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macrumors 65816
Feb 4, 2011
Sapphire lens or not, is having the lens of your camera a good/proper resting point for your phone when it is face up? Could be a curved back to avoid that, but nothing in the supply chain that has been released would suggest that - especially with the potentially protruding Apple. I'm not a design expert by any means, but wouldn't it make more sense to have a thicker battery to make the back flush? Or with the protruding apple, who cares? I don't know, this just seems very un-Apple like in terms of sleek and thin design schemes.


macrumors 68020
Jul 5, 2002
IF Apple steps up to 4,7'' it'll be a huge deal since they in that case are moving away from the "one-hand-operation" they discussed warmly when the iPhone 5 was introduced.
That was merely marketing blabber on Apple's side. True one-handed operation was last possible on the 4S and its 3.5" predecessors, on 4" (iPhone 5/5S) it's already a stretch for quite some people.

Besides - I don't understand why one-handed operation is so important to some people that they consider it a dealbreaker (not targeting you in person). Especially as that is not a digital function and one can still operate large parts of the device with one hand if desired.


macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2009
I like the protruding ring.. right now the iPhone slips way too easily, and it needs some kind of grip.

Also, does the protruding ring mean the rest of the device is going to be thinner? That would be nuts.

And I believe Apple has a patent on interchangeable lenses for camera-phones, so this might be where we can start to change lenses?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 6, 2012
You must not have seen the iPod Touch that has this sort of camera. Not everything apple designs is beautiful. Take off your blinders.

I think you're the one with blinders. I mean, do you own an iPod touch 5th gen? Have you even used one?


macrumors 68020
Sep 12, 2009
They did it on the iPod touch 5th gen. There was no problem. Just get over it.


I actually quite like the look of the camera on the iPod touch. If it looks similar on iPhone 6... I don't mind at all. And knowing that a protruding camera will likely feature better picture quality than a smaller flush camera... well, I'm all-in for a protruding camera! :D


macrumors G5
does the protruding ring mean the rest of the device is going to be thinner?

Apparently, yes. Apparently, "thin" trumped "flush", meaning since the camera part could not be made as thin as all of the rest of the phone, it will need to stick out. Too many people griping about the thickness of the iPhone 5s (none of which I've ever heard or seen myself) to not address that paramount problem even if it means one part of the phone would need to protrude.

I think Apple is caught in a design loop where the very first target for the next generation of anything is "thinner". There is no "thin enough" rationalization. When "thinner" collides with physical limits of hardware it's either protrude or eject that hardware, not reconsider the "thinning" objective.

On iPhone, I think the 4 was plenty thin enough and 5s is borderline too thin (IMO). But there are those who will passionately argue for "thinner" (I suspect because they know Apple is going there more than they actually want it; after all, I never see them write a gripe down that their 5s is too thick… it's almost always some spin about progress, design innovation and so on).


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2013
Chicago, IL
That was merely marketing blabber on Apple's side. True one-handed operation was last possible on the 4S and its 3.5" predecessors, on 4" (iPhone 5/5S) it's already a stretch for quite some people.

Besides - I don't understand why one-handed operation is so important to some people that they consider it a dealbreaker (not targeting you in person). Especially as that is not a digital function and one can still operate large parts of the device with one hand if desired.

I use the 5S with one hand. I prefer one handed operation because I generally carry a briefcase in the other hand. It's much easier to respond to emails, etc.


macrumors member
Feb 5, 2008
Ticino, Switzerland
Some things i like others not


I like the logo. Brings back the original iPhone design. (looking at this image I must say that in the last 7 years the iPhones have become definitely thinner, this one looks like a brick in comparison, still a great design)

As far as the camera lens well....

Let's just say Sir Ive must be busy designing something else right now. Because that detail is ugly. But, on the other hand, it prevents the "light leak" with casings that was often a problem... Most people are going to put a casing around the phone anyway...

(Except if the phone is truly sturdy this time around, and shock resistant...)


macrumors 68040
Aug 14, 2007
That's it! I'm done reading stupid posts on screws, logos, antennas and openings in metal casing. It's a smartphone, not an alien spaceship. :mad:

FACT: The iPhone, along with most digital technology developed since the 1950s, is based on technology harvested from an alien spacecraft which crashed in the New Mexico desert in 1947.

So in a way, you could say it is an alien spaceship.


macrumors 68000
Dec 23, 2010
London, UK
This iPhone 6 is perhaps the most leaked phone in the iPhone history.

From screws, sim-trays, camera modules, sapphire displays to leaks of it's battery mAh we've seen it all. Heck we've even got fully-functional 'clones' of the iPhone 6 with a retail box.


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2008
Until the shift, "we" cling to the current doctrine which includes "one-handed use". However, after Apple rolls out the new one, they'll drop that bullet from the spiel, slug in a new one or two bullets supporting the bigger screen and then the new doctrine will be established.

You are ignoring the contingent of Android users (that have no interest in iOS) that complain their phone is too large and wish they could get an Android phone with flagship specs that isn't 4.7" or larger.

Even if they are a minority THERE DOES EXIST people that desire a "small" phone for either one-handed use or fitting better in their pocket.

Personally, as long as it isn't too large and unwieldy in my jeans/shorts pocket I think I'll be ok with it. I do enjoy one-handed use but it's also true I make very few calls these days.


macrumors 68040
Feb 22, 2008
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
More alleged leaks. Hard to sort out the real ones from the fake ones though. And there are a lot of fakes floating around.

How do you know that?


its an antenna, it needs a certain amount of metal for it to work the way they want it to

How do you know that?

It's incredible how people mistake own opinions and deductions for facts.


There wasn't a problem because that wasn't Apple's flagship product.

No-one who buys a product is interested in that. There is not a consumer that would say or think "Hmmm, this function or design is not really that great, but then again this is not a flagship product. I should not complain".


macrumors 65816
Jul 21, 2011
Protruding lens?! If this is true, ill sit the next generation or two out.

As a photographer who is using his iphone as his go to camera more and more...I wouldn't mind a slightly protruding lens on the iphone 6 if it meant a much better camera lens with incredible low light abilities.


macrumors 65816
Feb 4, 2011
There is no 5.5" iPhone.

You've been saying this for awhile in many forum posts... Just curious what do you stand to gain by being right in taking such a hard line stance? What happens if a larger phone is released?


macrumors 68000
Dec 23, 2010
London, UK
Are you forgetting about the iPhone prototype model an Apple employee left in a bar?

Not really, you're forgetting about the iPhone 4 someone left in a bar

/edit got beaten to it!

I haven't forgotten the infamous Gizmodo leak, would never forget that :D That was a complete, almost-final-version, bombshell leak. I meant as in leaks, part-by-part as we're seeing here. My fault for not being clear about what I meant.

What ever happened to Tim-Cook's "Double down on secrecy" commitment?


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
they'll fix protru-gate at 6s, so I'll just skip this one.

you seem to be assuming that there will be a 6 and then next year a 6s and 6c. but what if there is no six. and there is no keeping around the 'previous generation' as the 'cheap' model. but rather a S model that is the 'supreme' and a C model that starts at 8GB as the 'cheap' model. After all they did release an 8GB 5C in some markets. perhaps that was a test to see if folks would buy it.

Thus last year the 5S/5C, this year the 6S/7C, next year the 7S/7C


macrumors G5
You are ignoring the contingent of Android users (that have no interest in iOS) that complain their phone is too large and wish they could get an Android phone with flagship specs that isn't 4.7" or larger.

Even if they are a minority THERE DOES EXIST people that desire a "small" phone for either one-handed use or fitting better in their pocket.

There are 3.5" and 4" Android phones. For example: I think the reality is that there is not enough of this crowd that will actually open their wallets to buy them to make them mainstream. Instead, the revenue- or maybe the profit- is in the bigger-screen phones (which, I think, is why Apple is going there after mostly putting-down screens bigger than 3.5" and then 4" for several years). If there was large demand for 3.5" or 4" and something smaller than 3.5", the Android makers would be all over it. They roll out any and every kind of model trying to make a niche buck.

Are there people that want smaller screens in those sizes? Sure. And good for them. And phone makers should make phones for them if there is some profit in it. People come in all shapes and sizes. I'm glad there isn't a dominate shoe/shirts/pants company that decides one size fits all. Consumer choice is good for consumers.


macrumors regular
May 30, 2011
Why? I don't even understand why this would bother someone to the point of not buying it lol. They are just rumors first of all and we all know apple designs everything beautifully. Even if true i doubt it will stick out much at all and anyone who doesnt buy it due to that is pretty petty and anal

Because there are people on the site whose only mission in life is to bitch about Apple. They are willing to give up everything about the new phone over a singular item. This is either stupid or a coordinated effort from the Samsung folks.

I personally don't care about the lens but if I did, the thin plastic case I will buy for the phone will take care of it.
Last edited:


macrumors G5
I haven't forgotten the infamous Gizmodo leak, would never forget that :D That was a complete, almost-final-version, bombshell leak. I meant as in leaks, part-by-part as we're seeing here. My fault for not being clear about what I meant.

I think every Apple product- with rare exception (I'm looking at you new Mac Pro) seems to have about this many leaks ahead of launch.

And it feels like about 75% of the leaks related to this one all revolve around the same set of specs that got out into the wild near the beginning of this cycle. Since, then, case mockups based on those specs have led to body mockups based on those specs and on an on. Basically, one good or bad first rumor seems to have spawned a lot of close variants.

What ever happened to Tim-Cook's "Double down on secrecy" commitment?

Mac Pro first tangible rumor was 5 days before the new Mac Pro was shown to the public. iPhone 5.5" is seeming to be well hidden (I know 1080p: "there is no 5.5" iPhone") but not as well as the Mac Pro. Maybe "doubled down" is a red herring strategy where Apple selectively leaks Apple Television, iPad Pro, maybe iWatch, etc. to pump misinformation into the rumor pipeline (which, I think, is the only way any kind of doubling down might actually work). Apple is too big and too hot to be able to actually pinch down every leak.
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