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Jul 3, 2018
You love Bluetooth everything?
“Love” seems a bit strong...
I personally don’t harbor any romantic feelings whatsoever towards my wifi, bluetooth, usb, lightning, et al.

That being said... I enjoy my iOS/iPadOS devices wirelessly syncing to my Mac & agree w/ the poster @cocky jeremy, that it’s unnecessary to use a cable to be secure.
My backups are encrypted via wifi, the same as via cable. Where does the security scare enter the equation?

There are PLENTY of reasons that I’d like a port (even if primarily unused) to stick around on Apple devices for a while yet, but fear of my backups being intercepted & decrypted while syncing via my LAN, to me is a level of paranoia not in line w/ the actual “threat level” of that happening.


macrumors regular
Sep 21, 2016
This is a little off topic, but since discussing 2020 and 2021 models, I hope they start selling the iPhone like they do the Apple Watch now (you can choose the band and case separately rather than preset bundles). I want to just buy the phone, with no cables, charger, or headphones. It is a huge waste as so many people use their own wireless charges, or existing headphones. They need to start allowing people to buy in bundles what they need/want rather than what is currently in the box.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2016
Wild West
Bring it. The sooner I don't have to ever deal with another cable, the better. And I understand all the criticisms posted here, but think about it, folks; eventually, most electronics will be completely wireless. The sooner we get used to that idea, the less unnecessary angst we'll have over the next couple decades.
The change would not add any new functionality. It would only remove an existing one. It looks like Apple is trying hard to make sure iPhone has the fewest number of features among all smartphones.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2009
SF Bay Area, California
It's still much faster to charge via a cable. Wireless chargers make the phone burning hot to the touch. I don't like it. Not to mention external battery packs and charging during an overseas flight, as most planes have a USB-A port, but no 110V/230V.
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macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2019
This likely explains why they didnt switch to USB C when everybody wanted them to.

But it also demonstrates that apple are scheming, making unpopular ideas like this years before we ever see them.
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Constable Odo

macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2008
Apple says, "We don't need no stinking ports." Someone said this day would come. Apple devices will eventually be portless. I suppose that will eliminate dongles completely. I suppose I wouldn't care if a wireless transfer is fast and seamless enough. I never imagined the day because of all the years I've used some sort of wire transfer to move data. Whatever... I'm sure I'll deal with it when the time comes. Apple isn't worried about it, although I'm thinking people will leave Apple because of such a change.


macrumors 68030
Feb 21, 2011
I'd like to see how you are supposed to reload iOS on the phone without a physical cable, in case of a botched OTA upgrade or some other issue requiring a reload from scratch, or an OS downgrade.

Learn from the Apple Watch. None of this is possible, and you have to take your watch for service. It would be the same with iPhone. No F'n way. Too many accessories rely on a physical port.
This ?
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macrumors regular
Jun 24, 2019
Apple says, "We don't need no stinking ports." Someone said this day would come. Apple devices will eventually be portless. I suppose that will eliminate dongles completely. I suppose I wouldn't care if a wireless transfer is fast and seamless enough. I never imagined the day because of all the years I've used some sort of wire transfer to move data. Whatever... I'm sure I'll deal with it when the time comes. Apple isn't worried about it, although I'm thinking people will leave Apple because of such a change.

Not so fast! Now you need $200 wireless "interface" devices to connect to everything the cable used to connect to. And instead of just a simple cable in your car, now you need a bulky wireless charger.

Funny how "progress" is always so expensive. Apple used to have ear buds that were cheap and pretty decent. Oh yeah, and free with their devices! Now you need to pay $250 for the same experience!

Remember how Apple refused to implement wireless charging for a bunch of years? Tim Apple must havr been offended by a wire, and he is trying to take revenge now! :)


macrumors member
Sep 20, 2019
Why is Apple increasing the size of the base "pro" model? I have phablet fatigue from years of Galaxy Notes. The 5.8" 11 pro I have is almost perfect. It would be even better if the higher-end pro internals could fit inside a size between SE and current Pro.

Hopefully, Kuo is wrong on the sizes..
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macrumors member
Jun 18, 2013
- SE Plus?!?
- Lack of port?!?

Say what, mate? Kuo is on drugs. Or trolling.
Either way, none of those 'predictions' are happening. Good laugh, though. ?


macrumors member
Sep 20, 2019
Quite a few actually but regardless, why the f**k should one have to buy a new car to work with their new iPhone?

Everyone is forced to buy the 2021 Apple Car to use Car Play with their 2021 iPhones. You heard it here first.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2004
New York City, aka Big Apple
No port at all would be not good. I am listening to music on long haul flights over night (yes, while I sleep) and having AirPods would mean loosing them in the seat - sooner or later.


macrumors 68030
Feb 21, 2011
- SE Plus?!?
- Lack of port?!?

Say what, mate? Kuo is on drugs. Or trolling.
Either way, none of those 'predictions' are happening. Good laugh, though. ?
An updated iPhone 8 Plus in early 2021 doesn't make any sense especially considering that the iPhone 11 will be selling for $499 in 2021 if Apple continues its pricing strategy. At that point, it doesn't make any sense to release new iPhones with physical home buttons and big bezels.


Sep 4, 2012
Midwest, USA
There's no way. Nope. Uh-uh. While a truly wireless iPhone is inevitable some day, it's years and years away. At most the only thing I could see them doing in the next couple years is offering an option to go full wireless, but not foisting it on to every customer. Maybe a BTO option for it?

Because there are so many people who still need to connect over a hard line to use their CarPlay, or for security purposes if their place of work requires that, etc. Not to mention how glacially slow wireless charging still is...

Make no mistake, if this is what Apple ends up doing then I will absolutely leave them. Idc how locked in to their ecosystem I am, I will not buy that ****. That'll be singlehandedly what kills the company. Jony Ive isn't there anymore so let's shelve his far out fantasies, please.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 28, 2018
It is not practical to make it a completely wireless charging and I can see it will be costly for the consumers. I have no problem carrying a battery pack and/or cord and charger and not all vehicles have wireless charging.


macrumors 68020
Jul 23, 2008
Hearst Castle
Absolutely need a wired port for audio and for charging on the move. We've been very happy with Lightning, it's robust, never had a problem with it for power or for audio. Keep Lightning Apple, many of us need it. We're happy to pay the Lightning cable tax because it works, it works reliably, and it's easy.

Especially for business, Bluetooth audio is mediocre at best, and usually sucks. Absolutely must have wired audio for important calls. And there is no way, none, I'm traveling with "wireless" charging nonsense. Nor are we buying scores of wireless charging mats, etc., merely so people can charge an iPhone. This. Is. Not. Happening. Iphones better have a port so our people can plug, play, charge, and audio using a simple cable and port (like Lightning). Period.

If Apple does this, we're gone -- and we are good Apple customers who spend a lot with the company.


macrumors member
Apr 5, 2018
Why not release an even higher-end model with no display?
It will be the size and shape of a credit card, the only UI will be Siri and she will holographically appear like this:

(Hats off if you get this reference)


macrumors 6502
Jun 4, 2009
I need a wireless connection for CarPlay. I’m not changing out my stock unit. I could deal with an official wireless dongle though.
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