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captain cadet

macrumors 6502
Sep 2, 2012
Samsung are realy great at tv manufacturing but I also think there also spending money uselessly. They were at a farming show around here (Royal Welsh) which it is mostly farmers and people in livestock taking a pitch which a simular sized pich costs around £12,000. - problem is they wernt trying to sell anything farming but a £30,000 4K TV - I cannot see anyone there even thinking of buying one - if they stopped wasting money by going to pointess events for them ( like farming shows) that may also help them!


macrumors regular
Feb 23, 2010
San Diego
It's one thing for Samsung to compete with Apple, and it's another thing to consistently slam them in their advertising campaigns. Moving to TMSC was a much better move than retaliating in smear campaigns. Although Samsung does sell a lot of phones and that could more than make up for this department.


macrumors 68000
Apr 21, 2011
Samsung had a great run on top. I really think the s5 signaled where they started to go wrong. Companies like htc and lg are now making phones that can compete hand in hand with the Galaxy series.

Once the iPhone 6 comes out it'll be another huge competitor that Samsung simply can't take on. Obviously they're not going out of business, but yeah the fad seems to be waning.

Oh and those stupid insufferable commercials of theirs don't help...

They were never on top by their own innovation, they were on top because they copied Apple's and rebranded it SS.

Now that they've been pretty much called out on everything and punished (and I'm sure they'll declare some bankruptcy before paying Apple a cent) they are starting to see what happens when you don't innovate.


macrumors regular
Jun 3, 2014
Now we can rub this news in the faces of the people who claim that Apple needs Samsung to survive. :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
They were never on top by their own innovation, they were on top because they copied Apple's and rebranded it SS.

Now that they've been pretty much called out on everything and punished (and I'm sure they'll declare some bankruptcy before paying Apple a cent) they are starting to see what happens when you don't innovate.

Oh yeah I agree with you on that. Unlike some, I don't consider gimmicky features as innovation. And I also think (and the courts agree) that they blatantly copied apple. But by hook or by crook they made it to the top. And now they're declining.

Can't say anyone is at fault but themselves.


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
Seems to me the issue with Samsung (at least in the mobile space) is no brand loyalty. They spent billions of dollars on this whole "next big thing" campaign yet it didn't seem to buy them any brand loyalty. Their mobile phone sales are flat to down and Apple hasn't even released it's larger iPhone yet. Without brand loyalty and some kind of differentiation it will be tough for Samsung.


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Now we can rub this news in the faces of the people who claim that Apple needs Samsung to survive. :rolleyes:

Apple never needed Samsung to survive and anyone who said that is a moron for sure. That being said, Samsung will be just fine and will stll make money, but the fascination with them as the next big thing is over.

Insulting potential customers, gimmicks and copying does not a successful campaign make


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Samsung had a great run on top. I really think the s5 signaled where they started to go wrong. Companies like htc and lg are now making phones that can compete hand in hand with the Galaxy series.

Once the iPhone 6 comes out it'll be another huge competitor that Samsung simply can't take on. Obviously they're not going out of business, but yeah the fad seems to be waning.

Oh and those stupid insufferable commercials of theirs don't help...

I'm so glad HTC and LG are getting a chance to survive....Samsung was not "good for competition" as people here claim....they were the Apple of the Android world and had squeezed every other OEM to the point of near extinction.

Looks like people are wise to the copier game being played over there....though it hasn't stopped them from trying.....


macrumors 68020
Sep 29, 2008
Anybody else enjoying this recent downfall of Samsung? Missing earnings estimates, being knocked off the top in China by Xiaomi, and now this. Karma!

To be clear, I don't wish Samsung to go out of business. They do a good job making certain hardware components like displays and SSDs. I just want them to be put in their place for all of their shameless copying.

Xiaomi is a major copier too and potentially worse than Samsung.


macrumors 68000
Apr 21, 2011
Oh yeah I agree with you on that. Unlike some, I don't consider gimmicky features as innovation. And I also think (and the courts agree) that they blatantly copied apple. But by hook or by crook they made it to the top. And now they're declining.

Can't say anyone is at fault but themselves.

Yeppers totally agree.

And on top of that, you don't put out commercials that bash your #1 client.

Samsung years ago thought that separating their chip business from their main electronic retail business would protect them from Apple getting mad. "Hey look, that part of Samsung isn't related to us... your chip provider. They are the bad guys!!!"

Oh well. I think this is the start of Samsungs downhill ride for a long time. So funny the analysts were calling Samsung the innovator.


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Seems to me the issue with Samsung (at least in the mobile space) is no brand loyalty. They spent billions of dollars on this whole "next big thing" campaign yet it didn't seem to buy them any brand loyalty. Their mobile phone sales are flat to down and Apple hasn't even released it's larger iPhone yet. Without brand loyalty and some kind of differentiation it will be tough for Samsung.

Aye - the fact that global shipments declined yoy BEFORE the larger iPhone has been released really doesn't bode well for them.....

On the one hand, they're being squeezed by low-margin OEMs in their home region and on the other hand Apple is finally releasing a competitor in the large-display market.

Really not a good time for Samsung.


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
I'm so glad HTC and LG are getting a chance to survive....Samsung was not "good for competition" as people here claim....they were the Apple of the Android world and had squeezed every other OEM to the point of near extinction.

Looks like people are wise to the copier game being played over there....though it hasn't stopped them from trying.....

Yep, The one m8 and the g3, which I have are amazing. And yes Samsung definitely was the apple of the android world. Was.


macrumors regular
Apr 2, 2012
Anybody else enjoying this recent downfall of Samsung? Missing earnings estimates, being knocked off the top in China by Xiaomi, and now this. Karma!

To be clear, I don't wish Samsung to go out of business. They do a good job making certain hardware components like displays and SSDs. I just want them to be put in their place for all of their shameless copying. Punishment to fit the crime. Now continue along like a good little OEM.

Unfortunately, Xiaomi is a FAR worse copier.

IJ Reilly

macrumors P6
Jul 16, 2002
The sharp turnaround has led to analysts such as IBK Securities' Lee Seung-woo predicting losses of approximately 877 billion won ($848.5 million) for the division in 2014, compared to operating profits of 203 billion won ($196.3 million) in 2013 and 1 trillion won ($967.8 million) in 2012.

turnaround |ˈtərnəˌround| noun
1 an abrupt or unexpected change, esp. one that results in a more favorable situation:



Jun 24, 2013
What a good portion of people here don't understand is that Samsung is good for us consumers. Being actual competition to Apple greatly benefits you and me. Why many of you are asking for less competition in the smartphone arena is beyond me.

because we own apple stock that would have been worth double or triple even what it is at today were samsung not so slavishly ripping apple off.


macrumors newbie
Jun 8, 2010
Failed Galaxy S5 has also contributed to this I am sure. Maybe even more than apple's diversification moves. Slowdown in innovation is also a factor. For the last five years I was upgrading my phone every year but now I just dont see any reason for that. To me the only new useful features that I am looking for in a new phone are good camera performance in low light and battery life. These did not improve by much last couple of years.


macrumors regular
Apr 30, 2012
Palo Alto, CA
What a good portion of people here don't understand is that Samsung is good for us consumers. Being actual competition to Apple greatly benefits you and me. Why many of you are asking for less competition in the smartphone arena is beyond me.

*Competition* is good ... *blatant copying* is not. For Samsung to design, develop, and release a unique device that moves the market forward is good for everyone because it forces the market leader to continue to innovate as well. *Blatant Copying* - because you have internal access to your customers designs and product road map, and the ability to undercut them on price - simply runs the risk of putting the creative and innovative companies out of business. What kind of world would it be if Apple had gone out of business because Samsung was so good at copying them before they had the balance sheet to weather the storm? What kind of world would it be if there *were no* innovative, creative leaps forward. What is left for a company like Samsung to copy then?


Jun 24, 2013
*Competition* is good ... *blatant copying* is not. For Samsung to design, develop, and release a unique device that moves the market forward is good for everyone because it forces the market leader to continue to innovate as well. *Blatant Copying* - because you have internal access to your customers designs and product road map, and the ability to undercut them on price - simply runs the risk of putting the creative and innovative companies out of business. What kind of world would it be if Apple had gone out of business because Samsung was so good at copying them before they had the balance sheet to weather the storm? What kind of world would it be if there *were no* innovative, creative leaps forward. What is left for a company like Samsung to copy then?

monopolies are good (for their shareholders) which is what apple would have been were it not for samsung over the past 4 years. fortunately apple doesn't need to be one to succeed and they are proving this out now by continuing to be competitive even on top. most companies would have relaxed their way to the bottom by now.


macrumors 604
Oct 23, 2010
Although this diversification initiative is larger than a "grudge", I'm sure it didn't help that Samsung continuously bashes Apple in the press. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. :apple:

I came here just to say the last sentence.


macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2012
Woah huge losses but I feel like these numbers are not caused by apple but the specific nature of those chips. Other makers have come into the scene and it's the competition from them and the decline in demand that is causing this.

Apple diversified but I think it had little effect on these figures. TSMC is only a small part. It's always interesting to see a division go from huge profits to huge losses and not think there is some kind of company agenda here, maybe it's hiding profits and closing loss making parts to minimise tax bills etc but it stinks.


macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
This is the beginning of the end for Samsung (not really).

But seriously, once Apple releases those big screen iPhones and iOS 8, they're going to take a big bite out of their market share.
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