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macrumors Core
Jan 6, 2004
every vote counts, i wasnt 18 in 2000 other wise i would have casted my vote back then as well, this seems to be a close election....hopefully this year wont have a fiasco with FL like the last election.....


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2004
Yay! New poll!

I've been voting since Jimmy Carter won (man, I'm getting old). I'm laying odds this vote will once again be very close +/- 7 electoral college votes.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England

I can see that thank you. Still isn't mac related, as MacPolls is supposed to be. The fact that it isn't relevant to a lot of us is just another thing :rolleyes:


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
There's a WHAT now? Really? I'll have to register... :)

(Sad to say, this issue probably DOES affect the whole world more than it ought to. And at least the poll has the option to say you're not in the US.)


macrumors G4
Jul 18, 2002
I accidentally my whole location.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2003
CD: TX-14
I'm now 19 and in college and still feel the same about the guy running the world, err, country as I did 4 years ago. He screwed up my state, now my country, and is ticking off my neighbors al while making me choke on the gas from his oil.

I will vote for Kerry.

BTW, announced today, Colorado and Tennessee are now battleground states. They are well within the margin of error (Colorado was 49-49)

Hope you all watch the debate tomorrow (or those who can at least)

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
vniow said:
Esplecially not this one.
Hey, no disparaging Mr. Bond or I won't give you any more tours of Q division!

I've voted in every election since I've been old enough to vote. Whether I knew enough about the issues and candidates or not!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 21, 2003
Dallas, Tx
PlaceofDis said:
every vote counts, i wasnt 18 in 2000 other wise i would have casted my vote back then as well, this seems to be a close election....hopefully this year wont have a fiasco with FL like the last election.....

Thanks for taking those words off the tip of my toungue. This will be my first presidential vote since I have turned of age. Yay for that.



Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England


macrumors G4
Jul 18, 2002
I accidentally my whole location.
edesignuk said:
So your point being that the majority of polls on aren't Mac related, yeah, great.

No, my point is that even though the majority of the polls are Mac related, its not really worth bitching about when one comes which isn't. I don't see any complaints when Macbytes posts a story which isn't Mac related.


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2003
vniow said:
No, my point is that even though the majority of the polls are Mac related, its not really worth bitching about when one comes which isn't. I don't see any complaints when Macbytes posts a story which isn't Mac related.

People should bitch when MacRumors posts a story that is public and fact, and not rumor.



Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
vniow said:
No, my point is that even though the majority of the polls are Mac related, its not really worth bitching about when one comes which isn't. I don't see any complaints when Macbytes posts a story which isn't Mac related.
You and I both know MacPolls very rarely gets updated as it is, for the once in a blue moon that it does get a new poll it is irritating to see one that is first off, not Mac related, and second, not applicable to half of us.

Buy hey, it's not the end of the world, I was just saying. Lets leave it at that.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 14, 2004
South Jersey
PlaceofDis said:
every vote counts, i wasnt 18 in 2000 other wise i would have casted my vote back then as well, this seems to be a close election....hopefully this year wont have a fiasco with FL like the last election.....

I have a different view on this... I honestly don't think it's going to be as close as people think... The pre election polls don't always play out that way— just like public opinion on the debates doesn't always mean that much... Remember when Reagan & Mondale were running ?... It was generally agreed by most that Mondale easily won the debates & had really made a push in the polls... What ended up happening was Reagan went out & pulled off one of the biggest landslides in American history... I think Bush wins a lot easier than people think , & truthfully I'm of the opininon that the Democratic Party leaders are alright with that because it opens the door for Hillary in 08'....


macrumors 601
Jan 8, 2004
Back in the motherland
If I was American I'd vote but since I'm not... :D
I think it's a weird concept that you have to register in order to vote. You should be registered and written to by the government, meaning some voters agency, like it is in other countries. I think the entire registering to vote thing keeps participation down in the States too.


macrumors 68000
Sep 13, 2002
jemeinc said:
I have a different view on this... I honestly don't think it's going to be as close as people think... The pre election polls don't always play out that way— just like public opinion on the debates doesn't always mean that much... Remember when Reagan & Mondale were running ?... It was generally agreed by most that Mondale easily won the debates & had really made a push in the polls... What ended up happening was Reagan went out & pulled off one of the biggest landslides in American history... I think Bush wins a lot easier than people think , & truthfully I'm of the opininon that the Democratic Party leaders are alright with that because it opens the door for Hillary in 08'....

I think Republicans are more excited about running against Hillary than Democrats are about running with her.

For that matter, I think this is the biggest election, in terms of being a crossroads for the country, in decades. Perhaps since 1932. At least since 1980. Every report I've heard says voter registration is way up this year. Ratings for the vice presidential debate this week were well over 200% higher than they were four years ago.

This isn't 1984 by a long shot. Not even the Orwellian version. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Oct 24, 2002
Greenville SC
Most people don't understand ...

PlaceofDis said:
every vote counts, i wasnt 18 in 2000 other wise i would have casted my vote back then as well, this seems to be a close election....hopefully this year wont have a fiasco with FL like the last election.....

The fiasco in Florida, actually wouldn't have mattered. Democrats made way too big of a deal out of this.

What "those that feel cheated" don't understand is that our forefathers did NOT establish this country as a democracy. What most people don't understand is that we DO NOT want a democracy in Iraq.

This country was established as a Republic.

By the way, if you're thinking Democracy = Democrat and Republic = Republican - the four terms are completely unrelated.

See, in 2000 - the Florida vote wasn't really even close - it was almost 14,000 votes. Gore would have had to come up with that many votes to win the popular election in the state.

Why this made a difference in 2000 was because Florida (unlike most states) actually makes their electoral college vote the same as the popular vote. Most states DON'T do this.

The electoral college, which is a process similar to a Republic, essentially let's people who KNOW what they are doing and are SUPPOSE to be unbiased in their political affiliation, represent EVERYONE - even those that did not vote. For instance - even if my home state of South Carolina had Kerry as the popular vote winner, the electoral college from my state would STILL give Bush the votes from our state - because this state, no matter how many people vote, is greater than 60% Republican/Conservative.

Don't base your vote on revenge, on misconceived notions about Iraq, or on someone's military service.

Both candidates have strong points and both have weak points. You honestly owe your country a duty to write down a good vs bad list for both candidates.

Take into account that there has been no "gold rush type" economic boom like Clinton was able to luck into [internet], any of the war Presidents were able to, or any of the Railroad or Gold Rush presidents were able to. There also have been no social revolutions [major] such Kennedy or Reagan were able to take advantage of .
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