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macrumors 68000
Sep 9, 2020
Have just updated to Big Sur 11.5.2 and one major step forward!

I can now install DropBox. Previously, the prompt for user/email and password would fail when I told it to continue or, after the first attempt, the moment I typed a single key in the uer/email box.

Now seems to have installed OK.

(I am moving away from DropBox and only need it for one purpose - files I have already shared. But a nuisance having to jump onto Windows to use it.)
So I just updated my work 2017 rMBP to MacOS Big Sur 11.5.2, and I think I found a bug? I thought my window focus was on Message, but it was actually on Finder. I hit Command+Q and killed Finder - the window as well as the icons on my desktop. Everything, gone. I can't recreate this on my 2021 Mac Mini, just on my 2017 rMBP. Can anyone else?

FYI, if it happens, open a Terminal window and type in: open .

Yes, you have to include the "." after the "open" command in order for Finder to come back.


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2019
So I just updated my work 2017 rMBP to MacOS Big Sur 11.5.2, and I think I found a bug? I thought my window focus was on Message, but it was actually on Finder. I hit Command+Q and killed Finder - the window as well as the icons on my desktop. Everything, gone. I can't recreate this on my 2021 Mac Mini, just on my 2017 rMBP. Can anyone else?

FYI, if it happens, open a Terminal window and type in: open .

Yes, you have to include the "." after the "open" command in order for Finder to come back.
you can add the quit command to Finder with this command

defaults write QuitMenuItem -bool true

then cmd+q will quit the Finder. To start it you can just click on the Finder icon in the Dock.
you can add the quit command to Finder with this command

defaults write QuitMenuItem -bool true

then cmd+q will quit the Finder. To start it you can just click on the Finder icon in the Dock.

That's cool - thanks! But why is it turned on by default? I can't imagine this was done on purpose, and seeing as how it didn't start until after I upgraded to 11.5.2, it's got to be a defect, right?


macrumors 6502
Jun 1, 2019
That's cool - thanks! But why is it turned on by default? I can't imagine this was done on purpose, and seeing as how it didn't start until after I upgraded to 11.5.2, it's got to be a defect, right?

It's not turned on by default, never was.
Do you have the quit command visible in the Finder menu? If you do, you either did this yourself using that command, or some tool like TinkerTool or Onyx or whatever else there is.
It's not turned on by default, never was.
Do you have the quit command visible in the Finder menu? If you do, you either did this yourself using that command, or some tool like TinkerTool or Onyx or whatever else there is.
It's never been turned on for this laptop, which doesn't even have Onyx. Sorry, I didn't turn this setting on myself, and the behavior only started post 11.5.2 installation. I'll consider it a one-off until the next OS update.

Schnauzer World

macrumors member
Dec 25, 2018
2020 Intel iMac now shuts itself off when I lock screen after a period (unknown how long it takes) since this update. Anyone else have this problem?


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
TCP stats all zero from 'netstat -s -p tcp'
You need 'sudo netstat -s -p tcp'.

Read the man page which says, in the -s section, "For security reasons, root privileges are required to read TCP statistics and in the absence of such privileges all TCP counters will be reported as zero."


macrumors member
Dec 30, 2020

About the security content of macOS Big Sur 11.6​

This document describes the security content of macOS Big Sur 11.6.

About Apple security updates​

For our customers' protection, Apple doesn't disclose, discuss, or confirm security issues until an investigation has occurred and patches or releases are available. Recent releases are listed on the Apple security updates page.
Apple security documents reference vulnerabilities by CVE-ID when possible.
For more information about security, see the Apple Product Security page.


macOS Big Sur 11.6​

Released September 13, 2021
Available for: macOS Big Sur
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted PDF may lead to arbitrary code execution. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited.
Description: An integer overflow was addressed with improved input validation.
CVE-2021-30860: The Citizen Lab
Available for: macOS Big Sur
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to arbitrary code execution. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited.
Description: A use after free issue was addressed with improved memory management.
CVE-2021-30858: an anonymous researcher
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macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
Apple security documents reference vulnerabilities by CVE-ID when possible.
Have you looked at the CVEs for these two vulnerabilities? The records exist, but have no information. To me, they just look like marker CVEs created moths ago.

Have you followed the Apple links you quote? Nothing about these vulnerabilities.

I am not doubting the veracity of the details you provide, but where did you find the info on the vulnerabilities?

I have found this: It is for iOS and iPadOS, but can we assume it is the same for macOS?
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macrumors member
Jul 26, 2020
I have an old HP printer, USB connected, for which there are not specific MAC drivers.
I use generic PLC/PS drivers and it is working good.
The problem is that after every macos update it desappears completely and I have to install it again. It happened all the times (I made all updates one by one since they are available)
It is not a big problem, it takes 2 minutes to do it, but anyone of you can explain why this happens? Obviously I would prefer to install the printer and forget about it, as It should be......


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2014

macOS Big Sur 11.6​

Released September 13, 2021

Ah, now I understand why my machine started slowing down.

I have no idea why this happens, but in the days leading up to a new release, my system starts showing glitches. For this one, my Messages app started taking its time sending a new message. I get the beach ball on anything I send now, even a line of text. If I install the point release, it'll go away. Its happened numerous times.

I'm not necessarily saying there's anything nefarious going on, Apple might be trying to get people to upgrade any way they can, perhaps by having the machine watch for a flag from the upgrade server, and then going wonky when that flag gets set. I would say the reaction to the wonkiness falls into two mindsets: try rebooting or see if there's an upgrade available.

If this is true it wouldn't be the first time they put pressure on people to upgrade, or even played tricks on them outright. How many folks here remember the iOS update badgering from just a few versions ago? If you ignored the update alert for more than a few uses, it would download the update overnight (even when it was specifically set to not do that) and then trick the user into either scheduling the update or outright doing it by putting up a PIN screen and made it look like any other authentication for normal use.

I would get frustrated by this to the point of not trusting them because they were so pushy about it, but eventually I'd get over it and download the update. I figured they were just trying to avoid the inevitable lawsuits from people whose devices were security-compromised. Now, with the spy tattle update coming in iOS 15 and almost certainly future MacOS updates, I'm not thrilled with any new releases.
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macrumors regular
Aug 14, 2020
Just upgraded to Big Sur 11.6.

Using Mac to makes calls via FaceTime.

Getting error message "your iphone is not configured to allow calls using this mac".

Both Mac and iPhone use the same Apple ID, WiFi network. All options are correctly set.


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
I've encountered a 'focus issue'.

I used to be able to right click on an email in Mail, and select something like 'Move to', and it would actually move the email *SHOCK*, it worked, all while it wasn't on 'center stage' (not 'the focus'). Now? I right click on a message in Mail, and it lets me select 'Move to', and it does... Nothing...

The email message does not move. It just sits there and looks at me. smug in it's 'I CAN'T HEAR YOU' attitude... Then I have to click on Mail, get its attention, and then right click on the message AGAIN, select 'Move to' AGAIN, and it actually does the move like it used to do pre-update. (I have to get its attention now? Like, add another step in the whole process? Why?)

So frustrating when Apple does stuff like this. Little issues that they flub, or break (or fix? :oops:) after an update. Annoying too...


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2012
Spain, Europe
Hey, when do you expect macOS 11.6.1 to be released? When do you think a complete installer will be ready? I wanted to formatt my Mac and I’ve been waiting for one of the latest Big Sur updates to perform a clean install


macrumors 601
Mar 25, 2008
Hey, when do you expect macOS 11.6.1 to be released? When do you think a complete installer will be ready? I wanted to formatt my Mac and I’ve been waiting for one of the latest Big Sur updates to perform a clean install
I just recently used the Full Installer for macOS 11.6 to do that and all is well on my M1 MBP. It's hard to say if 11.6.1 would get a full installer or not..

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Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
In the right side of the screen, there’s a slidable panel with widgets. Just click on the top right of the screen, and it will appear

Um, no. I get either the screen saver starting or a selection box drawn across. I must be missing something...

On my iPad I have a slide-able screen from the right side, but not on the MBP.
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