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macrumors 65816
Jan 12, 2005
The problem is that in addition to your regular Christmas shopping, Apple is expecting people to also get 2-3 Apple products too.

Even you are the biggest fan boy, I don't see how a regular person can get an iPhone, Ipad and a Mac in the same time range.

That's what 2nd mortgages are for!!



macrumors 68040
Nov 13, 2011
Lmao this is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.:rolleyes:

read your reply to yourself will change that ;):D


To the stupid and those who refuse to listen!

I have said it before so will do so again and again till I am blue in the face.

Apple will not release any new hardware this year. The reasons are many so here is the complete list as to why.

Firstly last year Tim Cook said that Apple had great new products for the whole of 2014 and even Eddy Cue of Apple has said that the new products in the pipeline is the best he has seen in 25 years.
Yet we are fast approaching the end of the year with still no sign or even slightest movement from Apple that any new hardware will be coming out.

We are meant to have the Iphone 6 4.7" phone which was rumoured to be released in June (very slight rumours), then rumoured for July (slightly stronger), then August (even stronger) then September, now october. Each time the date is pushed back the rumours of that month being the release month get stronger.

Then we have the Iphone 6 5.5" phone which is the same. Rumours keep pushing it back further and further till it now looks highly likely that it will be released in December if this year at all.

We have the iwatch being pegged for November release at the earliest due to similar reasons for the delay of the Iphone 6 4.7 and 5.5" which is production issues.
We have the Macbook Pro Broadwell being delayed to December this year at earliest due to Intel Broadwell chip being delayed.
So Apple rolled out a very quiet minor(very minor)refresh to the Macbook Pro.

The rumoured Apple Macbook Air Retina looks likely to be released next year thanks to production issues and delays with Intel chips.

The Ipad Air 2 and Ipad Mini Retina 2 look likely to be delayed for unknown reasons at this time to about November if at all.

So we have all major Apple hardware being delayed and delayed and delayed again with no firm date in sight. This is a view backed up by Ming Chi Kuo who is the only Apple analyst with an impressive track record.

Tim Cook is not upto the job. He has i think bitten off more than he can chew. There are too many issues and production issues to deal with. It has meant that there will be too many problems to cope with.

Tim Cook is in a hole and can not say that there is no chance of any new hardware coming out this year hence why he had a minor refresh to the Macbook Air and Macbook Pro and Ipod Touch this year making it very unlikely that new major versions will be released this year.
How many people will be annoyed and pi**ed if Apple release a Macbook Air Retina for eg this year when they bought the minor updated Macbook Air?

We keep hearing from Tim Cook and Apple how there is cool new products coming out of Apple soon but soon never comes.
He in other words is just lying and pushing the dates back and back and back.

I wish I was wrong but I see that I am not. No new major products to come out this year and even if they finally do then they will be so far behind as firms such as Samsung would have released product after product that will keep getting better and better and the fact there would be a new Apple product will not be enough to cut it any more. Perhaps when Steve Jobs was alive simply rolling out a new product from Cupertino would wow everyone but now it is past it and we need products this year not next decade.

the new product is iHeadphones and no one saw it coming :)

next weeks rumour :)


macrumors regular
Aug 10, 2008
As others have pointed out Apple's earnings forecast would indicate a September iPhone 6 release.

The 14th October date, being a Tuesday, would be more likely to be a product announcement/event.


Dec 5, 2009
The Tri-State Area
I actually think it looks good. Apple look like they care and think about their products. Its also reassuring to know the item you buy is relevant for a longer period than with other companies.

Appear rushed or appear professional. Take ya pick

I don't think they mean update the same product within the same year, I think they were referring to splitting the product release schedule throughout the year. Personally, I really liked it when Apple released new iPads in the Spring, new Macs in the Summer, and new iPhones in the fall (I believe this exact lineup only happened one year). It gave my wallet a break between large purchases and I didn't need to pick/choose which one to get in the moment and which to wait on.


macrumors 601
Jun 12, 2005
To the stupid and those who refuse to listen!

I have said it before so will do so again and again till I am blue in the face.

Apple will not release any new hardware this year. The reasons are many so here is the complete list as to why.

Firstly last year Tim Cook said that Apple had great new products for the whole of 2014 and even Eddy Cue of Apple has said that the new products in the pipeline is the best he has seen in 25 years.
Yet we are fast approaching the end of the year with still no sign or even slightest movement from Apple that any new hardware will be coming out.

We are meant to have the Iphone 6 4.7" phone which was rumoured to be released in June (very slight rumours), then rumoured for July (slightly stronger), then August (even stronger) then September, now october. Each time the date is pushed back the rumours of that month being the release month get stronger.

Then we have the Iphone 6 5.5" phone which is the same. Rumours keep pushing it back further and further till it now looks highly likely that it will be released in December if this year at all.

We have the iwatch being pegged for November release at the earliest due to similar reasons for the delay of the Iphone 6 4.7 and 5.5" which is production issues.
We have the Macbook Pro Broadwell being delayed to December this year at earliest due to Intel Broadwell chip being delayed.
So Apple rolled out a very quiet minor(very minor)refresh to the Macbook Pro.

The rumoured Apple Macbook Air Retina looks likely to be released next year thanks to production issues and delays with Intel chips.

The Ipad Air 2 and Ipad Mini Retina 2 look likely to be delayed for unknown reasons at this time to about November if at all.

So we have all major Apple hardware being delayed and delayed and delayed again with no firm date in sight. This is a view backed up by Ming Chi Kuo who is the only Apple analyst with an impressive track record.

Tim Cook is not upto the job. He has i think bitten off more than he can chew. There are too many issues and production issues to deal with. It has meant that there will be too many problems to cope with.

Tim Cook is in a hole and can not say that there is no chance of any new hardware coming out this year hence why he had a minor refresh to the Macbook Air and Macbook Pro and Ipod Touch this year making it very unlikely that new major versions will be released this year.
How many people will be annoyed and pi**ed if Apple release a Macbook Air Retina for eg this year when they bought the minor updated Macbook Air?

We keep hearing from Tim Cook and Apple how there is cool new products coming out of Apple soon but soon never comes.
He in other words is just lying and pushing the dates back and back and back.

I wish I was wrong but I see that I am not. No new major products to come out this year and even if they finally do then they will be so far behind as firms such as Samsung would have released product after product that will keep getting better and better and the fact there would be a new Apple product will not be enough to cut it any more. Perhaps when Steve Jobs was alive simply rolling out a new product from Cupertino would wow everyone but now it is past it and we need products this year not next decade.
Hey we got a new clown :)


Mar 23, 2006
I have said it before so will do so again and again till I am blue in the face.Apple will not release any new hardware this year. The reasons are many so here is the complete list as to why.

It's really not that difficult. Ignore the BS hype of Cook and his cronies regarding the pipeline as this is merely intended to keep the share price from taking a mid-cycle tumble.

There is a very clear pattern in Apple's annual product release cycle. iOS/OSX at WWDC to keep developers pumped followed by new iPhones in Sept and new iPads in October so they can release the annual iOS update and ARM processor update into their 2 main products just ahead of the holiday shopping season.

Eerything else is incidental. Macs get updated as and when Intel updates it chips. There's no logic or timetable to it as the Mac isn't that important to Apple anymore. The iPod is esssentially dead and simply being cash cowed with no investment until sales fall to a level where they cancel it.

Software development has been sidelined and is seen laregly as a means to an end. They'll keep the pro software to keep their pro users on side, but otherwise software will be rolled into the hardware as a freebie. It helps to sell their hardware which is the primary objective.

In the same way iTunes will almost certainly start to move away from it's current position towards a more iOS/OSX only future in order to help to drive iPhone/iPad sales. Look at iBooks. It's a perfect example of the way they'll move forward. It sits outside the main iTunes umbrella as a standalone app and is not available for Windows users. I would expect them to launch similiar apps in the future such as iFilm which will be iOS/OSX only.

As for the other stuff it helps to keep Apple in the news but it's not that important. The iWatch isn't an urgent project. Non of the current smart watches on the market have captured the public imagination so it makes sense for Apple to wait until they can do it right with a compelling product. They're not exactly missing out on a lot of sales by all accounts.

The big AppleTV update we keep hearing about is never going to happen nor is the Apple TV set. They simply won't get the content holders to play ball and risk their own business models. So Apple will eventually retrench into a more realistic model centred around the gaming market, which is what they should have done from the start. It's what the developers want. Sure they'll keep adding channels to the AppleTV box but it's not going to break the cable stranglehold. Not unless Apple is willing to get into the content creation business. Netflx and Amazon realised this fact years ago. It's why they're creating their own TV series to lure people away from cable.

The single most important problem facing Apple is the emergence of the Chinese smartphone makers who are now able to create an excellent product and sell it for significantly less than the iPhone. Over the past ten years Apple has turned from a high end niche player into a mass market (albeit high end mass market) electronics company. I really can't see how they can sustain that position and keep their high margins unless they can continue to deliver outstanding design led products that people are willing to pay the extra for.


macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2012
Cincinnati Metro
maybe apple is on a crusade to banish skinny fit jeans :D

Please, God. :D


To the stupid and those who refuse to listen!

I have said it before so will do so again and again till I am blue in the face.

Apple will not release any new hardware this year. The reasons are many so here is the complete list as to why.

Firstly last year Tim Cook said that Apple had great new products for the whole of 2014 and even Eddy Cue of Apple has said that the new products in the pipeline is the best he has seen in 25 years.
Yet we are fast approaching the end of the year with still no sign or even slightest movement from Apple that any new hardware will be coming out.

We are meant to have the Iphone 6 4.7" phone which was rumoured to be released in June (very slight rumours), then rumoured for July (slightly stronger), then August (even stronger) then September, now october. Each time the date is pushed back the rumours of that month being the release month get stronger.

Then we have the Iphone 6 5.5" phone which is the same. Rumours keep pushing it back further and further till it now looks highly likely that it will be released in December if this year at all.

We have the iwatch being pegged for November release at the earliest due to similar reasons for the delay of the Iphone 6 4.7 and 5.5" which is production issues.
We have the Macbook Pro Broadwell being delayed to December this year at earliest due to Intel Broadwell chip being delayed.
So Apple rolled out a very quiet minor(very minor)refresh to the Macbook Pro.

The rumoured Apple Macbook Air Retina looks likely to be released next year thanks to production issues and delays with Intel chips.

The Ipad Air 2 and Ipad Mini Retina 2 look likely to be delayed for unknown reasons at this time to about November if at all.

So we have all major Apple hardware being delayed and delayed and delayed again with no firm date in sight. This is a view backed up by Ming Chi Kuo who is the only Apple analyst with an impressive track record.

Tim Cook is not upto the job. He has i think bitten off more than he can chew. There are too many issues and production issues to deal with. It has meant that there will be too many problems to cope with.

Tim Cook is in a hole and can not say that there is no chance of any new hardware coming out this year hence why he had a minor refresh to the Macbook Air and Macbook Pro and Ipod Touch this year making it very unlikely that new major versions will be released this year.
How many people will be annoyed and pi**ed if Apple release a Macbook Air Retina for eg this year when they bought the minor updated Macbook Air?

We keep hearing from Tim Cook and Apple how there is cool new products coming out of Apple soon but soon never comes.
He in other words is just lying and pushing the dates back and back and back.

I wish I was wrong but I see that I am not. No new major products to come out this year and even if they finally do then they will be so far behind as firms such as Samsung would have released product after product that will keep getting better and better and the fact there would be a new Apple product will not be enough to cut it any more. Perhaps when Steve Jobs was alive simply rolling out a new product from Cupertino would wow everyone but now it is past it and we need products this year not next decade.

While I don't really agree with your release prognostications, I am inclined to agree with your evaluation of Tim Cook. Say whatever you will about Steve Jobs, he had the force of will and the obsessive nature to ensure that Apple moved forward. I don't get that from Cook.


macrumors G3
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
The problem is that in addition to your regular Christmas shopping, Apple is expecting people to also get 2-3 Apple products too.

Toy vendors play this game. Hit toy shortage just before the holiday, so people buy a random gift so the kids gets something. Then more stock of the hit toy becomes available after the holiday, so people buy that also. Nearly double the revenue.

If you look at the demographics of the bulk of U.S. Apple customers, a huge percentage can afford multiple Apple products. Apple may be doing this targeting them, if not your budget.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
I'm not buying this. There is nothing to explain why a whole month before the iPhone launch and nothing to explain why they would start on a Tuesday rather than use that ample supply to make sure they can support all models all weekend.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
I don't believe it. The new iPhone will come in September, as always..

I will believe it if there is something else they launch first. IF the iWatch is real they might launch it first, then the phone, then the iPad. Every other week.


If it's announced on the 16th of September, it'll be on sale the next Friday, the 26th of September.
Launching every new/updated product in the same few months is getting ridiculous now. Maybe in a few years they'll have 1 day where every single product goes on sale? ;-)

They want to launch the new software as well and need that lead time for developers. Plus folks are more inclined to splurge during holiday shopping and they have to deal with Intel etc being on later schedules

All that said they will likely never do a single day because of logistics.


as always. to note, of all the iPhones that have ever been, only two have launched in september.

Three, and the most recent.

Apple does what Apple wants. Beware of using past as a firm rule


It wont, announced on a Tuesday/Wednesday, sold the week after on the Friday. Its always the case with Apple.

iPads came out in the spring, iPhones at the start of summer. Until they didn't.


For this rumor to be true It would mean that the "retail source" has either broken a story that should shake up the upper management of apple for being lairs with their profit guidance for this qtr which was released last week and incredibly inept because they do not know of production delays/product launches before "senior retail" sources. This story doesn't have legs.

Don't forget that Apple has a major cult of secrecy. If there is any truth to this information they are going to end up in the hunt for the store leader that leaked it and someone won't be with Apple much longer.


According to a "Store Leader"? Sounds more like a Store ME-duh looking for some attention and comes off looking like un gran idiota. For one I doubt Apple is explicit with store management at this point as to exactly when its going to announce and launch specific products. Second, regardless, why is this person jeopardizing their career?

This. The Bf will be going through round four of launches this year and has told me several times of how they have their schedules three weeks out and then the afternoon after the keynote they get told that it's all going to change due to the launch. That is a strong suggestion that store leaders don't even know what days are the hot ones to schedule for it before the public announcement.

Which makes sense with the whole public stock issue


Yet apple continue to use this out of date design and then use a smaller screen?

Some folks like familiarity and they like the smaller screen. If Apple follows the pack there is no choice. So maybe that is why they are doing it.


macrumors 68040
Jul 16, 2014
I will believe it if there is something else they launch first. IF the iWatch is real they might launch it first, then the phone, then the iPad. Every other week

I think they'll release iPhone first.
iPhone is their main product, iWatch could be launched together with the iPhone or some weeks later, but not before the iPhone.
My guess is iPhone 6 4.7 launched mid september, iPad and iWatch, and perhaps a revamped mac mini a month later


macrumors 65816
Mar 2, 2012
Seattle, WA
If you look at the demographics of the bulk of U.S. Apple customers, a huge percentage can afford multiple Apple products. Apple may be doing this targeting them, if not your budget.
Afford? No
Finance. Yes.
Die in debt is the new millennium motto.
Do you really think those 18-25 yr old people are buying their iPhones with cash?


the new product is iHeadphones and no one saw it coming :)
I think there will be an iFail product announcement & release.


macrumors 65816
Mar 19, 2014
Is apple taking a page out of android oems handbooks? Announcing a product and then not releasing it for a month or longer?? Yeah. No.


macrumors newbie
Nov 4, 2010
Why risk an Apple store employee's job for this???

Whenever one these rumors comes from an "unidentified Apple store employee," I always wonder if the employee was an idiot for divulging this type of information, or if the Press is so desperate for rumors that they will go to any extent to get them.


Apple may be planning to launch the iPhone 6 on Tuesday, October 14 as the month itself will be an incredibly busy one for the company, according to a source that spoke to MacRumors citing an internal Apple Retail Store meeting.

The source notes that a senior Store Leader mentioned October 14th as being an "immense" day for Apple, adding that the whole month of October would be very busy for stores and the company itself. Apple is also said to planning a media event for Tuesday, September 16, coming a month ahead of the device's launch.

4.7 and 5.5-inch iPhone 6 mockups compared to iPhone 5s​
To this point, most reports have pointed to a September announcement and launch for the iPhone 6. However, a report last week claimed that Apple is planning a mid-September event for the iPhone 6 and iOS 8, which would be followed by an October event showcasing the iWatch, OS X Yosemite, new iPads, and new Macs. An announcement event for September 16 would also fall on a Tuesday, which is when Apple typically announces new products.

Apple launching the iPhone 6 on a Tuesday would be a change from past years, as the company has launched previous iPhones and most new hardware on a Friday. However, the source claims that high customer demand and an ample supply due to a large production effort will motivate Apple to start iPhone 6 sales earlier in the week.

It is unknown if an October release for the iPhone 6 would include both the 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch version, as recent rumors have pointed toward several production issues plaguing the larger model. It is possible that the 5.5-inch may launch later in the year or in 2015 after Apple can produce enough devices. In addition to a larger screen, both versions of the iPhone 6 are expected to feature a thinner profile, a faster A8 processor, and an improved camera.

Article Link: iPhone 6 Said to Launch on Tuesday, October 14, Part of 'Incredibly Busy' Month for Apple


macrumors regular
Jul 1, 2006
Observatory Park
Ever notice that Steve Jobs almost always finished his product introductions by saying the new item was available TODAY!

I can only hope the new regime follows that game plan.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Ever notice that Steve Jobs almost always finished his product introductions by saying the new item was available TODAY!

I can only hope the new regime follows that game plan.

What's more important is when he didn't what was the product. It was something new, generally needing FCC etc approvals. Which are public record as soon as they were filed. Apple hates anyone else announcing their stuff so they would show it before the papers were viewable.

So it is likely if there is an iWatch or even jazzy new Apple TV box they will get announced with everything else even if they don't come out until Nov/Dec. and if the iPhone and iPad have some new tech that needs approval they could be delayed for a month or so for the same reason. but honestly the only thing I can think of that might fit that is NFC and that would likely just be in the iPhone since it would be included for payments and who is going pull out an iPad for that. Thus maybe it is possible that the iPad will launch first, about two weeks after the announcement, then phone, then the new toys.
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