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macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2017
I’m just happy with my 14 PM because this is my very first flagship iPhone purchase. My previous phones were a refurbished 6s plus and a launch day XR. Really waited for the 14 and fought the temptation to upgrade my previous phone. I went all in with my wallet this time. Have not experienced bugs yet… hopefully not 🤞


macrumors 68040
Dec 20, 2009
Bc Canada
@Knowlege Bomb

Been here 12 years, so not quite a newbie. I posted just a minuscule sample of the problems and complaints I found. Don’t think I have better hardware, just less troublesome. My personal experience anyway. If you’d like to see my comprehensive research, I’d be happy to post it for you.
If you've been here for years, you should know better by now then to fall for the clickbait. It's literally every single year on every single iPhone ever released the last several years. Heck, most apple releases for that matter, always have some new "gate" issue people want to push.

If I believed all that crap every year, I wouldn't be able to find a phone to buy. Apple has a warranty and no question return policies for a reason. Ive had iPhones since the 3gs and yet to feel I was "burned" by apple for buying one. Not saying they are perfect, but never so riddled with problems I feel the need to run the other direction.

The 13's are awesome phones, got my kids 13's for Christmas and my wife has my 13 pro max. People sometimes have ridiculous expectations when it comes to what they should expect from them year over year. Smartphones tech has matured a lot and we won't see big "revolutionary" changes each year and that seems to sour some people. Souring them to the point they need to create some hype train behind their thoughts and gather the pitch forks!

Buy the phone and enjoy it, but seems a little out there you had to make an entire post for this.


macrumors member
May 13, 2019
Atlanta, GA
Each new device exists somewhat in a vacuum—it's a different configuration of parts each time, so each one will have its own perfections and imperfections. I am an iUP customer, so I see them every year.

The 13 Pro was the most "solid" device I've had since the 8 (I went 8, XR, 11, 12, 13, all Pros once introduced), I'll grant you that—but it was also the least "compelling" upgrade in terms of newness. Stability was its biggest pleasantry (my 12 Pro needed to be replaced once, and the battery degraded QUICKLY, so, not a good year), but that's because the tech in it was more of the same, and had more time to 'bake.'

The biggest pleasantry of the 14 Pro has been the Dynamic Island for me, but the back camera has been a lateral-if-not-overall-downward move. Definitely less good in dark lighting (for me) and the mode switching is awful as of 16.2. But that's because I'd suggest the hardware is on the sharp edge—it needs time to 'bake.'

Annually, the phone generations are less differentiated. I had my mother buy a 13 Pro on sale a few months ago, because it's a more stable device. I think it will "live" longer. Each one will be some steps forward, maybe some steps back, definitely some to the side. There's no real need to make an argument over which is "better," because overall progress moves forward. Just be happy with what you have—which you are, so, good for you.

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
13 pro line are still great devices and so use pro raw so really I get those why pick 13 pro. the bigger upgrades are this year.


macrumors 68030
Jul 5, 2010
Central Tx
I had the 13 Pro Max and enjoyed it but I also learned its limitations regarding the camera. 12 megapixels is small these days and it has been around for too long and is outdated. Upgrading to the 14 Pro Max was one of the best choices I made. The 48 megapixel resolution of the new iPhone 14 pro max is amazing. But I guess your choice for the 13 pro versus the 14 pro wasn’t based on the camera, but the battery, etc. I haven’t had any issues with the battery on my iPhones, I have two of the 14 pro max 1 TB model iPhones and they both behave the exact same way. as a photographer, I take a lot of photos and starting to get into video.


macrumors regular
Dec 27, 2021
I have had the 14 base model for some time now and it is a very good phone I have not hardly had any problems with it!


macrumors 68000
Nov 3, 2020
14 Pro here and there's no way I'd go back to the 13 Pro... My launch day device has been faultless.
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Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
I see this post/thread as group therapy to justify making a decision they were unsure about. I personally believe dumping money into an older phone when a few bucks more would have gotten you a better product is a bad decision. No issues at all here with my iPhone 14 Pro and it feels like a nice jump up from my old 13 Pro. I think the websites you read much like this thread have an agenda which is to sway people to not buy the new iPhone because of reasons. The fact that the OP never had an iPhone 14/Pro and thinks his older iPhone is better makes absolutely no sense. Apple has a return policy so at a minimal try out the product to make sure before you plunk down hundreds of dollars.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 26, 2021
I see this post/thread as group therapy to justify making a decision they were unsure about. I personally believe dumping money into an older phone when a few bucks more would have gotten you a better product is a bad decision. No issues at all here with my iPhone 14 Pro and it feels like a nice jump up from my old 13 Pro. I think the websites you read much like this thread have an agenda which is to sway people to not buy the new iPhone because of reasons. The fact that the OP never had an iPhone and thinks his older iPhone is better makes absolutely no sense. Apple has a return policy so at a minimal try out the product to make sure before you plunk down hundreds of dollars.
The OP had an Iphone before:
".....I decided to upgrade to my 13PM from my 8 Plus..........


macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2021
I bought the 14 Pro Max because the 15 will have downgrades I hate. Like USB C, apart from transferring like 30 photos, speed is meaningless to me. But the connection is sloppy and falls out at the slightest budge. The connection is more fragile compared to Lightning and like Samsungs, the whole unit may need to be replaced if you fry USB C. Then after 2 years - out comes the portless phone - good for water resistance.

Sick and tired of the “water resistance” excuses. Non-removable batteries - water resistance. Remove the headphone jack - water resistance (and also new Airpods…oops…). Removal of sim tray - water resistance. Capacitive buttons - water resistance. Or, how about less milling of the frame and saving money deleting those parts?

And yes the last year - probably - for the sim card tray here in Canada.

That’s why I bought the 14 PM. The 13 was too close to my 12 PM.
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macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
Every time I think about a thousand dollar telephone that depreciates to nothing in a couple years, I put it on a list of all the other disposable luxury items to throw my spare thousands at, but every time I find the phone is at the bottom of the list between a big wheel of cheese and a 3 day adventure in Tijuana.
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Sep 20, 2014
I miss my 13 Pro Max everyday - better battery, no issues with connectivity, sometimes my 14 needs a reboot to actually be able to get the modem to work and download anything.
Damn that’s not good at all


macrumors 6502a
Dec 26, 2021
I meant to say never had an iPhone 14 or iPhone 14 Pro.....
Is a person required to have first hand experience with something to form an opinion about it?
Is it allowable for a person to express satisfaction for what they have in favor of what appears to be many complaints and problems that others have with the latest and greatest?
The OP didn't denigrate the 14 series.
The OP merely stated that he or she was happy with the decision made.

Knowlege Bomb

macrumors G4
Feb 14, 2008
Is a person required to have first hand experience with something to form an opinion about it?
Is it allowable for a person to express satisfaction for what they have in favor of what appears to be many complaints and problems that others have with the latest and greatest?
The OP didn't denigrate the 14 series.
The OP merely stated that he or she was happy with the decision made.
I would say yes. I think people running around talking about things without properly using it for long enough to have an informed opinion is a terrible trend.

As an example, I have a family member (by marriage) that uses a four year old Galaxy and swears he’ll never touch an iPhone again. That’s all well and good for him but he refuses to allow his wife to get an iPhone even though everybody else in the family uses them. His reasoning: he used an iPhone 4 and it sucked.


macrumors newbie
Aug 29, 2022
Over the years there have been a few “bad Apples”:

The iPhone 6 was terrible, with random restarts and bad reception. The 12 Pro dropped lots of calls. I know this was a model issue as Apple replaced both phones several times over the year or so I used them. The X, and now 14, seem buggy.

Best iPhones?
The 5s was the first iPhone I really enjoyed. The 8, Xs and 11 Pro were good but my current favorite is my 13 Pro. Rock solid.
I have to laugh at this because my first iPhone was a 6 Plus (screen broke because of the bending phone issue… went through two refurbs after that), followed by an X (which I actually had no major issues with), and then 12PM (briefly), 13PM and 14PM. The biggest complaint I have about my 14PM now is that the camera closeups on the normal 1x lens can’t get quite as close up without blurring 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Sep 13, 2014
Talk about protesting too much. Let’s be honest, it must have been pretty annoying that the biggest upgrade and first redesign in 5 years occurred shortly after you bought a 13pm

First redesign in 5 years? Nah, the biggest REAL design change is coming with the 15 Pro/Ultra because it will feature a brand new material (titanium) and have the first asymmetrical iPhone design in 14 years. The dynamic island is not a huge redesign or upgrade at all. I would even venture to say going from the 11 Pro pill to 12 Pro box is not a huge redesign as the materials and design principles remained the same.

If anything the 14 Pro buyers will be kicking themselves instead.


macrumors 68040
Dec 20, 2009
Bc Canada
First redesign in 5 years? Nah, the biggest REAL design change is coming with the 15 Pro/Ultra because it will feature a brand new material (titanium) and have the first asymmetrical iPhone design in 14 years. The dynamic island is not a huge redesign or upgrade at all. I would even venture to say going from the 11 Pro pill to 12 Pro box is not a huge redesign as the materials and design principles remained the same.

If anything the 14 Pro buyers will be kicking themselves instead.
This is why I offset my upgrade years with my wife. Each year one of us can get an upgrade, and each year she just lets me use the upgrade and takes over my old device.

And yes, I always try to get her to use her upgrades! And she’s like “you always have the best model from last year, I don’t need the newest one, just give me years. You’ll just drool and obsess over mine anyways”

She loves me lol
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