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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Could be slightly different, but I don't expect much.

That is not the point. I'm talking about the animations for opening, closing apps, multitasking, pulling down notifications centre, opening app folders, notifications centre etc, lagging and stuttering and creating an appearance of slower performance. Animations can greatly impact on how fast you feel your device is running. It is a point many people complain about with regard to Android devices, so it is a shame when my iPad Mini 2 ends up feeling the same. Its to the point my 3GS is more capable of rendering animations than my iPad Mini, which is ridiculous and beyond annoying.

And if you had bothered reading what I have written in this thread, I've said exactly that. Some people don't notice or aren't bothered by stutter. However some people are. It is as simple as that.

Please read before responding. I said 'Not an overly feature packed release'. That is true, compared to iOS 7 and 8, iOS 9 is relatively lacking in new features (Especially on iPhones). Thats nothing unusual, iOS 6 was similar. I did my self no disservice. iOS 9 is simply not a hugely feature packed release when compared to other iOS revisions.

And I took my own advice, you will notice I've said over and over that some people find stuttering annoying, and some people don't. Some people notice them, some people don't. I have clearly stated that over and over again. What I was objected to was iOS 9 being described as superior in every single way, because especially depending on your position, it might not be. Some people find new features amazing, my sister for example couldn't give a damn about new features, I on the other hand love new features.
I don't agree with much of this and I've already responded but I'll clarify without the condescension that seems to be prevalent in certain postings:
- the speed of the device is for me in the speed of the apps not the animations remove the animations is my mantra
- iOS 9 was as feature packed as any other, you are playing word games with the use of the words "not overly "; we could debate ad-nauseum about a specific feature means but that is another rat hole


macrumors 601
Sep 14, 2010
No, I'm right. Performance are performance. You don't measure performance opening and closing notification centre like a mad. You run apps and benchmarks. Apps and benchmarks aren't slower on iOS 9. At all

Performance is not limited to benchmarks. You didn't read what i wrote again. I was talking about your perception of performance, and animations that don't run smoothly can ruin that.

No, it's not a personal opinion. iOS 6 was ANCIENT, stale, and everyone was complaining about that at the time. It didn't stutter because there was very little to stutter about at the time....

There is no 'FACT' that iOS 9 is better than iOS 8, as it is not better in every aspect. Whatever you think of iOS 6, stuttering under it was either not there or extremely extremely rare. iOS 7.1 was pretty good for not stuttering as well. There is no

explained my point several time, but you keep ignoring it to fulfill your agenda.
To advice someone NOT TO INSTALL IOS 9 , basing this decision only out of a few frames drops, drops existing also on iOS 8, is utterly ridiculous and deceiving.

What agenda? I don't have agenda. Perhaps you have an agenda?

I've suggested to the OP to consider potential issues with stuttering before upgrading, as who knows? They may bother him. I have not said "Don't update". I've given him practical advice: Go to an Apple store and make use of one of the display 5S's with iOS 9 on it to see how he finds the rendering of animations and general performance before making a leap that you can not undo.

Your opinion on what matters in terms of OS's is not universal. Again some people aren't bothered by lack of security. Its a simple as that. Some people are more concerned with other things.

no one said Apple is perfect. I don't know a single user here saying that.
But I know very well haters....
Frame drops could be noticeable and still not a valid reason to advice people not to install iOS 9 over iOS 8, especially on a 64 bit device like an iPhone 5S (for an iPhone 5 and older it could be different).

Just as I know Apple defenders very well. There are plenty of them on Macrumours. In your opinion it is not a valid reason, but yet again your opinion is not universal as much as you would like to think it is.

Plenty of people aren't that interested in security. There are many people every year who choose not to update, or are not able to update every single year, as they don't value security.

Personally I value security and features, so I usually update iOS straight away, however I have regretted that with iOS 9 on some of my devices so I see it from both sides.

Its all about opinion, perception and what people like. Why do some people like downloading public betas? Because they value features over stability. Why do some people not update for 6 months after an OS has come out? Because they value stability over features. You don't seem to see this and continue to see the world through your own usage case. You obviously don't care about stuttering and are more interested in your own security,
I don't agree with much of this and I've already responded but I'll clarify without the condescension that seems to be prevalent in certain postings:
- the speed of the device is for me in the speed of the apps not the animations remove the animations is my mantra
- iOS 9 was as feature packed as any other, you are playing word games with the use of the words "not overly "; we could debate ad-nauseum about a specific feature means but that is another rat hole

There was a fair bit of condescension in your reply to me.

Yes thats good - the performance for You. The performance for me is how long apps take to open, how well multitasking works and how plus how smoothly iOS can render the animations it makes heavy use of. Neither of us are wrong, neither of us are right, different people perceive things differently.

iOS 9 was not a feature packed release, it was a fine tuning release, with a focus on under the hood features. iOS 7 features a whole new design + major new features, iOS 8 features a huge number of new features, iOS 9 has some new features, some new design and under the hood changes.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2014
No, it's not a personal opinion. iOS 6 was ANCIENT, stale, and everyone was complaining about that at the time. It didn't stutter because there was very little to stutter about at the time....
People complained about the outdated design not about how it performs. Previously, iOS has always been considered the superior mobile OS because of how it was refined and reliable. Can't really say the same today, iOS is kind of a set back in that regard and Android moved forward.
Personally I value security and features, so I usually update iOS straight away, however I have regretted that with iOS 9 on some of my devices so I see it from both sides.
This is what I hate in iOS today : chosing between features/security and stability/performance. Before there was no reason at all (except for jailbreaking) to stay on an older iOS because you could only gain and not lose anything.
Last time I had an iPhone 4, I played with it and downgraded (with the limera1n tethered downgrade method) to every iOS it could support (iOS 4,5 and 6) and I haven't seen any impact on performance until I updated it back to iOS 7.
Nowadays, you have to sacrifice performance for features/security which is a shame.

And by the way, I advice stopping arguing with this guy, he is in total deny and can't understand that people have differents ways of seeing "performance". I personnally think iOS 9 have a strong impact on "performance" and would easily downgrade to a previous version if I had the choice, yet I adviced OP to upgrade because he look like he is fine with iOS 9 on his iPad.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Performance is not limited to benchmarks. You didn't read what i wrote again. I was talking about your perception of performance, and animations that don't run smoothly can ruin that.

There is no 'FACT' that iOS 9 is better than iOS 8, as it is not better in every aspect. Whatever you think of iOS 6, stuttering under it was either not there or extremely extremely rare. iOS 7.1 was pretty good for not stuttering as well. There is no

What agenda? I don't have agenda. Perhaps you have an agenda?

I've suggested to the OP to consider potential issues with stuttering before upgrading, as who knows? They may bother him. I have not said "Don't update". I've given him practical advice: Go to an Apple store and make use of one of the display 5S's with iOS 9 on it to see how he finds the rendering of animations and general performance before making a leap that you can not undo.

Your opinion on what matters in terms of OS's is not universal. Again some people aren't bothered by lack of security. Its a simple as that. Some people are more concerned with other things.

Just as I know Apple defenders very well. There are plenty of them on Macrumours. In your opinion it is not a valid reason, but yet again your opinion is not universal as much as you would like to think it is.

Plenty of people aren't that interested in security. There are many people every year who choose not to update, or are not able to update every single year, as they don't value security.

Personally I value security and features, so I usually update iOS straight away, however I have regretted that with iOS 9 on some of my devices so I see it from both sides.

Its all about opinion, perception and what people like. Why do some people like downloading public betas? Because they value features over stability. Why do some people not update for 6 months after an OS has come out? Because they value stability over features. You don't seem to see this and continue to see the world through your own usage case. You obviously don't care about stuttering and are more interested in your own security,

There was a fair bit of condescension in your reply to me.

Yes thats good - the performance for You. The performance for me is how long apps take to open, how well multitasking works and how plus how smoothly iOS can render the animations it makes heavy use of. Neither of us are wrong, neither of us are right, different people perceive things differently.

iOS 9 was not a feature packed release, it was a fine tuning release, with a focus on under the hood features. iOS 7 features a whole new design + major new features, iOS 8 features a huge number of new features, iOS 9 has some new features, some new design and under the hood changes.
I didnt single any poster out...

Yes, that's all well and good for you and your definitions of performance and feature packed. something as subjective as all of this has many ways to look at it. You keep posting as if my opinion is the anomaly and yours is the correct opinion in all of this.

It actually is what it is and hairs can be split until the cows come home and the 5s thread has not unexpedtly due to the varied opinions has become another @@@@@@@ contest.


Sep 22, 2012
What people seem to ignore sometimes is that if you've been updating from previous versions of iOS OTA or restoring from a way old backup, it carries over all the crap. I always suggest doing a complete factory restore + set up as new iPhone when upgrading to a major iOS version (ie you would be doing 8 to 9.3) and even my old 4s was running like a champ on 9.2.1

Update this way and you won't regret it. Also, iCloud keeps your contacts, calendars and all the other stuff intact.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
People complained about the outdated design not about how it performs. Previously, iOS has always been considered the superior mobile OS because of how it was refined and reliable. Can't really say the same today, iOS is kind of a set back in that regard and Android moved forward.

This is what I hate in iOS today : chosing between features/security and stability/performance. Before there was no reason at all (except for jailbreaking) to stay on an older iOS because you could only gain and not lose anything.
Last time I had an iPhone 4, I played with it and downgraded (with the limera1n tethered downgrade method) to every iOS it could support (iOS 4,5 and 6) and I haven't seen any impact on performance until I updated it back to iOS 7.
Nowadays, you have to sacrifice performance for features/security which is a shame.

And by the way, I advice stopping arguing with this guy, he is in total deny and can't understand that people have differents ways of seeing "performance". I personnally think iOS 9 have a strong impact on "performance" and would easily downgrade to a previous version if I had the choice, yet I adviced OP to upgrade because he look like he is fine with iOS 9 on his iPad.
So unless "performance" is seen as your way, you are in total denial that somebody else may not have same issues or see things differently. thats quite the interesting philosophical concept.

As to your opinion of "superior" operating system, it's just your opinion. Many have considered android "superior" for many years. I buy what works for me.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2014
So unless "performance" is seen as your way, you are in total denial that somebody else may not have same issues or see things differently. thats quite the interesting philosophical concept.

As to your opinion of "superior" operating system, it's just your opinion. Many have considered android "superior" for many years. I buy what works for me.
Where did I say my way of seeing "performance" is the absolute reference ? Please quote, I can't remember.
I just gave my opinion and I was trying to explain to the other guy that people have different perception of "performance" which he can't seem to understand after 2 pages of useless debate.

And yes, about the "superior" operating system, you get the point, that is just my opinion yours may be different I respect that. Just like I respected (in the other thread) that you think the iPhone 6s is a far more "innovation packed phone" than the iPhone 4 was back in 2010.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Where did I say my way of seeing "performance" is the absolute reference ? Please quote, I can't remember.
I just gave my opinion and I was trying to explain to the other guy that people have different perception of "performance" which he can't seem to understand after 2 pages of useless debate.

And yes, about the "superior" operating system, you get the point, that is just my opinion yours may be different I respect that. Just like I respected (in the other thread) that you think the iPhone 6s is a far more "innovation packed phone" than the iPhone 4 was back in 2010.
"And by the way, I advice stopping arguing with this guy, he is in total deny and can't understand that people have differents ways of seeing "performance"

Why even bring up anything at all about a poster? If you think I'm in "total denial" what does this say about everybody else that has a hard and fast and absolute position?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2014
"And by the way, I advice stopping arguing with this guy, he is in total deny and can't understand that people have differents ways of seeing "performance"

Why even bring up anything at all about a poster? If you think I'm in "total denial" what does this say about everybody else that has a hard and fast and absolute position?
Wait a minute, you are completely reversing here. He is in total deny because it's been 2 pages full of crap that he is still saying "don't listen to them" or "upgrade it will be much better". He is the one who actually take its perception of "performance" for the ultimate reference.

What he can't understand (and you may aswell) is that everyone have their own opinion about that damn "performance debate" and I'm just giving my opinion which is on the negative side. You (and many others) can't deny : there is some stutters in iOS 9. Please stop, you can't deny it's a simple fact, it's like denying that the sky is blue.
Now of course, everyone have differents feelings about that. Some notice them and are bothered (like me), some notice them but don't care and some others just can't notice them at all.

Anyway, I'm wasting my time with that useless debate, I already gave my answer to the OP, I'm done arguing here.


macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
4 seconds? Lol .... Unfortunately I can't write what this post means (but everyone knows).
Have your iPad mini checked: it's obviously defective.

Yup.This was on IOS 8 but its MUCH MUCH WORSE in iOS 9

performance ?
Performance has NOTHING to do with some frame drops now and then (if any).
performance wise there isn't ANY difference going from iOS 8 to iOS 9.[

Go and read up any software review.Fluidity measured in frames per second is part of performance.The FPS is driven by the GPU which is a part of performance metrics.There are horrible frame drops on all but the latest iOS devices.I would estimate my iPhone 6 shows animation stutters for 5 mins out of half an hour of usage

again, graphic performance aren't affected at all. A game, an app or a benchmarks run exactly the same in iOS 9 as in iOS 8. Quite on the contrary iOS 9 drivers are slightly improved with new apps, especially using Metal.
So, again, all this discussion about "graphical performance" is utterly nonsense.

This "Metal" is responsible for the horrible frame drops in iOS.My iPhone 6 on 8.4.1 NEVER EVER showed animation stutters in such frequency.If my iPhone had been a demo unit before I bought it,just looking at those lags would have made be cringe and look for alternative manufacturers

A few dropped frames exists also in iOS 8

11 months of iPad Air 2 usage and it NEVER EVER dropped frames on iOS 8.In fact I was searching for demanding apps on the App Store just to see the limits of the then powerhouse.Now its just above average in terms of speed with some stutters here and there

If serial complainers keep speaking about "poor performance" of iOS 9, people seeking for advice like the OP could be deceived and start thinking iOS 9 is making his iPhone somewhat "slower". That's just not true.

Its the OP's call to make.Some are not sensitive to frame drops.If the OP is of the sensitive type HE WILL NOTICE annoying stutters.We are just warning him that FOR SOME iOS 9 DOES SHOW heavy stutters

No, I'm right. Performance are performance. You don't measure performance opening and closing notification centre like a mad. You run apps and benchmarks. Apps and benchmarks aren't slower on iOS 9. At all
8.4.1 is slightly faster on iPhone 6

On iPhone 4S 7.1.2 blows away iOS 9

Here are the scientific benchmarks

2.53 seconds 2.73 seconds
Camera 1.4 seconds 1.32 seconds
Settings 1.65 seconds 1.73 seconds
Mail 1.89 seconds 1.95 seconds
Messages 1.38 seconds 1.65 seconds
Calendar 1.55 seconds 1.53 seconds
Cold boot 32.22 seconds 35.22 seconds

No, it's not a personal opinion. iOS 6 was ANCIENT, stale, and everyone was complaining about that at the time. It didn't stutter because there was very little to stutter about at the time....

Or maybe it didnt stutter because Forstall was in charge and Jobs would never let laggy POS release in the first place

To advice someone NOT TO INSTALL IOS 9 , basing this decision only out of a few frames drops, drops existing also on iOS 8, is utterly ridiculous and deceiving.

And dropped frames are ANNOYING as hell and sometimes I avoid using certain features like I used to do for the Control Centre prior to 9.3 because of the drops.If given a choice I would certainly downgrade to 8.4.1 JUST to get rid of these drops

I don't agree with much of this and I've already responded but I'll clarify without the condescension that seems to be prevalent in certain postings:
- the speed of the device is for me in the speed of the apps not the animations remove the animations is my mantra
- iOS 9 was as feature packed as any other, you are playing word games with the use of the words "not overly "; we could debate ad-nauseum about a specific feature means but that is another rat hole

And yet your favourite reviewer Anandtech (known to be biased in the first place.Just look at his S7 review.His Apple fanboy is showing) used frame drops in his performance analysis of iOS 9,iPhone 6s and iPad Pro.

Apart from Night Shift and the productivity improvements for iPad,iOS 9 was the least exciting release since iOS 7

So unless "performance" is seen as your way, you are in total denial that somebody else may not have same issues or see things differently. thats quite the interesting philosophical concept.

As to your opinion of "superior" operating system, it's just your opinion. Many have considered android "superior" for many years. I buy what works for me.
No one likes a laggy UI.If something shows animation stutters its a indication showing lack of optimisation or incapability of hardware to render a smooth UI.If you read PC Game reviews,NO ONE cares about loading times but rather the fps.There are benchmarks based on FPS like the T-Rex based on fps

I will be honest about my opinion on this.The Galaxy S7 and Nexus 6P are smoother than my iPhone 6 on iOS 9.In other words,I will say the S7 behaves similar to how my iPHone 6 and Air 2 USED TO perform on 8.4.1 before Apple screwed up
[doublepost=1457970942][/doublepost]@OP If you dont mind the occassional frame drops upgrade to ios 9.If you want the cutting edge of performance stick with iOS 8.Its better.Trust me


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Yup.This was on IOS 8 but its MUCH MUCH WORSE in iOS 9

Go and read up any software review.Fluidity measured in frames per second is part of performance.The FPS is driven by the GPU which is a part of performance metrics.There are horrible frame drops on all but the latest iOS devices.I would estimate my iPhone 6 shows animation stutters for 5 mins out of half an hour of usage

This "Metal" is responsible for the horrible frame drops in iOS.My iPhone 6 on 8.4.1 NEVER EVER showed animation stutters in such frequency.If my iPhone had been a demo unit before I bought it,just looking at those lags would have made be cringe and look for alternative manufacturers

11 months of iPad Air 2 usage and it NEVER EVER dropped frames on iOS 8.In fact I was searching for demanding apps on the App Store just to see the limits of the then powerhouse.Now its just above average in terms of speed with some stutters here and there

Its the OP's call to make.Some are not sensitive to frame drops.If the OP is of the sensitive type HE WILL NOTICE annoying stutters.We are just warning him that FOR SOME iOS 9 DOES SHOW heavy stutters

8.4.1 is slightly faster on iPhone 6

On iPhone 4S 7.1.2 blows away iOS 9

Here are the scientific benchmarks

2.53 seconds 2.73 seconds
Camera 1.4 seconds 1.32 seconds
Settings 1.65 seconds 1.73 seconds
Mail 1.89 seconds 1.95 seconds
Messages 1.38 seconds 1.65 seconds
Calendar 1.55 seconds 1.53 seconds
Cold boot 32.22 seconds 35.22 seconds

Or maybe it didnt stutter because Forstall was in charge and Jobs would never let laggy POS release in the first place

And dropped frames are ANNOYING as hell and sometimes I avoid using certain features like I used to do for the Control Centre prior to 9.3 because of the drops.If given a choice I would certainly downgrade to 8.4.1 JUST to get rid of these drops

And yet your favourite reviewer Anandtech (known to be biased in the first place.Just look at his S7 review.His Apple fanboy is showing) used frame drops in his performance analysis of iOS 9,iPhone 6s and iPad Pro.

Apart from Night Shift and the productivity improvements for iPad,iOS 9 was the least exciting release since iOS 7

No one likes a laggy UI.If something shows animation stutters its a indication showing lack of optimisation or incapability of hardware to render a smooth UI.If you read PC Game reviews,NO ONE cares about loading times but rather the fps.There are benchmarks based on FPS like the T-Rex based on fps

I will be honest about my opinion on this.The Galaxy S7 and Nexus 6P are smoother than my iPhone 6 on iOS 9.In other words,I will say the S7 behaves similar to how my iPHone 6 and Air 2 USED TO perform on 8.4.1 before Apple screwed up
[doublepost=1457970942][/doublepost]@OP If you dont mind the occassional frame drops upgrade to ios 9.If you want the cutting edge of performance stick with iOS 8.Its better.Trust me
I agree, if I had a laggy interface it would bother me, but across all my Idevices it's pretty good on 9.2 and 9.3b6.
Wait a minute, you are completely reversing here. He is in total deny because it's been 2 pages full of crap that he is still saying "don't listen to them" or "upgrade it will be much better". He is the one who actually take its perception of "performance" for the ultimate reference.

What he can't understand (and you may aswell) is that everyone have their own opinion about that damn "performance debate" and I'm just giving my opinion which is on the negative side. You (and many others) can't deny : there is some stutters in iOS 9. Please stop, you can't deny it's a simple fact, it's like denying that the sky is blue.
Now of course, everyone have differents feelings about that. Some notice them and are bothered (like me), some notice them but don't care and some others just can't notice them at all.

Anyway, I'm wasting my time with that useless debate, I already gave my answer to the OP, I'm done arguing here.
If I misinterpreted certainly owe you one internet type apology.


Dec 8, 2009
Performance is not limited to benchmarks. You didn't read what i wrote again. I was talking about your perception of performance, and animations that don't run smoothly can ruin that.
you seem to be the one not reading .... Benchmarks AND applications.
Perception of performance is different than real performance.

There is no 'FACT' that iOS 9 is better than iOS 8, as it is not better in every aspect. Whatever you think of iOS 6, stuttering under it was either not there or extremely extremely rare. iOS 7.1 was pretty good for not stuttering as well.
It is better, by any means.
iOS 7 was pretty good ? lol ... I don't have time to quote all the whining about iOS 7 performance at the time

I've suggested to the OP to consider potential issues with stuttering before upgrading, as who knows? They may bother him. I have not said "Don't update". I've given him practical advice: Go to an Apple store and make use of one of the display 5S's with iOS 9 on it to see how he finds the rendering of animations and general performance before making a leap that you can not undo.
Considering that security patches are no more released for iOS 8 and a lot of useful features will be missed (like ad blockers, and it's just one example), I would consider that a bad advice.

Your opinion on what matters in terms of OS's is not universal. Again some people aren't bothered by lack of security. Its a simple as that. Some people are more concerned with other things.
So basically you think that a few dropped frames are more important than security ?
I'd better stop talking with people like this, if this is the case, because this is pure ignorance.

Just as I know Apple defenders very well. There are plenty of them on Macrumours. In your opinion it is not a valid reason, but yet again your opinion is not universal as much as you would like to think it is.
it's not an opinion: it's a matter of fact.
Features and security.
All facts.
Perceived performance : an opinion by definition.

Plenty of people aren't that interested in security. There are many people every year who choose not to update, or are not able to update every single year, as they don't value security.
I don't even spend my time speaking about people that don't care about basic security ...

Its all about opinion, perception and what people like. Why do some people like downloading public betas? Because they value features over stability. Why do some people not update for 6 months after an OS has come out? Because they value stability over features. You don't seem to see this and continue to see the world through your own usage case. You obviously don't care about stuttering and are more interested in your own security,
beta testing is an entirely different matter...
People don't updating for 6 months are just seeking for potential issue, so I strongly advice to update sooner (I usually wait just a couple of days to avoid overloaded servers and learn about potentials day-one bugs).

Yes thats good - the performance for You. The performance for me is how long apps take to open, how well multitasking works and how plus how smoothly iOS can render the animations it makes heavy use of. Neither of us are wrong, neither of us are right, different people perceive things differently.
opening times have very little difference between iOS 8 and iOS 9.
Multitasking works exactly the same.

iOS 9 was not a feature packed release, it was a fine tuning release, with a focus on under the hood features. iOS 7 features a whole new design + major new features, iOS 8 features a huge number of new features, iOS 9 has some new features, some new design and under the hood changes.
iOS 9 a fine tuning ???? what ?!? Did you mean iOS 9.1 ....
People complained about the outdated design not about how it performs. Previously, iOS has always been considered the superior mobile OS because of how it was refined and reliable. Can't really say the same today, iOS is kind of a set back in that regard and Android moved forward.
people complained about the outdated design AND animations are part of the design.
Plus, people complained about the lack of features on iOS 6 and apple move forward.
iOS is still better than Android in my opinion. By far.

This is what I hate in iOS today : chosing between features/security and stability/performance. Before there was no reason at all (except for jailbreaking) to stay on an older iOS because you could only gain and not lose anything.
Last time I had an iPhone 4, I played with it and downgraded (with the limera1n tethered downgrade method) to every iOS it could support (iOS 4,5 and 6) and I haven't seen any impact on performance until I updated it back to iOS 7.
Nowadays, you have to sacrifice performance for features/security which is a shame.
i don't know about iPhone 4, that is very old hardware, but i still use iPad Mini first revision, basically an iPhone 4S, and it runs fine with iOS 9.2.1
Surely it isn't very fast, but it isn't the lag and stutter disaster you are being describing here...
What people seem to ignore sometimes is that if you've been updating from previous versions of iOS OTA or restoring from a way old backup, it carries over all the crap. I always suggest doing a complete factory restore + set up as new iPhone when upgrading to a major iOS version (ie you would be doing 8 to 9.3) and even my old 4s was running like a champ on 9.2.1

Update this way and you won't regret it. Also, iCloud keeps your contacts, calendars and all the other stuff intact.
But a couple of people here will say your iPhone 4S isn't running like a champ on 9.2.1: it's a mess but you can't see it :D


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2008
I agree, if I had a laggy interface it would bother me, but across all my Idevices it's pretty good on 9.2 and 9.3b6.
If I misinterpreted certainly owe you one internet type apology.

For what it's worth I had the exact same keyboard issues on my iPad on the first few versions of ios9. I brought my iPad to the 9.3 betas and it is better.
blah blah blah...

Apple stuff is decent.

I much prefer the feel of ios6 though. I have no particular fondness for anything from ios7 and onward. That's my opinion and no amount of foaming at the mouth for how stupid or ignorant I am for preferring the older experience will change things. But have a go if you like.

9.3 is the nicest it's been in a while though. So I have a little hope.


Dec 8, 2009
Yup.This was on IOS 8 but its MUCH MUCH WORSE in iOS 9

very interesting... in trying to demonstrate that iOS 8 is better than iOS 9 you showed us a video where iOS 8 is performing very poorly. Good point :rolleyes:
But , I know, iOS 9 is much much worse because you said so (and I never seen something like that on any of my iDevices :rolleyes:).

Go and read up any software review.Fluidity measured in frames per second is part of performance.The FPS is driven by the GPU which is a part of performance metrics.There are horrible frame drops on all but the latest iOS devices.I would estimate my iPhone 6 shows animation stutters for 5 mins out of half an hour of usage

go and show me ONE review where there is a measured FPS in the UI showing that iOS 8 is definitely faster than iOS 9.

This "Metal" is responsible for the horrible frame drops in iOS.My iPhone 6 on 8.4.1 NEVER EVER showed animation stutters in such frequency.If my iPhone had been a demo unit before I bought it,just looking at those lags would have made be cringe and look for alternative manufacturers
reality check: Metal is present even on iOS 8.4.1, so your explanation if wrong :rolleyes:

11 months of iPad Air 2 usage and it NEVER EVER dropped frames on iOS 8.In fact I was searching for demanding apps on the App Store just to see the limits of the then powerhouse.Now its just above average in terms of speed with some stutters here and there
this statement has the same validity of mine about iOS 9 not dropping frames more than iOS 8... even on an older iPad Air.

Its the OP's call to make.Some are not sensitive to frame drops.If the OP is of the sensitive type HE WILL NOTICE annoying stutters.We are just warning him that FOR SOME iOS 9 DOES SHOW heavy stutters
even if the OP is "the sensitive type" you are suggesting an iOS with more security holes and less features...

8.4.1 is slightly faster on iPhone 6

that video showed NOTHING, and the two phones doesn't even have the same configuration (different apps installed). It's the typical youtube idiotic video....
One phone is packed with emails and social network notifications, the other not even one. One is a 16 Gb with only 4 Gb of free space, the other is a 64 Gb with almost 40 Gb of free space.
If you have to link a video, try to use one made by an half competent reviewer.... :rolleyes:

On iPhone 4S 7.1.2 blows away iOS 9

lol, another interesting video, comparing a beta with the final version of a much lighter old OS on an old iPhone....

Here are the scientific benchmarks

2.53 seconds 2.73 seconds
Camera 1.4 seconds 1.32 seconds
Settings 1.65 seconds 1.73 seconds
Mail 1.89 seconds 1.95 seconds
Messages 1.38 seconds 1.65 seconds
Calendar 1.55 seconds 1.53 seconds
Cold boot 32.22 seconds 35.22 seconds
even more interesting: the comparison of the final refined version of iOS 8 with the preliminary not even launched GM of iOS 9 .... on an unknown iPhone and still showing 0.2 seconds differences in app launch. Impressive.

And yet your favourite reviewer Anandtech (known to be biased in the first place.Just look at his S7 review.His Apple fanboy is showing) used frame drops in his performance analysis of iOS 9,iPhone 6s and iPad Pro.
Anandtech known as biased BY WHO ???? YOU ?
Anandtech is one of the best website on the web, and the only one doing extensive analysis ...
And the review of the S7 is a good example, since they reported Android as not completely smooth on it...

No one likes a laggy UI.If something shows animation stutters its a indication showing lack of optimisation or incapability of hardware to render a smooth UI.If you read PC Game reviews,NO ONE cares about loading times but rather the fps.There are benchmarks based on FPS like the T-Rex based on fps
oh my ... how can I explain to you the iOS UI isn't a game ?
If you run a game on iOS 8 or on iOS 9 the frame rate would be the same.
There is no laggy UI on any of my iDevices....
Apple stuff is decent.

I much prefer the feel of ios6 though. I have no particular fondness for anything from ios7 and onward. That's my opinion and no amount of foaming at the mouth for how stupid or ignorant I am for preferring the older experience will change things. But have a go if you like.

9.3 is the nicest it's been in a while though. So I have a little hope.

no one is going to discuss YOUR preference. It's personal by definition.
One could prefer MS DOS over Windows 10. That doesn't make MSDOS better and more secure than Windows 10.
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macrumors member
Nov 29, 2015
OP, iOS 9 has very few new features over iOS 8. I think there's apple news which is updated and siri is smarter. Only the ipad got significant feature changes in iOS 9. So even if you don't upgrade to iOS 9, you won't be missing anything. I have a 6S running iOS 9 and a 5S for work running iOS 8 and there's nothing different about the UI or features on the 5S.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
OP, iOS 9 has very few new features over iOS 8. I think there's apple news which is updated and siri is smarter. Only the ipad got significant feature changes in iOS 9. So even if you don't upgrade to iOS 9, you won't be missing anything. I have a 6S running iOS 9 and a 5S for work running iOS 8 and there's nothing different about the UI or features on the 5S.
Live Photos, continuity, hand off, self timer, night shift, low power mode, search bar in settings, FaceTime from spotlight, proactive, mass transit, quick type formatting, notes sketch, keyboard, wifi assist, back button, slide to select photo, hide photo, passcode length, battery usage plus others. other than that nothing new.
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Dec 8, 2009
Live Photos, continuity, hand off, self timer, night shift, low power mode, search bar in settings, FaceTime from spotlight, proactive, mass transit, quick type formatting, notes sketch, keyboard, wifi assist, back button, slide to select photo, hide photo, passcode length, battery usage plus others. other than that nothing new.
... and you forgot about ad blockers, one features that worths the upgrade alone
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macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
Live Photos, continuity, hand off, self timer, night shift, low power mode, search bar in settings, FaceTime from spotlight, proactive, mass transit, quick type formatting, notes sketch, keyboard, wifi assist, back button, slide to select photo, hide photo, passcode length, battery usage plus others. other than that nothing new.
Android has had these features for years ....


macrumors member
Mar 29, 2014
I would update to iOS9.3 once it becomes available. It feels a tad slower than iOS 8.4, but the battery saving feature alone is well worth it. The speed difference iOS8 and 9 is imho negligible. Now had you been on iOS7.2.1, that would have been a different thing altogether....

And for the ongoing debate in this thread, it really is rather problematic that all devices (obviously apart from the A9-based) run so poorly on iOS9. It was a problem with iOS8 too, but somehow I expected it to be a one off, and that Apple would do a snow leopard/trimmed version of iOS soon. iOS9 wasn't it and somehow I doubt iOS10 will be any better.

EDIT: And yes, imho pure Android (i.e. without those pesky skins) is running more smoothly these days than iOS.
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macrumors member
Nov 29, 2015
Wrong. 5S can't do Live Photos and nobody sends them anyways. Continuity, hand off, self timer, mass transit, quick type formatting, battery usage, lower power mode all exist in iOS 8. Keyboard has existed since the first iphone. The rest of the "features" you listed here nobody uses. Search bar in settings - wow, what a useful feature. Wifi assist most people are turning off. Back button is same as swipe from left edge.

Live Photos, continuity, hand off, self timer, night shift, low power mode, search bar in settings, FaceTime from spotlight, proactive, mass transit, quick type formatting, notes sketch, keyboard, wifi assist, back button, slide to select photo, hide photo, passcode length, battery usage plus others. other than that nothing new.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Wrong. 5S can't do Live Photos and nobody sends them anyways. Continuity, hand off, self timer, mass transit, quick type formatting, battery usage, lower power mode all exist in iOS 8. Keyboard has existed since the first iphone. The rest of the "features" you listed here nobody uses. Search bar in settings - wow, what a useful feature. Wifi assist most people are turning off. Back button is same as swipe from left edge.
First, whether or not you use the features or care about them doesn't mean that they aren't part of the release. Second, let's at least get things right if we are going to say something is wrong: Low Power Mode and additional Battery Usage statistics are in fact new to iOS 9. Back button as in going to the previous app you were in is not the same as swiping from left edge and is new. Various other features that "nobody uses" are actually used by a lot of people.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
First, whether or not you use the features or care about them doesn't mean that they aren't part of the release. Second, let's at least get things right if we are going to say something is wrong: Low Power Mode and additional Battery Usage statistics are in fact new to iOS 9. Back button as in going to the previous app you were in is not the same as swiping from left edge and is new. Various other features that "nobody uses" are actually used by a lot of people.
And there are additional new ios 9 features not mentioned in previous post:

new app switcher, contacts uses mail, new photo scroll, thumbnails in messages, wallet in locked screen, nearby suggestions in maps, selfies folder, intuitive shift key, share content in notes, search in settings, ipad ios 9 updates, siri updates and more

Seems like a substantial release, whether one uses none, some or all of the new features.
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