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macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2013
Munich, Germany
It's behind a paywall:

Dutch state news article, maybe you can use Google translate:
You know, Welt = BILD (germanys worst rainbow press)... And this is about something that allegedly happened in march 2020... Funny that nothing of this was interesting to serious media.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
I'm from germany, what are you talking about? Afaik nothing like that happened.
Link please.

There's a small, vocal minority of idiots in almost every country right now, spreading lots of Fake News and unscientific ********.

Quite telling about the person you are for calling others who disagree with your point of view or are sceptical as "idiots". Would you like if someone who disagreed with your opinion resorted to name calling.


macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2013
Munich, Germany
It is quite telling when you negate another person's experience with what the media propaganda machine is putting out. I knew 3 people who were reported to have COVID. One was 98 years old and passed away due to medical negligence and the other 2 recovered (45 years and 37 years of age). The 45 year old knew their had it due to loss of smell and taste and felt like a ton of bricks hit them for three days, made a full recovery after. The 37 year old was healthy but a little overweight and recovered in 10 days, no loss of smell or taste.

Let me guess you will dismiss my experiences too, but hey if it was on the propaganda news you will believe it then. :rolleyes:
No, because that sounds like usual Covid cases I've heard about myself, that's why I take your word for it.
Having 2 sisters that happen to be part of a conspiracy is a different beast.


macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2011
Digital Sprawl
Very happy to see Apple getting a head start on this and insuring privacy protections are in place from the get go. Getting tested and vaccinated will generate a Pass in Wallet which will enable others to choose whether to grant you access to their buildings and/or services.

Cue those inevitably complaining about “forced vaccination” in order to access buildings and services like sports, concerts, movie theatres, restaurants, flights and passage into to other countries.

You are perfectly free to choose whether you’re vaccinated but others get to choose whether you get to participate in collective events limited to those who have taken steps to protect themselves and those around them. Don’t want to get vaccinated? You can be “free” at home on the couch.

The only way we’re going to eradicate this virus and return to some semblance of normal is if a large majority of people are vaccinated and those who choose not to are kept isolated from the rest of society.

Wow! If I’m vaccinated and therefore protected from the Wuhan Virus/SARS-CoV-2, what difference does it make to me if someone who is not vaccinated, comes and sits next to me?

We don't know if COVID does or does not prevent the spread after being vaccinated.

Until we do, those who don't vaccinate should stay home. There's a chance the vaccine does help prevent the spread which would reduce the chances of the virus mutating.

But the vaccines work yes? So again, what possible difference does it make to me and my family if we’re all vaccinated and the family next to us are not?


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
You know, Welt = BILD (germanys worst rainbow press)... And this is about something that allegedly happened in march 2020... Funny that nothing of this was interesting to serious media.

Are you a self-appointed expert in these matters?


macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2013
Munich, Germany
Quite telling about the person you are for calling others who disagree with your point of view or are sceptical as "idiots". Would you like if someone who disagreed with your opinion resorted to name calling.
This has nothing to do with scepticism (most people who use that don't even know what that means).
Lots of people spread false information, weird conspiracy theories and unscientific nonsense; yes, I call these people idiots.
This is not about people who are seriously trying to discuss the measures of the governmente to fight the pandemic.

Are you a self-appointed expert in these matters?
Wow, nice strawman.. are you?
Do you have somthing to say on the topic or are you just distracting?


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
No, because that sounds like usual Covid cases I've heard about myself, that's why I take your word for it.
Having 2 sisters that happen to be part of a conspiracy is a different beast.

That MR forum member is referring to an experience his two sisters have been or going through. You do realize that in the United States hospitals receive additional funds for COVID reported cases right. I cannot speak for Germany (where you claim to from). Is his experience legitimate, I am not sure or unsure. I also am not belittling the member for believing his family members.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2010
The Netherlands
You know, Welt = BILD (germanys worst rainbow press)... And this is about something that allegedly happened in march 2020... Funny that nothing of this was interesting to serious media.
I'd say the NOS is pretty serious media, it's the Dutch official news channel. So you're saying they're producing unscientific nonsense? According to them Bild is a valid news source, but not according to you. Interesting.


macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2013
Munich, Germany
I'd say the NOS is pretty serious media, it's the Dutch official news channel. So you're saying they're producing unscientific nonsense? According to them Bild is a valid news source, but not according to you. Interesting.
Did you even read the article? The NOS is just quoting stuff from "Welt", they didn't research anything. And yes, BILD is like the worst media in germany (has been for decades), and I'm pretty sure the people at NOS know that. Interesting, right?

And why do you misquote me? Where did I say anything that NOS or BILD are producing unscientific nonsense?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2010
The Netherlands
Did you even read the article? The NOS is just quoting stuff from "Welt", they didn't research anything. And yes, BILD is like the worst media in germany (has been for decades), and I'm pretty sure the people at NOS know that. Interesting, right?

And why do you misquote me? Where did I say anything that NOS or BILD are producing unscientific nonsense?

Why would they report it if they know its BS? That is indeed very interesting. Your mind is set in stone, take the vaccine and download the app where you can show what a nice citizen you are. We're wasting both of our time here.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
This has nothing to do with scepticism (most people who use that don't even know what that means).
Lots of people spread false information, weird conspiracy theories and unscientific nonsense; yes, I call these people idiots.
This is not about people who are seriously trying to discuss the measures of the governmente to fight the pandemic.

Wow, nice strawman.. are you?
Do you have somthing to say on the topic or are you just distracting?

Well there is misinformation, disinformation and lack of information and then there is the boggyman/woman/non-binary term "conspiracy theory/ies". But hey if you believe it then it must be true, if science believe it then it must be true. Let's all forget that in human history; science community, religion and political leaders also believed the world was flat, the Americas was India, Native Americans were Indians, the Sun revolved around the Earth and the Earth was the center of the universe, etc. Science is always evolving and challenged. To say one is right and others are wrong is pompous.

I had nothing positive or negative to say about the source, that's what you interjected.
Last edited:


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
There are lots of cases of young people suffering from post-Covid (aka. Long-Covid), so it's not just a disease that's dangerous to "grandpa". We still don't know how much the vaccines help to prevent Long-Covid because there aren't many young people vaccinated (at least most countries prioritize older people) but chances are good that it will help.

You're right that it doesn't look like the vaccines provide us with sterile immunity, but some studies show that people could be less infetious than without the shot.

Is "Long COVID" a thing, I don't know. What I do know is that has every person who has/had been infected and recovered experienced it, if not why or why not. We simply do not know enough let along know if its some other form of misdiagnosis being mislabeled.


macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2013
Munich, Germany
Why would they report it if they know its BS? That is indeed very interesting. Your mind is set in stone, take the vaccine and download the app where you can show what a nice citizen you are. We're wasting both of our time there.
Yeah, I think so too. Sad that some people don't have much media competence and don't know how to differentiate between a solid, researched article and some copy+paste news from another country.

Sure I will take the vaccine, I'm not an idiot. But because our governmente is so slow it will take several months to get it.. hope it's not autumn. And there will be no app in germany.


Oct 8, 2020
So you got 2 sisters working at a hospital, and they are not allowed to talk to the media about hiding "wrong Covid deaths"... and the NHS is in it too. Yeah, cool story, man.
It’s pure fact. It’s written in their employment contracts that they can’t discuss things that go on in work to any outlet. Funnily enough their contracts were redone mid 2019. A conspiracy theorist may have matched them together. Change of contract. Can’t talk to the media. BOOM.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
UK government will be happy. More money to give to friends of the government, where what counts is not competence, but who you know.

Cronyism exists in many industries, nothing new there. Now blatantly showboating it is another thing entirely.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
It’s pure fact. It’s written in their employment contracts that they can’t discuss things that go on in work to any outlet. Funnily enough their contracts were redone mid 2019. A conspiracy theorist may have matched them together. Change of contract. Can’t talk to the media. BOOM.

Antibodies of the virus was also found in donated blood recorded in early-December 2019 in the United States. That means it was already here in November 2019 circulating or even earlier.


Oct 8, 2020
No, because that sounds like usual Covid cases I've heard about myself, that's why I take your word for it.
Having 2 sisters that happen to be part of a conspiracy is a different beast.
Part of a conspiracy? So anybody that disagrees with the garbage that the mainstream media spew out are conspiracy theorists? Wow. For your information. One sister (the eldest) is timid. No social media. Always enjoyed her own company. Engaged. No kids (she’s tried and tried but kept miscarrying) and she is probably the least outspoken person in the world. She has told me lots of things over the years that would make you feel sick. This Covid stuff. Doctors covering things up etc. Other sister, well she’s the total opposite. Both entitled to their own opinions. Both have actual experience of this, unlike myself and most others on here. Both adamant that the hospital was very quiet that whole week when it was described as heaving and ready to crack. I literally don’t care if you believe me or not. I stand to gain nothing out of this. I’m entitled to my own opinions and I will NOT be having a vaccine. If it was the golden standard and it cured you of it then I’d probably do some more research, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t stop you getting or spreading it. Useless thing to take. That’s not conspiracy. That’s opinion.


Oct 8, 2020
Antibodies of the virus was also found in donated blood recorded in early-December 2019 in the United States. That means it was already here in November 2019 circulating or even earlier.
I was in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, in dec 2019 and sure we all got it. I had a fever for a few days. Bad cough. Headaches. Didn’t lose my smell or taste though but I’ve been to Lanzarote over x as time for 6yrs on the bounce and dec 2019 it was noticeable that lots and lots of people were coughing and spluttering.
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Oct 8, 2020
When you have governments making silly rules, that doesn’t help. I can stand in Tesco, wearing a mask with hundreds of other people but can’t travel 100 miles to go on holiday near the coast, wearing a mask outdoors. Yep. That’s really logical.


macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2013
Munich, Germany
It’s pure fact. It’s written in their employment contracts that they can’t discuss things that go on in work to any outlet. Funnily enough their contracts were redone mid 2019. A conspiracy theorist may have matched them together. Change of contract. Can’t talk to the media. BOOM.
2019... maybe it was because of Brexit or just a company compliance thing

But hey if you believe it then it must be true, if science believe it then it must be true. Let's all forget that in human history; science community, religion and political leaders also believed the world was flat, the Americas was India, Native Americans were Indians, the Sun revolved around the Earth and the Earth was the center of the universe, etc. Science is always evolving and challenged. To say one is right and others are wrong is pompous.
You know that "science" as we know it is only about 400 years old, all the way till Karl Popper. That's why there are principles to rule out errors and science is based on empirical evidence. So most of your points are irrelevant because no (real) science was involved. But nice try, though ;-)


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
I was in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, in dec 2019 and sure we all got it. I had a fever for a few days. Bad cough. Headaches. Didn’t lose my smell or taste though but I’ve been to Lanzarote over x as time for 6yrs on the bounce and dec 2019 it was noticeable that lots and lots of people were coughing and spluttering.
I remember reading that around as early as Aug 2019 the cold and flu season was off to a rough start and the medical community was preparing for a bad initial phase. Then came along late-December 2019/early-Jan 2020 and a name was assigned to it.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
You know that "science" as we know it is only about 400 years old, all the way till Karl Popper. That's why there are principles to rule out errors and science is based on empirical evidence. So most of your points are irrelevant because no (real) science was involved. But nice try, though ;-)

Egyptians and embalming practises were based on pre-dated science I presume. Plus holistic medicine and other ancient civilizations healing practises. The core of science has always been embedded in trial and error and to be replicated (Peer Reviewed) and challenged. Call it or accept it anyway you may, however science is ever evolving like it or not. :)


Jun 18, 2014
But the vaccines work yes? So again, what possible difference does it make to me and my family if we’re all vaccinated and the family next to us are not?

No. It does make a difference. Vaccines are proven to reduce severity of symptoms. This helps in two areas:
1. Reduction of coughing and sneezing symptoms helps minimize the spread of the virus
2. Reduction in severity of symptoms means you're less likely to visit the hospital which eases stress on healthcare. So that if I get in a car crash, the ambulance doesn't have to re-route to a further destination due to hospitals being full because people decided to not vaccinate themselves.

A family that didn't get vaccinated that went outside care-free has a higher chance of stressing the hospital than those that got vaccinated and is more likely to spread more effectively the disease due to coughing and sneezing. More spread means a higher chance of mutation which would start a new pandemic.
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macrumors 6502a
May 11, 2013
Munich, Germany
Can you please point to the data that shows all these cases?
Although I think the number is a bit too high, here is a good article about it:

I guess it will take months and even years to get a better picture of these long-term consequences. There are several of young and fit athletes who still have lung problems and still can exercise. The singer of the Band TOOL has it too and afaik is still suffering:

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