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macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
Originally posted by Mr. Anderson
Well, the work for redoing the store would be done the night of the 19th so that everything is ready on the morning of the 20th. :D


That makes alot of sense Mr. Anderson. That would be a return to the traditon of Apple to make major announcements on a Tuesday. Then we can have a whole week of celebration.


macrumors member
Oct 8, 2003
The last time I checked, the Apple store in Palo Alto did not have any graphics for iLife 4.0 or the mini-iPod.

Of course, I would really like to see new product intros on Jan 20, but at the same time, I am not sure if the info that started this thread is strong enough evidence for a Tuesday event. It may be more Apple-like to save the 20th anniversary surprise for a Superbowl.


macrumors member
Jun 2, 2002
Originally posted by macshark
... save the 20th anniversary surprise for a Superbowl.

I would agree, but the Super Bowl is not until February. They gotta announce something in January, don't they?

But maybe that comment about a "super e-mac" was supposed to mean something more that it first appears. Only SJ knows for sure - and I don't have his cellphone number . . .


macrumors 6502a
Sep 8, 2003
Originally posted by claughery
The emac would become G5 AFTER the imac... Think about the people that use the emac- school children or college students for word processing... No need for the G5 there...

I would disagree. If the eMac is only for word processing why offer it with a Superdrive. I think it was meant to be sold primarily to schools and students for situations where an LCD screen could easily be damaged.
Offering a G5 eMac would go a long way to getting schools to purchase them. Imagining a room full of 1.6 GHz eMacs with students making music, editing videos and burning DVDs on them.
Plus, I would not mind getting one for my house.


macrumors member
Oct 8, 2003
The irony is: it is probably easier to cool a 1.6GHz G5 in the eMac enclosure than the LCD iMac enclosure...

Maybe we should expect to see a form factor change for the iMac.


macrumors member
Oct 8, 2003
Originally posted by pjkelnhofer
I would disagree. If the eMac is only for word processing why offer it with a Superdrive. I think it was meant to be sold primarily to schools and students for situations where an LCD screen could easily be damaged.
Offering a G5 eMac would go a long way to getting schools to purchase them. Imagining a room full of 1.6 GHz eMacs with students making music, editing videos and burning DVDs on them.
Plus, I would not mind getting one for my house.

I have been visiting several elementary schools lately, and sadly, most of them are switching form older Mac platforms to, newer generic beige-box PCs which look ugly, unergonomic, untidy and certainly out of place in an elementary classroom. In one school, they had a row of older (CRT) iMacs and it looked so neat.

Mac-savy parents should be lobbying their schoold boards to go with eMacs instead of ugly PCs. Even a G4 eMac is a good solution for elementary students which use the machines for word processing and research.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2004
Originally posted by macshark
I have been visiting several elementary schools lately, and sadly, most of them are switching form older Mac platforms to, newer generic beige-box PCs which look ugly, unergonomic, untidy and certainly out of place in an elementary classroom. In one school, they had a row of older (CRT) iMacs and it looked so neat.

Mac-savy parents should be lobbying their schoold boards to go with eMacs instead of ugly PCs. Even a G4 eMac is a good solution for elementary students which use the machines for word processing and research.

The middle school I work in has Pentium 4 Dell Optiplexes, but even those are kind of pointless to have here because all of our privileges are taken away. We don't even have access to the hard drives.

The computer lab is always a mess. The IT guy is always in there trying to fix it. Nothing works. lol


macrumors newbie
Dec 17, 2003
Maybe they are putting up stuff for the anniversary in preperation of a huge announcement on the 20th? I would believe it if apple finally kept something under "real" secrecy, because it kind of deflates peoples hopes when they already know what is coming. Hopefully they come out with something awesome.


macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
Originally posted by masterjedi73
The middle school I work in has Pentium 4 Dell Optiplexes, but even those are kind of pointless to have here because all of our privileges are taken away. We don't even have access to the hard drives.

The computer lab is always a mess. The IT guy is always in there trying to fix it. Nothing works. lol

So true, I attend the University of Washington and we have various computer labs on campus. You have to log-in to use the computer, it does clean up, standardizes all the files, etc. On the PowerMacs(G5's baby!) Login takes about a minute. On the PC's (Dull's) it takes 5 minutes, sometimes more just to log in. Logging out takes longer on the PC's too.

The best part is that there is usually no line waiting to use the Mac's even though there are about 1/2 to 1/3 as many as the PC's, but there is always a line of people waiting to use those Dell's, usually just for internet and e-mail!

I can understand individuals who need specific apps or hard core gamers, but seriously does the average person have THAT much of an aversion to Mac's that they can't see how slow and useless they are? Oh well, more PowerMac G5 fun for me! Now if only I could get them to donate one to my room...


macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2003
a G5 imac would be amazing, but it would hurt Powerbook sales. I don't think Apple is going to release a G5 Imac until the Powerbooks also have the G5. That's what they did with the G4.

here is what I think they should do:

eMac $599 to $999 cheap for school and also competes with the emachines.

G4 imac $999 to a G5 imac $1999

Rod Rod

macrumors 68020
Sep 21, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
Originally posted by agentmouthwash
a G5 imac would be amazing, but it would hurt Powerbook sales.

I was not even considering an iMac when I got my PowerBook.

besides that, a Mac sale is a Mac sale, so if someone with a wheeled luggage cart buys an iMac, instead of buying a PowerBook (which fits in a backpack or briefcase), that person has just bought a Mac.

Dont Hurt Me

macrumors 603
Dec 21, 2002
Yahooville S.C.
Originally posted by Rod Rod
I was not even considering an iMac when I got my PowerBook.

besides that, a Mac sale is a Mac sale, so if someone with a wheeled luggage cart buys an iMac, instead of buying a PowerBook (which fits in a backpack or briefcase), that person has just bought a Mac.
thank you, the two are total different markets one has nothing to do with the other, they should simply make each machine the best they can. and this is for macshark, they have the g4 nestled in the bottom of the imac and it doesnt get very much airflow. the drive is right on top of it. surprised they could even do it. a G5 imac would have to be a all new design to get some air around those componets. I still think all we will see is a big ipod/mini ipod push come the 20th.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2003
Area 51
Originally posted by Mr. Anderson
George has lied to us about WMD's, has squandered away the Surplus we had, and now wants to make Millions of illegals U.S. citizens? am i missing something?

Yes, you have the name wrong.

His name is SCRUB!!!!!! And somewhere in Texas a village is missing their idiot :p :p :p :D :D :D :D

Oh, and new Powerbooks would be nice on Monday


macrumors member
Originally posted by Krizoitz
but seriously does the average person have THAT much of an aversion to Mac's that they can't see how slow and useless they are? Oh well, more PowerMac G5 fun for me! Now if only I could get them to donate one to my room...

You have to remember most people who use computers (i.e. - the rest of the world - not those of us who surf computer websites and post to computer discussion boards) are very uncomfortable with computers..

Her is a little discussion I had with my wife who had to use my iMac in our home office while her work PC laptop was being replaced,

Her: "It freaks me out not knowing where to click."

Me: "Did you figure it out in a minute or two?"

Her: "Yes."

Me: "Were you able to work on your Word files, and send them to your coworkers?"

Her: "Yes"

Me: "So what's the problem?"

Her: "I don't know, I'm just used to, what I'm used to." (I hope she doesn't say the same thing about me.:eek: )

To make a long story short, if you could handcuff someone to a Mac for 30 minutes, they would probably see that it works just fine...that's why the Apple retail stores are such a good idea...forget the switcher campaign, being able to lay hands on a Mac and use it for a while is huge. That's why I switched!



macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2003
Originally posted by Rod Rod
I was not even considering an iMac when I got my PowerBook.

besides that, a Mac sale is a Mac sale, so if someone with a wheeled luggage cart buys an iMac, instead of buying a PowerBook (which fits in a backpack or briefcase), that person has just bought a Mac.

I do agree with you 100%. I bought a G4 Powerbook when I knew the G5 Powermac was out.

I was just saying.,. I wonder that's what Apple is going to do so they don't confuse the public with that models are PRO and what models are CONSUMER. Either way, it's a mac and the more mac users the better.


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2004
Flushing, New York
Originally posted by Krizoitz
So true, I attend the University of Washington and we have various computer labs on campus. You have to log-in to use the computer, it does clean up, standardizes all the files, etc. On the PowerMacs(G5's baby!) Login takes about a minute. On the PC's (Dull's) it takes 5 minutes, sometimes more just to log in. Logging out takes longer on the PC's too.

The best part is that there is usually no line waiting to use the Mac's even though there are about 1/2 to 1/3 as many as the PC's, but there is always a line of people waiting to use those Dell's, usually just for internet and e-mail!

I can understand individuals who need specific apps or hard core gamers, but seriously does the average person have THAT much of an aversion to Mac's that they can't see how slow and useless they are? Oh well, more PowerMac G5 fun for me! Now if only I could get them to donate one to my room...

Nearly 15 years ago I went to the computer labs at Hunter College and all the Windoze-based PCs were occupied with at least a 30 minute waiting period. I reluctantly went to the Mac lab and have been in love with Apple ever since. I regret any time I have to use anything but a Mac. Even when my better half got a "top of the line" Windoze-based PC, I shook my head. They just are not intuitive and require so many extra steps. (Not to mention that those boxes are usually sooo fugly!)

Until they're exposed to Macs and have understanding, willing teachers to assist them, they won't ever try a Mac unless they have to. It's a shame.


macrumors 6502
Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by Stike
when everything was announced that the people cheered and I said to someone "Hey, NeatGekko was right!!"... :rolleyes:

;) :D

HAHAHAHAHA! NeatGekko was right!! That is just too funny!



macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2004
If Apple does release something special, I hope that they price it fairly- or even at a bargain price- because we all know what happened with the Cube...


macrumors member
Jun 2, 2002
Originally posted by jnasato
If Apple does release something special, I hope that they price it fairly- or even at a bargain price- because we all know what happened with the Cube...

I was thinking about that - Apple never said they had discontinued the cube, only that the were suspending production of it. So could they build an "iCube" for the 20th Anniversary mac with a 1.6 GHz G5?


macrumors 6502
May 3, 2003
too soon for g5 powerbooks...many retailers are barely getting good stock of current powerbooks.


macrumors member
Dec 12, 2003
I would have thought that an Apple "event" would have been more indicative of a new product launch - promo materials usually follow an announcement not precede it.
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