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macrumors 6502
Aug 4, 2013

Apparently you didn't read the whole thread. I brought this up first on page 9.
I'd like a little credit since I had to read 9 pages of comments on this thread anxiously awaiting for someone to bring up this obvious point but no one ever did. ;)


macrumors G5
First of all, rumors point to a higher capacity battery, which yes, a lot of, will likely be used for the larger screen and higher resolution, but also you aren't considering iOS 8 or A8 energy efficiency improvements.

All iOS8 or A8 efficiency improvements with a bigger battery yields more battery life than all iOS8 or A8 efficiency improvements with only a modestly bigger battery. That argument for why a very subjectively "good enough" battery choice makes no sense. It's TERRIFIC that iOS8 and the A8 will be more energy thrifty. Put in a bigger battery anyway- while there's this prime opportunity for it in a wider and taller phone- and the end result will be meaningfully improved battery life for all.

Secondly you have no idea whether or not people 'gripe' about the 5S being too thick.

I see & hear no such gripes. Could you point me to a few?

Also thinner has massive costs in R&D, and potentially materials too, if say it costs more to purchase the latest component which is thinner.

Yes, I'm confident Apple is spending massively on "thin" for us consumers benefit. We are struggling with the onerous thickness of the 5s so this is a desperate problem that needs to be resolved, well worth taking on "massive costs" to solve this miserable problem for all. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, I both experience and witness too many people actually doing the wall-hugging thing because they need some added battery life. That's a problem I actually witness- a tangible, real issue that Apple could address. And here's the chance to do it. Keep the already thin enough (IMO) iPhone 5s thickness and fill the added width & height of a 6 with more battery. Or even trim a mm or two off the 5s thinness so Apple still gets to spin "thinner" and that would still yield room for more battery. But what will we get? Maximum thinning with "about the same battery life".

yes it's very plausible that the camera module currently cannot become thin enough to keep up with everything else, thus, it will protrude, exactly as it does on the iPod Touch 5G, and it is of no real consequence to use.

To you maybe. Are you reading other comments from other people in this thread? You do not represent everyone- just yourself. I respect that you feel as you do about this. But don't speak for me or others.

We do need that added thinness for this larger device, both for comfort and lightness. Please tell me you'd be okay with an inch thick phone in 2014, if it had days of battery life.

Spin it man. Try to twist the comment into me arguing for a thicker iPhone- an inch-thick iPhone. I didn't say that. What I did say is that the iPhone 5s is thin enough. I don't see or hear people griping about the thickness of the iPhone 5s. It is not an inch thick. Take the thickness of the 5s and bring it to a wider and taller 6 and it creates plenty of space for a much bigger battery. Or trim it a bit- but not to the max- and it still creates the space for a bigger battery.

No one is arguing for thickening an iPhone. Lots of people want meaningfully more battery life. The competition are able to put much bigger batteries into their versions of bigger-screen phones without them being 1" thick. I'm confident Apple could do it too.

Thinness is innovation, unfortunately battery tech isn't innovating nearly as quickly as everything else, thus you'll likely retain the same or similar battery life, until new battery tech comes along.

Battery technology already exists that can fit into a thinness between the rumors of this 6 vs. the 5s. The rumor that this battery will be 2100mAh while other thin, bigger screen phones use 3,000mAh batteries show it can be done. I have a battery case for the 5s this is barely thicker than the 5s and it more than doubles the battery. Get rid of the case walls, circuitry, added buttons and squeeze that added battery in to the added height & width of a 6 and today's technology gets us there… without any thickening. Apple could do it if it wanted. But apparently, it's deemed much better to spend "massively" on thin.

To me "thinner" (than 5s) is like a tattoo- cool in the moment and while there's anyone that hasn't had the one-time reaction to it, but then almost useless after all that ooing and ahhing ends. A bigger battery would deliver a tangible benefit for everyone that would last well beyond the thinner reaction at an Apple presentation.

Would you like an iPad that still looked and weighed the same as the first generation so that the battery could last significantly longer?

No, I'd like a 6th generation iPhone with stock battery life that can work for my needs without needing a battery case or any wall hugging. My needs are not huge but the stock 5s can't get the job done without me buying an extra thing (a battery case) and/or seeking out charging opportunities during the day. It doesn't have to be that way. That's just a choice to build it that way.

In my opinion I want thinner and lighter, and to retain the same <battery life>

Good for you. I suspect you'll get exactly this.

...or get as much better battery life as possible

That opportunity was very much within reach in this evolution. Take iPhone 5s thin or slightly thinner if Apple really needs that marketing bullet for the launch, fill the added width & height of the 6 with added battery and let the optimized iOS 8 + A8 do their energy-sipping from a much deeper well.

Rather than rationalizing thinnest possible as some big innovation when seemingly no one finds fault with the thickness of the 5s, THIS was the opportunity to address a very tangible, long-term useful benefit for iPhone consumers.

Personally, I have a 5s and an iPod Touch. IMO, both are at the borderline of "too thin". I've got the 5s in a battery case to both get the battery life I need as well as to add some thickness to it. I'd rather Apple build in that added battery than deliver "too thin". "Too thin" doesn't do anything for me. I don't even care about the tattoo effect. More stock battery life would be huge though… and not just for me.
Last edited:


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Wow, rich people will pay for anything—even crap design. There is some really ugly stuff on that Feld & Volk site. I'm a designer—perhaps I should get into the luxury phone modification business? Surely I could pump out better designs than these guys.

Personally though, all I really want is a red iPhone that has a light up logo. Though the light up logo might look dumb. I'd have to try it out. The key is making it not very bright, or have the brightness change according to lighting conditions. It would be cool if it would slowly pulsate, like the sleep light on old MacBooks, when you have a new message.


Jul 25, 2007
Well, as I said, at first no one was saying that the sim tool was liquid metal. That took a year to be confirmed if I remember correctly. And, again, last year before the iPad releases there were claims that the embedded iPad logos were liquidmetal - that's what originally got me curious back then. I am telling you they are some kind of liquidmetal alloy. They are not aluminum, plastic, nickel, steel, or anything else that I've worked with. Again, if you have an educated guess I'd like to know, You do not know for sure that "all Apple has done with liquid metal" are the sim tools. That's even more of an uneducated guess than I am making because since when has Apple disclosed the composition of materials for all parts of their electronics? They haven't.

I'm holding the most recent iPad mini retina in my hand. It's clearly a plastic apple logo. Not only does it feel like plastic, and make a plastic sound when you tap it, but hooking up my meter it is not electrically conductive.


macrumors newbie
Jun 5, 2012
London, England
Wait... The... Lens pops out of the rear shell.... WHAT!?

Talk about sacrificing practicality over a sleek design.. Laying this on every surface will be a pain.

Just a thought....

It's my suspicion that the scratch resistant apple logo will pop-out as well. Since most people use cases to protect their phone, these cases might have corresponding cut-outs to reveal both the 'scratch resistant sapphire pop-out lens' and a 'scratch resistant pop-out apple logo'. A case when applied would also balance out any unevenness. However, that wouldn't make it sleek nevertheless.


macrumors newbie
Jan 3, 2011
"...speculates could be a Liquidmetal alloy..."

Oh no! I knew that Terminator T-1000 was not destroyed... they are using him to make the logo! No two iPhone 6 users will be able to get within 10 feet of each other or the two logos will meld and he's back! This is diabolical!


macrumors regular
Aug 3, 2014
Wow, rich people will pay for anything—even crap design. There is some really ugly stuff on that Feld & Volk site. I'm a designer—perhaps I should get into the luxury phone modification business? Surely I could pump out better designs than these guys.

Personally though, all I really want is a red iPhone that has a light up logo. Though the light up logo might look dumb. I'd have to try it out. The key is making it not very bright, or have the brightness change according to lighting conditions. It would be cool if it would slowly pulsate, like the sleep light on old MacBooks, when you have a new message.

The Apple logo lighting up would be obscenely bad design in that it would create poor aesthetics, worse battery life, distractions, and is often covered up by cases. Nothing could be worse than it pulsating though.


macrumors G5
The only problem with your assumption is that the way workers works in China are the same as workers in USA. You know Mac Pro is made in USA only? Keeping this from a leak will be relatively easier. However, these iphones are made in China. How hard to bribe a iphone worker to take some leak pictures in China? You do realize that most of the leak Apple products pictures are coming from Chinese based tech site right? There is no secret in China if you got money, labor are dirt cheap here

So low-paid American workers won't take a bribe to show a picture? Or American workers won't leak a photo for the attention? Have you never seen FIRST "unboxing" threads by Americans? We seem to LOVE attention. I wonder if Facebook could have even started anywhere else?

I would think you could sub the word America in place of China in that last line and have it apply just as well.

There are still no leak 5.5" parts ever shown in any Chinese tech site. That means, most likely, it doesn't exist at all.

Within this very thread, there is a crowd arguing that the protruding camera is 5.5" iPhone only… that it can't possibly be for the 4.7" phone. So is that a leaked part for the 5.5" or are you saying it's a part for the 4.7"?

Moto G

macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2014
All iOS8 or A8 efficiency improvements with a bigger battery yields more battery life than all iOS8 or A8 efficiency improvements with only a modestly bigger battery. That argument for why a very subjectively "good enough" battery choice makes no sense. It's TERRIFIC that iOS8 and the A8 will be more energy thrifty. Put in a bigger battery anyway- while there's this prime opportunity for it in a wider and taller phone- and the end result will be meaningfully improved battery life for all.

I see & hear no such gripes. Could you point me to a few?

Yes, I'm confident Apple is spending massively on "thin" for us consumers benefit. We are struggling with the onerous thickness of the 5s so this is a desperate problem that needs to be resolved, well worth taking on "massive costs" to solve this miserable problem for all. :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, I both experience and witness too many people actually doing the wall-hugging thing because they need some added battery life. That's a problem I actually witness- a tangible, real issue that Apple could address. And here's the chance to do it. Keep the already thin enough (IMO) iPhone 5s thickness and fill the added width & height of a 6 with more battery. Or even trim a mm or two off the 5s thinness so Apple still gets to spin "thinner" and that would still yield room for more battery. But what will we get? Maximum thinning with "about the same battery life".

To you maybe. Are you reading other comments from other people in this thread? You do not represent everyone- just yourself. I respect that you feel as you do about this. But don't speak for me or others.

Spin it man. Try to twist the comment into me arguing for a thicker iPhone- an inch-thick iPhone. I didn't say that. What I did say is that the iPhone 5s is thin enough. I don't see or hear people griping about the thickness of the iPhone 5s. It is not an inch thick. Take the thickness of the 5s and bring it to a wider and taller 6 and it creates plenty of space for a much bigger battery. Or trim it a bit- but not to the max- and it still creates the space for a bigger battery.

No one is arguing for thickening an iPhone. Lots of people want meaningfully more battery life. The competition are able to put much bigger batteries into their versions of bigger-screen phones without them being 1" thick. I'm confident Apple could do it too.

Battery technology already exists that can fit into a thinness between the rumors of this 6 vs. the 5s. The rumor that this battery will be 2100mAh while other thin, bigger screen phones use 3,000mAh batteries show it can be done. I have a battery case for the 5s this is barely thicker than the 5s and it more than doubles the battery. Get rid of the case walls, circuitry, added buttons and squeeze that added battery in to the added height & width of a 6 and today's technology gets us there… without any thickening. Apple could do it if it wanted. But apparently, it's deemed much better to spend "massively" on thin.

To me "thinner" (than 5s) is like a tattoo- cool in the moment and while there's anyone that hasn't had the one-time reaction to it, but then almost useless after all that ooing and ahhing ends. A bigger battery would deliver a tangible benefit for everyone that would last well beyond the thinner reaction at an Apple presentation.

No, I'd like a 6th generation iPhone with stock battery life that can work for my needs without needing a battery case or any wall hugging. My needs are not huge but the stock 5s can't get the job done without me buying an extra thing (a battery case) and/or seeking out charging opportunities during the day. It doesn't have to be that way. That's just a choice to build it that way.

Good for you. I suspect you'll get exactly this.

That opportunity was very much within reach in this evolution. Take iPhone 5s thin or slightly thinner if Apple really needs that marketing bullet for the launch, fill the added width & height of the 6 with added battery and let the optimized iOS 8 + A8 do their energy-sipping from a much deeper well.

Rather than rationalizing thinnest possible as some big innovation when seemingly no one finds fault with the thickness of the 5s, THIS was the opportunity to address a very tangible, long-term useful benefit for iPhone consumers.

Personally, I have a 5s and an iPod Touch. IMO, both are at the borderline of "too thin". I've got the 5s in a battery case to both get the battery life I need as well as to add some thickness to it. I'd rather Apple build in that added battery than deliver "too thin". "Too thin" doesn't do anything for me. I don't even care about the tattoo effect. More stock battery life would be huge though… and not just for me.

You actually bothered to take time to piece together that multi-quoted response... and to what end?

Wow... people really do have too much spare time.


macrumors 6502
Apr 27, 2014
Who was saying something about no 5.5 parts?


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2010
So low-paid American workers won't take a bribe to show a picture? Or American workers won't leak a photo for the attention? Have you never seen FIRST "unboxing" threads by Americans? We seem to LOVE attention. I wonder if Facebook could have even started anywhere else?

I would think you could sub the word America in place of China in that last line and have it apply just as well.

Within this very thread, there is a crowd arguing that the protruding camera is 5.5" iPhone only… that it can't possibly be for the 4.7" phone. So is that a leaked part for the 5.5" or are you saying it's a part for the 4.7"?

American workers are far from low-paid if you are comparing Chinese workers. We are talking about 400 USD per month here for a Chinese worker. I mean, you should really take a look at all these leaked iphone 6 pictures that you have seen in the last couple months, most of them are coming from Chinese tech site or even the picture itself have some Chinese characters watermark on it which indicate it origins from some Chinese website.

I am just saying getting leak pictures from China is just WAY too easy compare to other country such as US. And this is a fact just by counting all these pictures by leaked country that you have seen in the past on this website. If you still havent' seen a leaked part for the 5.5" inch model from *any* Chinese website or chinese tech site or Chinese iphone forum such as or aka Chinese Twitter, most likely it doesn't exist.


Jan 16, 2002
Denver, CO
I've not hoped the real deal differs form the leaks more than I have with this iteration iPhone.
The white gaps... Protruding lens... they just seem so...

Patiently reserving judgement. :confused:


macrumors 68000
Jun 24, 2010
Will need a slow talking video from Jony Ive to convince me this is a good design.

[English accent]
"In order to see the future of the iPhone, we had to re-imagine how we use the device, and develop new technologies to truly innovate and inspire..

We have created something that is both greater, and more compact.
We have increased the screen size, whilst making the iPhone thinner, lighter and more aesthetically clean, and pure.

This is the culmination of many years of development, and we truly feel we have created something so unique, so precise and ultimately, so usable."


macrumors 65816
Dec 18, 2012
look on the bright side, at least the front glass is going to be bigger therefore people will be able to make alonger cocaine lines than on previous models.:cool:


[English accent]
"In order to see the future of the iPhone, we had to re-imagine how we use the device, and develop new technologies to truly innovate and inspire..

We have created something that is both greater, and more compact.
We have increased the screen size, whilst making the iPhone thinner, lighter and more aesthetically clean, and pure.

This is the culmination of many years of development, and we truly feel we have created something so unique, so precise and ultimately, so usable."

haha i actually read that in his voice:D


macrumors G5
American workers are far from low-paid if you are comparing Chinese workers. We are talking about 400 USD per month here for a Chinese worker. I mean, you should really take a look at all these leaked iphone 6 pictures that you have seen in the last couple months, most of them are coming from Chinese tech site or even the picture itself have some Chinese characters watermark on it which indicate it origins from some Chinese website.

I am just saying getting leak pictures from China is just WAY too easy compare to other country such as US. And this is a fact just by counting all these pictures by leaked country that you have seen in the past on this website. If you still havent' seen a leaked part for the 5.5" inch model from *any* Chinese website or chinese tech site or Chinese iphone forum such as or aka Chinese Twitter, most likely it doesn't exist.

On pay, it's all relative. I fully agree that Americans are paid more in general. But then talk about what things cost. How much is rent or a home in China? Food? Etc. Would an American not take a few hundred to share a picture of a product if they thought they could do it without any consequences? Didn't some Americans pay some guy $5K for a lost iPhone 4 prototype?

I think leaked pictures are easy anywhere, not easier from China than say- the U.S. Look at Snowden who is American and is apparently leaking much more important secrets than iPhone cases or parts. For what? He's getting paid nothing for leaking those secrets.

And you still didn't address the question I asked: Apparently, this protruding camera part is a leaked iPhone part. What iPhone 6 will have it?

Moto G

macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2014
Newsflash update:

Tim Cook just called me and said that the new iPhone will contain a Raspberry Pi, and that customers will have to write their own apps, solder a battery, WiFi dongle and screen to it to begin to use it. Finally, you'll have to source your own case.

It's a hard life having such hard decisions to make as when the latest smartphone will be released.... :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Sep 27, 2013
That's the best looking iPhone I've ever seen. Hope it's just like that. I miss the rounded edges that previous Apple devices have sported. Yes this (if real) should fit the bill.

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
A separate Apple logo piece adds time and money to production. Seems odd Apple would go that route. I don't see how it improves the end product. And, unlike a Mac (any), the logo is usually obscured by a cover. So if the point is to make a prettier Apple logo it's a waste of Apple's $ for little return on investment.


macrumors 68020
Oct 12, 2010
As for the protruding lense, it may likely be designed this way for fastening and aligning add-on lenses per patents Apple has applied for.

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