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macrumors 68030
Oct 2, 2012
Nobody is so special that they can't be replaced. With that said, if an employee does not feel comfortable with their own situation then it's between them and their manager to work something out.

If they are so easily replaceable, then why is FaceBook paying software engineers $600k/yr then?


macrumors 68030
Oct 2, 2012
Why don't you tell me what you think, because no matter how I respond you will anyway.

Have you heard about supply & demand? If they were so easily replaceable, tech companies wouldn't be paying these guys these type of salaries.

Some of these guys even make more than $1million/yr at smaller tech firms.


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2011
New York
Have you heard about supply & demand? If they were so easily replaceable, tech companies wouldn't be paying these guys these type of salaries.

Some of these guys even make more than $1million/yr at smaller tech firms.
Compensation isn't always an indicator of how needed an employee actually is. It goes both ways.


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2019
McKinney, TX
I mean seriously, covid taught us to wash our hands, but how many of you guys do it?

Two years into the pandemic, there is still no evidence that skin contact is a significant source of Covid transmission. I roll my eyes when stores put our hand sanitizer, which is purely a feel-good measure, but refuse to require masks. It’s like putting up hex symbols for fire prevention, instead of installing a sprinkler system.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Two years into the pandemic, there is still no evidence that skin contact is a significant source of Covid transmission. I roll my eyes when stores put our hand sanitizer, which is purely a feel-good measure, but refuse to require masks. It’s like putting up hex symbols for fire prevention, instead of installing a sprinkler system.
Washing hands have been proven to prevent many infectious diseases. It's not the only solution, but it's part of better hygiene. Ignoring hand washing is like ignoring seat belts just because you have airbags.
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Jim Lahey

macrumors 68030
Apr 8, 2014
When accessing the relevant option from the Haptic Touch menu on a link, one activates the new tab when you open it, the other opens it in the background and leaves you on your current tab.

I personally prefer background so I can open a few links from a page/article at once and then check them out later etc

Aha! Yes, I see now. Thanks for correcting me. That just leaves the My First Sidebar and the favicon lottery for them to sort out, then they can move onto the hundred other items on my list of bugs and bad design choices ?


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Curious how many corporate workers have moved away so this isn’t even feasible.

I actually started working remotely in January 2020 before the pandemic and was laid off later that year and joined a company that went fully remote because of the pandemic and has seen tremendous growth since then. We’re able to hire talent from anywhere in the world and we’ve somehow managed to develop a culture working remotely and a process that is so much more lean and efficient that we only work four day work weeks.

We’ve had growing pains as we transition from a small business to a large business but overall I really enjoy my job and I could never go back to working in person. I roll out of bed and go straight to work and then I finish and I’m immediately at home with my family. It’s nice seeing my wife and kids during the day (wife runs an in-home daycare) and not being tempted to eat out. I filled up the gas in my car today for the first time in a month and was like “Yikes!”

Idk how you people still do it knowing that there are so many job shortages and you could get on at a remote place so easily. I guess the key is finding a place where they don’t micro manage you or install invasive monitoring software? Mutual respect is key and if you get your work done they shouldn’t hassle you.


macrumors 68000
Aug 8, 2008
Zurich, Switzerland
The problem is probably not being in the office (I assume there are worse places to work than the Apple Donut) but the commute.

I have no problem going to the office, but it's only a 28 minute bike ride and a lot of is even downhill ;-)
And then I shower at work.

Would people like to live in huge high-rises, in relatively small condos with the only view being other high-rises but in relative proximity to $work?
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
I can understand where Apple comes from with this as they did just spend billions in a giant new HQ. And they need to show the investors it was worth it, but at the same time things change, Covid has only accelerated remote working finally being an option, the internet is more then enough to cope with it in most countries now, and improvements are being made all the time.

But it should also be an option for people to work in an office if they choose as not everyone can or likes working from home, some need that separation.

I don't think Apple however effectively threatening its work force back in its entirety will do it any favours, in the tech world with Apple on your CV you can find another job that suits your requirements better, and their are now many different options on the market.

With this flexibility comes lots of opportunities in how you work, you can employ people in different countries now. Or close offices and maybe have a big meeting at the main office once or twice a year, it'll cost a lot less for a company to have staff fly or travel in and out them up in hotels then pay for offices annually.


Nov 3, 2014
If the same work is capable of being completed remotely there’s absolutely no reason for staff to return to in-person work 100% of the time.

A hybrid work environment is the future and any company or business who doesn’t get on board is stuck in the past.
And how much business didd your company generate over the last two years?


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Indeed. Apple has some serious competition here.

Not having those days be consecutive is just annoying for everyone, though.

If it were office Monday through Wednesday, remote Thursday through Friday, you could:

  1. pack your stuff on the weekend or Monday morning, head to the office, leave some things at the office for Tuesday and Wednesday
  2. on Wednesday, bring everything home; use that on Thursday on Friday

Instead, it's:

  1. pack your stuff on the weekend or Monday morning, head to the office, leave some things at the office for Tuesday
  2. on Tuesday, bring everything home; use that on Wednesday
  3. pack your stuff again for Thursday; bring it home again the very same day
  4. on Friday, use it again

Well not really, I am in a hybrid schedule, currently only go in on Tuesdays, but I asked to do Tuesdays and Thursdays in the office and the only thing I need to take with me is my laptop and headset for any meetings. At home I bought my own monitor keyboard and mouse, use an existing desk, and at the office we have a shared desk that is cleaned daily thoroughly, so the person in on the Wednesday for example can use it.
I appreciate it depends in your work as to what papers or files you may need. But it doesn't have to be a hardship.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it

But it should also be an option for people to work in an office if they choose as not everyone can or likes working from home, some need that separation.

Flexible work schedule is at the discretion of the company not the employee. I’m told though through various postings here at MR there is a job shortage. Employees who disagree with their current schedule should be able to find employment quickly and with a raise.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Flexible work schedule is at the discretion of the company not the employee. I’m told though through various postings here at MR there is a job shortage. Employees who disagree with their current schedule should be able to find employment quickly and with a raise.

That depends on the country though, unless your looking internationally to fulfil those positions.
And a good Employer will offer those flexible work in an office or at home options. You can't for example force existing staff to work permanently at home if they object otherwise you could lose a lot of talent.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
That depends on the country though, unless your looking internationally to fulfil those positions.
And a good Employer will offer those flexible work in an office or at home options. You can't for example force existing staff to work permanently at home if they object otherwise you could lose a lot of talent.
US. Companies have to do what they have to do and employees have to do what they have to do. Sure there could be churn, but the employer will have to deal with it.


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
US. Companies have to do what they have to do and employees have to do what they have to do. Sure there could be churn, but the employer will have to deal with it.

Yes, they will have to compromise and meet in the middle. Employers have a duty to their staff when it comes to working conditions, not the other way round.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Yes, they will have to compromise and meet in the middle. Employers have a duty to their staff when it comes to working conditions, not the other way round.
Yes. Employees have to follow company guidelines. If employees don’t like company guidelines employment in the US is mostly at-will.


macrumors 601
Nov 16, 2010
…he says, as he posts his words on an electronic forum accessible through a worldwide computer network connecting billions of people.

You can’t buy irony like that anymore.

It’s not like anyone ever met his spouse through an online dating site, right?

No, the only way to talk to another person is to stand or sit next to himl like our caveman ancestors did. It’s not like anyone invented the telephone or email or Facetime video calls or anything.

Of course you can meet people online, but eventually you actually meet IN PERSON since its part of building a REAL connection. I feel terrible for you that you think sitting next to someone and talking is “caveman”.


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2019
Nobody is so special that they can't be replaced. With that said, if an employee does not feel comfortable with their own situation then it's between them and their manager to work something out.
Sure that's true for individuals. But my group (not at Apple) has seen 10% leave in the past 6 months as they tried to get people back in the office. It's the highest turnover we've seen in over a decade. We're all high paid software developers so replacing them won't be easy. And with inflation, our cost of living increases were also the highest in over a decade.

Not sure if it's just a coincidence but they've since relaxed the back in the office mandates. Back in October, they wanted us in the office 3 days a week. People started leaving and now it's down to just 1 day a week.

So yeah, individuals are replaceable but in the current environment, if you clamp down hard on back to office, you risk significantly higher turnover and increasing all the associated costs with hiring and retraining.


Oct 21, 2009
Sure that's true for individuals. But my group (not at Apple) has seen 10% leave in the past 6 months as they tried to get people back in the office. It's the highest turnover we've seen in over a decade. We're all high paid software developers so replacing them won't be easy. And with inflation, our cost of living increases were also the highest in over a decade.

Not sure if it's just a coincidence but they've since relaxed the back in the office mandates. Back in October, they wanted us in the office 3 days a week. People started leaving and now it's down to just 1 day a week.

So yeah, individuals are replaceable but in the current environment, if you clamp down hard on back to office, you risk significantly higher turnover and increasing all the associated costs with hiring and retraining.
Plus new hires not only get the salary they sign up for, but there is also training and onboarding costs to the company. Replacing people is not as cheap as some people think it is.
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macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
Yes. Employees have to follow company guidelines. If employees don’t like company guidelines employment in the US is mostly at-will.

And they also have to follow employment laws too, and those are in the local countries so they can't have US laws and apply them to employees in the U.K. the guidelines are dictated by law at the end of the day in that regard.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
And they also have to follow employment laws too, and those are in the local countries so they can't have US laws and apply them to employees in the U.K. the guidelines are dictated by law at the end of the day in that regard.
Yes. Companies have to follow local employment laws. I live in the US so for me it’s the federal, state and local laws that are applicable.


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2019
McKinney, TX
Of course you can meet people online, but eventually you actually meet IN PERSON since its part of building a REAL connection. I feel terrible for you that you think sitting next to someone and talking is “caveman”.

You’ve gone completely off the deep end. No one said you can’t eventually meet online dates in person. NO ONE. That’s a strawman argument, and it has nothing to do with the topic we’re discussing here.

The workplace is not a dating service. It does not require a “REAL” (physical) connection between co-workers. It’s not your employer’s job to provide you with dating opportunities.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2019
McKinney, TX
Employees who disagree with their current schedule should be able to find employment quickly and with a raise.

Which often entails moving long distances, buying / selling houses, uprooting families, finding a new job for the spouse…

People who lost their jobs because they refused to vaccinate, wear masks, or social distance are treated like martyrs, but people who have to quit because the company no longer supports remote work options get no sympathy whatever?
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