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macrumors 68040
Dec 16, 2011
can you hide it in a folder. can you also delete apple apps?

I'm going off of everything I scavenge from the announcement, based on screenshots and official releases, so I can't tell you right now, but once people download the beta i'm sure a flood will come in saying wether you can or not. However, considering Newsstand is now an app, I would bet on being able to put it in a folder.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 10, 2011
Private mode finally built into Safari and not burried in settings!



macrumors 68040
Feb 28, 2009
I'm going off of everything I scavenge from the announcement, based on screenshots and official releases, so I can't tell you right now, but once people download the beta i'm sure a flood will come in saying wether you can or not. However, considering Newsstand is now an app, I would bet on being able to put it in a folder.

ahh got it, I thought you had downloaded the beta. thank you though!


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2006
The Clock icon is dynamic; the time is shown on the clock app and live updates.
Siri provides an option to change the voice gender
AirPlay can be manually managed
iOS 7 now has Quick Look

iOS has always had quicklook (that's how we see attachments in email messages before opening them in another app, like goodreader or iphoto, photos, etc). are there new enhancements to quick look?


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2010
very nice overhaul...a fresh, colorful take on the old and used system! and for sure a lot of us welcome the many improvements that mimic the success of multiple jailbreak tweaks!

with that said, I think it is safe to say that we all are left wanting for ONE of the most wanted feature: the introduction of bitesms's full capabilities (QuickReply), which is sadly not here yet.........:(


macrumors 68020
Dec 13, 2012
Southern California
I agree it's a great OS except for the app icons which I am a bit skeptical about...

Apple wisely made the icons look feminine with some pastel colors and nothing edgy or masculine.

They really know their target market. It's also one of the reasons the phone sells so well. It's tiny, shiny, so the girls and women can accessorize the heck out of an iphone. That's what women love to do, the choices across the spectrum of iPhone accessory companies is mind boggling.

As far as how iOS 7 functions, only time will tell how that goes. I'd guess it will be smooth and easy to use, hallmarks of "it just works". Once again, very appealing to the ladies. Apple's got to be very happy with this style.


macrumors member
Dec 1, 2012
Apple wisely made the icons look feminine with some pastel colors and nothing edgy or masculine.

They really know their target market. It's also one of the reasons the phone sells so well. It's tiny, shiny, so the girls and women can accessorize the heck out of an iphone. That's what women love to do, the choices across the spectrum of iPhone accessory companies is mind boggling.

As far as how iOS 7 functions, only time will tell how that goes. I'd guess it will be smooth and easy to use, hallmarks of "it just works". Once again, very appealing to the ladies. Apple's got to be very happy with this style.

Did you notice the male-dominant keynote audience today?


macrumors 68020
Aug 17, 2010
In America
I really like the overall functionality and UI of iOS 7.

But they did a bad job with the icons, like really? Even I can do a better job at designing Flat UI icons. What were they thinking?

The icons that i cannot stand are:


Also, did anyone else feel like the back arrow button in the UI was too big compared to the text?

These icons look like they were done years ago. Nothing modern about it. It's very much possible to make a modern looking minimal flat UI.

I beg every single developer to complain to Apple about the icons! Please share this with any developers you know who feel the same!


Also, are the wallpapers live? Like the Nexus ones? And what features will the iPhone 4S not receive?


macrumors 65816
Sep 13, 2006
built in flashlight app

look at control center, bottom left icon is for the new built in flashlight!


macrumors 68000
Oct 11, 2011
I really like the overall functionality and UI of iOS 7.

But they did a bad job with the icons, like really? Even I can do a better job at designing Flat UI icons. What were they thinking?

The icons that i cannot stand are:


Also, did anyone else feel like the back arrow button in the UI was too big compared to the text?

These icons look like they were done years ago. Nothing modern about it. It's very much possible to make a modern looking minimal flat UI.

I beg every single developer to complain to Apple about the icons! Please share this with any developers you know who feel the same!


Also, are the wallpapers live? Like the Nexus ones? And what features will the iPhone 4S not receive?

4S won't get AirDrop


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 6, 2012
Kissimmee, FL
I really like the overall functionality and UI of iOS 7.

But they did a bad job with the icons, like really? Even I can do a better job at designing Flat UI icons. What were they thinking?

The icons that i cannot stand are:


Also, did anyone else feel like the back arrow button in the UI was too big compared to the text?

These icons look like they were done years ago. Nothing modern about it. It's very much possible to make a modern looking minimal flat UI.

I beg every single developer to complain to Apple about the icons! Please share this with any developers you know who feel the same!


Also, are the wallpapers live? Like the Nexus ones? And what features will the iPhone 4S not receive?

It will have Live Wallpapers...from what I saw. And I know that the iPhone 4S wont receive AirDrop



The AlluRe

macrumors member
Mar 7, 2011
very nice overhaul...a fresh, colorful take on the old and used system! and for sure a lot of us welcome the many improvements that mimic the success of multiple jailbreak tweaks!

with that said, I think it is safe to say that we all are left wanting for ONE of the most wanted feature: the introduction of bitesms's full capabilities (QuickReply), which is sadly not here yet.........:(

took the words right out of my mouth :mad:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 27, 2010
It's definitely an improvement over iOS 6, but...

-the icons aren't great, especially safari and mail.
-some things seem to be all the same size, or too big. Like the bottom bar in safari - all the icons are a bit too big; and, for example, in messages if you're viewing a specific conversation in the top left there's a button to go back and the top right you can 'contact' them, those in my opinion are too big in comparison to the middle text -- there needs to be some scaling down of some elements to make them seem 'less important' than the middle 'title'. The size of the 'icons' in the bottom bar of the music app is good; in safari...not so good.
-the transparency looks good in some areas, but not others.
-he kept on mentioning layers, but I think there needs to be layering inside the apps; there needs to be more contrast between the top bar / bottom bar and the app 'panel' (the middle bit).

But apart from that (and the lack of widgets and live icons), I'm really liking the new interface.


macrumors 68020
Aug 17, 2010
In America
Any chance Apple is going to have an iOS Theme store? This way I could redesign some of the app icons i don't like without jailbreaking.


macrumors 68040
Feb 6, 2007
Yeah figured as much, but was still hopeful. Sigh. Looks like the only reason i'll be jailbreaking is to change the icon design.

I'm still holding out that the icons will be changed by the final release.


macrumors newbie
Jun 10, 2013
Can any one comment on the stability of the current build, really fighting temptation to put on my main (only) iPhone but I don't want to be left with a non functioning phone til "fall"
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