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macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2009
What is that commie bastard want with Jobs? Tell him apple is making too much money? Give apple products to welfare recipients? Hope Jobs knows that whatever Obama says is a lie!!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2008
Northern Colorado
It would be nice to set up Jobs with Duncan so they can work out getting Apple in the classroom especially iPad. Students could be helped with iPads with pre-loaded textbooks and all the possibilities that Apple can become.

OiPC. I started to put a snide comment, but then thought about what a good idea it is. Do an iPad with limited resolution, plastic back, some other cost cutting measures and get them in the hands of kids.


macrumors 68020
Mar 31, 2010
I wonder what the Tea Party crazies think about the President of the United States meeting with the CEO of one of the country's best companies. Probably think they're meeting to have the government take over Apple. It's hilarious how crazy those folks are.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2002
Eastern seaboard
I'm surprised Jobs accepted a meeting. I would have told Obama to kiss off.

Jobs accepted a meeting with the President of the United States. When President Bush asked to speak with Jamie Dimon (JPM's liberal head), I am sure Jamie said sure. Whatever your personal feelings for the man, he is still the President of the United States.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2008
Technology and the economy... broad topics for a 45 minute stop. Great political publicity, though.


macrumors 6502
Aug 3, 2007
I love how everyone in this country is so upset with Obama. Yeah we should all be employed and all be living a great life in great big houses....that's what Obama told us in his campaign! It's not happening....screw Obama....Obama sucks....OMG I voted the wrong way!

I love fickle, so illogical, such idiots! Sometimes I think Jobs is right...we humans don't really know what's good for us so we need someone to think for us...I mean if it wasn't for Steve we would probably be using Unix command line....because it's open!

Right now what Obama is doing with the country is absolutely the right thing. I mean frikin Warren Buffet (the 2nd richest man in the world) has advised Obama and agrees with Obama's economic plans! Folks, we just had a national economic disaster with our country on the brink of another great depression....and you expect everything to be rosy in a year and a half! Are you fools? Wake up people! Our country could not and would not be in any better shape no matter what! As a matter of fact I would hate to think what would have happened had McCain/Palin been in power...Texas and Alaska would probably be seceding and we would be in the biggest great depression in our history.

Obama has done about as good of a job as humanly possible.

People are so sold on catch phrases without understanding the issue thoroughly...this is why politicians can play us like puppets with their disgraceful ads. We can be programmed just like that if they make it sound good! It's not about facts, it's just about how it sounds! This is our humanly flaw. We do need someone to do the thinking for us because we sway like the wind. It's easy to say cut taxes but do you really know what that means? There are cons to cutting you know what they are?

Wake up people. Most of all don't let these politicians and their filthy ads influence you...they are all mostly lies. There are two sides to every story. There is a pro and con to every side that is taken on an issue.

Do some thinking for yourself, don't let others influence you. Be critical, be logical, be knowledgeable, and do your research!

Obama is a great president and he deserves a chance to be president when this country turns around because of him! He and Steve share one thing in common, they both know what's better for us than we do. Just remember it wasn't too long ago that people didn't like him nor his products and Steve was kicked out of Apple, and Apple was pretty much bankrupt.


macrumors 65816
Oct 18, 2008
wow...what an honor for Steve to be privileged to talk to the president. Hope Steve supports the president in his great efforts to dig this country out of the ditch that previous presidents have created.

About Steve running the country? Um, no, being CEO of an awesome company is one thing, being the president of the Unites States is quite another. Steve will teach Obama a lot about technology and some about economics but zip about running the country, that's Obama's Apple.


Um, ordinary folk call that "hating." In other words, a bunch of haters, which they are entitled to but it is what it is, hating without a cause. In hip hop, a hater hates you for no good reason but to hate. Perhaps its jealousy, denial, fear, ignorance, whatever it is, its dangerous mobbish emotion.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 6, 2009
What I don't get is how some posters on this board think that this ISN'T political in some way, and that its purely tech-related. I think that's being a bit naive. There's a reason its in PRSI.

He's talking to Steve for a few reasons; 1) The economy, 2) re-election money and sponsors (of course now a days private capital sponsorship, at least directly, is a bit more limited), and 3) Apple's overseas manufacturing, etc. I highly doubt there's any talk of technology... there's bigger issues afoot. Count reelection and the economy as the number one points of conversation, with Obama maybe making a jab or two at overseas production-- maybe even seeing what it would take for him to consider moving it stateside.

But technology and integration? Dream on.
Apple makes commercial products for mass consumers, not specialized server farms, defense equipment, or cutting edge hardware advancements. Even if they did, its not something a president is interested in, that's minutia.


macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2008
I'm surprised Jobs accepted a meeting. I would have told Obama to kiss off.
It is quite the opposite. Jobs must feel proud to be received by a president. Jobs is leader to some people, Obama to many more.
That doesn't mean that Obama doesn't respect Jobs.

Full of Win

macrumors 68030
Nov 22, 2007
Ask Apple
I wonder if Obama will ask for Apple to work its magic on their earlier efforts to encourage citizen to report on the 'fishy' free-speech of other Americans who speak against the current administration, by sending their emails to A 'flag' button in 10.7 that could forward information to the White House on citizens not saying the 'right thing' could go a long way in tamping down on criticism. It also might be more efficient than the method of citizen-on-citizen reporting they have used in the past.


Sep 4, 2009
It's a trap!!!!! Steve stay away!!!!!! You don't need Obama's involvement and suggestions.

No worries. Steve is going to play the pre-determined lame duck President like a fiddle. Steve Jobs was said to turn down running for president off and on for the past twenty years. Surprised this meeting is getting publicity. It is not the first that happened.

This country is not going to be become a socialist dictatorship as Obama's International bankers want it to be. Steve knows the endgame better than this 21st century Buchanan.


macrumors 68020
Jan 26, 2008
Well, I guess good old Steve is entitled to make a mistake by even thinking about listening to this guy, or even donating to the party.

I'll give him this, Obama does do a good job of preaching to his choir.


Sep 4, 2009
I love how everyone in this country is so upset with Obama. Yeah we should all be employed and all be living a great life in great big houses....that's what Obama told us in his campaign! It's not happening....screw Obama....Obama sucks....OMG I voted the wrong way!

Live and learn. At least it didn't come down to armed revolution. This next election will be a great negation.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2002
Eastern seaboard
Well, I guess good old Steve is entitled to make a mistake by even thinking about listening to this guy, or even donating to the party.

I'll give him this, Obama does do a good job of preaching to his choir.

So in your alternative world you would prefer Steve meet with a man who said "the foundations of our economy are strong" weeks before L Bros went down, AIG was saved by the Fed, and Morgan Stanley was bought by a bank that wasn't even based in NYC? Ya...


macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2004
Pacific Northwest
Perhaps he got a new iPhone 4? iPad?

I imagine he's going to talk to him about being an advisor on developing a plan for specific areas of R&D advancement and if there are ways for Apple to bring more Manufacturing back to the US.


macrumors 65816
Jan 15, 2009
Maybe they'll talk about making Apple products in USA. That would be great for the economy. But I think government would have to cut all taxes for apple in order to keep it affordable.

Go Steve!!!

Quit being silly, the American economy is propped up by the labour of India & China. If Americans produced their owned goods, it would cost 10 times what you pay now.


macrumors 65816
Jan 15, 2009
I love how everyone in this country is so upset with Obama. Yeah we should all be employed and all be living a great life in great big houses....that's what Obama told us in his campaign! It's not happening....screw Obama....Obama sucks....OMG I voted the wrong way!

I love fickle, so illogical, such idiots! Sometimes I think Jobs is right...we humans don't really know what's good for us so we need someone to think for us...I mean if it wasn't for Steve we would probably be using Unix command line....because it's open!

Right now what Obama is doing with the country is absolutely the right thing. I mean frikin Warren Buffet (the 2nd richest man in the world) has advised Obama and agrees with Obama's economic plans! Folks, we just had a national economic disaster with our country on the brink of another great depression....and you expect everything to be rosy in a year and a half! Are you fools? Wake up people! Our country could not and would not be in any better shape no matter what! As a matter of fact I would hate to think what would have happened had McCain/Palin been in power...Texas and Alaska would probably be seceding and we would be in the biggest great depression in our history.

Obama has done about as good of a job as humanly possible.

People are so sold on catch phrases without understanding the issue thoroughly...this is why politicians can play us like puppets with their disgraceful ads. We can be programmed just like that if they make it sound good! It's not about facts, it's just about how it sounds! This is our humanly flaw. We do need someone to do the thinking for us because we sway like the wind. It's easy to say cut taxes but do you really know what that means? There are cons to cutting you know what they are?

Wake up people. Most of all don't let these politicians and their filthy ads influence you...they are all mostly lies. There are two sides to every story. There is a pro and con to every side that is taken on an issue.

Do some thinking for yourself, don't let others influence you. Be critical, be logical, be knowledgeable, and do your research!

Obama is a great president and he deserves a chance to be president when this country turns around because of him! He and Steve share one thing in common, they both know what's better for us than we do. Just remember it wasn't too long ago that people didn't like him nor his products and Steve was kicked out of Apple, and Apple was pretty much bankrupt.

Well said. You see the republicans wanted out of office. They knew the downturn was coming because they raped and killed the Golden Goose. Cut taxes beyond the hilt, incurred huge deficits that NO ONE could possibly handle and brought wall street to it's knees. Then handed the keys to the democrats and said you deal with it. Then off they went with their Golden parachutes all the while the rest of the republicans spend their time pointing and complaining why the problem, isn't fixed. And that is why I hate the majority of republicans.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2002
Eastern seaboard
They are managing it but it will cause a lot of headaches if they setup an embargo. Though America are looking for native sources but it could take up to 15 years to ramp up supply to current requirements.

No. Mountain Pass, California would go fully online in 5.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
Obama: Steve, what about the economy?
Steve: It's a non-issue.

Obama: Well, when will employment go back up?
Steve: Soon

Obama: It would sure help if Apple manufactured products in the USA.
Steve: We disagree
Well done. :)

Were you the proverbial fly on the wall? :p :D

On a serious note, it would really be interesting to listen in on the discussion of the economy and technology between these two.

The government and military are so restrictive on computer usage. Apple represents a more open platform but yet jealously guards her secrets. Almost a paradox if you will. Maybe there are some lessons and ideas to be exchanged in this area.

Apple continually improves key processes -- especially in the logistics and support arena. Key areas that the government could improve upon.

And who knows, maybe our President just wanted the opportunity to meet Steve Jobs. :)


macrumors regular
Feb 27, 2004
New Orleans
Vision meets passion.

Jobs has such focus on user experience and Obama has a great passion for social issues. Their meeting must be awesome. To be a fly on the wall. So many corporations look at their employees as liabilities as opposed to assets. Apple has a great model and I'll bet Obama takes a good lesson from his meeting. Those of us looking for a messiah will be disappointed in Obama, he's very smart. I'm a bit disappointed by some of his advisers. He'll need more than he can glean from Jobs to reign in this economy.


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2007
Orlando FL
These two were made for each other.
They're both arrogant enough to think that they're better at deciding what's best for me than I am.

The democrats need a healthy dose of: Mind your own business.
Get out of my paycheck, get out of my healthcare, get out of my dietary decisions.

The democrats' own controlling nature will be their final downfall. Bring it on

And republicans need to get out of my sex life, get out of my religion and get out of the education system.


macrumors demi-god
Apr 3, 2010
Big Sky country
I'd like to be a fly on the wall for the Jobs-Obama meeting. Wonder what Steve will say about all of the Macs made in China. They're done there for less cost. The US needs to get a handle on it's labor force and expenses or level the playing field more.
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