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macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2009
New Zealand
How about they gtfo of China. Apple is all about virtue signaling when it comes to some issues, but when it comes to the genocide and issues in China they won't do **** because it hurts there bottom line. Same for most of corporate America. Get it out of China to other places and slowly start bringing some back to the West even if it costs some margin or higher prices.

It's always amusing when Americans cry about genocides they've read about in countries like China when they're blatantly displacing and killing millions in the middle east. At least the USA isn't hiding how many they've killed right? That's all that matters.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2009
New Zealand
Well I usually avoid these types of conversations - but I have a couple of doctors in the family - and they would agree with that post.

The lockdowns have proven not to be effective - look at the harshest places like NZ and Australia and they were ineffective. During the Spanish Flu outbreak - they didn't do a lockdown and the virus was far more deadly.
NZer here, we've lost control now during omicron and our covid death toll is 812 people over the last two years. That compared to 1 million deaths in the U.S.A. Losing control later when vaccination rates are the biggest contributing factor so the last two years were not in vain. We have a similar population and big outbreak timeline to Hong Kong but their death toll is 10x higher because of low vaccination rates.


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
You're making that a requirement. If China is the only country that can do that at will, then their labor force is manipulated and mistreated.
Glad you're so proud that Apple reduced itself into a margins at all cost company.
They can build them somewhere else and still be mega rich.

"You're making that a requirement"

Me? I'm making that a requirement? That is soooo funny and a real knee slapper. A real hoot. No, Apple's customers purchasing 200 million iPhones per year are making that a requirement.

"Glad you're so proud that Apple reduced itself into a margins at all cost company."

I'm so proud? Stop obfuscating saying silly stuff about me and muster up a wee bit of personal responsibility and simply say where else Apple can go to manufacture/test/ship 600,000 iPhones every day of the year.

In other words, simply name a few countries and stop evading the question.


macrumors 6502
Apr 22, 2012
Adding all those Asian employees will be a major benefit to Apple's diversity and inclusiveness goals. The more work they move there, the better the numbers.


macrumors regular
Feb 12, 2013
Still shaking my head. Using a lockdown to try to prevent a virus from spreading. Good luck with that. And even if they succeed in keeping people from getting the current virus, guess what - they'll be the biggest population in the world subject to the most severe symptoms once another variant rolls along.

listen and weep

In this clip, Fauci says that lockdowns can be an effective strategy if they’re short-term, and you have a plan in place to vaccinate the locked down population.

You’re original statement claims that even if China succeeds in their original lockdown goals (which they don’t seem to be), that same population will be more susceptible to the next, and greater virus. Huh? What on earth made you throw that mic down?
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macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2017
How about they gtfo of China. Apple is all about virtue signaling when it comes to some issues, but when it comes to the genocide and issues in China they won't do **** because it hurts there bottom line. Same for most of corporate America. Get it out of China to other places and slowly start bringing some back to the West even if it costs some margin or higher prices.
Should Apple move all their operations to China because of America's treatment of black people, birth control rights, barbaric gun control rules, slavery past, genocide against native Americans, wars against many countries killing many innocent people, installing and removing rulers in countries, and Americans creating much more pollution than the average Chinese citizen?


macrumors regular
Nov 26, 2017
Let me guess, you didn't read the Johns Hopkins report on how none of the things we did helped contain the spread; masks, shutdowns all useless.

That paper is quite interesting. Here in Japan there was barely a lockdown (unenforced state of emergency, government doesn't have the ability to force you) for a week over golden week.

I've been commuting once a week to Tokyo for most of the pandemic (and three times a week early on, when I lived closer to the office). Japan has been completely difference to my experience (and reading) in the west during this period. The only thing here has been masks, but those are a norm here anyway and bars/restaurants closing after 8pm for during the worst periods. I believe school openings were delayed, but not having kids here I can't fully comment on that...

Interestingly, that paper agrees with the Japanese approach:

However, closing non-essential businesses seems to have had some effect (reducing COVID-19 mortality by 10.6%), which is likely to be related to the closure of bars. Also, masks may reduce COVID-19 mortality, but there is only one study that examines universal mask mandates. The effect of border closures, school closures and limiting gatherings on COVID-19 mortality yields precision-weighted estimates of -0.1%, -4.4%, and 1.6%, respectively. Lockdowns (compared to no lockdowns) also do not reduce COVID-19 mortality.

Funny as well... the worst hit place in Japan? Shibuya and Shinjuku. What are those places full of? Bars and Clubs, many of which did not follow the regulations (cannot be enforced!) Whilst they also have major train stations, commuting numbers were massively down here.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 12, 2008
"You're making that a requirement"

Me? I'm making that a requirement? That is soooo funny and a real knee slapper. A real hoot. No, Apple's customers purchasing 200 million iPhones per year are making that a requirement.

"Glad you're so proud that Apple reduced itself into a margins at all cost company."

I'm so proud? Stop obfuscating saying silly stuff about me and muster up a wee bit of personal responsibility and simply say where else Apple can go to manufacture/test/ship 600,000 iPhones every day of the year.

In other words, simply name a few countries and stop evading the question.
Companies are moving some operations to India and Vietnam, but you knew that already.
Keep sticking up for Slave Labor Tim


macrumors 65816
Dec 12, 2008
It's always amusing when Americans cry about genocides they've read about in countries like China when they're blatantly displacing and killing millions in the middle east. At least the USA isn't hiding how many they've killed right? That's all that matters.
Get a clue for Christmas
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Nov 25, 2014
Hong Kong
How about specifying a country that has the infrastructure and workers to manufacture (parts sourcing & management/assembly/test/QA/fulfillment) roughly 600,000 iPhones per day, with the ability to ramp that number up and down on a moment's notice?

Name calling? Seriously?
That's such a stupid argument really. I can't even.

Do you think China and Chinese people were born with perfect infrastructure and skill set? Do you think that's an inert capability of only Communist China? So no place on earth will for eternity be able to produce anything now but China?

Of course you can't "move out iPhone production" on a whim to just some random ass place at the flick of a switch. But you can take steps to build out infrastructure, to get suppliers, to get your supply chain step by step moving. We need to think in years and decades what our future looks like and not just "oh what about the iPhone 14 in the fall"


macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2019
Hillsboro, OR
This is some kind of weird pushback from inside Apple when it comes to manufacturing Apple gear in the US.

I mean, why would Apple talk about this? To show that they can fire some engineers in the US if they need to? To pump up FoxConn's capabilities?
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macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2017
Do you think China and Chinese people were born with perfect infrastructure and skill set? Do you think that's an inert capability of only Communist China? So no place on earth will for eternity be able to produce anything now but China?
Yes. It's about producing products competitively. China is by far, the most competitive today.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2016
It’s strange to me how so many Western companies bash and finger wag Russia while keeping up business in usual in China, even though China is by far the greater existential threat to democracy/stability/freedom/etc.

(And I am by no means downplaying the atrocities in Ukraine)


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2017
It’s strange to me how so many Western companies bash and finger wag Russia while keeping up business in usual in China, even though China is by far the greater existential threat to democracy/stability/freedom/etc.

(And I am by no means downplaying the atrocities in Ukraine)
You mean greater existential threat to a world controlled by white men?

The world was fine when China had by far the highest GDP in the world. It didn't go out and threaten the freedom/stability of lesser countries in Europe. It didn't enslave entire continents like colonialism did.

Chill out with the sinophobia.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2013
Too much xenophobia in this thread about China
How is your 50¢ Party membership going?

Greetings from Asia. I have colleagues and friends from around the eastern half of the continent as well as Africa and we're all weary of the CCP...

Especially our Chinese colleagues.

To simply dismiss our concerns as "xenophobic" is rather provincial. Only a willfully blindfolded American or European would use such terminology. It's rather frustrating that the US put most of Asia in a position of political dependence on the US, only to see the US bow down to the CCP and risk putting us at their mercy.

Just be grateful you live in a country where you are free to voice such an opinion. In China you could be disappeared for suggesting other Chinese are xenophobic about America.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Surgeons don’t wear masks to prevent the spread of viruses. They wear them to avoid spitting pieces of cornflakes into your open chest cavity. Not really the same thing.
I heard that surgeons are lobbying to do away with masks altogether provided they agree to stop eating jelly beans and throat lozenges during surgery.


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
I didn't say it would, but I don't think we should continue to fund and support evil regimes by giving them economic wealth.
China also gives the US massive economic wealth in return to fight all those evil regimes. Again, the world is not simply good country vs. bad country.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 19, 2010

In this clip, Fauci says that lockdowns can be an effective strategy if they’re short-term, and you have a plan in place to vaccinate the locked down population.

You’re original statement claims that even if China succeeds in their original lockdown goals (which they don’t seem to be), that same population will be more susceptible to the next, and greater virus. Huh? What on earth made you throw that mic down?
If you havent been vaccinated, or (better yet) had covid previously, its been shown that symptoms when you do get the latest strain are worse. Not sure whats debatable about that.

Instead China is trying to keep their citizens 'covid virgins' which means their immune systems will have no answer once they do get it.


macrumors 68040
Apr 5, 2010
So in the past 5 months that this report has been published, what has been proven to be incorrect?

It's a working paper which hasn't been finalised. Maybe you can point to the finalised peer-reviewed report?

Also the work-in-progress paper used a very unusual definition of lockdown and the papers they included their meta analysis several of them were also none peer-reviewed.

The authors are also not in the medical field at all but in economics.
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