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macrumors member
Sep 24, 2020
This morning on G4 Powerbook with Tiger/Safari 4:

Home page - bad formatting, slow to load, scrolling the page chokes trying to load all the elements.

Login asks for email when it requires username.

Logging in takes you to a confusing file upload page with 2 requesters - one asking for zip only but giving a maximum image size.

To actually upload a video you have to click My Videos.
The requesters ask for a video thumbnail too - ideally this should be done automatically from the uploaded video.
Page froze when I attempted to upload a video.

Clicking on My Account/Account details froze.

The video I successfully uploaded yesterday is no longer in My Videos but is listed in the correct home page video category.
If clicked on a page with 2 oversized Flash video placeholders appears - playing buffers endlessly with no video, only sound.
on my iMac g4 the formatting is fine on the home page and not laggy at all. (oh unless you have flash installed the MP3 player takes its time loading because the file is huge lol my bad)

login will accept email or username and its only going to the file upload right now because I am testing it :)

haha yeah im not coding YouTube 2.0 mate you can upload your own thumbnails lol.

currently the video screens have multiple players because of the video formats the page will support different embedded players and the files have all been deleted for now including the one you uploaded already but the information remains in the database.

thanks for your notes :)

oh try this page for flash player based video playback and lemme know the specs of your machine and how well it plays it

EDIT #2:

so after a lazy day I got a few things done.. keyword search is working, categories are working, login and uploads for videos (FLV Video playback only at the moment) zip file uploads, image uploads and mp3 uploads are now supported.

you can now upload files such as mp4, mov's etc but they will not playback yet... but its coming ok :)

things to do?

where to start... hmmm

### user dashboard ###
user password change, delete account, edit email

edit video information, playback in user dashboard.

support for users
(probably just an email form at this point nothing special)

### website ###
user comments on videos, user irc chat.

### performance and end use ###
So basically right now im uploading a bunch of the same video at 144, 360,480,720 resolutions for testing of different systems. so when you see search results there will be some broken links and images.

my test machines are
iMac g4 (10.5.8) 1.25ghz 1DDR,
PMG5 Dual 1DDR2 (SL),
Mac mini g4 1.25gz 1DDR running OS9. oh and for fun a pentium MMX 200 system with win98 on it 200mhz,32mb ram lol. (I have a g3 iBook ill have to dig out also)

so there is a bunch of format dimensions that work better than others and I wanna kind of find a middle ground that will perform ok for a lot of systems.

ie, on my PMG5 720 FLV, MP4, MOV files run mint on this system and the MMG4 with os9 will in fact play the videos at a decent quality but then my imacg4 doesnt really like them lol.

so try some bench marking... try these flash/FLV based resolutions

144p @ natural res

360p @ classic iPhone res

360 @ classic iPod res

720P @ classic iPhone res is also another bunch of settings you can try out too. this is just for browser compatibility testing for embedded players.
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