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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Wow the Apple echo camber is running at 100% today. It’s great seeing so many Apple influencers at work. Apple built a tracking network that uses millions of privately owned devices without the user’s consent and most of you are saying it’s her fault. Love big money from corporations much?
Yes. Ever hear of guns? Guns don’t kill people, etc etc etc. same with any technology can be used for good or not.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 22, 2020
I didn't realize it was wrong to track your kids when they go off to school. Isn't that a selling point phone companies use to entice worried parents to buy their children cell phones? Next will people need to get permission from their pets to hang one of these around their necks?


macrumors 68040
Jun 29, 2007
Wow the Apple echo camber is running at 100% today. It’s great seeing so many Apple influencers at work. Apple built a tracking network that uses millions of privately owned devices without the user’s consent and most of you are saying it’s her fault. Love big money from corporations much?
Cellar-based tracker is still much better than an AirTag. Tracking people like this has been happening for years.


macrumors 6502
Feb 15, 2021
The influencers are working hard today. Y’all forgot the ”this is like suing street light companies for a drunk driver running a red light and crashing into an innocent driver who had a green light” reference.


macrumors 68000
Nov 14, 2007
Not just weapons. To pretty much every thing you could think of. Bricks for example are designed to build walls but can also be used to kill someone.
But guns are only designed to harm people. :( Or for people to have fun with at target practice, maybe? :)

I at least have a hard time when people say that if we should try to limit the amount of guns in society because them being so common makes it more likely that someone gets shot we should also limit cars because they kill people in accidents. What a lousy analogy! While cars can be used to kill people they are first and foremost designed to transport people and goods. What are guns mainly designed to do? 🤔

Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
Shouldn't people sue knife companies also for these things being used to commit crimes? Using the same logic...!

It's funny, but I saw someone post on Facebook about how this tech should be banned because it could be used by evil people to hurt other people. Then I went to her homepage and saw it was plastered with "Second Amendment" memes.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 15, 2009
Dublin, Ireland
I know, right? So illogical to sue a company because its product was used in commission of a crime.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York woman who was injured during the April 12 mass shooting aboard a New York City subway car has sued Glock Inc, arguing the gun manufacturer should have known its weapons could be purchased by people with criminal intent.

Um, I mean, unless it’s a situation that lines up with me politically. Or emotionally.

This case is also stupid.


macrumors 603
Jun 22, 2011
Just gonna go ahead and say it. Why aren’t they going after their ex that “supposedly” stalked them? If she were so afraid of her life she’d contact the police. Innocent until proven guilty. $eem$ fi$hy.
The ex's pockets are not as deep.


macrumors regular
Aug 6, 2021
im all about holding companies accountable but unless their is some known issue, this women has no case
Yep. The very definition of a frivolous lawsuit. Some lawyer smelled money because it's Apple, but it's unlikely to go anywhere.


macrumors regular
Aug 6, 2021
Correct! Stupid also. Sue lighter and Gasoline makers also for these being used for lighting up forests and properties on fire, car makers for accidents happening with cars, rope makers for ropes being used to strangle people, poison makers for poison being used to poison people, baseball bat makers, chain makers... where do I stop? Pretty much everything you can think of can be used to commit an offense.
I agree with you. The difference, right or wrong, is that the public hasn't been manipulated for decades to fear those other things like they have been to fear guns or gun owners.


macrumors regular
Aug 6, 2021
We are at the point that these things just need to be taken off the market. Is it worth spending a lot of resources on technology to prevent abuse just to help someone find their misplaced bag and car keys, considering that's what it's mainly for?
So here's the thing. There's already precedent in favor of Apple. In the 80's movie studios sued to outlaw VHS recorders in the U.S. because the "could" be used to illegally pirate and sell movies. But the intent and common use of VHS recorders was to both film and watch special events in your life and record your favorite TV show when you couldn't be home while it aired and you could then watch it later. I belive this went all the way to the Supreme Court.

At any rate, the movie studios lost. The crux of the ruling was that, just because something "could" be used for illegal or nefarious purposes, doesn't outweigh the consumer's right to the many more legal uses of such a product. The same will undoubtedly apply here.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2017
"🎶I sued Starbucks because I spilled a Frappuccino in my lap, and brrrrrrrrrr it was COLD!🎵"
-Weird Al Yankovic
It always disappoints and angers me when someone wrongly references this case. That poor woman suffered severe burns to her genitals because the coffee was so hot it caused, I believe, 3rd degree burns. She just wanted to have her medical bills covered and McDonald’s spent the money ensuring her character was assassinated in the public eye instead.


macrumors 6502
Dec 31, 2017
Exact thing I thought. With that gold digger attitude, I wouldn''t put it past them to be in cahoots.
It is not improbable. Or, hear me out here, maybe the kid kept misplacing his bag or was being bullied by other kids taking and hiding his bag? Painting and hiding it in a tire well is fairly blatant, but that is just one feasible explanation for tracking a kid’s backpack.
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