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At $3,500, will you buy a Vision Pro?

  • Definitely yes!

    Votes: 172 19.9%
  • Definitely not!

    Votes: 455 52.6%
  • Maybe. I want to see the reviews first.

    Votes: 238 27.5%

  • Total voters


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2014
For the 1st gen, no, unless I can split the cost with someone with whom we share usage. Compared to the Quest, even the new one, this looks like a supreme meditation device (some folks pay close to that price for a month-long retreat. The headset will last a year at least, with escape at will, so the cost/benefit calculus plays out better.).

Subsequent gens will be amazing. Personally, I waited two gens before adopting an Apple Watch, which seemed worthwhile because it was more refined by then.

Just my $0.02.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2022
I was actually impressed by the Vision Pro...but maybe that's because my expectations were pretty low. It is a better AR/VR gadget than I expected, but not enough intrigue for me to splurge for one. I am more likely to pick up a 15" Air or upgrade Mac Studio from M1 Max to M2 Max, or do both for less than the cost of Vision Pro.

Apple almost had me when they suggested replacing a deskful of monitors with unlimited Vision Pro displays...but nah, I'll take a wait and see approach and let others be the guinea pigs. I still didn't see a killer application for AR yet besides mimicking scenes from Minority Report. Another oddity is how slowly all the Vision Pro users moved. The presentation tried to project a calm space but everyone just moved about and gestured too slowly compared to real-life. I don't know if they're trying to hide a limitation of the system. I guess they'll have till 2024 to further fine-tune the experience.
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Mar 16, 2022
The Great White North
It’s very innovative but for me, it’s a solution in search of a problem for now.

So definitely not.
Exactly, I don't see a market for this, other then some fancy content device.

Office use, well maybe, for something very limited, but then again $3500 can get you a nice computer and do mulitple tasks with it, which you know it can do easily.

Product a head of it's time is my feeling.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 23, 2008
Hearst Castle
I think the presentation was great, as is the implementation. Being able to crank up, and scale back, VR versus AR is really cool. You get all that in one single headset. I think that is the way to go.

Really want to try one out and see how good content looks.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2012
As a developer I am 100% buying and I am excited to explore ways of taking advantage of the potential…

… However from a consumer perspective, I came away disappointed. I completely understand why Apple is going with a mixed reality angle with a focus on productivity. They want this to be its own computing device. Something you can actually use to get work done. However I feel the software and OS fails to take advantage of the hardware so far.

Nothing they showed was truly life changing. In fact the use cases they showed were hardly revolutionary… They basically showed a virtual iPad which is so frustrating considering the potential of VR could have brought a TRULY revolutionary and new OS. Instead they mimic the tech we already have with virtual “screens”. The price tag is another big issue. $3499 is a very “Pro” level price and most “Pros” prefer to invest in tech that can give them an edge and therefore earn them money. The Vision Pro just doesn’t have anything (so far) that can drastically improve a work flow (unless you work a job that requires 10 screens). I was hoping to see something right out the gate that would help give content creators and other entrepreneurs an advantage.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2011
Here is my take on it:

I think this is going to be the future. It is a first generation product, however, I can easily see this advancing and replacing the Mac, iPad, and iPhone down the road. It will get smaller and more socially acceptable to have this out in public. Especially when battery tech gets better.

Think about it, having all these apps in one place, multiple screens and being able to do things in augmented reality is just going to be incredible. I see what Apple is trying to do here and I seriously applaud them for it. Right now, the price is just way too expensive, and I think that is why they priced it so high. This is just them saying, “Take a look at what we can do?” And as I said, eventually, I can see this easily replacing al devices. At least all devices starting with the Mac and the IPad.

As a pilot, I am seeing the benefits of this in the cockpit. Having all your back up instruments and charts right there in front of you, and even being able to plot them in the sky as if the way points were right in front of you. (IPads and some of our computers built into the aircraft already do this through “Synthetic Vision”). I really can’t wait to see what the future holds with this. However, will I buy it right now? Probably not.

I bought the original Apple Watch and it was really slow and buggy. Apps took FOREVER to launch…the battery life barely made it through an entire day and that is if I didn’t really use it. Look at where the Apple Watch is now! It has come a long way, and I think this product will do.


macrumors 68000
Sep 7, 2011
Sep 7, 2011
Perhaps not in v1, but I can see something like this essentially replacing large monitors, particularly for traveling or personal use. Apple was definitely pointing out the 4K-equivalent screen.
Yep, that would be my usage scenario


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
Product in search of a problem. Apple is out of ideas clearly. This will flop as hard as Google Glass…especially at $3,500. What kind of dystopian nightmare are we trying to live in here?
The best kind, especially with horror games in 3D. Cannot wait!
It may flop, but I'm going to be flopping with the silliest grin on my face playing No Man's Sky in 3D, when I should be working.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
The 2 hour battery life kills it for me. I might be able to justify the high price might if I could use it like an iPhone anywhere and often enough to get my money’s worth. But the battery belt and scuba diver goggles means this thing is for home use. If I’m home, I can just use my 49-inch monitor.
You can purchase an additional battery pack (or 6).
Belt? I thought it tucked in your pocket.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2014
in the current state, VR headsets don't solve anything. they don't make tasks easier or improve efficiency. they are for entertainment & fun & for tech enthusiasts.
in all the use cases Apple demoed, pulling out your phone or tablet or opening a laptop would be faster & more efficient.
personally, the best use case for this headset at the current moment is gaming & video consumption, and maybe using it as an external monitor for a computer.
so do you think it's worth paying $3.5K for a portable immersive big screen?
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macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
Monitors will continue to exist, but this could become a viable replacement in many use cases.
Traveling now, I carry a laptop, as monitors do not fit in the overhead storage.
It is still a bit inconvenient to break out the laptop on long/short flights. People sit right next to you and stare at you while you work. Hard to work at the airport for the same reasons.

I have a couple Occulus headsets, I previously used for development ( currently development has stopped and probably not start again until 2024 May ). They remove you from the space too much to be useful in a busy environment. I think Apple has fixed this issue. I'll let you know in early 2024.
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