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macrumors G4
Feb 10, 2011
only downside is i think, personally, there wouldn't be near as much anticipation. could totally be wrong though.

It might cut down on the anticipation from the hard core Apple fans, but I don't think it would make much difference to the average Joe Apple customer.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
only downside is i think, personally, there wouldn't be near as much anticipation. could totally be wrong though.


what about "pairing" the slogan with both items!?

"...And for the SIXTH TIME now.."

Yeah but that is a good thing.... keep anticipation in check as well as expectations. It makes it much easier to impress...


macrumors 68030
Apr 28, 2003
IF this is announced and IF its not going to be released until late 2014/ early 2015, it's just a diversionary tactic to deter people from buying a Moto 360 or the LG thingamajig.


macrumors regular
Jun 12, 2012
Frederick Maryland
I still don't get the wearables. I gave up my watch when I got my phone, why the heck would I want to wear a watch again (and in my work I broke 2-3 watches a year)


Mar 21, 2011
Its, interesting to see we all got rid of regular watches at one point because why did we need them, we used out iPhone's for this...

Now, its coming back when we see a "tech" watch hats capable of doing more things than a regular watch could.

That's gets us excited again. and now want one just because it has tech, but if it doesn't we don't want to know.

I find that actually more interesting


macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2012
With this new iWatch I can FINALLY be able to tell the time, check my texts, weather and track distance in the go


macrumors newbie
Aug 27, 2014
I still don't get the wearables. I gave up my watch when I got my phone, why the heck would I want to wear a watch again (and in my work I broke 2-3 watches a year)

Biometrics. Your watch didn't track your biometrics.


macrumors regular
Feb 13, 2009
I wonder if Apple's stock price will drop if none of these show up on 9th. :p


oh wait.. it could be called iPlant.. which you wear it through a surgery by an :apple: authorised surgeon.

No battery problem.. with bio-whatever-you-needed.. implanted siri (you communicate with her inside-out).. :D:D:D

This is why the NFC is needed.. so your iPhone can sync with your body - i mean the iPlant.


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Does this mean the iWatch will go on sale alongside the 4.7-inch iPhone 6? If so, that's great, my wallet is ready.

I'm hoping these two devices work in harmony together.

I'm guessing Apple might do what it did with the latest Mac Pro. Reveal it to the world but make it available later this year (or maybe even early next year though I'm highly skeptical about that).

I'm quite certain the iWatch, iPhone, iPad will work in complete sync with each other.

A whole new world for app developers is about open, very soon! :)


macrumors 6502
Dec 26, 2011
This iBand has huge potential for Apple and those who need it. I can think of the elder members of family who need constant monitoring in areas like predictive motion or a fall, a sudden drop in blood pressure or glucose, or any health related issue that requires immediate intervention by either family members or first responders. All existing med alert wearables lack so many details that can help responders determine how to approach.
If they can figure out how to charge it wirelessly, for senior folks are forgetful, this hypothetical device will sweep the healthcare industry. Then we need to tackle the Federal Lifeline to force phone companies to give discount internet as they do with phone line.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 8, 2012
Yeah like the keynote to an Apple event has never been accurately revealed before it was announced. Oh wait, it happens literally every single time.

The keynote? The keynote's never been revealed beforehand. Now info that would probably be in the keynote, that's a different story. But the keynote itself? no.


macrumors newbie
Sep 12, 2012
reliable. Apple uses them for them controlled leaks.

I completely agree with this, if you remember watching the iPhone 5c/5s keynote even Phil Schiller commented on those phones and said "you may have seen a few pictures of these somewhere online, which is great because that means people are excited about them! But you've never seen them like this before"


This iBand has huge potential for Apple and those who need it. I can think of the elder members of family who need constant monitoring in areas like predictive motion or a fall, a sudden drop in blood pressure or glucose, or any health related issue that requires immediate intervention by either family members or first responders. All existing med alert wearables lack so many details that can help responders determine how to approach.
If they can figure out how to charge it wirelessly, for senior folks are forgetful, this hypothetical device will sweep the healthcare industry. Then we need to tackle the Federal Lifeline to force phone companies to give discount internet as they do with phone line.


I work for a wireless carrier in retail and we sell all the wristbands which all suck in some way because they aren't completely made for one device these days. Whether its the Jawbone UP, Fitbit Flex/Force, etc they all have their own issues, so I have EXTREMELY high expectations for whatever the iWatch does. I know it will sync everything somehow through iCloud that we just haven't seen yet and it will "just work", it will also be premiumly priced like all Apple stuff is (my guess is at least $200 if not higher) but it'll be phenomenal, its like Steve Jobs said when he announced the iPad, "a product thats better then a laptop or a smartphone for browsing the web has to be amazing otherwise it has no reason to exist at all"


macrumors 68030
Jun 7, 2007
Add in the fact Apple has not said a word about this so far. So nothing is confirmed yet.


Walt Mossberg is NOT Apple so he can't confirm ****.

None can or will confirm anything right now but can you name a single time that Mossberg or Recode crew have stood behind a rumor that wasn't true? I can't.


In a nutshell, profit.

How do you explain Apple's green initiatives and diversity programs and employee charitable matching? If everything were only for profit, we would not have to wait this long for new Apple products. They would've introduced iWatch 3 years ago to cash in on all that profit.


if there is one then it would likely be mentioned also. It makes sense really. How much would there really be to talk about with the new iPhones. A8/M8 chip, perhaps slightly bigger size, perhaps slightly better camera. That will take perhaps 10 minutes. Same with the iPads which will probably be the same basic shape with similar guts and touch id. That's another 10. We'll say 15 each for a nice round number. That's after 15 minutes or so of talking about 'the state of things'. And 15 talking about the iTunes stores.

Then 20 minutes to introduce a revamped Apple TV before the big reveal of the wearable. about 90 minutes for the whole thing.

Then space out the launches with the iPhone the next week. iPads perhaps two weeks after that. iWatch and Apple TV another 2-3 after that.

You forgot about the demos showing off the A8 and Metal on iOS 8. Games will rock on a 5.5" screen. If they keep doing demos that could run 20 minutes. But on the other hand they might shorten or completely lose the retail store and marketshare reports this time around.


macrumors newbie
Aug 27, 2014
The keynote? The keynote's never been revealed beforehand. Now info that would probably be in the keynote, that's a different story. But the keynote itself? no.

No idea what you mean exactly, but the keynote for every Apple event is leaked before Apple announces it, and it's almost always right.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2012
It would actually be smart for apple to reveal the iwatch months before it launches to give developers time to make apps for it. Apple will probable send developers a kit like they did with the Mac Pro.


macrumors newbie
Aug 27, 2014
You forgot about the demos showing off the A8 and Metal on iOS 8. Games will rock on a 5.5" screen. If they keep doing demos that could run 20 minutes. But on the other hand they might shorten or completely lose the retail store and marketshare reports this time around.

What would really be cool is if they surprised us with a big AAA title designed specifically for the iPhone 6 and iOS 8 using Metal, and unveiled an Apple designed controller which is designed specifically for the iPhone 4.7" and 5.5" and uses Bluetooth and an attachment to hold them, and you'd use this same controller for an upcoming fully upgraded Apple TV for gaming. The controller would work across all of Apple's devices, including Macs, and it would spur the growth of AAA titles and controller compatibility across iOS.

The fact is they should have never done MFi controllers, for multiple reasons, but most importantly because a controller is incredibly important, and has to be made extremely well in ergonomics to be any good (runner up reason is that only an Apple designed and marketed controller would take off and sell more than a few). An iPhone case or charge cable is where you can let third parties go make their stuff.


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
I don't wear watches, so this thing would really have to blow me away for me to consider it. I am intrigued by the "health and fitness" aspect, but it would have to be more than a pedometer and fancy heart rate monitor to sell me. Or it would have to be incredibly cheap since something like this can be had for under $100 anyway.

Eagerly waiting to see what Apple decides to bring us on the 9th though. I can already taste the larger screen (really hoping 5.5" is one of them).


macrumors 68020
Jun 10, 2011
The reason we haven't seen any leaks on this iWatch which btw my phone spells it like that is because it's being made in Austin, Tx!

Then, I guess, we are talking about 3-month delivery delays after placing the order. :p
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