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macrumors 68000
Mar 19, 2015
I know the haters like to assume Elon lies about everything but that's clearly Apple HQ and you can even see Tim's reflection at one point
It's just good reporting to cite more than one source, headline should at least say "purported" or state that "According to Elon". Here's how others are responsibly covering the headline, none state it as fact.
Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 1.56.44 PM.png


Aug 5, 2021
He was in debt from student loans and is now a billionaire. Self made. End of story and you can try and play mental gymnastics all you want while being jealous of him.

"hE waS in DeBt"

And other simp fictions like he invented electric cars and is going to colonize Mars and cares about free speech haha


macrumors 68020
Jan 15, 2015
Agreed! 100% maybe Elon Musk showed up anonymously, an uninvited guest. That's why he's being super thankful.

Front Desk called Tim Cook...Someone is here to meet you. Oh, who is it?

Front Desk to Elon: Sir, Do you have an appointment?

Front Desk is on the line with Mr. Cook, he replied: Who is it?

This guy from Twitter looks like a familiar face... Tim Cook replied... Oh, him... yeah, let him in I guess. *sigh*

Hopefully, he didn't show up with a sink.

I think he takes the sink with him everywhere he goes.


macrumors 603
Sep 29, 2016
It's just good reporting to cite more than one source, headline should at least say "purported" or state that "According to Elon". Here's how others are responsibly covering the headline, none state it as fact.
People don't care about only one source when it is negative news about someone they dislike. Now all of the sudden they care.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2017
I said that. See post below.

It seems like Elon Musk reached out to Tim Cook. He has been reaching out to all the execs who have stopped advertising on Twitter. Elon is losing money and the banks and investors are not happy. I'm sure Tim Cook was included in the memo.

Companies have a right to advertise wherever or stop doing so, most of the withdraws looked to be a bit more on the childish side though. Tim could use an ally with the heat the app store has been getting, Twitter needs Apple more but they could both stand to win if they can see eye-to-eye.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2008
I said that. See post below.

It seems like Elon Musk reached out to Tim Cook. He has been reaching out to all the execs who have stopped advertising on Twitter. Elon is losing money and the banks and investors are not happy. I'm sure Tim Cook was included in the memo.

Yeah I just looked for and found that 😃. I was just catching up on the messages as I scrolled through the pages and noticed the comment but not the author at the time.

You’re probably right. Elon may have just decided what he was doing wasn’t the best, and instead of flaming up with stupid tweets, he would be better being an adult. What he said about Apple is pretty irrelevant though. Apple doesn’t care. He just needs to slow down and fix Twitter.


macrumors 603
Sep 29, 2016
If Musk believes Free Speech means anyone can express any lie they want and have other people act based on that lie, then Twitter will become an ever deepening cess pool. Allowing Trump, with his years of spouting misinformation, seals Twitter's demise.
And of course the former president is brought up, took more posts than usual this time though. Trump hasn't even tweeted and has shown no signs of returning so you can relax on that.


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2021
“…should Twitter fail to adequately handle inappropriate content..”

And thats the problem. Apple decides what content is appropriate?

Ah yes, the standards are “misinformation” and “hate“.

But one political party has decided that anything they don’t agree with is “misinformation” (oh, hey there ‘there are no adverse reactions!!!’) and hate (ah, yes, if you think it’s problematic to allow small children, far too young to be trusted to do basically anything on their own, to decide they are a different sex and then put them on drugs or give them genital surgery, you are an evil ignorant bigot!!).


Legitimate and important debate has been undermined in pursuit if left-wing interests. You are not allowed to question the latest leftist belief. So much of this is insane, and that’s why some people don’t want people to challenge them…huh…interesting!


macrumors 603
Sep 29, 2016
I can see this all playing off Musk's saying he may allow porn on Twitter and Apple saying that if he allowed that they'd have to drop the app from the App Store. By the fact Musk never mentions just what 'the moderation' is, that would be my first, best guess.
The fan fiction is getting more creative by the second. If this is what I could expect on Mastodon, I may need to sign up.


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2021
Musk is not interested in purging filth. He is all about giving filth a chance because he's all about free speech.
Again, there was already filth on Twitter before Musk came on the scene. It was just filth directed against the opponents of the Left. It was allowed and championed. And leftists were fine with that. And that’s kind of the whole problem.
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