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macrumors 68020
Jan 19, 2008
You are the definition of the problem. By your standard, why can we not get back to normal with people who choose to vaccinate getting vaccinated, and those who don't, don't? Why do you care if someone chooses not to get the protection afforded by a vaccine?

You said "but others get to choose whether you get to participate in collective events limited to those who have taken steps to protect themselves and those around them"

The vaccine, as far as we know, doesn't protect other people, because right now they are saying you can still both get and spread the virus after being vaccinated.

So, if that is true, why do you care if someone else gets it, if they choose not to vaccinate? You are at no more risk if you have it. It literally doesn't effect you at all and yet you want to force your ideals into someones arm and then shun them from society if they don't conform.

Personally, I'm getting the vaccine, but this idea that "oh well you have to get it or else we can't let you in places because muh safety" is gross. The science right now is just that the vaccine will prevent death in most cases, but you still get it and spread it, so the vaccine only helps the individual who gets it, and no one else.

I don't believe that you actually care about the lives so much of the people who don't want to get it that you want to force them into their homes for their own safety, I think you're just a miserable authoritarian who doesn't want to be around anyone who doesn't do what you want them to do.
This is a very strange logic.

Vaccinating is not an individual but rather a collective endeavour. The end goal is to end this pandemic and therefore we need to prevent the virus from spreading by social distancing and working towards herd immunity by vaccinating.

If unvaccinated people are moving around, travelling, participating in mass events, etc they are keeping this pandemic around. They are not only putting themselves at risk (like you say, who cares!), but also society, because as long as this pandemic that costs trillions of dollars is not under control, we can’t get back to normal.

You also gloss over the fact that vaccines are not 100% effective so you can still get sick because of an unvaccinated person and die or suffer long term consequences. And some demographics may not get vaccinated for good reasons like a pregnancy or underlying pathology. Those people are also still at risk.


macrumors 601
Sep 20, 2018
There's a chance the vaccine does help
There is a chance also the vaccine does harm and even kills you. Don't fix something which works (your body). There is also a chance for a long term mutations. Who knows what kind of zombie it will turn all those vaccinated in the future. Never the less to take the vaccine now you have to be a little bit of zombie even though with a little remnant free will.
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macrumors demi-god
Jul 3, 2010
Except requiring someone to provide proof of an EUA vaccine may be in violation of Human Rights. Granted any country can restrict one to enter even with proof of a vaccine or not, the key here is that one cannot be forced or make it a requirement to entry.

"the key here is that one cannot be forced or make it a requirement to entry"

Good luck with that.. you would be sent immediately home

There is also this:



Jun 18, 2014
Broad and inaccurate statement.

"Both Pfizer and Moderna report that their vaccines show approximately 95% efficacy at preventing both mild and severe symptoms of COVID-19. "

If you're going to ignore the data then I'm done talking to you. Bye. ?


macrumors 601
Sep 20, 2018

"Both Pfizer and Moderna report that their vaccines show approximately 95% efficacy at preventing both mild and severe symptoms of COVID-19. "

If you're going to ignore the data then I'm done talking to you. Bye. ?
Ooh you probably also want me to believe 100% whatever the Biden administration tells me right? :cool:
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
"the key here is that one cannot be forced or make it a requirement to entry"

Good luck with that.. you would be sent immediately home

There is also this:

Yet within the same article you linked there is this embedded article. An employer forcing or voluntary encouraging by paying for an employee or potential employee is discrimination and goes against Human Rights. I would be more concerned by litigation as a business owner making it a requirement to be entitled as part of employment.


macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006

"Both Pfizer and Moderna report that their vaccines show approximately 95% efficacy at preventing both mild and severe symptoms of COVID-19. "

If you're going to ignore the data then I'm done talking to you. Bye. ?
Except what is being defined as mild and severe symptoms as it is subjective on a person by person basis.

For example I may have experienced cold/flu symptoms every season, sometimes more than once. A little rest, being hydrated and a day or so later I am partial way to recovery. Consider the flip side if I had never or rarely experienced a cold/flu and getting one after some years I feel horrible for days, and not knowing how to properly care for to me that would be severe as I never or rarely experience a cold/flu frequently.

It’s all in the wording, plus age, diet, lifestyle and other variables.


macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2011
Digital Sprawl
No. It does make a difference. Vaccines are proven to reduce severity of symptoms. This helps in two areas:
1. Reduction of coughing and sneezing symptoms helps minimize the spread of the virus
2. Reduction in severity of symptoms means you're less likely to visit the hospital which eases stress on healthcare. So that if I get in a car crash, the ambulance doesn't have to re-route to a further destination due to hospitals being full because people decided to not vaccinate themselves.

A family that didn't get vaccinated that went outside care-free has a higher chance of stressing the hospital than those that got vaccinated and is more likely to spread more effectively the disease due to coughing and sneezing. More spread means a higher chance of mutation which would start a new pandemic.

What an absolute load of horse dung you are talking! How many hospitals have had to reroute A&E admissions due to being over run by Wuhan Flu/SARS-CoV-2 cases? In the UK, the Nightingale Hospitals were so grossly under-utilised, they were bloody mothballed. In fairness, I’ve also read there were staffing issues but hospitals in the UK coped. We were asked nearly a year ago for 3 weeks to flatten the curve! Here we are a year later...

May I ask what do you do at the moment? Do you go outside now, or have you stayed in your bedroom/house the whole time for fear of spreading Wuhan Flu/SARS-CoV-2, or whatever else? If you are going out now, surely you’re risking stressing the hospital too? Honestly, your arguments sound like you’re clutching at straws...

Lastly, as viruses mutate, they generally become less deadly but more infectious, so for you to come out with a statement like, “more spread means a higher chance of mutation which WOULD start a new pandemic”, sounds rather uninformed. Things should improve from here, as the virus mutates and becomes less deadly.

Although I think the number is a bit too high, here is a good article about it:

I guess it will take months and even years to get a better picture of these long-term consequences. There are several of young and fit athletes who still have lung problems and still can exercise. The singer of the Band TOOL has it too and afaik is still suffering:

That article does not mention age anywhere as far as I can see. Please point me to it... There’s no stats that I know of that show what you asserted in your previous post. Finally, the account of one young musician, who was so bad he checked himself OUT of the hospital - because there were no ventilators available? - does not backup the point you made in your previous post. I mean, did I read that right??? What the feck?

Where is the data you speak of?

You don't know which body doesn't work. Healthy 20 year olds died from COVID.

Again, point me to the data which shows the number of healthy 20 year olds who died from SARS-CoV-2 please.
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macrumors regular
Sep 10, 2009
This is a very strange logic.

Vaccinating is not an individual but rather a collective endeavour. The end goal is to end this pandemic and therefore we need to prevent the virus from spreading by social distancing and working towards herd immunity by vaccinating.

If unvaccinated people are moving around, travelling, participating in mass events, etc they are keeping this pandemic around. They are not only putting themselves at risk (like you say, who cares!), but also society, because as long as this pandemic that costs trillions of dollars is not under control, we can’t get back to normal.

You also gloss over the fact that vaccines are not 100% effective so you can still get sick because of an unvaccinated person and die or suffer long term consequences. And some demographics may not get vaccinated for good reasons like a pregnancy or underlying pathology. Those people are also still at risk.

It's not strange.

You're under the assumption that getting vaccinated stops you from spreading the virus. All current science says that is not the case, we must assume you can still get and spread it even after vaccination.

So unvaccinated people traveling literally pose no more risk to other people than vaccinated people do, if you can still and transmit after the vaccine.

Also, they're not 100% effective, but your odds of dying are already in the 99.9X%+ range BEFORE the vaccine up until you reach some very old ages. If your argument is really that even after vaccination it's STILL not safe, then we're all doomed and we will never live normally again. The odds of you dying in a car crash are greater than dying of COVID after you're vaccinated.

Your case only holds up if vaccination helps more than just the individual, which at this point, does not appear to be the case.


macrumors demi-god
Jul 3, 2010
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macrumors demi-god
Jul 3, 2010
Look… we can all go back and forth on this.. Fact of the matter, Apple is doing the right thing here. Also, countries can and likely WILL require proof of vaccine. It is also quite possible that large venues will as well. Don’t like it? Stay home and you certainly will not enjoy foreign travel. Their country, their rules. There is no “overriding” human rights that allow you to enter a country without following their rules.

Mandatory tests are in place, vaccines will be next and Apple is betting on it.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 13, 2006
Look… we can all go back and forth on this.. Fact of the matter, Apple is doing the right thing here. Also, countries can and likely WILL require proof of vaccine. It is also quite possible that large venues will as well. Don’t like it? Stay home and you certainly will not enjoy foreign travel. Their country, their rules. There is no “overriding” human rights that allow you to enter a country without following their rules.

Mandatory tests are in place, vaccines will be next and Apple is betting on it.
Except the logic being used is erroneous. But hey live in your virtual world and visit places via GoogleMaps or AppleMaps with your soon to be released VR/AR AppleGoggles.
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macrumors demi-god
Jul 3, 2010
Except the logic being used is erroneous. But hey live in your virtual world and visit places via GoogleMaps or AppleMaps with your soon to be released VR/AR AppleGoggles.
Not me… I travel to Europe no less than 6 times per year… living my life. PCR tests for now, vaccine cert when available… freedom!


macrumors 6502
Mar 7, 2011
Digital Sprawl
Here is just one example

As awful and as gut wrenching as that article is, it relates to MIS-C. The CDC say they do not yet know what causes MIS-C. However, they state that many children with MIS-C had the virus that causes COVID-19, or had been around someone with COVID-19.

It doesn’t say ALL children had it FFS! Dear me

Look… we can all go back and forth on this.. Fact of the matter, Apple is doing the right thing here. Also, countries can and likely WILL require proof of vaccine. It is also quite possible that large venues will as well. Don’t like it? Stay home and you certainly will not enjoy foreign travel. Their country, their rules. There is no “overriding” human rights that allow you to enter a country without following their rules.

Mandatory tests are in place, vaccines will be next and Apple is betting on it.

Welcome to your Fascist Utopia in that case then. Men fought and died in WWII to protect democracy and our freedoms. I wonder what they’d have to say about this... Freedom??? Pathetic.


macrumors demi-god
Jul 3, 2010
As awful and as gut wrenching as that article is, it relates to MIS-C. The CDC say they do not yet know what causes MIS-C. However, they state that many children with MIS-C had the virus that causes COVID-19, or had been around someone with COVID-19.

It doesn’t say ALL children had it FFS! Dear me

Welcome to your Fascist Utopia in that case then. Men fought and died in WWII to protect democracy and our freedoms. I wonder what they’d have to say about this... Pathetic.
it takes a village…
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