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macrumors G3
Oct 28, 2015
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macrumors newbie
Sep 6, 2020
I come across these 'crazy price' listings for all sorts of products. I believe that these are template listings and not actually available at present. (Although if anyone was daft enough to bid £999 the item may become available pretty quick)! For online dealers, it takes time to create a new listing. If they regularly sell simillar products it is easier to keep old listings open with a crazy price rather than create new. The crazy listing is then quickly updated when the product is available. For the buyer, it is anoying to trawl through the spam. It also damages confidence in the seller. Ebay should have a template storage system for sellers so they only make listings live when they are actually available and open to bidding.

There are a lot of pages to this thread, so my apologies if this has already been mentioned.

Kind regards,
I come across these 'crazy price' listings for all sorts of products. I believe that these are template listings and not actually available at present. (Although if anyone was daft enough to bid £999 the item may become available pretty quick)!

I don’t disagree that eBay should allow the creation and saving of templates for power sellers. In fact, it would help them do their job and produce more use-value for both eBay and for the buying community.

That said, eBay really should stress-test those listings as an internal audit for seller integrity and authenticity. In the first place, they would have to be community-flagged listings — flagged because they are complete outliers and suggest something sketchy on the dealer’s end.

This might, in fact, necessitate eBay to conduct random “buys” of those comically inflated products — to verify whether those sellers actually do have the product on hand. If yes, then eBay receives the product, then returns it to the seller, fully insured, to let the seller know they passed their audit, adding a new distinction to a seller’s profile as being “audit-approved” (next to the other distinguishing markers like stars, “longtime seller”, “power seller”, and so on).

If no, then eBay issues them a strike for deceptive listing practices and that gets slapped on in lieu of “audit-passed”. It wouldn’t mean the eBay seller’s “100 per cent” rating with buyer feedback is false, but it would give future buyers advance notice that the seller was unable to deliver on community-flagged products whose listing price looked (and was) extraordinary.

That audit system would probably see the end of many listings with posted absurd prices, falsely skewing the supply and demand picture for those products when they do come up for sale (when the product is on-hand).

Ataman Honcho Honchev

macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2023
There is a bargain on the fee-Bay, please don't rush to buy it.

$800 for a 3112-based SATA card which does not support hot-swap is a bargain, isn't it?
  • Haha
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There is a bargain on the fee-Bay, please don't rush to buy it.

$800 for a 3112-based SATA card which does not support hot-swap is a bargain, isn't it?

Seller description: “BuT iT hAs ThE nAmE sOnNeT oN iT (GET IT? RHYME) aNd iT’s PuRpLe!!!1111111oneoneoneeleven BUY NOW, REAL BARGAIN”

(Yes, Sonnet made quality products, but so did others, such as FirmTek.)

Ataman Honcho Honchev

macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2023
Seller description: “BuT iT hAs ThE nAmE sOnNeT oN iT (GET IT? RHYME) aNd iT’s PuRpLe!!!1111111oneoneoneeleven BUY NOW, REAL BARGAIN”

(Yes, Sonnet made quality products, but so did others, such as FirmTek.)
Thanks for the compliment - actually, I am the FirmTek, lol. No joking.
And I made the driver for that card as it is the same as SeriTek/1S2.

As a result, that $800 is even more appealing for me.
Thanks for the compliment - actually, I am the FirmTek, lol. No joking.
And I made the driver for that card as it is the same as SeriTek/1S2.

As a result, that $800 is even more appealing for me.

My PCI-X Power Mac G5 is enriched tenfold by its SeriTek 1V4 SATA card. The only gripe I had was when trying to run it together with a 2SE4 card: they rely on different iterations of firmware and conflicted with one another. I ended up selling the 2SE4, since the plan for that was to take advantage of its port multiplier capability and to buy an external RAID drive bay.

Ataman Honcho Honchev

macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2023
My PCI-X Power Mac G5 is enriched tenfold by its SeriTek 1V4 SATA card. The only gripe I had was when trying to run it together with a 2SE4 card: they rely on different iterations of firmware and conflicted with one another. I ended up selling the 2SE4, since the plan for that was to take advantage of its port multiplier capability and to buy an external RAID drive bay.
Lately I am in the process to update / re-write everything. The incompatibility shouldn't be a problem than.
Apologies for that: the 1V4 is based on a first generation ASIC, the 2SE4 on a second generation.

Hint: try to get as many Marvell 6042-based cards, but I think I will touch the SiliconImage 3124 (the one of the SeriTek/2SE4) sooner. Currently working on the VIA6421A to replace the SiliconImage 3112.

The betas of the 3112, 3114 (!) and 3512 are posted somewhere here on the forum.
The 3114 is of course displaying all 4 channels on the "9".

The big problem of all SImage 3112-3114-3512 is that regulator. The 3124 is OK.
While the regulator problem is well-known, the dumb manufacturers keep selling cards with improper regulator - as a result limiting themselves and their sales. Never understood the logic of these "cheap" sellers on the feebay.

Ataman Honcho Honchev

macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2023
While the regulator problem is well-known, the dumb manufacturers keep selling cards with improper regulator - as a result limiting themselves and their sales. Never understood the logic of these "cheap" sellers on the feebay.
The funny background: due it's name the majority of people tend to think, FirmTek was somehow associated with M'Land China and with the above "cheapness".

Nothing can be further from the truth.
Lately I am in the process to update / re-write everything. The incompatibility shouldn't be a problem than.
Apologies for that: the 1V4 is based on a first generation ASIC, the 2SE4 on a second generation.

No worries. This realization was made back in 2017. The 2SE4 was on eBay for about a year before someone finally bought it in 2019. The 1V4, meanwhile, just works wonderfully.

The funny background: due it's name the majority of people tend to think, FirmTek was somehow associated with M'Land China and with the above "cheapness".

Nothing can be further from the truth.

Odd. If they spent any time on the FirmTek web site or actually contacted FirmTek with a support question, they would know from the outset that the company and their engineers are based in North America (the U.S., as I recall). Maybe that sentiment came from people who saw the function-first web site, realized it wasn’t full of marketing silliness, and deduced (incorrectly) it was some overseas enterprise (especially ironic, given how a lot of overseas tech concerns now rely on flashy, but largely empty web presences with very little in the way of useful technical information).

Ataman Honcho Honchev

macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2023
No worries. This realization was made back in 2017. The 2SE4 was on eBay for about a year before someone finally bought it in 2019. The 1V4, meanwhile, just works wonderfully.

Odd. If they spent any time on the FirmTek web site or actually contacted FirmTek with a support question, they would know from the outset that the company and their engineers are based in North America (the U.S., as I recall). Maybe that sentiment came from people who saw the function-first web site, realized it wasn’t full of marketing silliness, and deduced (incorrectly) it was some overseas enterprise (especially ironic, given how a lot of overseas tech concerns now rely on flashy, but largely empty web presences with very little in the way of useful technical information).

FirmTek was always a two-person company, both engineers.
The things changed in 2008 when after spending 15 years in the States my family decided to move back to Europe.

I never regretted our move.

Ataman Honcho Honchev

macrumors regular
Feb 11, 2023
Possibly the only monitor to buy as a second display for one’s toothy AIO G3. :)
Ah, - my favorite. Eons ago, before Internet, but during F-J Strauss in Bavaria we used to be fans of "Kurz und Fündig". This is how I got my first Mac.

Today, when I am at our home #2 (on the French side of the border between FR and Baden-Württemberg) the "" is the new "Kurz und Fündig". Otherwise "" or maybe once in a while "".

And of course, cold cash... No PayPal. And SATA first generation controllers for $800 are very rare. 🤪

So far the best fetch: Sony Alpha 7R IV in May of 2022 for ca. $2000, number of actuations: under 2000.
That was on "jofogas". The second-best was on ebay-kleinanzeigen: Sony Alpha 7 IV, unopened, brand-new, zero actuations for ca. the same price.

The biggest problem with these three sites is that without certain language skills (and being embedded in that particular geographic area) these are of little use.

Scamsters, too, do appear - but once the buyer communicates in local language and is clear that he is coming in person with cash they magically disappear. Better + safer than eBay.
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
I am thinking to offer the original version (ver#1 PCB, with regulators incompatible with G4 QS / G4 DA) for $8000 than. Or maybe it should be $80000? 😂

I genuinely wouldn't even bother. Another sold recently for closer to what you suggested was a fairer price.

Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 20.09.08.png
I only showed those pics from that ridiculous listing, which has done the rounds for quite a while now, because the seller was kind enough to take decently clear shots of the onboard chips.


macrumors 65816
Aug 2, 2015
Seller description: “BuT iT hAs ThE nAmE sOnNeT oN iT (GET IT? RHYME) aNd iT’s PuRpLe!!!1111111oneoneoneeleven BUY NOW, REAL BARGAIN”

(Yes, Sonnet made quality products, but so did others, such as FirmTek.)

I've got a Sonnet Tempo USB 2.0 card laying around, and it's purple as well. I wonder if I could get $1000 for it...

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