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macrumors 6502a
Jan 5, 2004
Chicago (by way of SF)
Looking through other rumor sites, and talking to Apple people I know (no one who would "really" know, unfortunately), it is starting to come together: expect updates in March.

This makes sense to me for two reasons: one, this is a new chip they will be introducing, not just a slight speed bump on existing technology; two, the new G5s, the new iLife and other software updates have introduced an unacceptable amount of bugs and conflicts. Note the recent updates to FCE and QuickTime (asking G5 owners to "downgrade" their QT!). There is still a lot of work to do -- and I'm happy to see Apple realize this before they give us another beta-G5. A delay might allow them to upgrade the optical drive, and introduce new displays at the same time.

If I'm right, I would expect some minor February announcements to the PB line -- or maybe something big on iMacs -- but nothing for the G5. If I'm wrong, I get to buy a new G5 faster.


macrumors 68040
May 29, 2003
After all the speculation and geuss work I've seen here I will update my 2 cents. I'm thinking something will happen with the superbowl. With a 3GH G5 PowerMac what better place to put a smack down on the competition?

I say that though with a strong feeling in the back of my head that even now the rev B G5's are not ready to go due to Norhtbridge issues. So these new Macs may be using a 3:1 bus ratio to hit 3GHz. I hope not but it truely does not look good from my end.

While we are all waiting for the rev B machies there is also the reality that the iMac or its follow on is even a more important intorduction. It is easy to ignore this line but it is more importnat for something to happen here than possibly anywhere else.


Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
I'm starting to think we won't see anything at the Super Bowl (and this bothers me) - basically because its a huge day for the ITMS, iTunes and the iPod (they're also having a 2 day 10% off sale on iPods at the same time).

This is where the current marketing push is aimed, and why befuddle the waters with new machines and hardware? Focus on the thing that's important right now and have another 'event' for the new machines - especially if they're going to update the LCD line.

I'd love to be surprised and be able to order a new dual 2.6 next week, but its looking doubtful.



macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2004
Fayetteville, NC
Just saw this on I haven't seen it posted here yet so I thought I would share it. They claim it came from the same source that broke VA Tech switching to cluster nodes, so it should be fairly reliable.

Edit: And I just saw that it's already been posted here. Sorry

Wednesday, January 28

VT Xserve G5s to be at least 2.4GHz: The usual suspects say there is a very good reason for the timing of Virginia Tech's switchover to Xserve G5s in the April/May timeframe - that is when Apple has said they will have faster dual PowerPC 970FX-based Xserves with CPUs running at no less than 2.4GHz. At that time Apple expects to be shipping PowerMac G5s with Dual 2.6GHz 970FX processors, and the only reason the Xserve lags slightly behind is the still considerable heat production of the 970FX. Not long after, Apple will be in the final stretch of development and manufacturing of the Powerbook G5 which could run as fast as 2GHz.

Due to the additional 800MHz of additional combined clock speed per node along with the other performance benefits of a cluster that will be 3X denser than the PowerMac-based supercomputer, the new system ought to be considerably more powerful even with the same number of nodes as before. The real killer about this latest wave of reports is this, however: rather than the 1,100 nodes in the PowerMac cluster, the extra space freed up in the Xserve system might allow VT to scale to 1,600+ nodes without too drastic a financial outlay on VT's part due to a very kind package deal offered by Apple.... Most impressive. We will just have to wait and see how close to the mark these reports prove to be.



macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
Originally posted by Downdivx
VT Xserve G5s to be at least 2.4GHz: The usual suspects say there is a very good reason for the timing of Virginia Tech's switchover to Xserve G5s in the April/May timeframe -
Good news if true... I hope Apple releases PowerMacs before April/May.. That would be a rather long time between updates.


macrumors 65816
Jan 2, 2004
The Northlands
Let's Hope

Monday or Tuesday, maybe? I've seen two different rumor sites supporting an early February release. Let's hope Apple has a surprise in store for us!


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
This thread was initially regarding a January 20th release date for PM updates. January 20th has come and gone, and 14 pages of posts later, we're all falling into the trap of "well, maybe this week!" or "hopefully this Tuesday!" - it's going to be fun to see how long this thread continues. :) :cool:


macrumors 68040
Dec 25, 2003
Dornbirn (Austria)
Originally posted by ~Shard~
This thread was initially regarding a January 20th release date for PM updates. January 20th has come and gone, and 14 pages of posts later, we're all falling into the trap of "well, maybe this week!" or "hopefully this Tuesday!" - it's going to be fun to see how long this thread continues. :) :cool:

haha yeah this thread will end up in a 300+ pages all-purpose "hope for updates next week" thread you just have to choose
emac/imac/powermac/... in front of the word "update* :D


macrumors member
Jun 12, 2003
"After all the speculation and geuss work I've seen here I will update my 2 cents. I'm thinking something will happen with the superbowl. With a 3GH G5 PowerMac what better place to put a smack down on the competition?"

I feel the exact same thing. We should remember than the 20th anniversary is on the day of the SuperBowl. I feel that we should expect something huge today. A 3 ghz dual would be so great. Just one ad like 20 years ago. I keep my fingers crossed. I'm waiting for that rev. B to buy a new one. If it's not today, I hope that it's gonna be anytime soon.

Let's also hope that there will be a new display as well. Something with a similiar look of the G5.


macrumors 65816
Jan 2, 2004
The Northlands
NeatGecko will be correct.

If we see a dual 3GHz within the next week then NeatGecko will be right again. Here's to NeatGecko being right........ again! (I believe in you, NeatGecko!):D


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
Originally posted by Dont Hurt Me
Lets just face Neatgekko didnt have a clue to what he was talking about. Is it Feb 1st or is it my imagination.
Dates change.... We'll see if the speeds are correct...


macrumors newbie
Jan 31, 2004
I'm hoping for new PowerMacs next week, too. But let's face it. A march release is much more probable. IBM will need some time to deliver considerable quantities of the 970fx. And even if anything will be announced in february there is no way that they will be shipped anytime soon...

macrumors regular
Dec 6, 2003
The only way new ones would matter to me is if they added room for more drives. As far as speed bump- it would be great because then the 1.8 duals would come down in price- but I have given up on every rumor on this board. Single 1.8 here I come.


macrumors newbie
Jan 31, 2004
Originally posted by
The only way new ones would matter to me is if they added room for more drives. As far as speed bump- it would be great because then the 1.8 duals would come down in price- but I have given up on every rumor on this board. Single 1.8 here I come.

Well, I don't think they are going to change the case significantly. Why would they? It's a great design and it has proven that it is working. Never change a winning team...


macrumors 65816
Mar 14, 2003
Sydney Australia
Originally posted by dvdmaster
It's a great design and it has proven that it is working. Never change a winning team...
Now that just scares me :)

What a way to have a slow death!

(ps. I do think it's probably early to change the design. But there is certainly room for some smaller cases if the chips change and cooling is easier.)


macrumors 6502
Jun 2, 2003
Bleh my evil plan is falling apart.

If they had upgraded G5's in January or at least their was a stong indication that their would be new hardware in February I could have done a swap at work where I got the new low end g5 and someone else got my 1.6. As it is we will be buying a couple of 1.6's and monitors to replace old 800mhz imacs and they will be the same old boxes that have been around for the last 6 months. After that I will have to wait for my machine to come up for renewal in another 12 months:(


macrumors newbie
Jan 31, 2004
I bit the bullett and went out to my local Apple store and came back with a nice 2.0 DP. No more waiting for rumors. It's quiet a change after almost 20 years of PCs and I'm very happy with it! I won't throw away my good ol' PC though...;)


macrumors demi-god
Jul 24, 2002
South Orange, NJ
New HyperTransport Standard Soon

"A representative of the HyperTransport Consortium, a group supported by IBM, Advanced Micro Devices and other major tech companies, said the organization on Monday announced version 2.0 of the HyperTransport standard."

"The new version will be up to 75 percent faster than the original specification..."

It goes on to mention that Apple is, of course, a member of this consortium.

Well, it appears that our new PowerMacs will indeed maintain a 2:1 bus ratio, even at 3 GHz and above...


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Re: wise

Originally posted by pgwalsh
Dates change.... We'll see if the speeds are correct...

Originally posted by NeatGekko

Thank you, its a VERY true statement indeed.

Nice try NeatGekko - since you seem to be posting again across multiple forums, I feel it necessary to remind everyone in this forum of NeatGekko''s track record. How do you explain these comments, NeatGekko?

3 GhZ G5's are coming before feb. Cheers
posted 1/7


3GHz G5's this month. Cheers
posted 1/7


I will be sending out my "I told you so's" tuesday morning.
posted 1/3


They will be at 3ghz FOR SURE by MWSF. THIS IS A FACT
posted 1/2


If I am wrong I will eat my right hand. Lets put it that way. One of those, "not sure I was supposed to know" situations...but I think since everyone knows mini ipods are coming...might as well let the...
posted 1/2

Since NONE of the above bold statements are true, and since everyone one here knows that, what makes you think you have any credibility in your statements anymore? How can anyone take your comments seriously anymore?

My thanks to Primalman for compiling this list


macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2004
Miami, FLorida
Re: Re: wise

Originally posted by ~Shard~
Nice try NeatGekko - since you seem to be posting again across multiple forums, I feel it necessary to remind everyone in this forum of NeatGekko''s track record. How do you explain these comments, NeatGekko?
What makes you think you have any credibility in your statements anymore? How can anyone take your comments seriously anymore?[/i]

WOW! Slam Dunk!

Can I say I told you so? lmfaooooooooooooo
I'm still holding on to the End of Febuary - Begining of March Statements I made (that everyone bashed me about in January) :cool: :D ;)
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