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Jul 17, 2012
As a photographer, please enlighten us as to whether or not an extra few millimeters is actually enough to "significantly improve" the iPhone's camera. I am merely an amateur photographer so I'm not certain, but it seems to me like if Apple want a "significant" improvement in camera capability on the iPhone, they'd need to do much more than add OIS and a few extra millimeters.


That would depend on the lens, apple's price they are paying the manufacturer, etc. I don't know who makes their lens, but probably this is the size and price that fit their spec's.

I'm a retired amateur photographer. I shot quinceaneras, weddings, baptism's, etc.


macrumors 68000
Feb 9, 2014
i dont think Apple is willing to spent so much R&D on iPods anymore

Us folks over on the iPod forum are hoping that isn't true. I like my iPhone 5s, but absolutely love my IPod touch 5 and switch over to it whenever I'm home. The 5s is an ugly pig in the hand when compared to the touch. The touch has better battery life. And I can leave my phones charging while at home so they're topped off when I go out.


macrumors 65816
Jul 12, 2012
FACT: The iPhone, along with most digital technology developed since the 1950s, is based on technology harvested from an alien spacecraft which crashed in the New Mexico desert in 1947.

So in a way, you could say it is an alien spaceship.

Love it! :D
... if you don't buy the weather balloon story :cool:

Could our leaders be actual aliens? ;)


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
How many people carry around their iPhone naked versus using a case?

A protruding ring is a microscopic nitpick, really, only for asthetes. The majority won't care after taking it out of the box and slapping a case around it. If that's the price to be paid for a better camera with optical image stabilization, then it's worth it (for me).

ONLY if it provides a noticable and sizable improvement....

Devices like the Nexus 5 piss me off because the camera sticks out AND it sucks.

If there isn't any real noticeable improvement, I'd vote they just stick with what they have. I'm really not a fan of the protruding camera....but we'll see. I only use a case some of the time - most of the time its naked and I like my phone to sit flat on a surface.


macrumors newbie
May 28, 2014
Likely only on the 5.5" model.. thats the one that showed this ring in the 3D rendering leaked months ago..

It does look like the 5.5" will have the OIS, Sapphire, and more storage (64/128GB) and a few other hardware 'perks' over the 4.7"..

I have a sneaky suspicion they are going the way they have with the Mackbook line..

We used to have
- Macbook Classic (White plastic)
- Macbook Air
- Macbook Pro

I think we're going the below with $50 bump between storage versions
- iPhone Classic (4", 16/32GB) $99/$149
- iPhone Air (4.7" 32/64GB) $199/$249
- iPhone Pro(5.5" 64/128GB) $299/$349

I say the $50 bump because they just did that with the iPod Touch line a month ago..

It's lining up to look like this anyway...

Assuming you are correct, would you say that this is an accurate depiction of what the UK Unlocked Prices will be (Note that there is a 1.4x mark-up to cover import taxes and VAT)

iPhone Classic (16/32): £459/£499 <--- $549/$599
iPhone Air (32/64): £549/£599 <--- $649/$699
iPhone Pro (64/128): £649/£699 <--- $749/$799

Here's the link to the UK iPhone 5S current prices if that helps:


Jul 17, 2012
I can't believe you just said that... PHONES PEOPLE. THESE ARE PHONES. The average consumer doesn't view a phone like they would a computer MUCH LESS a car!

I said that because nobody should expect a product that takes more material to make for the same price. Ice cream cones are much cheaper than phones, but try getting a double scoop for the price of a single scoop. Nobody is "owed" bigger for the same price


macrumors 65816
Aug 1, 2013
That was merely marketing blabber on Apple's side. True one-handed operation was last possible on the 4S and its 3.5" predecessors, on 4" (iPhone 5/5S) it's already a stretch for quite some people.

Besides - I don't understand why one-handed operation is so important to some people that they consider it a dealbreaker (not targeting you in person). Especially as that is not a digital function and one can still operate large parts of the device with one hand if desired.

The one hand was a basically a cap out from Apple because their software was not flexible (a la Android) and the rush to bigger sizes happen in the 5/5s transition with Apple keeping the same size thru 2 generations.

On the software side - this is fixed using side gestures and also when developers start using the new size classes in IOS 8.


macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2012
I said that because nobody should expect a product that takes more material to make for the same price. Ice cream cones are much cheaper than phones, but try getting a double scoop for the price of a single scoop. Nobody is "owed" bigger for the same price

That doesn't apply here. The cost of materials is actually not that much more for a slightly larger phone. Apple would still be making almost as much profit on large phones as they are on the regular sized ones, even if they were offered at the same price.

Although they COULD sell a larger phone for more, my argument is just that there is just as much chance that they'll keep it the same for all sizes.


macrumors 68000
Mar 21, 2010
Apple Logo Function in Iphone 6

When there is a problem, the mayor will shine the Apple logo on a building in Gotham and Tim Cook, in cape, with his trusty partner, Jonny, will come to defeat the evil Sam Sung.


Jul 17, 2012
That doesn't apply here. The cost of materials is actually not that much more for a slightly larger phone.

Are you serious? Not much more is STILL more. If apple wants to sell it at the same price then more power to them, nobody should expect it though.

Companies are in business to make money, period. What does it cost the store for an extra scoop of ice cream? The fact is that their wholesale price is not what it's about, it's the retail value. Ever buy clothes? Larger clothes costs more, the extra material itself doesn't cost much to them.

It seems like people think they are owed stuff any more, guess it's a first world problem.


, my argument is just that there is just as much chance that they'll keep it the same for all sizes.

No, you said people want a larger phone for the same price. Not the same thing. If they keep it the same price then great, it has nothing to do with what people "want" though.


macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2012
Are you serious? Not much more is STILL more. If apple wants to sell it at the same price then more power to them, nobody should expect it though.

Companies are in business to make money, period. What does it cost the store for an extra scoop of ice cream? The fact is that their wholesale price is not what it's about, it's the retail value. Ever buy clothes? Larger clothes costs more, the extra material itself doesn't cost much to them.

It seems like people think they are owed stuff any more, guess it's a first world problem.

EDIT: this is going nowhere fast. Better leave it at that...


Jul 17, 2012
The one hand was a basically a cap out from Apple because their software was not flexible (a la Android) and the rush to bigger sizes happen in the 5/5s transition with Apple keeping the same size thru 2 generations.

On the software side - this is fixed using side gestures and also when developers start using the new size classes in IOS 8.

It's too funny. Apple, naturally, touts one hand operation as they are not ready to upsize yet and all of the bot's run with it (as they expected) to make it seem like the perfect size for everyone. Of course there is no perfect size for everyone but since jobs said it, it's gospel and must be true. Now that they are able to upsize that is long forgotten by apple, but not the bot's.


EDIT: this is going nowhere fast. Better leave it at that...


Agent OrangeZ

macrumors 68040
Mar 17, 2010
Planet Earth
You've been saying this for awhile in many forum posts... Just curious what do you stand to gain by being right in taking such a hard line stance? What happens if a larger phone is released?

Nothing tangible to gain besides a slight stroke to the ego. I have never met a person who didn't enjoy being "right" in a debated topic. If I am wrong, and a 5.5" iPhone gets released, then I'll be wrong. But at least those who have been clamoring for such a big iPhone, would finally be able to get one.


Jan 16, 2002
Denver, CO
Lego announces a new iPhone 6 certified work surface: iFlush. Features row after row of inset circles that perfectly house the protruding ring of an iPhone 6, allowing a flush fit, every time.

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macrumors 65816
Feb 19, 2010
I want a bigger car but don't want to pay more money.

Unless you already drive a Lada or Dacia, I'm sure there will be something available to meet your specs from some manufacturer. Not to mention the huge second hand market.


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2014
When are you people going to get it? There is no 5,5'' iPhone coming. IF Apple steps up to 4,7'' it'll be a huge deal since they in that case are moving away from the "one-hand-operation" they discussed warmly when the iPhone 5 was introduced.

Not that anyone will be taking me seriously, I'm just a guy in little little Sweden. I'll probably not even see the damn phone until the end of 2014 with the new countries that are included in launch plans...

aside from being wrong. you're wrong again. why would a 4.7" phone not be in the one handed use category? are swedes all midgets or young girls? I can one hand the new s5. the 4.7" will be cake.


macrumors 65816
Feb 19, 2010
That doesn't apply here. The cost of materials is actually not that much more for a slightly larger phone. Apple would still be making almost as much profit on large phones as they are on the regular sized ones, even if they were offered at the same price.

Although they COULD sell a larger phone for more, my argument is just that there is just as much chance that they'll keep it the same for all sizes.

The larger iPads cost more. The larger iPods cost more. The larger Macs cost more. I think there's a pretty strong trend to be seen here.


aside from being wrong. you're wrong again. why would a 4.7" phone not be in the one handed use category?

Because Apple said so.


macrumors 68000
Dec 23, 2010
London, UK
I think every Apple product- with rare exception (I'm looking at you new Mac Pro) seems to have about this many leaks ahead of launch.

And it feels like about 75% of the leaks related to this one all revolve around the same set of specs that got out into the wild near the beginning of this cycle. Since, then, case mockups based on those specs have led to body mockups based on those specs and on an on. Basically, one good or bad first rumor seems to have spawned a lot of close variants.

Mac Pro first tangible rumor was 5 days before the new Mac Pro was shown to the public. iPhone 5.5" is seeming to be well hidden (I know 1080p: "there is no 5.5" iPhone") but not as well as the Mac Pro. Maybe "doubled down" is a red herring strategy where Apple selectively leaks Apple Television, iPad Pro, maybe iWatch, etc. to pump misinformation into the rumor pipeline (which, I think, is the only way any kind of doubling down might actually work). Apple is too big and too hot to be able to actually pinch down every leak.

I agree with the Mac Pro being very secretive. The 5.5" iPhone may or may not exist, but I guess we'll only ever find out once or if they ever announce it. My personal opinion is that there won't ever be a 5.5" iPhone whilst the rumoured 4.7" is around. Just doesn't seem very Apple to bang out a massive 5.5"er when all these years they've been rocking with the meagre 3.5" with the 4/4S and 4" with the 5/5S. When Apple introduced the iPhone 5 with the larger 4" display, they seemed pretty certain that this size was the perfect size and 'done right' in making the screen taller and accessible single-handedly rather than being a two-handed operation.

The reason why Apple are increasing the size further is because of widespread criticisms from the consumer and the competition's success with larger displays in my opinion. I personally think Apple are going to increase it to 4.7" as 5.5" is too large and never 'Apple'-like. :|


macrumors 68000
Dec 23, 2010
London, UK
To double down is to make a quick side bet in situations when it is advantageous to do so.

Since it's no secret that Apple is going to release a new phone this year (they've done so every year since the first one), this is not one of those situations.

What happened to the commitment? It's being applied in areas where you don't know what Apple is planning to do, and where it's in their interest to keep you in the dark. All these rumors about the iPhone are bait to keep your attention on the obvious stuff, while they quietly work on the secret stuff; and you're falling for it.

That's an interesting interpretation of the "doubling down on secrecy". You could well be right in saying that Apple are diverting our attention or distraction towards their iPhone and other 'expected' lines whilst they work on new products.


macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2012
The larger iPads cost more. The larger iPods cost more. The larger Macs cost more. I think there's a pretty strong trend to be seen here.


Because Apple said so.

An iPad is an entirely different market than a phone. Larger iPods cost more...? As in larger storage space? Or compared to the nano? Ill assume the nano. The iPod touch can do about a trillion more things than the nano can. As with the iPad, its not the same market and most people don't think about larger phone equalling more money necessarily.


macrumors G5
The reason why Apple are increasing the size further is because of widespread criticisms from the consumer and the competition's success with larger displays in my opinion. I personally think Apple are going to increase it to 4.7" as 5.5" is too large and never 'Apple'-like. :|

Your view here seems split between this concept of "Applelike" and Apple doing something to get the money (competitor success). The latter is the dominant driver of what is Applelike. They want the money. That's what the Samsung case was about- how much money Apple would have made had Samsung NOT "copied" Apple's innovations.

Apple is still publicly selling a 4" phone screen. Their launch of that size poked fun at bigger sizes. If there is anything to Applelike being more important than getting the money, they shouldn't be rolling out a 4.7" either. Per their own public stance to sell what is for sale right now, a 4.7" iPhone is not Applelike.

As I've shared before...
-roll out a 4.7" phone and soak up the business that wants phones bigger than about 4" and smaller than about 5" or so,
-roll out a 5.5" phone and soak up the business that wants phones bigger than about 5" and smaller than about 6" or so.

Leave either phone out and basically give the Android competition that business for up to another year. Why? If Applelike is about getting the money, then Apple will get it by mitigating the most tangible reason for bigger-screen buyers to choose ANY Android phone by rolling out both.

They chose not to leave the smaller-screen tablet size to Android in spite of very public statements about how users of such tablets would need sandpaper to sand down their fingers to 1/4 their size. Did doing something so UN-Applelike work for Apple? It certainly did.

My bet is on them choosing the money again instead of leaving it to Samsung and others for up to another year.
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macrumors regular
May 30, 2011
That doesn't apply here. The cost of materials is actually not that much more for a slightly larger phone. Apple would still be making almost as much profit on large phones as they are on the regular sized ones, even if they were offered at the same price.

Although they COULD sell a larger phone for more, my argument is just that there is just as much chance that they'll keep it the same for all sizes.

Talk about a swing and a MISS! Dude, this isn't a board game, it is life. In life, things are priced at the MOST the seller can get for them. If the 4.7 and the 5.5 were EXACTLY the same in every way except for size and the MARKET will pay more for the larger version then that is the right price.

I would pay 10-15% MORE for a larger screen version. It is what I want. If you won't pay more then don't. If it does have a higher cost, you can bet that Apple has done the market research to support the decision.

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