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At $3,500, will you buy a Vision Pro?

  • Definitely yes!

    Votes: 172 19.9%
  • Definitely not!

    Votes: 455 52.6%
  • Maybe. I want to see the reviews first.

    Votes: 238 27.5%

  • Total voters


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
Just as I predicted some time ago -- this WILL replace monitors.

Mark my words, Apple will cease making monitors as this thing matures and they can offer more functions such as (use your imagination here) a built-in projector which will allow you to project what you're seeing, so someone else can also look at it with you/you can show them what you are pointing at/working on/designing/engaging with, etc...

Just sucks that with this tech, as they even pointed out during the unveiling, people will become more and more reclusive -- I think the line was something along the lines of "now you won't even need to leave your house to attend the game"
Not sure about monitors but it definitely replaced the mythical Apple television!


Jan 27, 2020
San Francisco, CA
Traveling now, I carry a laptop, as monitors do not fit in the overhead storage.
It is still a bit inconvenient to break out the laptop on long/short flights. People sit right next to you and stare at you while you work. Hard to work at the airport for the same reasons.

I have a couple Occulus headsets, I previously used for development ( currently development has stopped and probably not start again until 2024 May ). They remove you from the space too much to be useful in a busy environment. I think Apple has fixed this issue. I'll let you know in early 2024.



macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
plugging the battery pack into a 26K Anker power bank seems acceptable
I was going to carry something like this:
Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 9.31.27 PM.png

Or even this!


macrumors 68040
Aug 7, 2013
In a way, it's a very good thing they made this, as it gets the ball rolling. Maybe the third generation will be a consumer device? I doubt the second. The second will probably just be an improvement with possibly a lower cost, or not.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 8, 2008
At half the price I’d have bought it on a whim (I’m the idiot that still thinks the iPad is going to be his sole portable computing device… which I thought from the OG model… I used it in grad school for a while)

As it is, I’m going to wait and see. Once developers have their mitts on it and it gets reviewed in the wild, I reserve the right to be an imbecile and spend disposable income on it… or to wait on a later gen model…

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
It's got my attention, that's for sure. I want to say that $3500 is more than I'd pay for a first gen product like this, but I can't deny that I'm an early adopter at heart.

My biggest problem right now is I'm pretty fully saturated on devices. I don't need, and really can't afford adding another. Something would have to go, I think. I hope this could be a laptop replacement, but in the short term it's more likely an iPad replacement. What the iPad has that Vision lacks is the ability to share content. What a laptop has that Vision lacks is complete confidence I can do everything with it that I currently do.

I look forward to learning more over the next few months, and maybe giving one a test drive.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 25, 2004
Here is my take on it:

I think this is going to be the future. It is a first generation product, however, I can easily see this advancing and replacing the Mac, iPad, and iPhone down the road. It will get smaller and more socially acceptable to have this out in public. Especially when battery tech gets better.

Think about it, having all these apps in one place, multiple screens and being able to do things in augmented reality is just going to be incredible. I see what Apple is trying to do here and I seriously applaud them for it. Right now, the price is just way too expensive, and I think that is why they priced it so high. This is just them saying, “Take a look at what we can do?” And as I said, eventually, I can see this easily replacing al devices. At least all devices starting with the Mac and the IPad.

As a pilot, I am seeing the benefits of this in the cockpit. Having all your back up instruments and charts right there in front of you, and even being able to plot them in the sky as if the way points were right in front of you. (IPads and some of our computers built into the aircraft already do this through “Synthetic Vision”). I really can’t wait to see what the future holds with this. However, will I buy it right now? Probably not.

I bought the original Apple Watch and it was really slow and buggy. Apps took FOREVER to launch…the battery life barely made it through an entire day and that is if I didn’t really use it. Look at where the Apple Watch is now! It has come a long way, and I think this product will do.
There’s lots of cool practical uses when it gets smaller, driving, biking, hiking, skiing. I can see a race car drive having lap times and instrument read outs on it, obviously we are in the infancy right now. Feels like kinda early 90s ish home computing.

It also makes you look like Dale Earnhardt and that’s bad ass


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macrumors 68040
Jun 9, 2015
My prediction is in ~15-20 years, not tomorrow. Continue hating on me all you want, it will happen, just watch and see
People laugh, but you’re dead on. We are seeing a first gen product and judges EVERYTHING we feel about this category as it is now

imagine 5-10 years down the light this technology shrinks into the size of some sunglasses. Imagine its affordable. Imagine it becomes so ubiquitous everybody has one like an Apple Watch. Imagine they have sharing features where we both see the same virtual displays in a room.

The concept here is the future. This is exactly what the next step for the iphone is. The long game isn’t a foldable iphone. It’s a virtual iphone thats anywhere


macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
I’m the target sucker for this thing. Been waiting 35 years for someone to do this half as well as Apple has done it. I don’t even mind that it’s still early days and there’ll be huge advancements in the first couple generations that will make us look back on this in and chuckle that it was so limited & rough. I’d still get one. …But, that price tag. Realizing there’s no way to get CAD running on an intel Mac via boot camp up on Apple Vision means this is not a money maker for me, just another personal expense doomed to depreciate, and quite a whopper at that. Slap tax on that $3500 and it’s actually going to cost $4k. I can maybe see justifying half that, if I really push it.
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macrumors regular
Dec 27, 2021
$3500 for that no sorry I pass buying 🥘 for the family seems to be the right choice 😌


macrumors 6502
Oct 2, 2020
unfortunately yes. I want so badly to wait for a more developed verison. But I've wanted an apple friendly VR/AR experience for so so so long that I don't think I can wait. I'll be kicking myself when 2 years later my device is mostly obsolete and the new one does 5x more cool stuff for half the money. But I don't have a closet full compromised fist generation apple devices for nothing, and I'm not about to change my habits just because this is the device I've wanted most for most of my life!


macrumors 6502
Aug 16, 2007
6 years ago, I got LASIK surgery for $3500 to take my vision to 20/20 without glasses & contacts. That was a huge quality of life improvement. I'm not going to spend $3500 for Apple Vision Pro. I really don't see it as a game changer like the original iPhone was.

I never had a blackberry but when I got the iPhone back in 2007 I was like whoa, I don't even have to get out of bed, I can just check my work email when my phone alarm goes off, reply to some emails, then I go back to snoozin' for another 10 minutes.

Not sure I want a computer on my face.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2014
people complaining about $3.5K...imagine when the Apple Car comes out for $199K then the outrage will be glorious
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macrumors regular
Mar 19, 2009
...Yawn. If the history of VR/AR glasses taught us one thing... It's that expensive bulky goggles that make you look like you just returned from a ski trip or a deep ocean dive are just not that attractive a proposition to the average consumer.

Wake me up when these have the size and weight of regular glasses and custom styles are available to fit a person's personal preferences. And last at least 12 hours of run time. And allow AAA VR/AR games to be played on the go. For less than $799 (current value).

I'll see you in a couple of decades. :cool:
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