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Jul 15, 2006
I keep forgetting there are 386 different genders. Thank you Apple for reminding me.

even Siri isn't immune to social justice initiatives

So they are removing gender now lol

Unbelievable apple now it says voice 1 and voice 2 why can’t they use gender or does that not work now days

Why are we changing the world for a tiny minority of people? Leave male and female alone

Wow. Someone actually includes men when referring to equality. How long before the feminists protest they are being marginalized?

This is the kind of nonsense Apple prioritizes - defaulting to a neutral voice so as not to hurt feeings rather than making Siri actually work properly.
Everybody: Why can't apple just give us some options ffs

Apple: gives options

MacRumors forum members: No not like that


macrumors 68020
Jul 5, 2002
I’ve always thought standard female voices on assistants are disgustingly promoting the cliché of someone’s secretary being a woman (hence a woman in an office is probably the secretary).
Not sure why people in the progressive Silicon Valley thought it just felt natural to give firm and rude orders to a woman.

It‘s funny how people read a meaning into something like this, without knowing about the backgrounds. Perhaps the choice has been made, because studies exist, saying that female voices are generally experienced as nicer - even by women. Not always, but as a general trend.

Besides - Siri has been purchased by Apple (the startup which developed it), so if you want to accuse someone of something, you should do your homework first and target the original developers ...


Jun 6, 2005
I’ve always thought standard female voices on assistants are disgustingly promoting the cliché of someone’s secretary being a woman (hence a woman in an office is probably the secretary).
Not sure why people in the progressive Silicon Valley thought it just felt natural to give firm and rude orders to a woman.
Women make great secretaries. Why all the hate? The real reason is probably more like why women are often tour guides - data shows people just give better reception to women and they less threatening.


macrumors 601
Apr 2, 2020
I can just see the Siri team in a meeting.

INTERIOR - Apple Park

Damn Tim is gonna be pissed when he hears that we have bupkis for the next release and no idea on how to make Siri not suck

Hey, we could tweak the voices and change some options and call it Siri inclusion and diversity. Should be able to have it done by end of the day. Marketing will know how to spin this into a "leading industry innovation" story and Tim will be thrilled. And our asses will not only be saved, but be the asses of the 14.5 heroes

Haha so true
Everybody: Why can't apple just give us some options ffs

Apple: gives options

MacRumors forum members: No not like that
because that’s no options getting rid of male and female to be inclusive is wrong; why not give us options to remove home bar


macrumors 6502
Apr 16, 2020
The story behind Handel’s Water Music has always amused me. I’m not sure what’s fact from legend, but I almost don’t want to know. The story is fantastic as it is.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
The fact that Apple spent time to even change the default shows how far out of touch they are with Siri. Fix it so it works. I don’t care if it sounds like a freaking robot. Siri is absolutely trash and this is coming from someone who likes apple products. ???


macrumors 6502a
Jun 28, 2001
Moorpark, CA
Women make great secretaries. Why all the hate? The real reason is probably more like why women are often tour guides - data shows people just give better reception to women and they less threatening.
I wonder if anyone has considered the fact that its just easier for all human hearing to accurately discern a higher pitched voice under high background noise conditions? My son has a low voice. My daughter a higher voice. I am always having to ask my son to repeat himself. My daughter, never. I also have to have my wife repeat herself often, but that's a different matter entirely.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2011
I understand not defaulting to one and letting you choose but why get rid of gender?
Because the human race is going totally and completely nuts! Soon there wont be "barking dogs" and meowing cats" because someone may be offended stating that dogs sound like dogs and cats sound like cats. We will have to say "animals making noise" instead. SMH


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2012
Because the human race is going totally and completely nuts! Soon there wont be "barking dogs" and meowing cats" because someone may be offended stating that dogs sound like dogs and cats sound like cats. We will have to say "animals making noise" instead. SMH
adding options doesn’t mean anyone is offended... it means they added options. The original options still exist. Sounds like you’re the one offended by options existing.


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2015
I’ve always thought standard female voices on assistants are disgustingly promoting the cliché of someone’s secretary being a woman (hence a woman in an office is probably the secretary).
Not sure why people in the progressive Silicon Valley thought it just felt natural to give firm and rude orders to a woman.
Maybe I'm missing the sarcasm here but female voices have been proven to be easier to understand, across all languages. Or perhaps you are they type of person who always plays the victim?
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