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macrumors G5
Mar 2, 2012
Westchester, NY
Great, so now not only can I opt not to have iBooks on my phone, there's now also a useless Tips app as well. I appreciate this is useful for novice users, but I don't want it on my phone. There had better be a way to hide these apps when ios 8 is released...

Sorry, not everyone knows everything about the iPhone like you do. This app will be very useful for a lot of people.


macrumors 68000
Sep 18, 2007
New Mexico
Maybe if enough people emailed Tim, he's step in and make the change. If he'll do it for hold music, then he should do it for something that actually makes a difference.

Think about those who could only afford a 16GB iPhone and how this affects their storage. It limits us from buying more apps, thereby making Apple less money, whereas these stupid stock apps don't increase Apple's profits.

By allowing us to remove the iCrap Apple installs by default, Apple is limiting their profits.

What gets me is Podcast has become a stock app, but not iBooks or iTunesU -- apps that may actually have something to do with, gee, I don't, instead of entertainment? Wow.

Also, if Apple stuff buyers are so much smarter and richer than the average Android Troglodyte, why are we getting a Tips app? Tips...really? You can't figure that out in your head??

EDIT: Oh, sorry, is iBooks there now? I haven't downloaded the new beta, yet.

EDIT2: Oh, it's THAT kind of tips. I don't about it being a built-in app, but got the free version of iPad Secrets and learned quite a bit, especially keyboard/editing shortcuts. I hope there's good stuff in Apple's app, and not just the basics. So can we now start saying RTFM about Apple products?
Last edited:


macrumors G3
Jul 24, 2009
I never use orientation lock, airplane mode (don't fly that much) or that "moon mode" that I am still yet to understand. I do though go to settings > Cellular > Cellular data all the time, 'cause it's the simpliest way to manage the internet traffic.
But, it's the matter of Apple politics, and I do hate with enormous passion when the politics mess with simple useability or engineering.

Oh, btw, who cares if the bookmarks icon looks more like a book , bring me the freaking full screen caller picture from 7.0.4 back !!!

Full screen picture was back in beta3


macrumors member
Sep 11, 2012
I wonder...

... If Apple does not publicly beta test the most innovative features and instead holds them back, intensively tests internally, and then releases only with the final public release. Clearly what is in the beta becomes public knowledge and known to Apple's competitors, so I wonder.



Apr 24, 2010
Dublin, Ireland
I can't read it can you translate or change it to english?


bless u can finally disable those silly and stalkery favorite contacts bubble heads from the app switcher

Stalkery?! What on earth have you got set for people's profile pics?!


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011

Stalkery?! What on earth have you got set for people's profile pics?!
Well, probably more in the sense of it generating recent contacts on its own without much control over them (as opposed to now when they can at least be disabled).


macrumors 6502a
Aug 6, 2012
The icons different in iOS 8 beta 4, than to the "leak"

Because they changed the design since then?

I mean, how could a guess be so accurate:
  • The leak was the first we ever saw/heard of the Tips app.
  • The icon is yellow.
  • The icon uses a bulb.
  • The bulb is very similar in shape and size to the final version.
The leak was real, and regardless of what you think of him, Mark Gurman was right. What's more, that Healthbook was also real; it just went under an overhaul before announcement. Heck, it's still called 'healthbook' internally in all the betas.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 18, 2014
London, UK
Because the changed the design since then?

I mean, how could a guess be so accurate:
  • The leak was the first we ever saw of the Tips app.
  • The icon is yellow.
  • The icon uses a bulb.
  • The bulb is very similar in shape and size to the final version.
The leak was real, and regardless of what you think of him, Mark Gurman was right. What's more, that Healthbook was also real; it just went under an overhaul before announcement. Heck, it's still called 'healthbook' internally in all the betas.

What about the fact that the picture has an image of Preview for iOS?

The leak was real, and regardless of what you think of him, Mark Gurman was right.

I don't think anything on Mark Gurman, what makes you think I think anything about him. We have different opinions. There is probably someone who agrees with me, and someone who agrees with you. I admit that its slightly weird that the icon is similar, but he could have been told exact details about the icon. Anyway, whatever.


macrumors 6502
Jun 2, 2014
The handoff and suggested apps menu is not there on the iPhone 4S, however I can still make calls from the mac using my 4S so I dunno why the option is absent.

Maybe the 4S will not get the full handoff experience due to age, to be honest only the calls and text messages have worked between my 4S and 2012 MacBook Pro in the last beta's, none of the other cool features such as picking up a safari tab on phone from mac and vice/versa


You will have, it may just be hidden in a random folder, mine was hidden in my TV folder where I have all my TV based apps.

iPhone 4S can't handle Handoff? That's the most dumbest excuse I've ever heard from Apple if this is true. There is literally no reason why it wouldn't work. Can't handle it my ass. Unless it relies on the same thing that AirDrop uses I guess.


macrumors newbie
Aug 11, 2011
So for the control center, black means off and white means on... but for the shift/capslock key, black means on and white means off?


macrumors 68040
Feb 22, 2008
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
If you took the 10 most useless stock apps (Notes, iBooks, Compass, Game Center, Newsstand, Stocks, Voice Memos, Weather, Podcasts and Tips)...

Who are you to define what are useless apps? I use Notes, Stocks, iBooks and Weather regularly. There might be lots of people that don't use the calendar and email. This is not as easy as you think it might be.
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