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macrumors 601
Apr 2, 2020


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2017
North Carolina
I still wish we had character voices. IMO it would fun to have Darth Vader or mb a "Suze" - a bulimic chain smoker from Staten Island yelling back to me. For now I use the female Australian voice. :cool:
Don't get Apple started. Like emojis, it will be the next big list of regular release chest thumping...
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macrumors 68000
Jul 24, 2007
Troutdale, OR
Really? Too bad they are losing the male/female labels.

It’s not a huge inconvenience as how often do you want to go in and change Siri voices, but it slightly degraded the user experience during setup.

FYI, I have heard that most (but not all) of the spoke audio alerts in aircraft (Stall/wind sheer/etc.) are female due to the fact that they are easier to hear in a noisy environment, and pilots have a higher rate of understanding/obeying vs a male voice.

I am not sure if that is actually true, or just a rumor that got started evades ago when they started moving away from simple buzzers/bells/alarms....


macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2011
I’ve always thought standard female voices on assistants are disgustingly promoting the cliché of someone’s secretary being a woman (hence a woman in an office is probably the secretary).
Not sure why people in the progressive Silicon Valley thought it just felt natural to give firm and rude orders to a woman.
So brave.

Lol....nobody would think twice about it if Siri worked. Most wouldn't be giving firm and rude orders to an actual helpful assistant.


macrumors 603
May 14, 2012
The American male voice has always been gender neutral. ;) Just don’t take away any other male voices that we have.
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