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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Version 3.2.0 is available for everyone on the AppStore with charts improvements (on iOS16) and an exclusive new feature to create and start an interval plan without stopping your session !
When your coach tells you the next exercise, you can directly configure it and use it from your Watch.
Long press the metrics screen and select « Interval plan »
Select a stored plan or create a new one, start it when you want !
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
I have just pushed 3.2.3 to the App Store.
This is mainly bug fixes but there is one new feature: you can now export running power data to Strava and FIT files (for supported watches).

My next feature is to implement running targets (pace, heart rate ...).
I need some help and ideas to build that:
- I think I need a threshold to avoid measurement noise
- do we need notifications when we are over or under the target ? It can be annoying ...
- how to display something readable to check if we are in the target, over or under ? colors ?

I never use such feature, so I have absolutely no idea on the best way to do that.
So, your participation will be appreciated !


macrumors newbie
Jul 15, 2010
I have just pushed 3.2.3 to the App Store.
This is mainly bug fixes but there is one new feature: you can now export running power data to Strava and FIT files (for supported watches).

My next feature is to implement running targets (pace, heart rate ...).
I need some help and ideas to build that:
- I think I need a threshold to avoid measurement noise
- do we need notifications when we are over or under the target ? It can be annoying ...
- how to display something readable to check if we are in the target, over or under ? colors ?

I never use such feature, so I have absolutely no idea on the best way to do that.
So, your participation will be appreciated !
Will speak to pace targets since I actually use that. I think some cross of what Apple offers visually with what Workoutdoors offers audibly is my preference. I really like the way Apple's pacer mode displays how far ahead/behind of pace you are. I imagine something similar can be done for heart rates. This article has good screenshots (

As for notifications, I like how WOD does it with audio feedback that yells at me when I am behind or ahead of pace. IIRC you set the threshold and it tells you when you're behind or ahead and then again when you get back in zone. So some combination of audio feedback/notifications and a graphic like Apple's implementation (it's both color coded and has the slider with more detailed info) is the best of both worlds. Whatever implementation for notifications, just don't make it one of those that you have to dismiss or act on in any way. That would definitely get annoying.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Thanks for your ideas !
I have to finish some bug fixes and code cleanup, then I will work on the pacer feature.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Some news !
2 weeks ago I have published a small update with the possibility to name workouts and add a description before sending it to Strava .
Now, I am testing version 3.3.0 with run targets !
You can set a pace, speed or heart rate target for the complete workout ou for some specific planned segments.
If all goes well, I think this release will be available next week.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Version 3.3.0 is coming in beta test on Test Flight with:
New features:
- Set targets for pace/speed and heart rates. You can set targets for the complete workout (compared to average pace/speed and current heart rate) or for each segment in a plan
- new metrics to display gauges for target follow up
- set target notifications with programmable time between popups
Bug fixes:
- navigation in plans manager
- FC max evaluation with Gellish & Coll. formulae based on age if not enough data to evaluate with previous workouts

Some screenshots:

running view:
Simulator Screenshot - Apple Watch Series 8 (41mm) - 2023-04-13 at 15.34.29.png

Popup alert for missed targets
Simulator Screenshot - Apple Watch Series 8 (41mm) - 2023-04-13 at 15.35.22.png
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
It’s finally available on TestFlight
Testing this week for an half-marathon !


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Version 3.3.0 is now available for every one on the App Store with the new "Targets" feature.
You can set speed and/or hear rate targets for the whole workout or for segments in interval plans.
New metric gauges are available.
You can also set target notifications with customizable period between 2 notifications (to avoid too many notifications).
I hope you will enjoy this new release !


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
YouRace is still improving !
Today, I start the beta test for a new feature: Time target for races.
If all goes well, it will be available for everyone soon !
I think this version is the last one before watchOS10
Then I will focus on new OS to ensure compatibility.
I plan to use the new frameworks as much as possible, but, sadly, it will probably break the compatibility for Series 3 that are limited to watchOS 8.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Yes it does, on all capable hardware: Series 5 and upper (not on SE)
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
YouRace version 3.4.0 with time target for races is now available for everyone on the AppStore !
It's a great opportunity to achieve your dreams !
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macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2023
Hello rbart,

Firstly, thank you so much for all the work you've done on the application: it's simply incredible to have achieved something so accomplished on your own! At the same time, I think that's why the user experience is so consistent.
However, I'd like to take the liberty of re-launching the integration of Stryd. In my opinion, it's the only thing missing when compared with other applications such as Workoutdoor, Ismoothrun and GPS sports watches... it's a real game changer for obtaining reliable paces, so you don't have to go to the stadium to measure your 400m times. This compatibility would undoubtedly lead to many people buying the PRO version.
I don't use the application because of this point, but I have bought the pro version to support development :)
Many thanks, long live France and ... your health above all.


macrumors member
Jul 29, 2023
Can you add me to the beta testers ? I am also an ios/watchos tester and I run a lot :) would love to test and give feedback :)


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Thanks for your feedback and your support !
Unfortunately, I have no plans to add stryd support for the moment for several reason:
- I don’t have one to test and develop
- it’s not very common in AW runners community, YouRace is not very common … so the target audience is very small, and as I am alone to code on my spare time, I have to make choices
- I have a lot of other ideas you will probably love if I am successful…


macrumors member
Jul 29, 2023
after connecting an external heart rate sensor, e.g. polar h10, does the application use its readings?

is the app affected by "lost" gps signal like the default activity app?


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Honnestly, I have never tested external HR sensors. The app should behave like other running apps.
For GPS, I use Apple APIs for location (CoreLocation), like in other apps:
- I can't decide which GPS device is used (iPhone or Apple Watch) if you run with your iPhone. It's AW GPS if you run without iPhone, or iPhone GPS if you bring your phone (except for Ultra and S8 that always rely on watch GPS)
- The GPS is used to draw the workout track but distances/pace come from Apple calibrated data (which mixes GPS and pedometer). I case of poor GPS reception, distance and speed should not be affected so much. But as always with Apple, we have very few documentation and very few control on how things are done ...


macrumors member
Jul 29, 2023
The application looks great. One "crash" on the phone though I don't know what it was due to. I'll keep watching and come back with feedback.

But I do have one question. Maybe stupid...
How to enable scheduled intervals ? I can't seem to find it.

Great compliments the app has first of all practically what is missing in the default app.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 3, 2013
Thanks for your feedback.
To enable scheduled intervals, you need the Pro version and create a « Plan »
On the iPhone, it’s in the Profile menu « Manage interval plans »
On the Watch, it’s the orange button in the main screen « Plans »
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