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macrumors member
Jan 9, 2020
Is @EricFromCanada's fix legitimate? Does it work? I just tried again today to make a bootable usb thumb drive for macOS Sierra.
I tried the creatinstallmedia terminal method, and I get the invalid mount error.

I have the IntallOS.dmg downloaded from apple site (how to get old versions link), and it is 5.01GB. How do I get this working?



macrumors member
Jan 9, 2020
I've solved the reissued Sierra installer issue. The original installer's version is 12.6.03, while the reissued installer is version 12.6.06. It turns out that to get the reissued installer working, all you have to do is open its Info.plist file and change the value for CFBundleShortVersionString from 12.6.06 to 12.6.03. This can be done with a single command using plutil:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\

I found this while building an installer drive with DiskMaker X; see my site for the original post.
So, I would have had to; download the macOS Sierra install file from the "how to get old versions" link on apple site, then run that .dmg file from it, to obtain the "app installer" into my "applications" folder, before running this terminal command, correct?
Because the installer .app has to be in the right folder (applications), correct?


macrumors 6502
Mar 22, 2012
Los Angeles
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\

This is what I get when I use the code above.

/Applications/Install macOS file does not exist or is not readable or is not a regular file (Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Info.plist” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Applications/Install macOS, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb0af6060c0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}})

Does anyone have an idea? this is way too advanced for me.

Thank you


macrumors newbie
Oct 18, 2007
I've solved the reissued Sierra installer issue. The original installer's version is 12.6.03, while the reissued installer is version 12.6.06. It turns out that to get the reissued installer working, all you have to do is open its Info.plist file and change the value for CFBundleShortVersionString from 12.6.06 to 12.6.03. This can be done with a single command using plutil:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\

I found this while building an installer drive with DiskMaker X; see my site for the original post.
This totally worked. Thanks.


macrumors newbie
Feb 15, 2005
This worked for me as well. You guys are simply amazing at finding answers.

Thank you!


macrumors newbie
Jun 19, 2020
I've solved the reissued Sierra installer issue. The original installer's version is 12.6.03, while the reissued installer is version 12.6.06. It turns out that to get the reissued installer working, all you have to do is open its Info.plist file and change the value for CFBundleShortVersionString from 12.6.06 to 12.6.03. This can be done with a single command using plutil:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\

I found this while building an installer drive with DiskMaker X; see my site for the original post.
Thanks EricFromCanada, it works - this is the easiest way to resolve the bug in Apple's latest 10.12.6 macOS Installer.


macrumors newbie
Oct 7, 2012
I've solved the reissued Sierra installer issue. The original installer's version is 12.6.03, while the reissued installer is version 12.6.06. It turns out that to get the reissued installer working, all you have to do is open its Info.plist file and change the value for CFBundleShortVersionString from 12.6.06 to 12.6.03. This can be done with a single command using plutil:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\

I found this while building an installer drive with DiskMaker X; see my site for the original post.
Nice one, thanks Eric!

Johnny McCash

macrumors newbie
Jul 17, 2013
The strangest thing... I was completely unable to get away from the "/Volumes/<my usb stick> is not a valid volume mount point" error. I tried old versions of the installer in my archives. I downloaded from (they have great selections of old installers, btw), I even downloaded from shady sites.

What eventually worked was formatting the USB stick as "Apple Partition Map." MBR didn't work, GPT (aka GUID) didn't work, but the one disk layout I've never ever before used was the savior. So weird. My High Sierra installation USB stick, which is step two in this process is MBR with one (1) partition on it, and it works just fine.

So ... If you're SOL, try Apple Partition Map. Works with my Mac mini 2014.


macrumors 68040
Jun 23, 2003
Durham, NC
I've solved the reissued Sierra installer issue. The original installer's version is 12.6.03, while the reissued installer is version 12.6.06. It turns out that to get the reissued installer working, all you have to do is open its Info.plist file and change the value for CFBundleShortVersionString from 12.6.06 to 12.6.03. This can be done with a single command using plutil:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\

I found this while building an installer drive with DiskMaker X; see my site for the original post.
You are a gentleman and a scholar, whose brilliant solution to this silly problem is going to let me rescue dozens of stranded ancient FCP7 project files by installing the old Final Cut Studio on the last supported version of macOS that would run it on a nearly decade old Mac mini and export a bunch of XMLs of timelines.
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macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2007
i experienced apples fantastic recovery process aswell on an old macbook pro in the family. the plist change in sierra installer fixed it for me creating an usb installer.

i didnt have another mac to do this on so for anyone in the future reading this post , just know you can do the entire process from the recovery interface and the terminal.

using Apples guide to create recovery usb for sierra, in the terminal:

“curl” to download the DMG file to your new drive (curl URL -O InstallOS.dmg)
mount the image using hdiutil (hdiutil attach /pathtoimage/InstallOS.dmg)
install package using installer (installer -pkg path/installIS.pkg -target /Volumes/disk)

the installer is then “installed” in an Applications folder on this drive, and you can continue using the createinstallmedia from this location.

this assumes OS version with direct download link, not the ones with appstore links.


macrumors newbie
Mar 4, 2011
You are a gentleman and a scholar, whose brilliant solution to this silly problem is going to let me rescue dozens of stranded ancient FCP7 project files by installing the old Final Cut Studio on the last supported version of macOS that would run it on a nearly decade old Mac mini and export a bunch of XMLs of timelines.
Exactly why I'm using Sierra, for FCP7, it for a bunch of macs in a cable access studio running FCP7, forcing many members to use anything else would cause a revolution! Thanks everyone!


macrumors newbie
Mar 4, 2011
I've solved the reissued Sierra installer issue. The original installer's version is 12.6.03, while the reissued installer is version 12.6.06. It turns out that to get the reissued installer working, all you have to do is open its Info.plist file and change the value for CFBundleShortVersionString from 12.6.06 to 12.6.03. This can be done with a single command using plutil:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\

I found this while building an installer drive with DiskMaker X; see my site for the original post.
You are the MAN! Thanks Eric.


macrumors newbie
Apr 7, 2023
I've solved the reissued Sierra installer issue. The original installer's version is 12.6.03, while the reissued installer is version 12.6.06. It turns out that to get the reissued installer working, all you have to do is open its Info.plist file and change the value for CFBundleShortVersionString from 12.6.06 to 12.6.03. This can be done with a single command using plutil:
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\

I found this while building an installer drive with DiskMaker X; see my site for the original post.
Necroposting, but this is killer. It works! I was banging my head on the wall forever trying to make a Sierra install disk. Many thanks!!
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