tech market graphics=games. Period. This is Apple's one serious fault. They do almost everything better, as we all know. But the lack of gaming is a MAJOR hurdle for many switchers.
Same here after only using Macs for 20 years i bought my first PC because i was just sick of the stale offerings and performance of Mac gaming. Its Apples fault for ignoring the gamer for so long and chasing after that 1 out 100 people who is a pro. Its time to address the 99 consumers whom many are gamers. This why Apples market share dropped to 2-3% because they went after the pro's. Another Apple boondogle ignoring gaming and the consumers needs and wants.


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2004
I like the sound of this! Perhaps this all began after Men of Valor project got cancelled for the mac :(

Anyhow, plus it sounds like a lot more people that would be interested in joining


macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2005
If it is true then it isn't too good of a sign. I'd rather they focus on more important things. Like productivity. This is what Macs were made for.

The only positive thing that will come out of it is more market share for Apple. What a terrible way of going about it. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Jul 3, 2003
I'm still not going to say gaming is so big Apple should pursue it. If Apple just switches the whole business community, we'd probably have around 80-90% of the marketshare. I'm gonna say it again, gaming is still a niche. And on the PC, it's a dying population. Game companies are going under and developers have said game development is just getting too expensive. Game sales haven't been very good these last two years, and it's apparently a start of a new trend because people in the industry are very worried.

However, we're talking about Apple here. Let's say Apple creates their game division. They probably want to wow people like they did with the iPod. Apple can start a whole new trend with computer gaming. I'm sick and tired of the same ol' FPS. Apple could freshen up the line of games on the computer with new genres. Apple will probably pull off console-quality games (as far as gameplay goes): simple and fun and much more rewarding than your old FPS. They want to innovate and keep things simple, and those rules can be applied to gaming.

There are plenty of companies falling apart that Apple can buy. There's also plenty of shareware developers that churn out some commercial-quality games that could be hired. Just some ideas on how to jump start their game division.

I don't want Apple to create a division that will only port games though. They'd be better off investing in the current companies and give them the financial they need. Or even better, try to pay off these middleware technology companies and get their stuff ported for porting to go more smoothly.

If Apple purchases a company, they need to shake up the industry. I want the world to be shaken just like the day MS bought Bungie. Buy someone big and has a legacy of creating high-quality games. Or just partner up with some big names.

At the end of the day, with whatever Apple's game division does, the goal should be to wow gamers people and developers with Apple's technologies like OpenGL and the hardware that goes into them.

But, with the iPod, Apple really got lucky. Who knew a HD-based MP3 player with FireWire would get popular enough to create 3 more generation of the same MP3 player and create PC compatibility? Can lighting strike twice?

When this starts becoming a Page 1 rumor, I'll start getting excited. Just give me the right messages and make the right moves, and I'll be content.


macrumors member
Apr 10, 2005
Hasn't Apple had the habit of including games with their hardware?

I got some Tony Hawk game and Deimos Rising. Haven't played either more than once.

Now, what Apple should do is support this company. They're the ones that made gooball, a shareware game published by Aspyr. Admittedly, it's a pretty simple/kid's game, but it's stunningly beautiful and is more or less a demo of what is the company's real project, the Unity engine.

This looks really promising in terms of a portable, easy-to-use game creation package. Now, imagine if Apple were to include this with the developer tools and keep the ability to do Windows-games (the games you create with this engine run on PCs as well)!

That would really stimulate the indie game scene, and make Apple the obvious choice for e.g. universities with courses in game design, plus anyone who wants to dabble with making games.


macrumors newbie
Mar 22, 2004
Diatribe said:
What's wrong with OpenGL? 2.0 is quite capable and I don't find it to be worse than DX...

There is nothing wrong with OpenGL 2.0 but the undelying technology need some real pupping up to allow for the hardware to do most of the work.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Dubuque, Iowa
iris_failsafe said:
I think they should buy Nintendo...

The perfect companion, great games, compatible technology...

Apple buying Nintendo would be akin to Hyundai seeing a hole in its passenger car lineup and then going out and buying International. Nintendo makes great games, but they're great console games.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2003
Erie, PA
Marathon and Tomb of Darkness

Don't forget about Tomb of Darkness, that one could also be redone as well. But you are correct about redoing Marathon series. They where always more advance in game play then DOOM ever was (not that I didn't like DOOM mind you.).


BenRoethig said:
My dream: Apple purchases both Wideload games and the rights to Marathon (and possibly the Bungie name, they can keep Halo) from Microsoft. I'd love to see Marathon and Marathon II redone in the same fashion the original Doom was redone as Doom III. Plus Gates owning my favorite franchise is a real sore spot.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2003
Erie, PA
Valve good choice

Valve is a good choice in my mind two. I'm always hearing why isn't half life on the Mac. And like you said it seems to be a bigger title then DOOM.

If Apple bought Valve and then turn around put out their games on the Mac OS X plus new ones you would see some switchers.


NNO-Stephen said:
some of you suggesting Apple buy a company like Take 2 just are ignoring reality. most of their franchises would not work well on a computer... their newly acquired 2K sports division, and a number of other properties.

sre, they have Max Payne, GTA, and the like, but that's not where the cream of the crop is in computer games... it's First-Person Shooters.

Valve would be a great target. lock up the Half-Life franchise, which gets more respect nowadays than Doom and Quake combined.

Wideload games would be great though. cheap, got some experience and talent, and they're really really cheap.

either Valve or Wideload would be a grat acquisition for Apple. Blizzard would be so dumb I can't even fathom it. blizzard is already committed to the Mac platform... valve is not even considering it, which would make for a fantastic acquisition, as Microsoft took Bungie, and now Apple can take Valve.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2003
Erie, PA
Games sells PCs

I used to see computers. Trust me, it's the games that sell the computers. When a buyer walks into the store and see's a 20ft wall of games for the pc then looks over and see's a 2ft to 5ft of Mac games they are going to buy a PC.

So if any one says Games don't sell PCs are wrong. Yes games also sell Game consoles, but when it comes down to someone buying a computer. It's the games!


pudrik said:
Blizzard a one trick pony? Where have you been the last, I dunno, decade?

Anyway... 'bout freakin' time. The only reason I own a PC instead of a mac is because of games. I curse the damn thing everytime I have to do something productivity related or figure out how to do something that should be easy, or figure out how the hell THAT got installed... etc, but let's face it, what do I use my home computer for: net, email, chat, and games. I work... at work.

Attracting the gaming community requires attracting developers to code their games for macs. Perhaps this means creating tools that enable easier conversion. Or creating some kick-ass games in house to get the market rolling. But it has the benefit that gamers push the market for high end stuff, which is what Apple peddles, as well as push the abilities of the hardware, which should benefit developers of all software.

The shame is that some very good titles do come out for the mac now, but late, like CoD, BF42, Rainbow Six, and C&C.

As for being a waste of money... I don't think anyone in the PC world would make such a silly statement. Games drive a lot of the PC market, and bringing them into the Apple fold can only benefit the platform. A lot of people upgrade their computer just because a new game came out... why wouldn't Apple want a piece of that?


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Dubuque, Iowa
Hugh said:
Don't forget about Tomb of Darkness, that one could also be redone as well. But you are correct about redoing Marathon series. They where always more advance in game play then DOOM ever was (not that I didn't like DOOM mind you.).


I'd be interesting to see where first person shooters would be without Marathon. It was the first FPS on any platform to feature things like objectives, Alternate fire, and a use key.


macrumors member
Mar 8, 2005
Hugh said:
I used to see computers. Trust me, it's the games that sell the computers. When a buyer walks into the store and see's a 20ft wall of games for the pc then looks over and see's a 2ft to 5ft of Mac games they are going to buy a PC.

So if any one says Games don't sell PCs are wrong. Yes games also sell Game consoles, but when it comes down to someone buying a computer. It's the games!


I know there are a good # of people who buy because of games but it's hardly the defacto reason for all people. For every person i know who buys with games as the top priority there is a person who buys because they want to edit music, or they are into video, and there are also a ton of people who just mess around on it and don't care enough to buy anything beyond a internet machine/electric typewriter. Gaming can and should be much improved on the mac, and it should help buisness and some market share but it won't be THAT significant of a factor.

Some amazing mac only game could actually help, people would need to play it and find out about it but lets be honest.. how many people only really own an xbox because of halo.. probably at least half the owners i know.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Dubuque, Iowa
crpchristian said:
I know there are a good # of people who buy because of games but it's hardly the defacto reason for all people. For every person i know who buys with games as the top priority there is a person who buys because they want to edit music, or they are into video, and there are also a ton of people who just mess around on it and don't care enough to buy anything beyond a internet machine/electric typewriter. Gaming can and should be much improved on the mac, and it should help buisness and some market share but it won't be THAT significant of a factor.

Some amazing mac only game could actually help, people would need to play it and find out about it but lets be honest.. how many people only really own an xbox because of halo.. probably at least half the owners i know.

Who do the normal people ask on computer purchasing advice? Usually the gamers. What do they normally say "Don't buy a mac, they're all weird and don't have a software." When you convert of the officers, the rank and file will follow.


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2005
Swansea, South Wales
My only nark with the Apple platform is that you have to wait and wait for the big games. Then some of those don’t make the transition for one reason or another be it a porting issue or there is no profit due to a small market demand. In my view, this games issue is what is holding apple back in terms of sales and is the PC owners only SMUG card and we have all heard it “But you can’t get the games on Mac…..can you!”

Apple’s best move (to which many of you are in agreement with) is to make sure that any big title games are equal to the PC version in every respect. They ship the same time, the availability is the same, the game play is the same etc.

Apple has all of the cool digital life software that is pulling new users. All that is left is to stomp on the games issue with a gaming support section that has the one objective of porting parity.


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2005
Swansea, South Wales
Eric5h5 said:
Eh? Most gamers are adults......


I totally agree. My circle of friends are aged between 25 – 35 and we buy loads of games. I am the only Mac user and the rest are PC users. We all have consoles in one shape or another, but it is the Mac/PC games that we spend the money on.

I even contemplated getting a PC for games, but I saw a doctor and I am on a strong medication. I feel much better now. :p


macrumors regular
Oct 5, 2000
Beijing, China
Provide support

Apple shouldn't be in the market of creating games. The market is too volatile and dependent on fads and gimmicks. Unless the iTunes music store tells us that Apple wants to become an entartainment company rather than a tech company.

With the possible convergence between PlayStation, XBos and Macs, the whole Mac gaming landscape is about to change -- radically. I've been running a Web site for years tracking Mac games, and I'm betting that the next 2-3 years are going to see the market changed more than ever before. This is because 3 things are happening:

(1) ALL the consoles are moving to PowerPC. This is so unbelievably good for Apple, it's crazy. All these big console development houses that don't even care about the PC, much less Apple, are suddenly going to be fluent in PowerPC. This ought to mean that console games are easier to port to OS X than they were.

(2) The Mac Mini is going to increase marketshare. Everyone's talking about the iPod halo effect, but without the Mac Mini, it wouldn't matter.

(3) Apple seems to finally be committed to increasing perofrmance, which will be better for all games in general on the Mac.

Anyway, Apple may well acquire a game studio for the prestige factor, but I think it'd be better served by doing one of these:

- make an easy cross-compiler for PlayStation 3 developers that would ease OS X compilation.

- ink a deal with Sony's studios to offer some top PlayStation 3 titles on the Mac.

- possibly buy Nintendo, and release a game machine of their own as a kind of trojan horse to make everyone have a Mac.

- just have a dedicated Mac games developer support / help group, rather than trying to make games themselves. This has been the #1 thing I've seen Mac developers gripe about over the years.

If they really felt they had to buy a game developer, I'd vote for Sega or Acclaim or of the console developers that's developing top console titles. Then release them for PS 3 and OS X only.


macrumors member
Apr 8, 2005

Why can't Apple buy Microsoft? Or at least their gaming division. Xbox aka. "Buy this for Halo", would be a Mac product, and Halo 2 being OSX oonly attracts every gamer in the western world to switch. Too bad Microsoft is so evil to monopolize everything by putting their foot in it.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 12, 2002
San Francisco Area
ccool2ax said:
Why can't Apple buy Microsoft? Or at least their gaming division. Xbox aka. "Buy this for Halo", would be a Mac product, and Halo 2 being OSX oonly attracts every gamer in the western world to switch. Too bad Microsoft is so evil to monopolize everything by putting their foot in it.
I would say it is probably because companies that ae making money in a division tend not to seel that division unless they are in desperate need of capitol. I am not realy sure, but I believe Microsoft is fairly well off.

On another note i am not convinced that games are pushing the PC market as much as they have in the past. The flare and pomp and circumstance seems to be leaning towards the console. It seems developing houses such as EA are dveloping for the console first and then porting to PC. I just don't buy the people who throw out that games drive the PC market and people by a PC because there are games available for it. I have not seen one market research study on peoples buying habits.

The average consumer uses a computer for email, net and maybe writing a letter or organizing movies / photos. I don't believe the hardcore gamer is the major consumer of hardware anymore.


macrumors newbie
Nov 12, 2001
What's wrong with OpenGL? 2.0

Diatribe said:
What's wrong with OpenGL? 2.0 is quite capable and I don't find it to be worse than DX...

Arggh, Cough splatter.

Serious? It's know, you should know. I have this nice big desk. Sitting on it is my Dual Monitors for my G5 that does work. Lot's of hard work, lot's of programs running at once, etc etc. Play a game (a great game) forget it.

Right next to me is a nicely built machine running a squillion services that i don't need on a daft lego instruction booklet looking OS, just so I can play Enemy Territory. Downloaded ET 2.60 for my Mac. I was so excited. It lasted 2 days. Then got nuked. Apple knows OpenGL is a problem, hence the job advertisements for OpenGL engineers.

It would be heaven to see OpenGL sorted. I don't care for Tiger or PBG5's nearly as much as a good OpenGL System on the Mac.


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
nuckinfutz said:
Pixar is worse of a choice than Apple. The needs of 3D as far as making movies is much different than making games.

Umm, huh? They are very, very similar. VERY. Which is why out here in the bay area, programmers and artists switch between film and game jobs ALL the time.


macrumors newbie
Jan 11, 2005
Games are everything!

Ok, maybe that's a bit much, but it's closer than you think.

Speaking as a former "hardcore" gamer, games are everything.

If Apple is in the hardware business, then games are everything. You have gamers out there that think that Apples are way too expensive cause they can build a high performance machine for $500. (And they pretty much can.) Course, what they don't tell you is that the HCGamer will turn around and spend $200 on a new video card a year later, another $200 on more ram, bigger faster HD, Better sound card...and the hits keep coming. They end up spending the same amount to drive their hardcore habit.

They buy the games - they buy the hardware to drive the games.

I own a mac now, but that doesn't mean I still don't own a kick ass PC. If I want to game - I have to use my PC. That's just the way it is.

I'm in the computer business so I can justify the purchases, but normal people cannot, and if you want to do "some" gaming - you have to use a PC.

The limited number of games for MAC is unacceptable.

The posters that say that the games released for PC need to be released for the MAC at the same time are correct. That needs to happen, and it needs to happen for years, so that gamers can "trust" Apple.

When it comes to gaming, I have no faith in Apple. None.

I don't even care. I may find it "interesting" that they are releasing games for the apple that came out on the PC, but when it comes down to making a choice - the choice is simple - PC.


Should Apple by a game company?


Should apple build a team to support other game developers

Yes - this should be a MAJOR facet of Apple.

Remember: Gaming is everything.

Sure, gamers who 'buy' games are adults, but they built their habit years ago - as kids.

The poster that thinks he knows as many people who use audio software or video software as he does gamers - isn't running in a reality circle.

Gaming is everything
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